Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Listen to others say that DNF makes the devil cry, what is the number of ghosts and gods ~ what is the amount?

Listen to others say that DNF makes the devil cry, what is the number of ghosts and gods ~ what is the amount?

This is related to the background of the game, and the awakening of the devil may cry is the seventh ghost. I copied the following contents from Baidu: Kazan-Hazan-,Sword Soul Array enhances strength;

Jia Kai-Kejia-protects me from the enemy and breeds the hope of victory;

Deep-Bremen-,deep and empty eyes, attract enemies and weaken their body and mind;

Saiya skirt-Saya-dominates the mind with coldness and leads the enemy to her world;

Luo Cha -RHASA-, dominating the epidemic, Tileji's right wrist;

Carlo Carra-inspire the power of darkness and give me the ability to release melanosis;

Brasho -BLACHE-, your greed devours everything and sucks the soul out of the world. "

Ghosts and gods: There are some "people who surpass human intelligence and become gods" in Arad mainland. These people are called "ghosts". The eight known ghosts and gods are Kazan, Jia Kai, Plemont, Saiya Skirt, Luo Cha, Carlo, Puxiu and Ozma. Ghosts and gods have magical and powerful power, but because they are in the state of soul, they can't live like normal people, so attaching themselves to human beings has become their only choice. People who are attached to ghosts and gods can resist the self-attack of ghosts and gods only by constantly strengthening themselves. This is the origin of Ghost Swordsman.

The first ghost-destruction-knife soul Kazan: a legendary historical figure of the Pelos Empire who lived 800 years ago.

Once a general of the empire, he was convicted of treason and killed under conspiracy. After his hamstring was broken, he was exiled to the other end of Mount Rustru. Later, Ozma, a close friend who became a ghost of chaos, took the rest of his life and reborn him as a ghost of destruction. However, Kazan rejected Ozma's plan to destroy the world and wandered around the world as a ghost.

When the sword spirit Kazan was still human, it was said that he wore no armor and had an axe pinned to his waist. He fought bravely and endlessly with an axe and a knife in one hand.

"When you untie the shackles and release the shura destroyed in your heart, I will dominate your soul." -Kazan of the Soul of the Knife

The Second Ghost-Jia Kai of Shadow: the Guardian of the Labyrinth of the Original Shadow. At the beginning of the "mutation", Jia Kai was killed by a violent monster in the maze. Because it had a strong dark power before its death, it became a ghost wandering in the maze after its death. Later, after Sha Ying, a descendant of Ceylon, signed an agreement with the dark elves to become the new owner of the shadow maze, Jia Kai also became the shadow of Sha Ying, guarding the maze with him, so Sha Ying was also called the "ghost swordsman".

"Come out, my faithful shadow, please protect me from the enemy and give birth to greater strength." -ghost swordsman brake shadow.

The third ghost-evil eye, the erosion of Priam: Priam is the last spiritual mage in Arad. He has a special ability of "reading minds", and can easily find out what others are thinking, which is why he was finally executed as a demon. Filled with grief, anger and unwillingness, Plymouth became a ghost after his death.

It is said that Plymouth has a pair of charming eyes, which can easily make people lose their resistance.

"Deep artificial eyes will attract enemies and weaken their body and mind."-Ziggy, soul bearer.

The fourth ghost-Frost and Ice-clean Isaiah skirt: Princess of the Kingdom of Goubel, who was engaged to Prince John of the Kingdom of Zaom. Contrary to their love, the border conflict between Bell and Zaiohm intensified, and finally they had to meet.

Compared with Isaiah's desire to take his lover John away and pursue happiness, Prince John values his responsibility and the interests of the country more. The Isaiah skirt, who was disappointed with this, was very angry.

The war between the two countries finally broke out. Bell Wang Guojun, who was dominant in the chaotic war, broke into the palace of Zaom Kingdom. Isaiah killed John herself and then committed suicide.

The dead Isaiah skirt, her sadness turned into a curse. Bell's palace sank underground. That's where the Isaiah dress became the ghost of ice.

"I'm sorry … honey … I can't go with you … I can't abandon my parents and country …"-John.

"In that case ... let's go to hell as husband and wife ..." Jie Bing's Isaiah skirt.

The Fifth Ghost-Disease and Plague Luo Cha: The sixth Apostle of the underworld, Tileji, has three right-hand men: Mozhen, the dog messenger, Peter, the magic flute messenger, and Luo Cha, the plague. Tileji was the victim of the third "transfer" phenomenon among the apostles. In the process of transfer, Luo Cha was torn apart by powerful space forces, but his soul came to Arad continent intact and wandered around like a ghost.

"The ghosts and gods who dominate all diseases are also the makers of disasters." Ilya, the prophet of the dark elves.

