Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The sedan chair diversity plot of Qingtian Yamen 2, who has it! ! ! Help! ! ! !

The sedan chair diversity plot of Qingtian Yamen 2, who has it! ! ! Help! ! ! !

The first episode of sedan chair man

Prince Rui's palace is busy marrying Langege, the daughter of King Lori. King Rui looked at Xiuer, the Weaver Girl, as if Luo Qin, his favorite lover, couldn't help being flustered and deliberately wanted to take Xiuer as his concubine. Fujin saw the clue, so he asked the housekeeper to find a remote Orion and wanted to marry Xiuer and Gege on the same day, so the prince would die.

Lan Gege was married by the Queen Mother to Muzzi, the general of Zhenguo. On the wedding day, the palace was decorated with lanterns, and Bao's moral representative greeted him at the main entrance. Langege put on her wedding clothes and drank ginseng soup from Qin Luo. She was greeted by a big sedan chair. At the back door of Wang Fu, Xiao Ye, who is also a weaver, is like Xiuer's sister. She made a wedding dress exactly like Gege and put it on Xiuer, and sent Xiuer to the wedding car with tears in her eyes. Shang Ye, manager of Wang Fu, personally looked at the car that sent Sa.

Bao Daode took the princess sedan chair to the general's office. Halfway, Lan Gege suddenly had a stomachache and called for convenience. The wedding procession stopped at the ruined temple on the side of the road, let Lan Gege get off the bus and walked to the back of the temple. Jie Bao and his party waited in front of the temple. When the scattered sedan chair passed through the ruined temple, the hidden weapon broke the buckle of the sedan chair and the sedan chair was scattered! The sedan chair carrier stopped in front of the small temple for repair, but Baode rushed to the back of the temple. When Xiuer got off the sedan chair to have a rest, Lan Gege and Xiuer were stunned by Qin Luo's mysterious medicine, and the bride was changed. Xiuer was put on a sedan chair by morality and went to the general's office. Langege was carried to the foot of the Western Hills by a small sedan chair.

Muzzi, the general of the town, made great contributions to the Qing Dynasty and was also a favorite of Kangxi. But he is reluctant to marry the queen mother and marry Langege. When he got married, he was still playing chess with Tan Zhenying in the General's Office. He is still thinking about the girl who saved him when he was seriously injured a few years ago. Although he doesn't even know his last name, he has been thinking about it for years. Muzzi couldn't help but be moved by Qu Jifei's gift "If I Come in person" to Kangxi! Although Muqi Aman is not satisfied with the bride-Lanjige, he doesn't know that Sa has been switched, which is the girl he misses very much.

At this time, Lan Gege was carried to the home of Orion Fan Badao. Lan Gege found that he was going to marry a general, and how could he run to the home of Orion in the mountain village! Lan Gege lost his temper, which greatly annoyed Fan Badao and killed Lan Gege by mistake in a rage. When the Fanns saw the human life, they were frightened and carried Gege into the mountains to dig a hole and bury it. The fann brothers picked up the pieces of the safflower bottle snatched from the bearers and accidentally broke it. They decided to bury him with Gege.

On the other hand, I was a little drunk and wanted to go to a restaurant to drink, but I was persuaded by Tan Zhenying and Bao Morality. Muzzi couldn't help but sigh for Ayue! I missed for three years and searched for three years, but I couldn't find the girl who missed me day and night. Everyone is helpless.

Muzzi o back to the bridal chamber, saw the bride has fallen asleep by the bed. Muzzi looked at Sa's sleeping face and suddenly remembered Sa's rescue by the river. He can't help wondering why Gege looks so much like the person he misses. When Lisa woke up, he was also surprised to find that the husband in front of him was so much like the one he missed so much. But none of them said anything, and each slept with his own secret.

Fan's four brothers dug a big hole in the mountain and buried Ranjige in a hurry. After four people left, there was movement in the pit where Langege was buried. Wrapped in straw mats, Langege groaned in pain and struggled desperately.

Fan Brothers just ran not far, when Fan's broadsword suddenly stopped, thinking that Lan Gege was not buried deeply and would be taken away by wolves, so several brothers ran back to the pit where he was buried. In the moonlight, a hand slowly stretched out from the straw mat, eerie. Fan badao shouted that there was a ghost, and all the brothers were scared out of their wits and ran away, rolling and crawling. Lan Gege climbed out of the pit, only knowing the pain, but forgetting who he was!

