Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Believe it or not? _ And I believe.

Believe it or not? _ And I believe.

The 42-year-old gangster Zhou obviously didn't have a chance to know his "destiny" again, but it seems that someone has seen through everything. On August 1 1, a predictor of Zhouyi named "Yangzhou Chen Ping 24" posted in "Tianya Community-Chongqing", claiming that Zhou, the murderer of robbery and murder, was divined to be killed before 7: 00 on August 14.

The fact that Zhou was killed at 6: 50 on August 14 proves that this divination is extremely accurate. At present, the number of clicks on this post has soared to more than 2 million, which has attracted everyone to worship: "I believe!"

Nowadays, going out to see the auspicious day of the zodiac, building a house, choosing a "land of geomantic omen", making friends and looking up "constellations", and going to "tarot cards for divination or seeing faces" when something goes wrong have become the normal life of some people.

Some netizens believe that this is because modern urbanites have lived in a complicated and changeable social environment for a long time and need to seek a spiritual sustenance. These forms have undoubtedly become carriers to help people gain a sense of psychological security.

As Hillary Phang, the head of Xintiandi Group, said in an interview with Xinmin Weekly, most of his clients came to him for help when their lives were blind or needed to be changed. The essential difference between him and "fortune teller" is that fortune teller gives people "fatalism"; What he and his team bring to people is that "fate is in our own hands".

Perhaps, trying to change fate is the reason why people try to seek help in these "mysterious disciplines".

spiritual sustenance;emotional anchorage

"Although have an appointment, but today is Saturday, there are more people, still have to wait. The tarot master here is super accurate. " Seeing the reporter, Dong Wen (pseudonym) took the initiative to say hello. And at the door of the shop behind her, there are still five or six girls standing.

The Tarot Divination Hall at the mouth of Dong Wen is located on a pony road in Huangpu District. In this small room of less than 10 square meter, there are all kinds of books about tarot cards and tarot cards on the bookshelf on the wall. A rectangular table occupies almost most of the room, and props such as crystal balls and candles are placed on the table. On one side of the table, a girl with short hair looks very capable. She is a "super accurate" tarot teacher in Dong Wen.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Dong Wen sat opposite the tarot player. Facts have proved that Dong Wen has a good job opportunity, but she is also satisfied with her current job. She decided to listen to Tarot because she couldn't decide between the two.

Knowing Dong Wen's purpose, Tarot washed a round of cards first, and then asked her to think about two jobs in her mind while randomly drawing two cards to represent the two jobs at hand. After a brief review, Tarot began to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of these two kinds of work and their future development in Dong Wen. Under Dong Wen's questioning, Tarot asked her to take out two other cards from the card.

After some explanation, Dong Wen stopped frowning and seemed to have an idea. After thanking the tarot cards, Dong Wen paid 80 yuan's divination fee.

Nowadays, discussions about horoscope and tarot divination can be seen everywhere. The content of divination can be said to be "all-encompassing" from personality temperament, love mode, marriage speed matching to workplace advice. At the same time, with the rise of this craze, similar tarot divination huts have gradually become popular on the streets of cities.

Dong Wen told reporters that the price of 80 yuan is still on the high side. "The price here has gone up. When I first came, 60 yuan asked me. In Shanghai, I have been to a place where I asked for 50 yuan. But in the end, I still think this is the most accurate. "

In Dong Wen's view, Tarot divination is very popular among young people, many of whom are well-educated. Perhaps many urbanites lack friends to talk to because of the pressure of work, and they are more willing to throw their problems to strangers for fortune telling and seek a spiritual sustenance through mysterious divination.

At the same time, Dong Wen thinks that Tarot divination is not equal to "fortune telling" in the traditional sense. "First of all, it can only be a specific problem. Those abstract questions like' When do I have a boyfriend' cannot be divined. Secondly, tarot masters only ask the questions you want to ask, and don't ramble to get other information. The results based on card surface analysis are often very close to the facts. In addition, tarot cards may only show what you really think. If you ask the same question after a while, you will have different answers according to the changes in the questioner's environment. "

"When I filled in the college entrance examination, I also calculated whether the tarot card chose A or B. It turns out that Tarot is correct. " Dong Wen said frankly, "I usually count tarot cards when I am most confused, but no matter what the outcome of divination is, I am the one who finally makes up my mind."

Of course, Dong Wen also tried China's more traditional method. At the age of 28, she also went to Wong Tai Sin Temple to seek a visa.

