Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Brief Introduction of the Hero in Angel of Blood

Brief Introduction of the Hero in Angel of Blood

When the empire entered the last days, the commander of the blood angel was Dante, the commander-in-chief of St. Angelis and the messenger of light. Dante is indeed a legend, because his deeds have been passed down for centuries. He is considered to be the oldest surviving star warrior. Even Lysander, the company commander of Imperial Boxing Company, who disappeared in netherstorm 1000, can't remember when Dante started to take charge of the blood angel.

No one can deny Dante's excellent combat experience. He participated in numerous battles, commanded numerous battles, and won numerous bloody victories in constellations from Olympia Maccaglia to Jono. It is said that no one has been to the million-dollar world of the empire like Dante, who is the sacred and brilliant winner.

For his fellow commanders, Dante is a fearless model and the core of the endless strategic and tactical genius of Star Warrior. For the imperial defense generals and marshals who are always under heavy pressure, he is the most reliable friend of human defense. For ordinary soldiers and citizens of the empire, he is not only a lifesaver, but also a golden winged god falling from the sky.

Because Dante lived too long, his deeds have become a myth. It is not clear how many Okay's heads he cut off during the Kanau Liberation War, because this number will increase every time the story repeats itself. Did Dante really split the bloodthirsty Scarbrant in two in front of the noisy door? Only Dante himself can make it clear. But he never talks about these deeds. No matter how these legends hurt his samurai's self-esteem, the empire really needs heroes, especially in this dark age when hope is badly needed. The existence of the blood angel commander can keep all mankind from losing confidence.

Due to his numerous successes, Dante became at a loss. He has lived too long, and his burden is getting heavier and heavier in the changes of the century. There's only one thing that can keep Dante from getting bored. In St. Angelis's prophecy, there was an unparalleled war, and a golden warrior stood in the emperor and darkness. In several generations of blood angels, they are still regarded as the divination of Saint Angelis's own destiny. However, due to some intuition, it may be a relic of protozoa' farsightedness. Dante thinks this prediction is not what people think. One day, perhaps soon, the burden of protecting the emperor will fall into his hands, and he is determined to finish this final mission to the end. Mephistopheles was once a friar of calista, Julius, a man full of charm and strength. However, black anger never cares about the nobility of the soul and the purity of the body. During the siege of Hades' lair in the Second Battle of Amidon, Angelis's curse finally fell on Ryukyu in calista. After being incorporated into the Death Company, he took part in the final general attack on the Anglican Palace and became one of the people buried by the collapsed ruins.

For seven days and seven nights, calista Ryukyu lay in the ruins, his burning thoughts lingered on the edge of madness, and his broken body was dying. However, calista Ryukyu and did not give in. With sheer willpower, he completely surrendered the anger that flowed all over his body. Through incalculable efforts, he got rid of the black rage, and at this point, he is not the original him. At midnight on the seventh night, he came out of the rock prison and was reborn in the name of Morpheus, the god of death.

His rebirth is not without witness. At this point, Hadders once again fell into the hands of the empire, but the Oaks were still in ruins. When mephistopheles emerged from the grave, the sound of broken rocks just attracted such a gang of robbers. Without weapons and fragmented power armor, Mephiston looks like an easy prey, but it is impossible. The gene seeds that have been sleeping for several years have now awakened and gained unparalleled strength after earth-shaking changes. Mephistopheles started a series of attacks at a speed less than that of Okdag, and each blow was bloody and fragmented. After a few seconds, five ok's died, followed by twelve ok's. Green leather has no chance at all, but it is more stubborn than Murphy and will not retreat. It was not until the reborn angel grabbed the biggest Okay's chest and pulled out its heart that the other Okay's began to flee wildly. Dressed in tattered armor stained with the enemy's dirty blood, Mephiston began a long journey back to the front of the empire.

From that day on, mephistopheles rose rapidly among the blood angels and became the chief think tank of the blood angels. For most of the fighting monks who thought he was dead, he was a frightening and awe-inspiring figure. There are also some brothers who have made friends with him. It is hard for them to regard mephistopheles as the former Ryukyu in calista. Calista Ryukyu is very talkative, while mephistopheles never talks at unimportant moments. Calista Ryukyu stayed with his brothers when he was at peace on the battlefield, while Morpheus always meditated alone. His face, though still noble, vaguely expresses the pain in the depths of his soul. Maybe these changes are inevitable for him.

