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China's national conditions in the Spring and Autumn Period!

Spring and Autumn Period (770- 476 BC)

During the Spring and Autumn Period, it began with "Pingdong Shift". His name comes from Lu Chunqiu. It is a period of rapid social and economic changes, complicated political situation, endless military struggles and colorful academic culture in the history of China, and it is also a transitional period in which China's ancient civilization gradually evolved into medieval civilization.

770 years ago, he was forced to give up "Haojiang" and rely on the strength of princes such as Jin and Zheng to move the capital to "Luoyi". From then on, the royal family began to weaken, and the era when Zhou ordered the world was gone forever. Feudal hegemony, annexation by foreign powers, doctor dictatorship, and foreign struggle came to power.

In the early years of the Spring and Autumn Period, there were more than 170 vassal states, but their deeds of alliance and conquest were obvious, including Qi, Jin, Chu, Qin, Lu, Song, Wei, Yan, Chen, Cao, Cai, Zheng, Wu and Yue.

After Wang Ping moved the capital to Israel, some vassal states developed after a long period of rest, but the power of the royal family gradually declined and gradually lost its ability to control the vassal states. The powerful princes no longer obey the Zhou royal family. Some of them invaded Zhou's land, while others attacked other vassal States. In the 12th year of King Huan of Zhou (708 BC), King Huan of Zhou led troops to fight against the unruly State of Zheng. Zheng Bo not only dared to lead the troops to resist, but also defeated Julian Waghann and hit Zhou Wang on the shoulder with an arrow. This shows that the status of the king of Zhou at this time has been seriously reduced, but he still retains the name of the Lord of the world. Confucius compiled the history from Lu Yinnian (722 BC) to the fourteenth year of Lu Aigong (4865438 BC+0 BC) into a historical book, Spring and Autumn Annals, which was later called Spring and Autumn Annals.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, there were 128 princes' names in the history books, but there were more than a dozen important ones. There are Qi and Lu in Shandong today, Wei, Song, Zheng, Chen and Cai in Henan today, Jin in Shanxi today, Yan in Beijing and surrounding areas today, Qin in Shaanxi today, Chu in Henan and southern Anhui today, Wu in central and southern Jiangsu today, and Yue in Zhejiang today. With their strength, these relatively large vassal States used war to expand their territory, forcing weak countries to obey his orders and compete with each other, thus forming a situation in which vassals competed for hegemony. Ba, also written as Bo, means the oldest in Wang Zizhong.

Qi Huangong was the first master. Qi was a vassal state of Lu Shang and Tai Gong. Later emperors devoted themselves to rectifying politics, giving full play to the advantages of coastal fish and salt, advocating home textile industry, developing commerce and handicrafts, and gradually developing their national strength. After Qi Huangong (reigned from 685 to 643) succeeded to the throne, he reorganized the state administration, abolished the public land system, determined taxes according to the fertility of the land, set up salt, iron officials and coins, increased fiscal revenue, incorporated soldiers into agriculture, and combined grass-roots administrative organizations with military organizations, thus increasing the source and combat capability of soldiers and quickly becoming the most prosperous country in China. Then the slogan of "respecting the king and rejecting foreign countries" was played. Many times, the governors were called to help or interfere in other countries and fight against the invasion of the righteous emperor. Finally, they became the overlord in the third year of King Zhou Nuo (679 BC). In the twenty-first year of King Hui of Zhou (656 BC), Qi Huangong led the allied forces of eight vassal states, forcing Chu to submit to him with superior forces, and concluded the alliance of Zhaoling (now Yancheng, Henan), which reached its peak.

After Qi Huangong's death, there was a civil strife in Qi State for monarchical power, which weakened the strength of Qi State. Chu took the opportunity to develop its power, destroyed several small countries in the north of it, and pointed the finger at the Central Plains. Song Xianggong (reigned 650-637 years ago) tried to become the overlord of the Central Plains with the call of resisting the Chu people's invasion to the north. However, in terms of national strength and performance, Song Xianggong is not enough to occupy a dominant position. In the fifteenth year of King Xiang of Zhou (638 BC), the armies of Chu and Song met in the flood and suffered a heavy defeat. Even Song Xianggong was shot in the leg and died soon.

