Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The history of Zhuan Xu

The history of Zhuan Xu

The ancient legendary emperor, one of the five emperors in the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, was named Levin.

According to legend, he is a descendant of Changyi, the son of the Yellow Emperor, who lives in Diqiu (now southeast of Puyang, Henan Province) and is named Levin. Zhuan Xu once ordered Nan Zhengguan to be responsible for offering sacrifices to the gods; Li was appointed as an official of the Fire Administration (one is Beizheng), in charge of civil affairs.

Zhuan Xu carried out another important religious reform. When they arrived in Zhuan Xu, the Jiuli people conquered by the Yellow Emperor still believed in witchcraft and worshipped ghosts and gods. Zhuan Xu banned witchcraft and forced them to obey the education of Huangdi clan, which promoted the integration between clans.

Zhuan Xu, surname Ji, number Levin. Legend has it that he lived to the age of 98 and reigned for 78 years. Buried in Guangyangli outside Dunqiu Town, Puyang City, Dong Jun (southwest of Puyang County, Henan Province). After death, she became a "fish girl" who was half human and half fish. When he was young, he visited his uncle's "Shao Hao State" and helped to govern the country when he was 10. He became a leader at the age of 20. At that time, the Jiuli people conquered by the Yellow Emperor still worshipped their witchcraft and ghosts. After Zhuan Xu captured the throne, he ordered the banning of witchcraft and asked Jiuli people to follow the example of Huangdi people. He also attaches importance to personnel management and strives to develop agriculture.

Zhuan Xu belongs to Levin. There are also eight famous clans in Levin's tribe. These eight families are Cang Shu, Dalin, Tingjian, Zhongrong and Shu Da. Among them, Tingzhang always existed, and was worshipped with Hao Tao until the Spring and Autumn Period. According to the ancient tradition of "God does not admire non-ethnic groups, and people do not worship non-ethnic groups", Zhuan Xu also belongs to a branch system of Yi people. Zhuan Xu lived in Wei (now Puyang, Henan), and later moved to Zheng (now Xinzheng, Henan) due to the defeat of Chiyou.

But Zhuan Xu did something unreasonable. There is such a law he made: it is stipulated that women must avoid men on the road; If you don't do this, you will be dragged to the crossroads and beaten. Although this rule is a legend, it shows that during that period in Zhuan Xu, due to the change of production mode, men became the dominant force in the clan, and women's status was lower than that of men. Patriarchal society completely replaced matriarchal society, and the authority of men in society was established.

Contemporary with Zhuan Xu, there was a tribal leader named Gong. Legend has it that he is a red-haired snake and his mount is two dragons.

It is said that Gong surnamed Jiang is a descendant of Emperor Yan. His tribe is in today's northern Henan. He attached great importance to farming, especially water conservancy work, and invented the method of building dikes to store water. At that time, human beings were mainly engaged in agricultural production, and the use of water was very important. * * * Gong is another person who has contributed to the development of agricultural production after Shennong.

* * * The worker has a son named Houtu, who is also very proficient in agriculture. In order to develop agricultural production and do a good job in water conservancy, they inspected the land situation of the tribe together and found that some places were too high and it was very laborious to irrigate the land. Some places are too low to be flooded easily. For these reasons, it is very unfavorable to agricultural production. Therefore, Gong Shi made a plan to transport soil from the high place of the land to cushion the height, thinking that the elevation of the depression can expand the cultivated area and flatten the high place, which is beneficial to the development of water conservancy irrigation and agricultural production.

Zhuan Xu Department disapproves of Gong's practice. Zhuan Xu believes that the highest authority in the tribe is himself, and the whole tribe should only obey his orders, and the Gong family can't make their own decisions. He objected to carrying out his plan on the grounds that it would make heaven angry. As a result, there was a fierce struggle between Zhuan Xu and the Gong family. On the surface, it is a dispute between water and soil, but in fact it is a dispute over tribal leadership.

To say that these two people are stronger, * * * Gong is stronger; As far as wit is concerned, he is inferior to Zhuan Xu. Zhuan Xu used ghosts and gods to incite tribal people, telling them not to believe the Gong family. At that time, people didn't know much about nature and believed in ghosts and gods. Many people have been taken in by Zhuan Xu. They thought that leveling Gong's land would really offend ghosts and gods and cause disaster, so Zhuan Xu won the support of most people.

* * * Gong can't get the understanding and support of the people, but he firmly believes that his plan is correct and resolutely refuses to compromise. For the benefit of people all over the world, he is determined to sacrifice himself and devote his life to his career. He came to Buzhou Mountain (now Kunlun Mountain) and wanted to knock down the peak of Buzhou Mountain to show his strong determination.

* * * Gong drove the dragon into mid-air and slammed into the island. Fog time, a loud noise, I saw that Zhoushan was not suddenly hit by Gong, and suddenly the middle was broken, and the whole mountain boomed and collapsed. Great changes have taken place between heaven and earth. In the sky, the sun, moon and stars have all changed their positions. On earth, mountains and rivers move and rivers change. It turns out that this mountain is a pillar between heaven and earth, and the Tianzhu is broken, which makes the rope tied to the ground collapse, only to see the earth collapse to the southeast. The sky falls to the northwest. Because the sky falls to the northwest, the sun, the moon and the stars rise from the east and land in the west every day; Because the earth collapses to the southeast, all the waters of the great rivers rush eastward and flow into the eastern sea.

* * * Gong's heroic behavior has always been respected by people. After his death, people regarded him as a water god, and his son Hou Di was also regarded as a social god. Later, people vowed that "the sky is above the earth" and talked about him, which shows people's respect for them.

The legend about * * * Gong contending with Zhuan Xu for the throne and bumping into Zhoushan without fighting, has been circulating for more than two thousand years. The myth mentioned above shows that at that time, our ancestors didn't know how to explain various natural phenomena and didn't understand and master the laws of nature, so they were so helpless in the face of nature, so they attributed all kinds of doubts to the existence of God, and natural forces were visualized and personalized. So we created myths and legends, praised the heroes in our minds, and created legends such as Pangu, Nuwa and Huangdi.

As for the legendary Gong, of course, it is not necessarily true. But his fearless spirit of being brave and strong and willing to sacrifice himself to transform mountains and rivers is worthy of our admiration. Although the myths and legends mentioned above are the imagination and artistic processing of later generations, they reflect some aspects of primitive society, which are close to the truth of history to some extent, just like deifying tribal leaders, reflecting that the leaders who used to serve the tribes have become forces above society. The primitive society began to have stage differentiation.

After the political reform, Zhuan Xu carried out an important religious reform. When they arrived in Zhuan Xu, the Jiuli people conquered by the Yellow Emperor still believed in witchcraft and worshipped ghosts and gods. Zhuan Xu banned witchcraft and forced them to obey the education of Huangdi clan, which promoted the integration between clans. He reigned for 78 years and died in his 90s. There are many descendants of Zhuan Xu, and Qu Yuan claimed to be a descendant of Zhuan Xu. Later generations' comments on Zhuan Xu the Great are: quiet and resourceful, sparing the princes, nurturing the land, bearing time like the sky, ruling righteousness by ghosts and gods, ruling qi by enlightenment, and offering sacrifices with sincerity. Because he admired dark black before his death, later generations promoted him to Xuan Di.