Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Lisao translation

Lisao translation

Give it all to you. ...


I am a descendant of Emperor Levin.

My late great father's name was Bo Yong.

When the prince is in the shade, it is a new moon.

I was born in Geng Yinnian.

My father looked at me and guessed my newborn posture.

Give me a nice name from the beginning.

Call me ordinary,

He also used the word Ling Jun.


I already have a lot of inner beauty,

Plus a beautiful attitude.

Dressed in vanilla ginger and elegant angelica dahurica,

And knitted Qiu Lan into more fragrant clothes.

Time flies, and I can't seem to catch up.

I am always afraid of the passage of time, and I will not wait.

Picking fragrant magnolia flowers on the hillside in the morning,

In the evening, I pick herbs that have not withered in winter.

The sun and the moon keep flying,

Just after spring, autumn will come.

Thought all the flowers and trees would wither,

I'm afraid that kind of beauty will come in old age.

Why don't you get rid of your bad habits while you are young,

Why not change the original political laws?

If you ride a good horse,

Come on, please let me show you the way.


How perfect the virtues of the three ancient kings were,

Many wise ministers gathered around them.

People mixed with peppers and mushrooms,

Is it just to get in touch with excellent wisdom and wisdom?

How aboveboard Yao and Shun are,

Embarked on the right path and embarked on a smooth road to governing the country.

Jay and Zhou are so arrogant and evil,

It is difficult for them to move because they have gone astray.

Those little people who are intrigued for personal gain live in peace,

Make the future of the country dark and dangerous.

Am I afraid of disaster myself?

I'm afraid the king's car can't afford to roll over!

I ran around dealing with it,

Follow in the footsteps of the former king.

The king didn't notice my fiery heart,

Instead, he listened to gossip and lost his temper with me.

I know it will bring disaster,

I want to be patient but I can't control it.

I point to heaven and let it testify for me,

I did all this for the king.

The wedding date was supposed to be dusk.

I didn't expect to change my mind halfway.

He agreed with me from the beginning,

Later, I regretted it and had other ideas.

It's not serious to break up and leave me,

Sadly, the king's behavior is both dissolute and capricious.


I planted many acres of Chunlan.

Many acres of grass were planted.

Split ridge farming, leaving a foreign land to uncover the car,

Also interplanting with Du Heng and Cao Zhi.

I hope they are thriving,

I hope I can have a rich harvest.

There is no need to be sad when their branches and leaves fall.

Sadly, so many herbs have degenerated into evil weeds.


The villain is greedy for power and profit.

Full pockets and insatiable greed.

Forgive yourself but doubt others.

Full of curiosity and jealousy

Pursuing power and wealth,

This is not something I long for.

Old age is coming slowly,

What I am afraid of is that my good reputation has not been established.

I suck the dew of magnolia in the morning,

In the evening, I ate the petals of autumn chrysanthemum.

As long as my sentiment is really beautiful and single-minded

Even if you are hungry and haggard for a long time, why lament?

Tying the root plants of the fragrant wood and the angelica dahurica together,

Tie Betty's heart into a string.

Pick up the mushroom laurel and weave absinthe.

Rub a long beard flower rope and hang it below.

I imitate the sages of the previous generation,

Don't be a secular person's secular dress.

This is not what people want today,

I am willing to follow the rules left by Peng Xian.


Sigh deeply, dry your tears,

I am sad that my life is so hard.

Just because I love virtue and restrain myself with virtue,

However, I was scolded in the morning and dismissed at night.

This is not only because I use Cao Hui as an ornament,

Plus, I chose Angelica dahurica and carefully woven it.

As long as it's something I really like,

Even if I die many times for this, I don't regret it.

Only hate the king. You are so slutty,

I can never understand how concubines feel.

Many women are jealous of my beauty and charm.

Make a rumor and accuse me of being promiscuous.

Secular people may be opportunistic,

Break away from convention and change measures.

Turn your back on the right path and pursue evil songs.

Strive to accommodate and think that it is in line with the routine.

Bored and distressed, deeply disappointed,

At this time, I am the only one suffering from poverty and ill-fated.

I'd rather die immediately,

I can't show the ugliness of the villain!

Hawks and eagles don't associate with finches,

This has been the case since ancient times.

How are squares and circles contained together?

How do people with different interests get along?

The mind is wronged and depressed,

Take responsibility and accept insults.

Insist on innocence, die for the right path,

This book is a tribute to the sages of the previous generation.


I regret that I chose this road without careful examination.

If I stay, I will return it.

I turned around and went back the same way.

Before you get lost.

I let my horse walk by the water with blue grass.

Run to the mountain with pepper trees to rest and stay.

Close ties with the king should not be blamed,

I must go back and rebuild my virtue to realize my old wish.

A coat made of rhombic leaves and lotus leaves,

Collect lotus petals to make the next coat.

Forget it if you don't know me,

As long as my heart is really pure and noble.

Let my corolla be high,

Let me wear it longer.

Scent and dirt are mixed together,

Only my white matter has not been affected.

Looking back suddenly, looking far away,

I will go to distant places.

The skirt is colored,

The aroma is rich and more and more fragrant.

