Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Some Views on the Classical Chinese "Meng"

Some Views on the Classical Chinese "Meng"

Feng Weimang, a national style, comes from The Book of Songs. It is a folk song of the Chinese people in the pre-Qin period. ***6 chapters, each chapter 10 sentence. This is a long poem about a woman who abandoned her wife and confessed her marriage tragedy. The heroine in the poem recalls the sweetness of love life and the pain of being abused and abandoned by her husband after marriage with great sadness. The whole poem consists of six chapters. In the first chapter, I told you that my first love decided my marriage. The second chapter describes that he fell in love, broke through the shackles of the matchmaker's words and married himself; In the third chapter, she tells a group of beautiful young innocent girls not to indulge in love and points out the inequality between men and women. The fourth chapter, expressing resentment against self-protection, points out that this is not the fault of women, but the willfulness of self-protection; The fifth chapter, the next narrative, describes her labor and abuse after marriage, as well as her brother's ridicule and self-injury misfortune; The sixth chapter describes the love in childhood and the deviation today, denounces the hypocrisy and deception of self-protection, and firmly expresses the feelings of self-protection. This poem expresses her remorse and resolute attitude through the self-report of the abandoned wife, and profoundly reflects the oppression and destruction of women in love and marriage in ancient society. The Book of Songs is the first collection of poems in the history of China literature. It has had a far-reaching impact on the development of later poetry and has become the source of the realistic tradition of classical literature.

Feng Weimeng is an ancient folk ballad, which tells a woman's emotional experience and profound experience frankly. It is a vivid portrayal of love scrolls, and also leaves valuable information about the local conditions and customs at that time for future generations.

This is a short narrative poem mixed with lyricism, which makes a love story true and natural. In this poem, women are affectionate, open-minded and enthusiastic. Even the resentment after marriage is a manifestation of hidden intentions. What a vivid image, understanding, diligence, intelligence, courage, frankness and understanding. Before marriage, she bravely broke through the shackles of etiquette and resolutely lived with Meng, which was commendable at that time. It stands to reason that married life should be harmonious and beautiful. However, contrary to expectations, in order to protect herself, she was used like an ox or a horse, even beaten and abandoned. The reason is that at that time, women had no position in society and family, but were only vassals of their husbands. This political and economic inequality determines the inequality between men and women in marriage, which enables Mongolians to play with and abuse women at will with impunity, and have the right to abandon their wives and dissolve their engagement. The word "beginning chaos and ending abandonment" can summarize the evil behavior of self-protection to women. Therefore, although she bravely broke through the feudal shackles, she ended up with the fate of a woman who resigned under the pressure of her parents' orders and matchmakers' words. "The scholar's worry is to say; You can't say you are a woman! " The poet complained bitterly about the injustice of this society, which deepened the ideological significance of this poem. The tragic experience of the heroine in the poem can be said to be the epitome of Qian Qian's female fate which was absolutely oppressed and hurt in the class society, so it can win the admiration of later readers.

Although the poem is mainly lyrical, the narrative story is not complete and detailed, but it truly reflects the heroine's experience and fate, lyrical narrative is integrated, and sometimes accompanied by lamentation. In these respects, this poem has initially possessed some features of China's narrative poems. These characteristics have more or less influenced the narrative poems of the next two thousand years, which can be seen in Peacock Flying Southeast, Song of Eternal Sorrow and Double Sorrow of Modern Yao Xie.

The structure of the poem "Dream" accords with its story, and also with the passionate and ups-and-downs emotion when the author narrates it. Each chapter has six chapters and ten sentences, but different from other chapters in The Book of Songs, it is written naturally according to the development order of characters' fate. Give priority to with fu, also use BiXing. It is better to strengthen narrative and lyricism than to give it narrative and enhance lyricism.

In the first two chapters, the biography of poetry says, "Ye Fu." Describe the process of a man proposing to the heroine and even getting married. It was at a market where a man confessed to the heroine in the name of buying silk. Giggling and losing your temper, carrot and stick. But this simple woman can't see through his essence, saying that someone must be a matchmaker, and finally set the wedding date in autumn. Since then, the woman has been obsessed with "I hope to go back to the customs on the other side of the wall", but I can't see the man returning to the customs, so I burst into tears; Seeing the re-entry is like seeing someone you love, and you can't help smiling. She also used divination to predict the good or bad of marriage. The man sent a car to marry her, and she married her with all her belongings. These two chapters are vivid and vivid, and the poet's self-image as a pure girl is also vividly portrayed. Fang Yurun commented on this cloud: "If you don't see it, you will be worried. If you see it, you will be happy. If your husband can't tolerate yourself, your woman will never forget it. " (The Book of Songs Primitive Man) A word "stupid". Point out the depth of this woman's love.