"Listen to friends, where marriage is very spiritual. To be honest, I am afraid that I will become a' leftover woman'. " Dong Wen recalled that it was free to apply for a visa there. If you want to cancel your visa, you must pay a certain fee. "I remember it was not expensive. After paying the money, you will get a number and then go to the booth corresponding to the cancellation center. "

What she didn't expect was that the "master" who cancelled her visa was actually a fellow villager in Shanghai. "At that time, I felt that it was not very reliable, and what she said was quite embarrassing. The so-called signing center seems to be a small commodity market. There are shops on both sides of the path, all signed by Master, selling all kinds of spells. " Dong Wen admits that, with the mentality of "believing in it", in order to solve the dilemma, she still spent more than 300 Hong Kong dollars on the so-called "small merit" after signing the book. "As for the result ..."

Constellations are also a big hit. For example, the horoscope written by susan miller, a famous American astrologer, was translated into Chinese by netizens and reprinted in many Chinese forums. In China, this "American witch" has many supporters.

Regarding "Why constellations are so sought after by the world", Dong Wen summed up the online statement: First, constellations satisfy people's desire to know themselves; Second, for the uncertainty of the future, the constellation can offset the inner anxiety to some extent.

Faith is spirit?

In Hong Kong, Feng Shui has developed into a relatively mature industry. According to incomplete statistics, there are thousands of open Feng Shui firms.

No matter ordinary Hong Kong citizens, wealthy families, small and medium-sized private enterprises or large Chinese and foreign enterprises, they generally have the mentality of "believing in Feng Shui". Home office, feng shui can be seen everywhere.

Just "Do you believe in Feng Shui Lou?" This topic, in the Hong Kong real estate discussion forum, attracted many Hong Kong netizens to expose their experience of living in Fengshui Building. A netizen commented on the forum that, for example, since he lived in a building in Tseung Kwan O District, his family has suddenly become rich, and that area coincides with the "left dragon and right white tiger" mentioned in Fengshui. "There are mountains in the back and the sea in front, which can be called jade waist!"

It is not difficult to find that in recent years, these things, once regarded as "superstitions" and drastically banned, are gradually stepping out of the corners of deep alleys, not only setting up stalls in downtown streets, but even legally renting facades to start businesses. People can ask a famous teacher to change his name aboveboard, or invite Mr. Feng Shui to be a guest at home.

Shanghai's "Mei Ming Pavilion" is a professional naming company, which has been operating for nearly 14 years. On the business license presented to the reporter by Li Jialin, the person in charge of the company, the column of business scope impressively reads "brand naming planning, consultation and service for creative design of font size".

Since 1989 first came into contact with Yi Xue, Li Jialin has done a lot of research on naming and geomantic omen. In his view, when people encounter unsolvable troubles and pains, they often seek some mysterious knowledge to fill their empty hearts. "I came into contact with this business after a storm at home."

According to public reports, Feng Shui companies in the Mainland are mainly concentrated in economically developed places such as Beijing, Shenyang, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and Fujian, and most of them are registered as cultural companies or consulting companies. Its general business mainly consists of three parts: first, naming business, including name naming, name change, brand naming, company naming and so on. Fees range from a few hundred to tens of thousands, generally accounting for about 30% of the business volume; 2. Building geomantic business, including site selection and home furnishings. , the cost of 3000 to 50000, generally accounting for about 30% of the business volume; 3. Metaphysics (painting symbols) and mascots account for about 15%-20% respectively; There are also some businesses, including cooperation with other companies to help enterprises design LOGO.

Li Jialin also said that due to social environment and other factors, the Feng Shui industry is still an "invisible industry" in the Mainland. "But this does not affect its popularity, and it has become more and more open in recent years."

Only through word of mouth, Li Jialin's customers have been involved in all walks of life, including stars, bosses of multinational companies and some Fortune 500 companies. "Of course, due to the relatively high fees, my customers generally have a good economic foundation."

After consulting the information, the reporter found that Dr. Cheng Ping, a researcher at the Comprehensive Teaching and Research Department of the National School of Administration, had done a survey many years ago. More than half of the more than 900 county-level civil servants surveyed believe in Feng Shui.

However, Dong Wen said that there were friends around her who didn't believe them at all. "In their view,' faith is spirit', as Murphy's law tells us, things tend to develop in the direction you think is bad, as long as there is such a possibility. They will say that since everything is possible, there is no doubt about what the result is. " Dong Wen said, "Others think that if fate can be easily changed as numerologists say, how can there be a difference between the poor and the rich? In this case, it is better not to know. "

In this regard, some sociologists believe that the existence of astrology, tarot cards and even geomantic omen as a form of entertainment is not necessarily harmful. But from another perspective, it is more important to establish a healthy outlook on life and values, and not to blindly advocate the "divination trend."