Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Choose an insect or small animal you like and introduce its appearance and habits.

Choose an insect or small animal you like and introduce its appearance and habits.

Grasshoppers are also called grasshoppers, grasshoppers, grasshoppers, grasshoppers.

Insects of Acridoidea and Tettigonidae. Habitat in various places, mostly in low-lying areas of tropical forests, semi-arid areas and grasslands. The tentacles of the head, the tentacles of the abdomen, the whiskers of the tail and the receptors on the legs can all feel the touch. The taste organ is in the mouth, and the smell organ is on the antenna. There is tympanic membrane hearing on both sides of the first abdominal segment or at the base of the tibial muscle segment of the forefoot. Compound eyes have vision and single eyes are sensitive. Plant-eating, a few species are important pests of crops. The hind legs are thick and suitable for jumping. Male insects make sounds by rubbing the left and right wings or rubbing the convex veins of the front wings with the sound file of the hind leg joint. Some species can also pronounce when flying. Some habitats are unique, such as Marellia remipes in South America, who lives on floating plants for most of her life, can swim and lay eggs on aquatic plants. Grasshoppers are generally larger, and some species (such as [〔Tropidacris latriellei〕] in South America) are more than 1 1 cm in length. Some areas feed on locusts. Natural enemies are birds, frogs and snakes.

Features: usually green, brown or black, with large head and short tentacles; The front chest backboard is hard, extending to the left and right like a saddle, and the middle chest and back chest can't move when they heal. With developed feet, especially muscular hind legs and hard exoskeleton, he is an expert in jumping. The tibia has a sharp saw and is an effective defensive weapon. The ovipositor has no obvious protrusion, which is the biggest difference from the owl.

Acridoidea insect

In addition to tentacles, grasshoppers have a pair of compound eyes on their heads, which are the main visual organs. There are three monocular eyes at the same time, which can only be sensitive. There are mouthparts under the head, which are the feeding organs of locusts. The mouthparts of grasshoppers are composed of upper lip (1 piece), upper jaw (1 piece), tongue (1 piece), lower jaw (1 piece) and lower lip (1 piece). Its upper jaw is hard and suitable for chewing, so this mouthpiece is called chewing mouthpiece.

On both sides of the first section of the abdomen of locusts, there are a pair of half-moon membranes, which are the auditory organs of locusts. A row of small holes arranged neatly on the left and right sides is the valve. From the middle chest to the eighth abdominal segment, each segment has a pair of valves, with 10 pairs. Each valve communicates inward with the trachea (below). Grasshoppers have trachea with different thickness, which branches again and again, and finally contact with each cell with tiny branches to breathe. Therefore, the valve is the gateway for gas to enter and leave the locust body.

Feeding habits: I like to eat thick leaves, such as sweet potatoes and water spinach.

Abnormal condition: incomplete abnormal condition.

Insecta, Arthropoda, Animal Kingdom.

After mating, the female locust inserts the oviposition tube into the soil with a depth of 10cm, and lays about 50 eggs.

When laying eggs, the female will secrete white material to form a cylindrical plug, and then lay eggs.

The development process of locusts is rather complicated (II). Its life begins with a fertilized egg. The larvae just hatched from eggs have no wings and can jump, which is called jumping insects. The flea is similar in shape and living habits to adults, but smaller in size and immature in reproductive organs, so it is also called nymph. If an insect grows up gradually, it will shed its original exoskeleton when it is restricted by the exoskeleton and can no longer grow up. This is called molting. Nymphs molt five times in their lives. From hatching to molting for the first time, the age is 1, and every molting thereafter, the age increases 1. After the 3rd instar, the wing buds are remarkable. Become a flying adult after 5 years old. It can be seen that the individual development process of locusts goes through three stages: egg, nymph and adult. A developmental process like this is called incomplete metamorphosis. When an insect develops from a fertilized egg to an adult, it can produce the whole individual development history of its offspring, which is called the first generation. Locusts can produce two generations of summer locusts and autumn locusts a year in some parts of China, so there are two generations.

This is an egg that has been developed for 19 days; At about 24℃, locust eggs can hatch in about 2 1 day. The hatched nymph crawls out of the soil. At this time, its appearance is very similar to that of adults, except that it has no wings and its body color is lighter. Larvae looks more like adults in the first year or two, but the head is out of proportion to the body. Winged buds grow at the third age, which is obvious at the fourth age. When the nymph is five years old, it will climb to the plant and hang for a while, and then the adult will come out.

Morphology and living habits: both adults and larvae of locusts can chew the stems and leaves of plants with developed chewing mouthparts.

Locusts are good at flying and jumping, and a pair of tentacles in the head are organs that combine smell and touch. Its chewing mouthparts have a pair of developed jaws with teeth, which can bite off the stems and leaves of plants. Its hind foot is very strong, and it mainly depends on it when jumping. When locusts fly, their hind wings play a major role, and when they rest, their front wings cover their rear wings for protection. Female insects have a strong "ovipositor" at the end of the abdomen, which can be inserted into the soil to lay eggs. Grasshopper spawning sites are mostly wet river banks, lakes, foothills and ridges. Every 30 to 60 eggs are grouped together. Immature locusts hatched from eggs are called "locusts" and need to molt five times to develop into adults. A large number of eggs can be hatched after the rain clears. Locusts also have amazing flying ability, which can fly continuously 1~3 days. When locusts fly by, the sound of swarms of locusts flapping their wings is amazing, just like a storm roaring in the ocean.


Adult hind limbs and legs have a series of mastoid processes equivalent to elastic devices, and the base of radial veins of anterior wings has thick veins equivalent to chordal devices. When they rub, the vibrating area of the vibrating wings can make sound, which is their sounder. The auditory organs of locusts are also very special, located on the side of the first abdominal segment.

Grasshoppers are commonly known as "grasshoppers" and Taiwan Province people call them "grasshoppers". Their life history is egg → nymph (larva) → adult, which belongs to incomplete metamorphosis. Chewing mouthparts are herbivorous insects. Most of them are not picky eaters. In weeds, they can often be seen eating the leaves of Gramineae plants. Its tentacles are not as long as those of the owl, and it is a short whip, but its hind legs are strong and it can avoid natural enemies by bouncing. Sometimes you can see wedding photos of two locusts.