The day after the wedding, Muzzi woke up and saw Sa sitting in front of the mirror. The more she looks, the more she looks like a person who misses her day and night. Even her back looks like that. Why does Gege in Wang Fu look like her? Is it really the same person? Muzzi was puzzled. Looking at these luxurious clothes and gorgeous rooms, Sa also thinks that an Orion can be so rich and live such a rich life.

Sedan chair man episode 2

Fan Badao came home, thinking about the horror and fear of killing Gege. He told his brother that he wanted to hide in the mountains, packed his bags and left. The broadsword went into the forest and was frightened by the long-haired blue space space. Eight knives decided to follow Lange.

Bao Daode came to see the general and Xiuer early in the morning. At this moment, Cai Xiang, the dowry steward who married Gege, came in and recognized Sa. Until then, everyone discovered that Gege was not the one who married the general. Cai Xiang hurried back to Wang Fu to tell her.

Muzzi realized the seriousness of the matter and called Tan Zhenying to discuss with them how to find Gege.

After listening to the words of Sexiang, Fujin, with the housekeeper Shangye, hurried to the general office to see Lan Zhi Pavilion. Muzzi told her that Gege was not in the office. Fujin was very angry and asked Grandpa to look for him, but Muzzi and Jifei stopped him. Fujin was angry when he saw Sa. But he thought that Xiuer had hurt Gege, so he married into the general's office and beat Xiuer with his hand. Muzzi was angry and stopped him, so he also angered Fujin and threatened to talk to the general. Under Tan Zhenying's persuasion, Fujin left, fearing that the sovereign and Fujin would not let themselves go.

Tan Zhenying learned from Sa that on the day of Gege's wedding, she stopped at the ruined temple to discuss with her, in order to find Lan Zhi Pavilion as soon as possible, and then everything was clear. At this point, Qu Jifei also saw that Lisa was very much like the girl who saved the general a few years ago.

The fann brothers are cleaning up the blood left by Ranjige in the yard. Bao Daode rushed into the yard with a group of chief officers. Fan Daodao told Bao Morality that Gege ran away that day and went to the back hill. Fan Daodao saw Bao Daode and his gang running towards the back hill. Fan Daodao thought that the death was really a space space, and he was afraid, so he hurried to find all his brothers to flee.

Sa and seeing Qu Jifei's thoughtful examination, he understood that the other person is the one who misses him every day. Muzzi took out the silk scarf used to dress the wound, and they couldn't help but burst into tears and hugged each other tightly.

Bao Daode came back from Xishan and told Tan Zhenying that Gege had escaped, and Fan Badao had escaped, and no clue was found.

Fan badao followed Gege. He wants to see if Ranjige is a man or a ghost. Fan Badao found that Langege was not dead, but was beaten into an idiot by himself and remembered nothing.

A Mu Qi and Sa are telling each other their thoughts in the past three years. Now the three of them are married into the general's office by mistake, and the lovers meet again. Ah, Muzzi decided not to let anyone break them up.

Tan Zhenying thought hard about how Gege and Sa could switch. He decided to start with porters. That is, Bao dehuai was sent to Rui's office to inform the family that he would appear in court to hear the lawsuit. Bao Daode came to Switzerland, and Fujin was tortured. When Bao Daode came, he took it all out on Bao Daode, because it was Bao Daode who lost Gege on the way to the wedding. Fujin hates Bao's morality. Bao Morality tried his best to get King Rui to allow relevant servants to appear in court to assist in the investigation.

The third episode of sedan chair man

Ji Fei took Xiuer's wedding dress and used it as evidence in the next day's trial.

Tan Zhenying pondered over the flaw in the case. He asked Xiao Yu and Ji Fei to go to the mountains overnight to catch Fan Ba Dao. At this time, Lan Gege and Fan Badao, who have lost their memories, live in harmony as friends in the mountains.