In Zhu's Biography of Poetry, the third chapter and the fourth chapter are mentioned, which means that these two chapters are mainly lyrical, and the poems are all based on mulberry trees, from the poet's youth and beauty to his decline, and at the same time reveal the process of men's love for her to disgust. "Before the mulberry leaves fall, their leaves will flourish", using moist and bright mulberry leaves as a metaphor for a woman's beautiful face. "Mulberry has fallen, but it has fallen yellow", which is a metaphor for women's haggard and abandonment with the withered and yellow leaves of mulberry leaves. "In xi, where pigeons are picked, mulberries without food; If you are a woman, you will have no worries with the literati, and then you will say "Don't eat the mulberries of pigeons to revive the next sentence" (Biography of Poetry). Mulberry is sweet, and it is easy to get drunk if you eat too much; Love is beautiful, but people who are infatuated with love are easily deceived. A man who is addicted to love can still be freed. Once a woman falls in love, she can't get rid of it. What a painful language this is! From green mulberry leaves to yellow mulberry leaves, it not only shows the age of women from prosperity to decline, but also implies the passage of time. It is generally believed that women get married for three years, but there is another explanation: "Three years old, many years. "Pressing' three' is an imaginary number, and there are many words, actually not three years." (Cheng Junying's Book of Songs) In fact, it means that the relationship between husband and wife has gradually fallen apart and finally broken down in recent years. The woman had to get into the car again, cross the ice water and return to her family. She thought it over and over again, without any mistakes, but the man's "two virtues." Here, women look back on their married life in a reflective tone, looking for the reasons for being abandoned, and finally get a lesson: in a man-centered society, there are only spoony women and heartbroken people.

The fifth chapter of the poem describes the situation before and after being abandoned by Fu. The first six sentences inherit the previous chapter "self-pity, poor at three years old" to make up for the suffering of being a woman for many years. She gets up early and goes to bed late and works hard. Once her life became better, her husband became violent and cruel. The word "violence" can be reminiscent of the ferocious face of her husband and the scene of the heroine being abused. The last four sentences wrote that she was ridiculed by her brothers after returning to her parents' home. "Biography of Poetry" explains this cloud: "Gai follows people and is not hated by his brother, so he abandons them and returns without the sympathy of his brother. It is inevitable to be accused, but he is just mourning himself. " It is not enough to say that the heroine is "slutty"; But other words can help the reader understand the mental stress she suffered at that time and the inner contradictions arising from it.

The sixth chapter, Fu and Bi Xing, is narrated in a lyrical way. They talked and laughed when they were in love. Men swear that they will grow old together. But he had a grudge before he was old, and it was irreparable. There are two metaphors here: in the vast soup, there is always a bank with water; The vast and continuous swamp is also a marginal zone. The implication is: Why isn't my pain over? "Biography of Poetry" points out that "this prosperity" is actually more prosperous than China. With these two metaphors, the poet strongly expressed his resentment and told the endless pain of abandoning his wife. In order to get rid of these pains, she made up her mind to sever the emotional connection with the man: "It's no use thinking about it!" From then on, I don't want him to change his mind. Forget it, forget it. But can she really do it? Fang Yurun thought: "Although the words have been spoken, how can you forget them?" Yes, judging from the character that this woman has always loved, she can't make a clean break with men emotionally. This is the tragic character that is often said today.