Just as Chu dominated the Central Plains, the Western State of Jin developed. Jin Wengong Zhong Er (reigned from 636 to 628) was exiled for "rebellion against Li Ji" 19 years. That is, after he acceded to the throne, he reformed politics, developed economy, reorganized the army, gained the trust of the people, stabilized the royal family, and was friendly to Qin, and gained high prestige among the princes. In the twentieth year of King Xiang of Zhou (633 BC), the Chu army surrounded Shangqiu, the capital of the Song State. At the beginning of the following year, Jin Wengong led his army to save the Song Dynasty, defeated the Chu army in Chengpu and became the overlord.

After his death, he sought to develop eastward and was blocked by Jin. In World War I, Qin Jun was completely annihilated and turned westward, annexing some Rongdi tribes and dominating Xirong.

After the Chengpu War, Chu developed eastward, destroying many small countries, reaching Yunnan in the south and the Yellow River in the north, and its economy and culture developed. Chu Zhuangwang (before 6 13 -59 1 in office) reformed internal affairs, put down riots, built water conservancy projects, and gradually gained national strength. He even asked King Zhou Ding's special envoy about the size of Zhou Ding. In the tenth year of Zhou Ding (597 BC), Chu and Jin fought in Zhai (now southeast of Wuzhi, Henan) and won a great victory. Before long, Jin people were afraid to save the Song Dynasty, so small countries in the Central Plains took refuge in Chu, and Chu people dominated the Central Plains.

The continuous war has brought great disasters to the people and caused the boredom of small and medium-sized countries. In addition, the two big countries in Chu Jin are evenly matched, and neither can eat the other. So initiated by the Song Dynasty, two appeasement alliances were held in the seventh year (579 BC) and the twenty-sixth year (546 BC) of Zhou Jianwang. Since then, wars have been greatly reduced.

The hegemony of the former governors came to an end, and wuyue, located in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, began to develop. In the 14th year of the Zhou Dynasty (506 BC), He Lv, the king of Wu, took Wu Yuan (Wu Zixu) as the general and attacked Chu and the capital of Chu. Twenty-four years ago (496 BC), Zhou led a expedition to the south. Gou Jian, the king of Yue, led troops to fight. The doctor of Yue hit He Lv, and He Lv died of serious injuries. In the 26th year of the week (494 BC), Fu Cha, the king of Wu, avenged his father and defeated Yue. Gou Jian, the King of Yue, made peace and gave it to the precious beauty stone of the King of Wu, who personally led the horse as Fu Cha. Wu Wang's Northern Expedition defeated the Qi army and became a bully. Gou Jian, the King of Yue, lived together for ten years and finally destroyed Wu for three years (473 BC). Focha committed suicide in shame. Gou Jian went north and joined forces with Qi Jin in Xu, becoming the last overlord.

According to historical records, during the Spring and Autumn Period of 242 years, 36 monarchs were killed, 52 vassal states were destroyed, more than 480 wars were fought, and princes were invited to form alliances for more than 450 times.

There were five tyrants in the Spring and Autumn Period, which was called "Five tyrants in the Spring and Autumn Period" in history.

Zheng Zhuanggong, Qi Huangong, Song Xianggong, Qin Mugong, Jin Wengong, Chu Zhuangwang, King Wu and King Yue.

Five overlords

Dominate the whole country

Entrepreneurial overlord


Time (year)

Qi state


Qian 720- Qian 750


Jin state

Jin Wengong Ji Chonger

Qian 760- Qian 5 10


Qin state

Qin Mugong won Ren Hao.