People are born different,

Only I am used to loving virtue.

Even if I am beaten to pieces, I will not change my original intention.

Will I give up my ambition because I have been taught a lesson?


The woman even gasped that she was in a hurry.

Warned me repeatedly:

""Gun is straightforward by nature and doesn't care about himself.

Finally died in the wild of Hatoyama.

Why do you always say everything and like nobility?

Why do you insist on a beautiful festival?

The room is full of ordinary flowers and plants.

But you refused to wear anything different.

You can't explain everyone's misunderstanding from door to door.

Who will examine our concerns carefully?

The whole world is uniting,

Why do you have to be lonely and not listen to my advice? "


I follow the example of the sages of the previous generation and am impartial.

It's a pity that my heart is still angry.

After crossing Xiangjiang River, crossing Yuanshui River, travel far.

Find Yu Shun to tell my true feelings:

"Xia Qi brought nine arguments and nine songs from heaven.

He indulged in pleasure.

I don't see the danger, and I don't consider the consequences.

As a result, Wuzi was in civil strife.

Hou Yi likes to shoot and hunt freely.

He likes to shoot big beasts and then gobble them up.

Crazy people don't have a happy ending,

His courtier Han Zhuo began to lust after his wife again.

Han Zhuo's son is completely violent,

Hu has been indulging in drinking uncontrollably.

Play every day and forget your own danger.

His head turned to dust.

Xia Jie's behavior goes against common sense.

Finally encountered a disaster.

Shang and Zhou cut people into pieces,

Therefore, the Yin dynasty could not last long.

Shang Tang and Yu Xia are serious and respectful.

The wise kings of the Zhou Dynasty paid attention to the prudence and appropriateness of governing the country.

Recommend sages to empower capable people,

Obey the laws and regulations without prejudice.

God is fair and just to people,

Help people with virtue.

The virtue of a wise man prevails in beauty,

Only then can we enjoy the world and rule the four sides.

Look at the past and think about future generations.

Observe people's fundamental intentions in the world.

There's nothing to do,

What did you do wrong?

I'm in danger, I'm dying,

Looking back on my original pursuit, I have no regrets.

Trim the tenon without measuring the jack,

The previous generation of sages were killed for this. 」

I'm crying, I'm sad,

Sadly, he was born at the wrong time.

Wipe away your tears with soft grass,

Tears are rolling and clothes are still wet.


Spread your skirt, kneel down and say these words,

I felt suddenly enlightened and found the right way.

Driving a jade dragon and riding a phoenix car,

Take the wind to heaven immediately.

Starting from Jiuyi Mountain in the morning,

At dusk, I arrived at the county nursery on Kunlun Mountain.

I want to have a rest in front of the fairy gate.

It was dusk when the sun hurried down.

I ordered the sun god to stop,

Look at the mountain, don't go near the destination.

The future is long and distant,

I must go to the world to find the right way.

I drink horses by the salty pool in the morning.

When the sun rises, tie the horse to the hibiscus.

Break a tree at dusk to stop the sun from setting,

Let me wander around in no hurry.

Let Master Luna clear the way ahead,

Let Fengshen follow Chixiang.

The phoenix bird cleared the way for my vigilance,

Lei Gong told me that I was not ready.

I let the Phoenix soar,

Running around the clock.

The whirlwind gathered around me,

Lead Xia Yun to meet the convoy.

Clouds gather and flow,

Colorful dancing up and down.

I asked the gatekeeper of heaven and earth to open the door for me.

He leaned against the door with cold eyes.

Twilight is boundless, and the sky is running out.

I have been weaving orchids for a long time.

The world is overcast, beautiful and ugly,

Jealousy prevents good people.


I crossed the white water in the morning,

Get on the pheasant and leave it alone.

Looking back suddenly, I can't help crying.

Lament that there is no beauty in that mountain.

I hurried to the fairy palace in the east.

Take off the branches of Yushu and add ornaments.

When the flowers in Yushu are still in full bloom,

Find a beautiful woman from the lower world to throw a gift.

I ordered the red dragon to drive the colorful clouds.

Find out where Fu Fei lives.

Untie Yu Pei and want to make a contract with her.

I asked Jane to be a mediator to understand the cause of love.

Her attitude is changeable,

Suddenly, it was embarrassing. I could never do it.

She lives in the slums at night,

Wash your hair by the tray in the morning.

She's beautiful, she's arrogant,

Play all day and indulge in swimming.

She is beautiful, but she has no manners.

I will abandon her for another pursuit.

Observing distant places,

I traveled all over the sky and returned to the earth to look for it.

Looking from a distance, the jade platform stands tall,

I saw Judy, a beautiful woman with a good reputation, especially enchanting.

I asked pigeons to be my matchmaker,

It tells me that she is not good.

The male dove cried and flew away to make peace.

I feel too frivolous.

I hesitate and doubt,

If I want to go by myself, I will feel uncomfortable.

Phoenix has been hired as a matchmaker in Di Ku.

I'm afraid he married Judy before me.

I want to go far away and have nowhere to go.

Let me wander around.