However, there are rumors that he paid a high price for his rebirth. When he controlled the black rage, something even more terrible happened. People all hope that this rumor is groundless and just an unwarranted accusation against a great man, but Murphy has always kept his secret, and perhaps only time can reveal the truth. Erasmus Tycho, the company commander, was once the most powerful leader among the blood angels. It is rumored that he is Dante's favorite student and designated successor. And he is a confessor standing in the dark, even the smartest and greatest person in the chapter can't escape the hand of black anger.

In the second battle of Armitage, his predecessor was killed, and Tycho succeeded the third company commander. The former sergeant immediately proved his courage. With artistic rhythm, he commanded the troops to smash the green-skinned wild one in Gracato and recapture the defensive stronghold along the Cherun River. Encouraged by this victory, the third company continued to move forward and broke the orc supply line of Amido East.

It was in this mission that Tycho's company was ambushed. Although the blood angels returned home in triumph as always, their company commander was almost killed by a sudden mental attack. But to everyone's surprise, Tycho survived. But that terrible mental attack paralyzed half of his face and made him grin forever. Tycho's pursuit of elegance and beauty is the same as that of any blood angel, so pain and anger began to fill Tycho's once pure heart and finally opened the door of claustrophobia and anger in his soul.

Tycho couldn't stand the sympathetic eyes of his brothers, so he ordered the most skillful craftsman in the regiment to cast a mask for him to cover up his ugliness. This simple move seems to have won Tycho some peace, and for a while, he seems to have regained peace. For the survivors in Amidon, Blood Angel Company 3 is undoubtedly standing in the most intense place. Tycho has been guiding the army since he stepped onto the stage, but no one denies that once he smells the strong smell of Okay's blood in the air, an uncontrollable excitement will quickly change his whole body.

In this great war, Tycho's faults became more and more obvious. It seems that he can no longer be calm in the sacred hall of the fortress, because the beauty there can only sting his ugliness. Dante didn't dare to let him continue to undertake continuous combat missions at first, but even so, he continued to become more violent and rude, and his tactics became foolhardy. Finally, when another battle broke out in Ami Heaton, Tycho fell into a black rage and was incorporated into the death company. Pastor Limaz fell into a black rage when he was preparing to liberate Hadrian ⅹ ⅰ. Unlike other death companies that took the lead in the sudden fall of the planet, Limatz survived the first landing and swept the Oak defenders with overwhelming power. After winning the battle, he collapsed because he couldn't bear serious injuries. He was taken to the occupied fortress field hospital, waiting for the arrival of the lost savior-Astor Rice.

When Astor Reyes arrived, ready to give him a hug of death, Lima demanded to continue to live and destroy as many enemies of the emperor as possible in his lifetime. Although Lima's eyes are full of lotus flower, her muscles are full of violent breath, and her words are clear and convincing. Although members of death companies are usually extremely violent, Astor Si Tong often has to fight hard before taking his life, and this kind of sober challenge is unprecedented. After all the objections were settled, Astor Reese asked to move the priest into the static force field and return to the think tank of Balaam War Group and Reverend St. Anji for a comprehensive inspection.

The investigation lasted for several months, and Limaz was fixed in a low temperature field to avoid hurting people around him, but the result seemed to respond to Astor Reese's hope. Lima was undoubtedly caught by the Black Fury, because all the signs of psionics were obvious. However, he is not insane at all-through an incredible willpower, the priest seems to be able to control his madness purposefully. Many priests in St. Anji believe that this is only a temporary phenomenon. Once he is removed from the static force field, he will immediately fall into the abyss of black rage. However, Astris disagreed. He refused the request of some priests in St. Anji to kill him, and awakened the priests to ask him to continue to serve Zhang.

At this point, Limaz became the lost guard and the keeper of Death Company. He repaid Astor Reese's trust a thousand times. Under his command, the death company has become an unprecedented powerful potential, and their honor is full of countless mythical deeds. He led the glorious charge to ensure that the fearless charge of the blood angel death company would never become a futile death. At the end of the battle, Limazz was put into the static field again until he needed his thirst for blood again several months and weeks later. For Limaz, there was no calm before the storm. Wake him up when he is needed, and let him stand when he is not needed.

