Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Can you believe the prophecy of tarot cards?

Can you believe the prophecy of tarot cards?

I think the prediction of tarot cards is accurate. I think it is the earliest tarot card preserved according to your choice. It is 17 Grand Akana currently collected in the National Library of Paris, France. It is said that it was made by the painter Gringonneur for French King charles vi in 1392, and it is also said that it is a card of Venice in15th century. In addition, 1397, French law prohibits workers from playing cards, except holidays. I believe this is also related to tarot cards. In a word, the earliest document about tarot cards that can be verified at present is about14th century. In medieval Europe, tarot cards were banned by the church as heresy. Many churches forbid their members to touch tarot cards, and tarot cards are constantly vilified and burned, so that many people still think that tarot cards have "evil power" and can "surrender" in the name of Christ. It's really ironic. Under this religious persecution, tarot cards went underground and were preserved by some secret sects regarded as heresies, so as to teach people the way to spirituality and wisdom. After 18 and 19 century's research and popularization, tarot cards appeared in front of the world with a brand-new look. /kloc-At the end of the 9th century, Pappus, a follower of Levi, greatly improved the theory and system of tarot cards. He applied Kabarami's teaching to the interpretation of tarot cards, and found out the relationship between tarot cards and the corresponding magic rituals. Pappas' s masterpiece "The Bohemian Tarot Card" is the first complete tarot card book, in which the word $ Numberlogy is added, which enriches the connotation of the tarot card. Pappas is therefore regarded as the founder of modern European tarot theory and system. 1888, a witchcraft association "The Order of Hermites at Golden Dawn" was established in London, which inherited the mysterious school "Ross Cross" in the Middle Ages. They once again combined Tarot cards, astrology, Kabbalah tantra and alchemy to make the theoretical system of Tarot cards more complete. 189 1 year, A.E. Waite joined "Golden Dawn", 19 10 year, and she published the Ryder-Waite Rytarot brand together with Ms. Smith. In addition, Waite wrote a book to explain this deck of cards, which quickly became the biggest card in the world. It is also recognized as the "international standard edition" by most tarot researchers as a "textbook" for learning tarot cards. Now this deck of cards is wrapped in yellow paper, and you can see it everywhere who sells tarot cards. Historical chronology of the evolution of tarot cards (brief table) In A.D. 1329, the German church regarded tarot cards as a game (legend). 1332 is the earliest time when tarot cards were recorded. Spanish King alfons 1 1 issued a statement against tarot cards. In A.D. 1377, monk John wrote, "There are some games called solitaire that attract our attention. In this game, the situation of the world appears before our eyes ... "This is Johann's description of 52 (or more) * * * cards in four colors. In A.D. 1392, French King charles vi kept a deck of cards similar to Tarot cards without numbers (this statement was later refuted). In A.D. 1397, Prévot de Paris announced that civilians were forbidden to play card games, tennis and all ball games (except holidays). In A.D. 14 15, the Roman Catholic Church publicly banned card games, claiming that card games were the devil's tools and that card games were the devil's designs and the devil's Bible. Even so, there are still a few cards left, such as the Wisconsin Tarot Card 14 15- 1450, which is one of the best preserved and oldest cards (some people say it is 1422). In 1450, it is generally believed that tarot cards originated from Italian cards in14th century, and "tarocchi" means trump card or victory. "tarocchi" was once used in a card game called "tarok", but it is still preserved in some other places (such as Italy) and is not necessarily used for divination. This card game is very common in the royal family of Italy, and sometimes even the king entrusts artists to draw quite beautiful cards, so some early cards have been preserved. When Tarot cards were later introduced to France, the name "tarocchi" was changed to "tarotiers" according to different French cultures. Tarot cards were first mentioned in detail in a sermon in A.D. 1460. This sermon was held in Italy between 1450- 1470 by a monk of St. Francis to discuss whether the name and content of tarot cards were really created by the devil. He condemned the people who used these cards, calling him the devil's victory. According to him, the devil will get the soul of the person who plays these cards. In A.D. 1480 and in the second half of the 5th century, it was decided to standardize tarot cards in Marseille, France. Before normalization, cardholders can put forward what they want to put in the trump card, or what they want to replace or as a hint. Some controversial cards: Death, Demon and Tarot were severely criticized by conservatives, which is why many religious leaders later banned Tarot cards. In A.D. 1770, the first person who publicly used tarot cards for divination was Jean-Baptiste Aleith, whose other well-known name was "Etela". He was also the first person to