Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Creeping turtle

Creeping turtle

Almost everyone has heard the story of the race between the tortoise and the hare. The tortoise carries a heavy shell and races with the clever white rabbit. Although its speed is not as fast as that of the white rabbit, it won the championship with endurance and won a down-to-earth reputation.

The turtle's hard shell is called tortoise shell, which is the turtle's hiding device. When in danger, the tortoise will retract its head and tail into its shell to protect itself. In ancient China, tortoise shells were also used for divination and prediction of future events, and the results were engraved on tortoise shells. This way of writing is "Oracle Bone Inscriptions". In addition, some people use tortoise shells as coins. The ring pattern on the tortoise shell actually represents the age of the tortoise, and each ring represents one year old.

Tortoise is an oviparous reptile, belonging to the order Tortoise in classification. Turtles live in rivers and lakes on land, sea or fresh water. In terms of habitat, turtles are divided into two categories: turtles and tortoises. They are warm-blooded animals and need sleep. Although turtles have no teeth, their sharp jaws can also cut the tender leaves of fish, shrimp, insects or other plants. Turtles are very long-lived animals, and some of them can live to 100 years old. It can really be called "Grandpa Tortoise"!