Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Are four people carrying the sedan chair of the Buddha, and the sedan chair of the Buddha is written by himself?

Are four people carrying the sedan chair of the Buddha, and the sedan chair of the Buddha is written by himself?

Really. The phenomenon you mentioned is called "Fu Ying".

A chair or sedan chair used by two or more people to help meet, with "Please Immortal" attached to the chair, for divination through magic ceremony.

And the tools used are ordinary chairs and sedan chairs, not Buddha chairs or sedan chairs. Because it is neither like Buddha, nor invented by Buddha, nor used or sat by Buddha.

Buddha represents the highest wisdom. It is the highest realm of practice.

So don't add the word "Buddha" to everything. This will mislead others, make people misunderstand Buddhism, think that Buddhism is an accessory of low-level ghosts and gods, and this will inadvertently create a charge of defamation of Buddhism, which is very serious.