The poem "Self-protection" also has high artistic achievements, mainly in the following aspects:

(A) the creative method of realism

The poem Dream is a representation of the poet's typical emotions in real life. Poets unconsciously used realistic creative methods to express their tragic experiences through singing, which played a reflective and critical role in the social reality at that time. Dream is a folk song, and it is written orally. At first, it was widely circulated among the people. After repeated singing and constant revision by countless working people, such a complete poem was formed until the time of writing. In the process of spreading, people have permeated their feelings about love and marriage into singing, so the works are full of realism. The heroine in the poem describes her own personal experiences and feelings, all of which are true feelings. And this kind of true feelings is universal and typical in class society. Poets are good at grasping all kinds of complex contradictions in the subject matter. She caught the contradiction between herself and Meng, as the agent of husband's power. They changed from the relationship between husband and wife to the relationship between oppression and oppression, revealing the social reality of the patriarchal system. She grasped the contradiction between herself and her brother, reflected the social morality and public opinion at that time, was the thought centered on husband's rights, and was the helpless reality of abandoning her wife. She grasped her inner contradiction: can she live together without parents' orders and matchmaker before marriage? I am happy when I see self-protection, but I am sad when I don't see self-protection. How to solve the contradiction between seeing and not seeing? These intricate contradictions constitute the main contradiction of poetry-the contradiction between feudal ethical code system and women's desire for a happy family life. This was an extremely remarkable and universal phenomenon in the society at that time. Secondly, the poet Meng is good at portraying characters. There are two distinct images in Meng. One is a cunning and ungrateful "self-protection", and the other is a kind abandoned "woman". Self-protection means that farmers go into exile from other places in order to defend the country. "Embrace Trade Silk" points out that he is still a small businessman. At first, he was false honesty, false warmth and false loyalty. He cheated an innocent and beautiful girl by hypocritical means and got her love, body, labor and furniture. After marriage, he showed his true colors. I used to swear every day, but now it's a change of heart of "two or three virtues" I used to be very affectionate with her, but now I am very "violent", not only abusing her, but even kicking her out of the house. Some people say: Meng was a sheep before marriage and a wolf after marriage. This metaphor is vivid and accurate. The image of self-protection is the product of the husband's power system and the product of businessmen's mercenary. The poem also depicts the image of a kind working woman. At first, she may be engaged in some sideline business of sericulture and reeling, so she has some savings. She was innocent and inexperienced, so that she agreed to her heart at once. Seeing that Meng was unhappy, she quickly comforted: "I will have no regrets, and autumn will continue for a while." She is affectionate and really loves herself. When she can't see him, she will "cry" and when she sees him, she will "laugh". She is brave and dares to live with Meng without media. She was very loyal and moved herself and her belongings to Meng's house by car. After marriage, she lived in poverty and lived a hard life of self-protection. She works hard and does housework together. She is faithful. When her family gets better and her husband abuses her, she always loves to protect herself (and her daughter is unhappy). After being abandoned, she was strong and resolute, calm and rational, saw the hypocrisy and ugliness of self-protection, and resolutely refused to fight against self-protection. She changed from a simple, affectionate and brave girl to a hard-working and humiliating wife, and then to a strong and determined divorcee. Her character developed with the change of her relationship with Mongols. Through the sharp contrast between self-protection and female images, it is clear who is true and who is false, who is good and who is evil, who is beautiful and ugly. At that time, the real social face of inequality between men and women was just before our eyes. Therefore, the author Meng unconsciously used realistic creative methods. Zhou Yang said: "Where there is literature, there are creative methods. Myths and legends are the origin of romanticism, and The Book of Songs is the origin of realism. " His summary accords with the actual situation in the history of China literature.

(B) Bixing's artistic technique

The poet is a rural woman, and the natural scenery around the countryside is familiar to her every day. When a poet touches something, he sings. The third chapter "Mulberry leaves have blossomed before it falls" is a metaphor for the happiness of young and beautiful girls at their first marriage. The fourth chapter "Mulberry has fallen, but it has fallen yellow" is also a metaphor for the haggard face of abandoned wife and the pain of being abandoned. The third chapter "I don't eat mulberries" is a metaphor, which means the following two sentences: "I'm not worried about women." The sixth chapter's "qi has a shore, but wet has a plate" is inversely proportional, and the change of heart is boundless and unpredictable. All these have played a positive role in shaping the image, highlighting the theme and strengthening the ideological significance of poetry.