Money 750- money 770


Centigrade thermal unit

Chu Zhuangwang Coco

Qian 790- Qian 690

1 10

Wu dialect

Wu Wang and the donkey.

Qian 690- Qian 5 10


Spring and autumn trend chart

Heroes, stars, celebrities

Bai Xixi, Lao Zi, Confucius, Shi, Sun Wu, Lu Ban, Yu Rang.

Political system:

During the Spring and Autumn Period, vassals of vassal states were called vassals, and only Chu, Wu and Yue were called kings. Under the princes, there are ministers, two ministers, three ministers or six ministers. Among them, Zhengqing or Shangqing presided over the government affairs, and the spirit of Chu was hidden, also known as Xiang, and Qin once called Shu Chang and Bu Geng. When the Qing Dynasty went to war, the three armed forces helped. In the Qing Dynasty, Si Tuleideng, Sima, Si Kou were in charge of civil affairs, military affairs, fortifications and legal affairs. In the early Spring and Autumn Period, Jin, Chu and other countries began to set up counties in newly merged places, or set several small cities as counties, or divided private fields into counties. In the border areas, there are counties. There is no subordinate relationship between counties, and its chief executive is appointed by the monarch, and only a few are awarded to nobles as fiefs.

Economy and culture:

During the Spring and Autumn Period, iron farm tools were widely used and popularized in Niu Geng, which greatly improved agricultural productivity. Many wasteland has been reclaimed in Cheng Liangtian, and the farming technology has changed from extensive farming to intensive farming, which has greatly increased the agricultural output. The increase of private land, the disintegration of well field system and the development of land relations towards privatization. Governors had to carry out reforms one after another, recognizing private ownership of land, allowing land to be bought and sold, and collecting land taxes from landlords, so farmers' enthusiasm for production was high.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, due to the need of war, the number of horses increased. Animal husbandry in the Central Plains has basically become a vassal of agriculture, and few people specialize in animal husbandry production.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, the engravings on bronzes tended to be meticulous and neat, and the shape was light and light, which led to the wrong gold inscription. The existing bronze sword of wuyue is rare in the world for its refined smelting and quenching, skillful alloy technology, exquisite external plating and casting patterns. Salt boiling, iron smelting, lacquer ware and other departments have developed. Iron tools are mainly handicraft tools and agricultural tools. Silk products of Qi and lacquerware of Chu are of high level. Some craftsmen become individual producers and operators, live in "shops" in the city, produce and sell. Lu Ban, known as the ancestor of craftsmen, lived in the late Spring and Autumn Period.

Metal coins were cast in the Spring and Autumn Period, and Jin was one of the earliest areas where coins were cast and used. In the late Spring and Autumn Period, the grain price in Yue was the highest in 60 yuan and the lowest in 30 yuan.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, a new tax system was created. In the fifteenth year of Shandong (before 594), the initial tax on mu was implemented, and the state collected some taxes from landlords according to the land area. This is the beginning of ancient land tax. During the Lucheng period (590 BC), Ren Jia collected a certain amount of military tax (A) according to the land area, so that the tax and tax were combined into one. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was very common to collect local taxes. In the seventh year of Gong Jian (the first 408 years), Qin implemented the "initial tax" in kind tax system. During the Warring States period, the tax systems of different countries were different. Qin first implemented the household registration system, which was used to collect land rent tax and "head meeting" (population tax).

Scientific development:

The theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements formed during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period brought the whole world, including astronomy, into the five elements system. "Heaven" not only expresses "destiny" through astronomical phenomena, but also through various objects. Therefore, people should observe "fate" with various symbols, which has changed the previous method of observing fate with people's hearts. These symbols should be displayed in the "Five Virtues Transfer". Displayed in "Five Elements". Astronomical observation is not only used in national politics, especially in abnormal astronomical phenomena. Because it's about fate. It is highly valued.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, some cutting-edge medical technologies were invented and applied in clinic. Lingshu Four Seasons Steaming recorded the earliest abdominal puncture in the medical history of China.