The sixth ghost-Carlo with black fire and ghost inflammation: Carlo from the underworld was originally sent to Arad by death to support Ozma's plan to destroy the mainland. Ozma was defeated by his mentor in the "Dark Jihad" and Carlo was injured. Dying Carlo used his last strength to draw fire from the underworld to burn his body. After the soul merged with the fire of the underworld, Carlo became an inflammatory ghost.

Legend has it that Carlo can drive the fire of hell to him, and the black flame can make everything in the universe go up in smoke.

"Ghosts and gods from hell inspired the power of darkness and gave me the ability to release black inflammation!" -Ziggy, the spirit bearer.

The seventh ghost-Puxiu: an ancient abyss monster, it embodies a negative emotion of human beings: greed. Pu Xiu's instinct was to devour the life energy in space, and was later defeated by the famous "Berserker IV". But because the source of Pulxiu's life is human greed, as long as human beings are not extinct, Pulxiu will never die. Warriors can't kill Purshoo, they can only seal it deep in the swamp.

Legend has it that as long as someone can master the power of two ghosts and gods, they can unlock the seal from the depths of the swamp and release Puxiu.

"A powerful creature imprisoned in the depths of the swamp, your greed swallowed everything and sucked up the soul of the world." -Ziggy, the spirit bearer.

Eighth Ghost-Chaos Ozma: Ozma, the ghost of chaos, was once the strongest mage in the empire, assisting Kazan, the famous empire of Peros. He is also a close friend of Kazan.

Hearing the rebellion in Kazan, he accepted the imperial order to suppress the rebellion. However, he was arrested by the sudden imperial army together with Kazan in the battle.

In prison, I learned that all this was a conspiracy of the imperial emperor, and he was frightened by their all-round expansion. Ozma, who lost her family and lover Liz, accepted the offer of death and bought the power to destroy the world at the expense of her own soul.

Later, due to the "blood curse" imposed by Ozma, the trust between people disappeared and the world fell into chaos.

In this confusion, people who have the ability to distinguish pretenders have emerged. They repelled the pretenders and became the ancestors of their tutors.

Finally, Ozma was defeated by his mentor in the "Black Jihad" and sealed in another space. Now, with the shift of the space-time rift in Arad, he is waiting for the opportunity to return to this world again.

"You become a ghost of destruction and I become a ghost of chaos." -Ozma said to Kazan.

Nine Apostles of the underworld: those who break through the shackles of other planes and enter the underworld with great power are called apostles. The word "Apostle" comes from a joke played by casillas, the fourth Apostle, on Herder, the second Apostle, and does not represent a noble name.

After the demon world left Tara, it was suspended in space and poured into a large number of people from other planes. In the "Dragon War" initiated by Bakar, the blasting dragon king, the apostles held him hostage, and casillas publicly fought back, leaving the impression that he was the savior of the fire. Therefore, they became the earliest apostles of the inferno.

A large number of apostles still live in the chaotic environment of the underworld. They hoped that the inferno people could save them, but the inferno was threatened by some apostles and stayed away from them.

Kahn, the First Apostle of Fate: King of the underworld with supreme power. The squire who lives in Union.

His physical strength and strength can't be destroyed by any substance or trap, and it is extremely powerful.

Ranked the highest among the apostles, therefore, he didn't care about conquest and rule outside his own field.

The second apostle-Hurd in tears: She will never forget the destruction of her beautiful hometown world and her family. I stayed in the underworld for a long time before I survived.

Legend has it that she was the first person to discover the use of "magic" by natural forces. Mastering the history of the underworld, it took many years and efforts to revive the underworld like the previous cities. As a mage, he has the ability to protect himself from harmful environment and telepathy, so he undertakes the responsibility of containing apostles, mediating disputes and uniting the people.

I have a very good relationship with the ninth Apostle Luke and the fourth Apostle Garcia.

Although his fighting capacity is relatively poor, he is recognized as the second apostle for the above reasons. She lives in Bloomgart, south of Brooklyn, but she can hardly be seen.

The Third Apostle-Tianyi Isis Prey: The world in which Isis Prey first lived was dominated by races soaring in the sky. Isis, the tallest of them who can fly, rose to the sky to investigate the changes in the world and finally knew the existence of the underworld.

In the fierce battle of the first apostle Kahn, he became a wandering existence together with the detached demon world.

The Fourth Apostle-casillas the Conqueror: A member of a militant race who lives by fighting, it is said that he came to the underworld to pursue a stronger opponent. After leaving the underworld, he still shuttled through the new world to find new opponents, and he was the first optimist in the underworld.

The body is about 1.5 times larger than human, with double swords. Judging from the long-term accumulated combat skills, it may be the strongest existence.

In the underworld, I played against all the apostles who had a chance to compete with each other (except Isis Prey and Roth), but I couldn't overwhelm my opponent and lost to the first apostle Kahn. So he was very afraid of Kahn, and in order to become stronger, he signed a summoning contract with the people in the underworld.

