Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to exorcise ghosts?

How to exorcise ghosts?

Witchcraft, witchcraft and making friends with ghosts are not medical or scientific things. It cannot be explained in medical terms, nor can it be studied by scientific methods, because it belongs to the spiritual world and religion. The symptoms of witchcraft, witchcraft and meeting ghosts cannot be explained by reason, because it is beyond reason. No one has ever taken ghosts and gods as the object of scientific experiments. Just as no one has experimented with "history" or "love" as a science. The problem of ghosts and gods can only be discussed with the evidence of their deeds in the world. These deeds are circulated among the people and are clearly recorded in the Bible.

Today is an era of spiritual chaos. We must have the spirit of discrimination, in order to suit the remedy to the case and save people's mental crisis. The Bible mentions that there are three spirits in the world:

First, the spirit of God. Paul said, "No one knows God except the Spirit of God. (before forest 1. 2: 1 1) The spirit of God is the Holy Spirit (Cor. 1. 2: 10; Acts 5:3~9).

Third, the devil's spirit, that is, evil spirits (Ephesians 2: 2; Post forest11:3; 4: 1) in advance. The Bible teaches us the way to distinguish, that is, "all spirits recognize that Jesus Christ came in the flesh and from God, so you can recognize the spirit of God from now on." Whoever does not believe in the spirit of Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist. (1 John 4:2, 3) From then on, we can distinguish the spirit of truth (the Holy Spirit) from the false spirit (the evil spirit).

Witchcraft, witchcraft and making friends with ghosts are all related to evil spirits. Only from the Holy Spirit is Jesus incarnate.

The scope of witchcraft is too wide, so we can't do a comprehensive study. We can only briefly introduce the most basic concepts and contents. Witchcraft, witchcraft and making friends with ghosts are all related to evil spirits and belong to the category of dark forces.

Dr. Chen Runtang said: "Witchcraft is still prevalent all over the world, with different names. China people usually call it witchcraft, magic, witchcraft, or Maoshan. English is magic or witchcraft. Vietnamese call it "head-dropping", and Nanyang Chinese also call it "head-dropping". African aborigines are called "Juju". Black people in Central and South America and the West Indies are called "voodoo". Indonesian is IlmuSihir or Guna-Guna. Different names mean the same thing. 」( 1)

Both black magic and white magic use the power of evil spirits to cast spells. Mafia witchcraft is to seek personal economic benefits, or to retaliate, seize power, seize love or be employed by others to hurt others. White witchcraft is used to cure diseases, scare, protect, defend, beg for water and rain, and seek personal or other interests. A gangster wizard can use magic to make people sick or insane, and another white wizard can make people heal. This is called "controlling evil with evil" and "controlling ghosts with ghosts", which is actually witchcraft. There are many kinds of folk witchcraft, and there are countless tricks. Witchcraft, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, wonders!

Witches in ancient Egypt can work miracles. They can turn sticks into snakes and water into blood, but they are finally defeated by Moses, the prophet of God, with the power of God (Exodus 7-9). There were also many magicians in ancient Babylon, but their wisdom and ability were still limited, and they were finally defeated by Daniel (but1:20; 2:2,27; 4:7,9; 5: 1 1)。

Making friends with ghosts is indeed a very popular thing among the people. Spiritualism is defined as the theory of ghosts and gods, or ghost worship, which can also be translated as "psychic". Dr. Chen Runtang said: "Some people call spiritualism spiritualism, psychics, yin crossing, death, escaping from the tube, ghosts on the upper body, ghosts appearing and so on. The general term of the Bible is "making friends with ghosts", which means that the souls of the dead will be brought back to talk with the living. Necromancy is a common word in English, and seance is another word, which means making friends with ghosts at parties.

Witchcraft to make friends with ghosts is usually closely related to divination, which is usually popular in culturally backward areas, but it is prevalent in some countries with scientific progress and cultural prosperity in recent years, which is one of the doomsday omens. So be vigilant to avoid being confused. Paul said: "The Bible clearly says that in the later days, some people will abandon the truth and listen to the evil spirits and demons that tempt people. This is because liars are all fake, and their conscience is like being branded by hot iron. (4: 1, 2)(2)

Psychics can't come into contact with the dead, usually evil spirits disguise themselves inside; Or the psychic collects information about the dead and deceives each other under the guise of channeling.

The Bible warns us very sternly: "None of you should let your children pass through the fire, nor should there be diviners, diviners, magicians, sorcerers, witches, sorcerers or anomalies. Everyone who does these things is an abomination to the Lord. Because those nations have done these abominations, the Lord your God has driven them out from before you, and you must be perfect before the Lord your God. For all the nations you are going to drive out listen to soothsayers and diviners, but as for you, the Lord your God has never allowed you to do so. (Shen 18: 10~ 14)

Never turn to witchcraft because you are curious or temporarily cure your physical illness, lest you lose (or sell) your soul.