Philosophical thinking

The source of China's thought and culture is Yi. As one of the six Confucian classics, The Book of Changes has a long process of formation and development. What is called "River Map" and "Luo Shu" by later generations is the expression of burning Oracle bones and the reflection of the mutual connection and infiltration of rational thinking and image thinking realized by ancient ancestors in their long-term life and divination practice. According to legend, it was summed up by Fu Yi, who repeatedly arranged yarrow and painted it as gossip, covering all the phenomena between heaven and earth, primitive. Later, it is said that after careful study by Zhou Wenwang, it was standardized and sorted out, and it was interpreted as 64 hexagrams and 384 hexagrams. With divination and diction, it is called Zhouyi. It uses simple images and numbers, and the opposite changes of Yin and Yang to explain all kinds of complex social phenomena, and displays thousands or even infinite numbers, which has the characteristics of using few to show many, using simplicity to show many and being full of changes. Called "Yi", Zheng Xuan's explanation has three meanings: one is simplicity, the other is change, and the third is difficulty. That is to say, The Theory of Everything has changed, the phenomenon is constantly changing, and some of the most basic principles will not change, which abstracts rich and simple dialectics from the dialectical development of the objective world. In the late Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius explained and discussed the Book of Changes and completed the Ten Wings, namely the Book of Changes. In this way, Zhouyi has developed into a profound philosophical work about the change of the universe.

The academic origin of Chinese civilization is very early, but it didn't develop until the Spring and Autumn Period. The academic thought at this time can be said to be the great golden age of Chinese civilization. China people call this period a period of "a hundred schools of thought contend".

The world at that time



European region

India region

Chinese empire

770 years ago

The Greeks established the earliest colony in Piku on the Italian island of Isia.

Pingdong moved to the east, starting from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

Before 769

During the reign of Jewish Husia (about 749 BC), its national strength became prosperous.

760 years ago

Urato Salduri II ascended the throne (about 730 BC). Salduri II conquered Maya country in the southwest of Urmia Lake many times and went to Kangmahan country twice.

757 years ago

The year of Spartan prosecutors in Greece began.

753 years ago

Rome was designated as the capital and the reign began.

748 years ago

Zechariah, the last king of Jehu dynasty in Israel, was assassinated by Sharon.

Before 746

Assyrian Tigray Pascal III ascended the throne (727 BC), and Assyrian history entered the new Assyrian period. During his reign, he carried out military reform, promoted the recruitment system, reformed military technology and expanded abroad, which greatly boosted the momentum of his country.


From about this year on, Sparta, under the leadership of King Theo Pompeius, conquered Messenia, known as the Messenia War in history. (~ 720 years ago)

735 years ago

About this year, Sarri II of urartu fought Tiglathar III of Assyria, and Sarduri II was defeated.

734 years ago

Ehas, a Jew, ascended the throne (~ 7 15 BC) and turned to Assyria for help to resist the Israeli attack.

732 years ago

Tigray Parashar III of Assyria captured Damascus, and cities such as Tyre were forced to pay tribute to Assyria.

Israel and most of Aram were designated as Assyrian provinces. The Assyrians appointed Hoshea (723 BC) as king in Samaria.

729 years ago

Parashar III of Assyria, Tigra, annexed Babylon and called himself King of Babylon.

730 years ago

Uratu Rusas I acceded to the throne (7 14 BC). During Rusas I's reign, he crusaded against the South Caucasus.

726 years ago

The Assyrian Salmanasa V ascended the throne (about 722 BC). In 725 BC, the Israeli capital Samaria and Tyre were besieged. In 722 BC, Samaria was captured by Salmanasal.

722 years ago

Sargon II of Assyria (about 705 BC). During his reign, he suppressed the uprisings of various Syrian ministries, destroyed Israel and defeated Uratu.

The chronicle of Spring and Autumn Annals began in this year.

