Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Can you recommend some extracurricular books for computer graduate students?

Can you recommend some extracurricular books for computer graduate students?

Psychic Chip: The Simple Principle of Computer Operation (USA) By Daniel Hills, which explains the structure and principle of computer in a simple way.

2. "Engine of Logic" Author: (America) Martin Davis, starting from the dream of Caibnitz in the17th century, tells the logic principle behind the computer and the story of its protagonist.

3. "Programming Beads" written by Bentley (beauty), seemingly simple things can also excavate pearl-like brilliance.

4. Introduction to Computer Science by J. Glemn Brookshire (USA), a good english introduction book on computer guidance.

5. "Unix Programming Art" Author: Eric s.Raymond explains the principles and methods of software design, which is of great reference value, but it needs some skills to understand.

I hope it works for you. . . .