Limaz certainly won't live long, because his strong willpower can never resist the roar of black anger. But at least so far, the priest's iron will has protected him. He is the hope and symbol of a battle about to enter the darkness, because if Lima can continue to serve this battle rationally in the darkness, maybe others can do the same ... The cold Astor Reyes is the highest priest of the blood angel and the lost redeemer. Nothing is more respected and hated than him in the struggle. Be respected for his important duties; He was hated because his duty was always stained with the blood of his own brother.

Astor Reese's verdict told the children of St. Angelis which one of them was caught by darkness and anger, and their minds had degenerated to the point where they could no longer serve in the battle. After finding the lost man, Astris ended the darkness and violence with a violent blow to the neck-cutting off his brother's head. There is no doubt that this is an act of compassion and a relief for the cursed. However, none of the brothers can feel comfortable in front of Asteris. After all, they know that his axe of prohibition may fall on them one day.

Although he is officially a member of the Blood Angel Camp, Astor Reese's duties also include the subordinate organizations of the camp. It has long been thought that these heinous duties are best performed by a brother, so that he can be fair. Astris is like this. He shuttled between the stars, looking for a brother who needed his "forgotten blessing".

To the onlookers, Astor Reese's appearance seems to arouse the destructive anger of darkness and violence. However, the situation is completely opposite.

Astris could feel the throb before the outbreak of Black Berserker-including its victims. The echo of a single victim's pain will haunt his mind in a fatalistic chord, and when other brothers fall into it one after another, this sound will become more and more stirring. Distance cannot silence this tragic symphony. Whether the victims are in Amidon or Otrama, Astris can feel their situation-and he must get to the place necessary for his duty.

Therefore, the lost redeemer has become a veritable angel of death, a myth of destruction circulating among blood angels and enemies. Wherever the cold Astor Reyes goes, the enemy will not only face his anger, but also face the critical attack of the monks captured by the wrath of darkness. Asteris's greatest pity for his unfortunate brothers is to let them see a great victory again before they die. In this way, his double gift of death and redemption cannot be rejected. Saint Angelina is a golden angel of revenge, and her blood angel came from heaven to earth at the most needed moment. Most of his stories are myths about the glory of warring factions. After all, only in rare cases can someone live to see him and tell his story. Only a few people who can see the records in the retreat of the Battalion can be sure that Saint Ann Dzheniya is not a myth or fantasy. There, there is an iron-edged book that records the deeds of St. Angeria for thousands of years. One of the most famous is the legend of raiding the battleship claw of the Night King.

In that operation, the twelve brothers were ordered to raid the claw of terror and kill the commander above. No one thought they could succeed, because the number of the enemy was hundreds of times more than them, but St. Angeria seemed to see their achievements, and the hull joined the battle in their assault landing torpedo. After a short blessing to the sergeant of the team leader, he began to fight his way out, blowing hot and angry wind against the hull and went straight away.

Obviously, the appearance of St. Angeria did not bring an easy victory to the atoning brothers. Although they saw the thick amputated limbs and bodies left by Saint Ann Gagna on the way to the commander's deck, the blood angels still had to fight a large number of chaotic marines before moving forward, and they also had a strong desire for revenge. Although the final mission was successful and the captain of the claw of terror was killed, only the petty officer survived and returned to Baal. Saint Anne didn't finish the task for his brothers, but his angry will did make the impossible possible. Paying attention to the claw of terror, the sergeant's name is not recorded, but Dante can't help but recall those times, and recall the sergeant's belief in reorganizing his mission with a seal, and he will smile.

However, there is an unknown thing about St. Angeria, which shows a rather unusual side of him. Some people in the Warring States Parliament thought that he was the condensation of the noble side of the protozoan soul, which could suppress the darkness of Saint Angelis and get lost after death. The guards of St. Anji firmly believe that he is the founder of the Knights Order, Az Khyron. The legend about St. Anglia is not limited to the blood angel battle group itself, but also aggravated the aversion of some imperial departments to blood angels. In particular, the trial court suspected that St. Angeria was a spiritual structure, and his existence proved that the blood angel was mentally and physically defective. Suspicion of Saint Angeria may be misunderstood by outsiders, but for all brothers, he is the most glorious part of their heritage. When their blood flows through their pulse excitedly, nothing needs to be explained.