Before 7 15

During the reign of Hezekiah the Jew (about 687 BC). Hezekiah formulated religious and political reforms as part of his plan to restore David's prosperous life.

704 years ago

Sinna Hrib, son of Sargon II of Assyria, ascended the throne (68 BC1). Sinatra Hrib conquered Babylonia, Phoenicia, Syria, Egypt and Asia by force and diplomacy.

Before 689

Assyria sinatra Helb sacked the city of Babylon.

Before 683

The consuls of Athens, Greece are elected once a year from now on, and the consuls are all elected from the gentry and nobles.

Before 685

Qi Huangong acceded to the throne, with Guan Zhong as the phase.

680 years ago

Assyrian Asa Hadong ascended the throne (about 669 BC). During their reign, Egypt, Babylon and Phoenicia became independent from Assyria.

67 1 year ago

Assyrian Sahadon made an expedition to Egypt and occupied Memphis, claiming to be the king of upper and lower Egypt and Nubia.

Before 669

Assyrian Assour Barnapa ascended the throne (about 627 BC). At this time, Assyria's military conquest has reached the extreme, and its territory borders Iran in the east, Egypt in the west, the Caucasus in the north and the Persian Gulf in the south.

640 years ago

Josiah's reign in Judea (about 609 BC). During his reign, he carried out a complete political and religious plan to rebuild David's kingdom.

Greek heroes held an uprising under the leadership of their leader Alice Megnini, which was called the Second Messenian War (about 620 BC).

65 1 year ago

Yu Kuiqiu, a vassal of Qi Huangong's parliament.

626 years ago

Nabopolassar, king of the Chaldeans, took advantage of the weakness of Assyria, drove the Assyrians out of uruk, occupied Babylon, seized the throne of Babylon, and established a new kingdom of Babylon (539 BC).

Before 6 16

During the reign of Roman old Tacitus (about 578 BC).

638 years ago

The battle between Song and Chu Hong was defeated.

632 years ago

In the battle between Jin and Chu, Chu was defeated, and the princes practiced the soil.

627 years ago

Jin defeated Qin in Kan.

6 12 years ago

New Babylon and Medea jointly captured Nineveh, and the Assyrian Empire perished.

623 years ago

Qin Mugong controls Xirong.

605 years ago

Nebuchadnezzar II of new Babylon ascended the throne (about 562 BC). The "Hanging Garden" built during this period was listed as one of the seven wonders of the world by the Greeks.

60 1 year ago

The Egyptian Pharaoh Nico defeated Nebuchadnezzar at the border. During Nico's reign, the canal project between the Nile and the Red Sea started, and Phoenician ships were sent to all parts of Africa.

600 years ago

The Greek fable Aesop's Fable was born.

The early Upanishads in India were written around this time (550 BC).

599 years ago

Gain, the founder of Jainism in India, was born in this year. According to legend, Gaine became a monk at the age of 30, and became ascetic 12 years later. He was called Nobita and won the title of "Jaina" (the winner). Jainism got its name.

597 years ago

New Babylon Nebuchadnezzar II attacked Jerusalem. Soon, Jerusalem fell, and the Jewish king jehoiachin and his subjects were taken to Babylon.

The battle of Jin and Chu failed, and Chu Zhuangwang dominated the Central Plains.

594 years ago

Solon of Athens was the chief consul (BC ~ 593). He carried out a series of important reforms, issued a "release order", abolished debt slavery, divided Athens freemen into four classes according to their property, resumed the citizens' assembly, established a meeting of 400 people and established a jury court.

586 years ago

Nebuchadnezzar II of new Babylon captured Jerusalem, plundered and abused it, and the Jewish kingdom perished. Many Jews were exiled to Babylon (known as Babylonian prisoners in Jewish history). During this period, the idea of savior was gradually formed and Judaism was born.

578 years ago

During the reign of Roman servius tullius (534 BC), the reform was carried out.

563 years ago

The Buddha was born

I was probably born at this time.