The next day, during the trial, Prince Rui and Fujin asked Tan Zhenying to treat Xiuer. Tan Zhenying was prepared, examined Bao's moral character and checked it out. Because the vase of red flowers is an important evidence to decide whether Lan Zhi Pavilion really married into the general's office, Ethan confirmed that the bride he carried into the Western Hills Fan family had a vase of red flowers, which proved that Lan Zhi Pavilion was carried to the Fan family, so the report Fujin had to ask Tan Zhenying to check it down. The dowry girl in Lan Zhi Pavilion found blood when looking at Xiuer's wedding clothes. She thought that Lan Zhi Pavilion was killed, but the report Fujin was surprised and angry, and decided that Xiuer had harmed Lan Zhi Pavilion. When Fujin looked at Xiuer and Muqi, he was even more angry. He stretched out his hand and hit Sa, and Muzzi protected Sa. He thought that Lisa had married into the general's house, that is, the general's wife, and he would protect his beloved with his head. The monarch Fujin was helpless and left with an angry Wang Fu family, and threatened to sue A Mu for disobeying the emperor.

Shun Tianfu, Tan Zhenying and Mu Qi all think that the most likely place to exchange two brides is in that ruined temple. Tan Zhenying and Bao Morality went back to the ruined temple to look for evidence, but Zhenying was stunned by the tiles that fell from the temple for no reason.

Xiaoyu and Ji Fei didn't find Fan Badao in the forest, but they caught several other brothers of the Fan family. Xiaoyu returned to Shuntianfu just to see Tan Zhenying and Bao Morality limping back.

Tan Zhenying thought that the Fan family must have a clue, so he decided to go to Fan Ba Taoist School in person to see if he could find any evidence.

At this time, Prince Rui and Meng Ye, with a large number of ranks, rushed to the general's office and took the royal gold medal given by the emperor to catch Sa. The royal gold medal was split in half by A Mu's singular sword. Shang Ye wounded two guards of Muzzi and was about to go to war with Muzzi, but was stopped by King Rui, because Muzzi's sword was engraved with the words "If I come in person", King Rui had to give up.

Fan Ba Taoist, Tan Zhenying found the fragments of Lan Gege's red vase, and it is certain that Lan Gege has indeed been to the Fan family. Tan Gong was worried and suspected that Gege had been killed.

Fujin saw that Prince Rui came back from the general's office angrily. After hearing the whole story, he wanted to go to the Queen Mother with a broken gold medal, but he was persuaded by the Prince. Tan Zhenying sent Bao Morality to invite Wang Ye Fujin to Shuntianfu to seriously interrogate the suspect, claiming that he had found the whereabouts of Lan Gege.

Report Fujin came to Shuntianfu. Tan Zhenying is torturing the Fann brothers. Fan Avenue said that Lan Gege had been "killed" by eight knives in the Fan family. Fujin fainted on the spot, and the prince was heartbroken and unstable.

Sedan chair episode 4

In order to catch Fan Badao as soon as possible, Shuntianfu sent an official to live in Fan's house, but Fan Badao, who wanted to go home and see him, found that his head was worth 2200 gold, and turned around in fear and ran away.

In the forest, Fan Avenue took Tan Zhenying and Ye and others to the place where Lan Gege was buried at that time, and dug a hole, but there was no body of Lan Gege. At this time, Fujin, who was resting outside the Woods, happened to see Langege. Gege, who has amnesia, does not know Fujin. When he saw Fujin running towards him, he turned and ran towards the Woods. Fan Badao and Gege hid, but they didn't find it. Wang Rui was in a heavy heart, and Tan Zhenying looked at the forest, lost in thought.

Baode came to the general's office to report the situation of Xishan forest. A Mu Qi and Sa heard that Langgege had not been found, and their mood was very heavy.

Tan Zhenying believes that to solve the case, we must first find Lan Gege, live to see people, and die to see the body. The ruined temple is an important scene, so I decided to take Xiaoyu to see it again. Tan Zhenying found a powder in two places where Lan Gege and Xiu Er stayed at that time, which will be a major clue to solve the case.

Fujin asked Grandpa to find a way to take Xiuer back to the palace. Shang Ye sneaked into the general's office, killed a bodyguard and wounded Xiao Ye. When he was about to rob the catwalk, Ji Fei and Xiao Yu, who came to see Sa, met him. Together, they repelled Ueno.

After this incident, Tan Zhenying decided to leave Xiaoyu with Xiuer and have a care. Jifei also stayed in the General's Office to prevent Xiuer from being attacked again.

Tan Zhenying advised Muzzi to take the initiative to ease the relationship with Wang Rui's two families, so as not to get into trouble with the queen mother and the emperor and fall into the crime of deceiving the monarch. Muzzi knew that to ease the relationship between the two families, he could only give up Ah Sa, and he flatly refused.