announce the meaning of 32 divination cards. In his article, only some traditional cards are mentioned. Later, Etteilla also published some articles about tarot cards. We are not surprised that he regards tarot cards as Egyptian esoteric knowledge like Degebeling, because he also hopes that tarot cards can be popularized among the general public. In A.D. 178 1, Antoine Cote de Gobelin set off a new wave of tarot cards. This time, tarot cards are mainly used for divination. He believed that tarot cards originated in Egypt, and that the mysterious knowledge in tarot cards was purposefully transcribed into a symbolic card, so he established the theory that tarot cards were the wisdom and magic left by Thoth God in Egypt, and tarot cards gradually rose from this time and were drawn by some secret societies. Saida Stone was discovered in A.D. 1799 (an important clue to explain ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics), but it did not prove that Tarot cards originated from ancient Egyptian intelligence, but there are still many believers and there is an increasing trend. In AD 1856, a famous mystic Eliphas Lévi discovered the connection between Tarot and Kabbalah (a mysterious system of Judaism), which inspired a new theory of the origin of Tarot in Israel, and its wisdom came from the tree of life. This new theory integrates 78 cards and becomes another key to mysticism. However, there is still no clear evidence for this theory. Even so, it has achieved an important significance-it started the study of Tarot semiotics, and made the later mystical societies realize the importance of Tarot in mysticism and think that Tarot is a great wisdom that exists outside time. In A.D. 1857, "Gypsies" who claimed to be descendants of Egyptians wandered in Europe, and at the same time, they officially brought tarot cards to all parts of Europe, opening a new era of tarot cards. In some documents and castles found in Europe, there are the following records about tarot cards: 1 13801on October 26th, Nicolas Salmona of Barcelona mentioned the word "playing cards" in his letter, which may be related to tarot cards. 2. 1382, the Barcelona municipal government issued a decree prohibiting several kinds of gambling, including "playing cards", which may also be related to tarot cards. 3. 1400, an Italian mural depicts a prince named "Fibia" standing at the table playing tarot cards. Some experts believe that this prince from Pisa is the founder of Tarot. 4. A mural (created from about 14 15 to 1450) was found in the castle of Isolne, Italy. The picture shows eight soldiers and two women in an inn. The soldiers' weapons hung on the shelves on the wall. Four soldiers on the left are playing chess, two soldiers on the right are fighting with a woman, and two soldiers in the middle are playing tarot cards with a woman. 5. In Milan, Italy, I found a wall day (created from 1400 to 1450). In the picture, a man and four women are sitting at a table in the garden, playing with tarot spleen, dressed luxuriously and looking very focused. The man is dealing cards, while the other four women are looking at them. 6. 14501February 1 1 day, Francesco, Duke of Milan, wrote a letter to Antonio Trecho, Chief Financial Officer, informing the other party to send him two sets of tarot cards. In the second letter of that year1February 15, Francesco mentioned that he was very happy to receive these two sets of tarot cards and asked the other party to send him another set. 759 sets of tarot cards were found in Shifora Castle in Italy. According to the badges printed on the cards, they belonged to the Shifora royal family in 1499. Eight, Italian writer Merlini Cocai mentioned tarot cards for divination for the first time in his book 1527, and it was also the first time that 22 main cards appeared in all records. 13rd century did not reach the middle of16th century, which coincided with the Italian Renaissance and respected the culture and art of Greece and Rome. At that time, Milan was ruled by two dynasties, Visconti and sforza. At present, there are 27 1 tarot cards, divided into 15 different patterns, which were found to be left by these two dynasties because the badges represented by these two dynasties can be found on the cards. 13, 14 th century, Milan, with a population of about 2 1 10,000, is the trade center of Europe and the only place from Alps and Venice to Guinea. The city is rich in land, developed in agriculture and prosperous in commerce, and is famous for making exquisite armor. At that time, the society was divided into many royal families, nobles, businessmen, workers and peasants, and most people depended on the nobles for protection. Because the nobles who supported the Pope and the Roman emperor did not give way to each other, they often clashed with each other and often fought. Moreover, there are often alliances between nobles, but they are often broken because of the change of power. 1276, the visconti family who supported the Roman emperor henry vii defeated the Delatory family who supported Pope Pope John XXII and began to rule Milan. From 1277 to 1447, the last heir, Duke Philip Maria, married his daughter to Duke Shifora because he had no son, so the Shifora family ruled Milan from 1450 until 1535. It is said that tarot cards are an entertainment game for nobles. On the other hand, tarot cards are also used for divination.