Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What does it mean to have centipedes at home?

What does it mean to have centipedes at home?

The centipede at home means that there must be something wrong with the family environment at home.

Centipede is afraid of the sun. It doesn't sleep during the day and comes out at night. It likes to live in a dark, warm, rain-proof and ventilated place. They mainly live in low mountainous areas with little soil and rocks. Although distributed in plain areas, the number is small.

Scolopes likes to live in hilly areas and sandy land. During the day, they often lurk in the cracks of masonry, under the roots of walls, and in the dark corners of piles of leaves, weeds and rotten wood. At night, they come out to feed on caterpillars, spiders and cockroaches.

Centipede is an arthropod. I like to live in damp and dark places. Artificial propagation mostly simulates the natural environment, allowing it to inhabit the gap between rotten wood and rocks and the barren and humid thatched land.