Fujin's pain of "losing her daughter" kept her awake at night, so she decided to find A Mu Qi and Xiuer to avenge her daughter's death. She went to the "Cining Palace" and told the Queen Mother how A Mu Qihe Xiuer was dissatisfied with the emperor's marriage, how to cut off the gold medal, how to ignore the emperor and the Queen Mother, and their attempts to resist. The Queen Mother knew that Muzzi was the emperor's right-hand man and was not easy to be punished, so she had to let King Rui put Muqi in Zongren House first, and then do interrogation.

King Rui lied to Muzzi. Shun Tianfu, Tan Zhenying and others discussed how to save Muzzi. Ji Fei decided to go to the Commissioner's Office and asked him to report back to the emperor. Only the emperor can save Muzzi. At the same time, Shuntianfu stepped up the search for the whereabouts of Langege, and invited the Jianghu hero Mo to protect Xiuer from being caught.

Sedan chair man episode 5

Tan Zhenying personally took Sa to Wang Fu. Fujin was particularly jealous when he met Xiuer. He wants his guards to catch Xiuer. Tan Zhenying has something to say, Fujin is afraid of taking Xiuer as a concubine, and privately teaches the embroidery project manager in Beijing how to arrange marriage, and how to arrange to get married with Xiuer on the same day in Lan Zhi Pavilion. Fujin set this trap, in order to make the prince lose heart and make Sa disappear in Wang Fu. Unexpectedly, Lan Zhi Pavilion also left. After listening to Tan Zhenying's seemingly reasonable analysis, Fujin also felt that he had hurt his daughter and fainted in grief and indignation. In fact, Tan Zhenying wanted to use this method to win time to save General Muzzi.

Tan Zhenying invited Mo to a night outing, found a long-term worker to raise Xiuer, and learned about Xiuer's life experience. It turns out that Fujin's hatred for Xiuer comes from Xiuer's mother Qin Luo. At this time, Xiaoyu found a piece of cloth in the mountains. Zhenying decided that Lan Gege might still be in the mountains, so he sent Xiaoyu to continue searching for Lan Gege's whereabouts in the mountains.

Wang Fu's manager took Lisa, and Fujin threatened Muzzi with Lisa's silk scarf. If he wants to save Lisa, he must admit his disobedience and kill Lange. Muzzi was devastated.

Zong Renfu and Muzzi took all the charges alone in order to save Xiuer. When the executioner was about to be executed, Abe led the Eight Banners imperial army to rescue him, and Ah watched Sa captured by Fujin on the archway opposite the execution ground. Muzzi broke the chain, repelled the Mang Yi Tu, took the sword, and was about to commit suicide when Jifei arrived and shot down the sword in his hand. King Rui stirred up Ji Fei in a rage, and Kangxi arrived later. Seeing that his beloved minister had fallen to such a state, Kangxi angered King Rui. But Muzzi looked at Caesar who was forced by Fujin with a dagger and still insisted on the emperor's death. The emperor was surprised. At this point, don't go to the archway to save Sa.

On the roof, Mo was driven by Shang Ye, and a white shadow joined the fray to help Mo deal with Shang Ye. Tan Zhen couldn't help zheng. Ji Fei joined the fray, and Bai Ying drifted away. Fujin looked at A Mu Qi and Sa with fierce resentment in his eyes and turned away.

Back in the palace, Kangxi was very angry when he learned that King Rui and Fujin had used Xiuer as hostages to force Muzzi to death. Hearing that Lan Zhi Pavilion was missing, Kangxi thought it was a beautiful marriage, but it turned into a white blade, and he could not help sighing.

Kangxi paid his respects to Empress Dowager Cixi, while Wang Rui Fujin was complaining to Empress Dowager Cixi. He was still talking about the mercenary rebellion in Muzzi, which was condemned by Kangxi. The empress dowager understood the emperor's intention, but insisted on dealing with Xiuer strictly, but Kangxi was helpless.

Mo Yunfei told Zhen Xuan that the man in white who helped in the archway that day was a woman, and Tan Zhenying was thoughtful. At this time, the emperor's words came from Ji Fei, and the queen mother was determined to cure Sa's sin and let everyone find a way. Tan Zhenying decided to let Sa use risks to draw out Qin Luo, a white man.