558 years ago

Ju Lushi, an ahem tribe, unified the tribes in the Yilan Plateau and led the Persians to resist the rule of the Medes.

55 1 year ago

Confucius was born in this year.

The first 550 years

Cyrus the great led the army to capture Akbatana, the capital of the Medes, wiped out the Medes and established a dynasty of the Medes (330 BC).

546 years ago

Sparta, Greece defeated Goss and became the overlord.

544 years ago

Viseharo of India (BC ~ 493) began to rule the country of Mojeto, and made her the king.

538 years ago

Persia occupied the city of Babylon, and the new Babylon perished. The Persians released the Jews imprisoned in Babylon.

529 years ago

Persian cyrus the great expedition to Central Asia, surrounded by nomadic tribe Masagatai, Ju Lushi was killed. His son Cambyses succeeded to the throne.

525 years ago

Persian Cambyses conquered Egypt, calling himself the Pharaoh of Egypt, and established the 27th dynasty (404 BC), or Persian dynasty.

522 years ago

Persian monk Gomuta pretended to be Cambyses's brother and seized power. Cambyses died on his way home. Darius and some Persian nobles killed Gomuta and became king (BC ~ 486). During the reign of Darius, the Persian Empire flourished.

5 14 years ago

After Darius reformed the Persian Empire, he sent troops to Europe and attacked the Scythians, and suffered a disastrous defeat. Occupying parts of Europe on the way home. Darius became the first eastern monarch to expand to Europe.

5 10 years ago

Rome's "pride" Tacvin was overbearing, which aroused strong dissatisfaction among nobles and civilians and was expelled from Rome.

509 years ago

Legend has it that the Roman Republic was established at this time. At first, the head of the Republic was called the chief executive, and later he was called the consul. They were elected from the nobility by a group of 100 people, and their rights were equal.

506 years ago

Wu attacked Chu and entered Yingdu.

505 years ago

Christianity established democracy in Athens.

The first 495 years

Alexander I of Macedonia (~ 450 BC) unified the whole territory of Macedonia. At this time, Macedonia maintained close ties with Greek states.

496 years ago

Wu Wangwu was injured in the battle of Yue Opera and died (due to drunkenness).

494 years ago

Roman civilians refused to fight and left Rome with weapons, which is called "civilian movement" in history. Due to the situation, nobles had to give in, and civilians got the right to elect tribune.

Fu Cha, the king of Wu, defeated Ju Jian, the king of Yue.

492 years ago

Darius Persia used Athens and other cities to support Miletus as an excuse to send troops to attack Greece, but the Persian fleet was hit by a storm and the attack was frustrated.

The first 490 years

Darius sent troops to attack Greece for the second time. The navy crossed the Aegean Sea and landed in the marathon plain near Athens. The Athenians, under the command of General Mi Tailhade, defeated the powerful Persian army with clever formation. This is a famous "marathon" in Greek history.

493 years ago

Themis Tackley of Athens, Greece served as consul (~ 493 BC) and exiled his political opponent Aristetti.

The Romans and the Latins signed a treaty, and they were obliged to help each other, share the spoils and trade with each other.

Acheng (~ 462 BC), a maharaja of India, became king on his own. Magadha began to occupy a dominant position in Indian countries.

482 years ago

The king of Wu joined forces with the princes, and Huang Chi proclaimed himself emperor. The king of Yue led troops to attack Wu.

The first 480 years

In August, the Persian army entered the Greek mainland, and nearly a thousand people led by Spartan King Leonidas were killed after giving Persia a heavy blow in demobilization. In September, the Persian army arrived in Athens and was defeated in the Battle of Salami Bay. This is the famous "Salami naval battle".

478 years ago

Athens, Greece, Aegean islands and small Asian city-states formed an anti-Persian maritime alliance, which was called "Tyrol Union" in history.

473 years ago

After the King of Yue bought and destroyed the State of Wu, he would become a vassal of Xuzhou.