(C) the expression of contrast

This is due to the reflection of realistic contradictions in people's minds. There are two forms: 1. Syntactic contrast, such as "women are unhappy, scholars do their best"; "The scholar's sorrow is fair to say; Women are embarrassed and can't say it. " This is the contrast between scholars and women. The contrast between Mulberry Not Falling and Mulberry Already Falling, and the contrast between Not Seeing Re-entry and Seeing Re-entry are all against each other, which is more effective in shaping images and expressing feelings. 2. Before and after the comparison, such as Meng, before marriage is a "laughing oath"; After marriage, "whatever you say and do, as for violence." Different attitudes set off each other, depicting the essence of hypocrisy.

(D) Metonymy rhetoric

Poetry is thinking in images, not abstract preaching. We should use concrete things to express abstract artistic conception. The language of images can easily stimulate readers' imagination and enhance the charm of poetry. The poet "Meng" represents Meng by "re-entering" the place where Meng lives, and "general angle" represents childhood. Look into the distance and express your love through the wall. The briber moved to the table and lived together by car, and returned to China with the "seven waters of Tang Tang, a curtain coat". Use the "three-year-old" table for many years, and use the "two or three" table repeatedly. It's like Xiaoya Cai Wei's poet replacing spring with "willow tree" and winter with "rain and snow frost". The language received is meaningful and thought-provoking.

(5) the authenticity of rhetoric

Chen Wangdao's "The Origin of Rhetoric" said: "Topping really means using the end of the previous sentence as the beginning of the next sentence, so that the ends of adjacent sentences are connected together, and there is a rhetorical method to convey interest." This rhetoric is common in songs. This may be due to the collective singing method, word of mouth, this singing method and that singing method are interrelated and easy to remember a sentence pattern. Such as "exchange cloth for silk, bandits for silk", "I look forward to the resumption of customs, but I don't see the resumption of customs", "I don't care about scholars, but I am worried about them", "I have a white head with you and always complain about others" and "I don't think about the negative, but I don't think about it" are all the most true sentences in the poem "Self-protection". Not all the re-elected words are at the beginning of the sentence, but some of them have the same function in the sentence, all of which are to strengthen the musicality of the poem.

(6) Application of interjections

When poets express strong feelings or profound thoughts, they often express them with sounds or sighs. For example, when she recalls her love life before marriage, her feelings are relatively stable and there is no need to sigh. The third chapter is lyrical and passionate, with two words "Yujie", three words "Xi" and two words "Ye". The fourth chapter has some feelings about "Mulberry Fall" and uses the word "one". The fifth chapter tells the most exciting time when she was abused by her husband and laughed at by her brother. She used six words "Yi" to express her deep feelings and tone. In the last chapter, I expressed my indignation and rejection of self-protection, strengthened the tone, lengthened the tone, and resolutely sang "No" (forget it)! The word "gorgeous" is used together, just like the end of the curtain of a traditional Chinese opera, which makes people feel the lingering sound.

(seven) the expression of the call.

Because the poet's feelings are very strong, although he is not in front of the person he loves or the person he hates, he feels that if he is in front, he will complain or reprimand, which is the characteristic of calling. It is most commonly used in lyric poetry. In the third chapter of the poem, "Self-protection", the poet described her abandonment and her anger, and linked her personal fate with the fate of ordinary women at that time, as if there were a group of young women in front of her, and she told them her pain. In the process of love, she should be wary of men changing their minds in the future. It is difficult for her to get rid of the scourge: "If you are a woman, you have no worries with a gentleman!" The anxiety of scholars can still be said; You can't say you are a woman! "These phone calls sang a strong indignation at the social phenomenon of gender inequality. The sixth chapter turns to the form of a call, "Changing the boss with my husband makes me complain". At this moment, it seems that self-protection stands in front of him, reprimanding his oath as cheating. Then, with the scenes of harmonious feelings, laughing and swearing when I was young, I set off today's ingratitude. Grief and indignation reached a climax again. At last he shouted, "I don't think about it, but I don't think about it." What a pity! "If you don't call to reprimand the self-protection here, it is not enough to take revenge.

The tone of this poem is sonorous and natural, full of true feelings. The overlapping of adjectives such as "Chichi", "Lianlian", "Tang Tang", "Yan Yan" and "Dandan" is used in the poem, which not only plays the role of imitating sound and painting posture, but also enhances the musicality of the poem. The composition of folk songs in The Book of Songs is mostly repetitive. Because of the poet Meng's complicated feelings and tortuous narration, he stopped singing in the form of chapters, which is rare in folk songs.