Sedan chair man episode 6

It turns out that Qin Luo is Xiuer's biological mother.

Twenty years ago, Qin Luo was Rebecca's handmaid. Later, Rebecca took a fancy to Qin Luo and took her as a concubine. Rebecca loves Qin Luo very much, and they have deep feelings. Finally, they got pregnant. Rebecca still lives in Qin Luo's room every day. Fujin was jealous and resentful of Qin Luo, but he was helpless.

When Qin Luo was pregnant and about to give birth, Ribelle was ordered to lead an army into Myanmar. As soon as Label left, Fujin wanted to kill Qin Luo, and Qin Luo fled outside the city. Qin Luo gave birth to Xiaoxiu 'er in a cabin by the river outside the city, and entrusted Liu Si in Wang Fu to adopt her. Liu Si concealed Sa's life experience and adopted her in Rui Wang Fu. In the ruined temple, Qin Luo was injured by Shang Yang who thought Qin Luo was dead. Qin Luo was dying, and he was rescued by the martial arts expert Shenni Tianshan and brought to Tianshan Mountain.

Qin Luo went down the mountain in the 16th year of martial arts, and at the riverside hut, he saw Sa treating Muzzi. Qin Luo saw at a glance that Sa was his own daughter, so he visited Rui many times in the evening. Seeing that Fujin has gone too far, he has won the reputation of "golden lily" and wants to marry Xiuer to an Orion's home. Qin Luo knew that A Mu Qi and Sa were lovesick, so on the day he married Lan Gege, he skillfully changed his bride in the ruined temple until Tan Zhenying tricked Qin Luo into appearing.

After hearing the story of Qin Luo, they were very moved. Now, Tan Zhenying wants to put on another play in order to save Xiuer. He wants Xiuer to put Gege's identity right first, so that Fujin can't hide the sky and the emperor can help. So Tan Zhenying decides to let Bao Morality go to Switzerland again.

Bao Morality went to Rui Wangfu and told Tan Zhenying, king of Rui, to find Qin Luo. The next day, Lord Yori met alone in the ruined temple. King Rui came to the ruined temple, and Fujin secretly followed. Tan Zhenying tricked Fujin into appearing, forcing Fujin to personally admit the fact of murdering Qin Luo in front of Rui Wang. It turns out that the Swiss king has been thinking about Qin Luo. When the Swiss king saw this, he was furious and hated Fujin. Fujin left angrily. After Fujin left, Qin Luo appeared, and Wang Rui was surprised to find that Qin Luo was not dead. Xiuer and Wang Rui also know each other. Qin Luo told Wang Rui the whole process of changing brides, and the family told the story of lovesickness. However, Qin Luo has converted to Buddhism, but after the final fate, he will eventually leave. Wang Ye and Sa don't want to see Qin Luo leave. Wang Ruixiu's mother and daughter have infinite guilt.

Tan Zhenying sent Xiaoyu to continue searching for the whereabouts of Fan Badao and Lan Gege. After returning to the house, Wang Rui wanted to make up a big gift for Xiuer and capture Shang Ye, but Fujin stopped him. Angered by Wang Rui, he told Fujin and Xiuer the fact that their father and daughter knew each other, which made Fujin's resentment against Xiuer deeper.

Fujin bribed Master Shang to leave Muzzi with $222,000, and took Sa with him. Muzzi found King Rui and sent people to look around. In the street, Ji Fei found Shang Ye, and A Mu Qi heard the sound. The two men attacked him, and Shang Ye was stabbed to death by Muzzi.

In the mountains, Xiaoyu and Mo also found Lan Gege and Fan Badao, who had amnesia.

Xiuer was swept to the "inner weaving bureau" by Fujin. Fujin tried to show off his son with his hand, but the dagger accidentally stabbed himself. Xiaoyu flew to the "Internal Manufacturing Bureau" with Lan Gege and Fan Ba Dao. Langege has begun to recover her memory. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Fujin lying on the ground covered in blood. Fujin saw Langege come back safely, and died without caring. She finally let go of her resentment when she died.

Kangxi gave Xiuer the title of "Fu Democracy" and married the town general. Their marriage was finally recognized by the emperor and everyone. On the other hand, Lan Gege was used to hunting and went into the mountains again to look for Fan Ba Dao.