Hearing that Allard has a powerful life form, Cachias entered into a contract with the summoner Kate, ready to be summoned to the human world to fight powerful enemies.

The Fifth Apostle-Invisible Shillock: Everything is changing wherever her power goes. She is an apostle who changes the world.

Because you can only move freely in warm places, you live in the underground world. For the same reason, the quarrel with the seventh apostle Antoine on energy has never stopped.

The first victim of the apostles who had been transferred was said to have been moved to the vicinity of Allard's funeral cave, and was later killed by the dark elf swordsman Lucci.

The sixth apostle-Tileki's black disease: the root of all diseases. A dark giant rat that can turn all cells of a living body into dust. It is a creature composed of pathogenic bacteria that are fatal to all races.

Even for the people in the underworld, disasters occurred in the areas headed by pest and Infilunsa, but they were later controlled by other apostles and now live somewhere in North Prongus. They will avoid disputes with other apostles except on important occasions related to their own lives.

Because of the transfer, it fell to Northmar, a small city in Allard, and now that area has become a hell on earth.

The Seventh Apostle-Fire-eating Antoine: the largest apostle. With a giant who can occupy an area of the underworld, the opposite movement is relatively slow. When the energy of the world he lives in is about to run out, the demon world he fled is close.

He landed in the underworld with all his last strength. In the central area of Metrosente, it devours the energy generated in a certain period of time to survive.

He occasionally goes to sleep, when the energy of the underworld will shine like being lit, and people in heaven have also observed the underworld.

People in the sky call this "a mirage that reverses the city."

After that, Antoine moved to heaven, occupied the most energy-rich power station in heaven and continued to absorb the energy there.

The Eighth Apostle-Long-legged Rothel: The Giant Octopus Dominating the Sea of the Underworld. During hibernation, as the second transferred apostle, he fell into the temple of the beast.

The awning beast woke up and flew into the sky. Robots cannot move or leave this place. Therefore, he occupied the ancient temple there and manipulated the spirit of GBL believers who longed for ancient ruins.

Luke, the ninth apostle builder: a small human race, from birth, could not resist the instinct of the builder and made all kinds of things. After the second apostle Hurd found him, he wanted to use him to rebuild the underworld, and then because he was alone, the work progress was very slow.

He undertook the reconstruction of Saint Malterre occupied by Antoine, and it was his achievement to make the underworld get regular energy supply. 1000 years ago, due to the pressure of the dragon king Barker, the city of death was built, which opened the road from heaven to the underworld.

Narrator: Ziggy, the "soul bearer"-the original owner of Ziggy's sacrificial robe, is also a supporter of the devil may cry.

As the first and strongest devil may cry in history, he found a way to summon ghosts and gods and use them in battle. The magical and powerful power of the seven ghosts and gods made Riggs an almost invincible existence in Arad continent at that time. Riggs success made people realize that ghosts and gods can also be driven by people. Since then, a large number of ghost swordsmen have embarked on the road of unlocking seals and practicing devil may cry.

However, Riggs' ending was very unfortunate. He lost his strength in the battle with the barbarians, and he was dragged underground by the ghost attached to him.

"Far away ... I heard the call. In the mire of chaos, their voices came faintly ... Is it a partner or an enemy attached to my arm ...? "-Ziggy, the soul bearer.

"Blasting Dragon King"-the Dragon King Bakar, known as "Overlord Dragon King".

When Bakar first arrived in the underworld, he was appointed as the ninth apostle because of his powerful and mysterious ability, which greatly contributed to the chaos in the underworld. However, its ambition to rule the underworld eventually turned it against other apostles. Therefore, the second apostle Herder removed Bakar from the apostles (later named Luke, the builder, as the ninth apostle) and gathered the strength of the people in the underworld to wage war with Bakar, which was called "Dragon War" in history.

Bakar, who fled in the Dragon War, came to the new world through the city of death and finally came to heaven. Bakar took his own magic army of light as a pioneer, called himself a god, and gained the rule of heaven in one fell swoop. In order to remove the soil that breeds the development of his hostile forces, Bakar banned magic and blocked the city of the sky as a communication channel with the ground.

This is a story about 1000 years ago. The year when Baka blocked Tiancheng and cut off the communication between heaven and earth was recorded as Allard calendar year 0.

Since then, about 500 years have passed. A new civilization called "science" developed from the celestial world without magical power has reached its peak. And this is the period when the "Mechanical Seven God of War" is active. Although they tried their best to plan "code name: Gaboga", it ended in failure, but the descendants who carried their ideals finally launched a mechanical revolution and successfully overthrew Bakar's tyranny.

When Bakar died, his anger broke out and divided the only continent in heaven into several pieces. Now these continents are called Yidan and Northrop respectively, which is impossible.