Before Shao Kang got married,

Yu Jia and I have two girls.

For no reason, the matchmaker is all thumbs,

I'm afraid getting along is a waste of time.

The world is overcast and jealous of talents,

Always like to hide the beauty of others and preach evil deeds.

Beauty boudoir is profound and difficult to understand,

The king can't wake up, but his heart is clear.

I can't express my feelings,

How can I endure such a bitter situation all my life!


Looking for thatch and bamboo chips for divination,

Please forgive me in advance.

I asked, "The beauty of both sides can definitely be combined.

Let's see who's really beautiful. Combine them.

I think the world is so big,

Is that beauty only here? 」

The genie replied, "Don't hesitate to go far away.

Which person who pursues beauty will give up on you?

Where there is no grass in the world,

Why do you have to miss your former residence?

Time is dark, people are dizzy now,

Who will tell us whether it is good or bad?

People's likes and dislikes are different,

The hobbies of these villains are particularly strange.

Every household sticks smelly moxa all over their waist.

On the contrary, vanilla cannot be worn.

You can't tell good from bad by observing vegetation.

How can we properly evaluate Meiyu?

Fill your wallet with dirt,

It is said that heavy peppers are not fragrant at all. 」


I want to hear the auspicious divination from the aura,

I am hesitant in my heart.

I heard that Wu Xianjing will come to the immortal in the evening.

I took pepper polished rice to see the fairy.

The gods cover the sky and gather the earth,

The immortals of Jiuyi Mountain greeted each other.

Brilliant and dazzling,

Tell a typical story of sage meeting.

He said, "try to find that even heaven and earth,

Seeking like-minded heroes.

Shang Tang and Yu Xia are seriously looking for like-minded people.

This is coordinated by Yi Yin and Hao Tao.

As long as you really love virtuous beauty,

Why use a matchmaker to make an introduction?

Fu Shuo hit a brick wall in Yan Fu's own version.

Yin chose him without hesitation.

Jiang Taigong is just a butcher who grinds knives and butchers cows.

Meet Zhou Wenwang and climb higher.

Ningqi sang on the horn,

Qi Huangong heard this and asked him to help the dynasty.

Although I'm not too old,

This time it's not over.

What scares me is that the cuckoo sings first,

All kinds of flowers and plants should disappear with them. 」


How gorgeous my jade is,

But everyone covered it up.

These ridiculous people who are ganging up for selfish purposes are disloyal.

I'm afraid they will be destroyed by jealousy.

Times and customs are chaotic and changeable,

How can I stay here for long?

Bluegrass and Cao Zhi have become less fragrant.

Acorus calamus and lilies have also become like thatch.

Why is vanilla in the past,

Now it looks like Artemisia annua and absinthe.

Is there any other reason for this?

They are all hurt because they don't care about beauty.

I thought orchids were reliable,

Who knows it has no substance and no appearance.

Give up American trade and follow the world,

If you can enter the ranks of "numerous fragrance".

Pepper has become overbearing, flattering and arrogant.

Xunzi wanted to pretend to be spices and mix them into sachets.

Since it's just to get in,

How can you pay attention to your cleanliness?

There is a tendency to drift with the tide in the secular world.

Who can keep it as it is and block the worldly breath?

Take a look at peppers and orchids, but that's all.

What's more, uncovering cars, Jiang Li and the like are normal!

Only my ornaments are always valuable,

Its beauty was despised and it ended up like this.

But its rich aroma will not fade,

It has not lost its inherent fragrance so far.

Let Yu Pei entertain himself with a harmonious rhythm,

I wandered around looking for beautiful women.

When my ornaments are in full bloom,

I will visit from top to bottom.


Reiki has told me about auspicious divination,

Choose an auspicious day and I will travel far and wide.

Fold the twigs of Yushu for cooking.

Choose jade chips as dry food.

Ride a dragon for me,

Make transportation with jade and ivory.

How can people separated from Germany be together?

I will fly away and alienate myself.

I took a walk in Kunlun Mountain,

Travel far and wide.

Colorful clouds and colorful flags are flying, covering the sky,

The jade bells of the dragon car jingled.

Depart from Tianhe pier in the morning,

Dusk has come to the westernmost part of the sky.

The phoenix spreads its wings, and the flag is connected with clouds.

They fly high rhythmically.

Suddenly I passed the quicksand in the west,

Wandering in Chishui.

Ordered the dragon to act as a bridge at the ferry,

Order Shao Lian to take me to the other side.

How long and difficult it is,

Let all the cars fly and guard beside my car.

Turn left after passing Butou Mountain.

Designate the West Sea as everyone's gathering place.

I assembled thousands of cars,

Align the wheels and drive forward.

Eight dragons meandered,

The cloud flag on the car fluttered and curled.

Settle down, stop,

My thoughts are floating in the sky.

Play "Nine Songs" and dance "Shao",

Take this opportunity to seek pleasure temporarily.

Ascend into the sky and enter the field of light,

I suddenly saw my hometown and former residence.

Servants are sad, horses are nostalgic,

Look back and never go forward.



Forget it! Chu has no sage, but he doesn't know my heart.

Why do you miss your old capital?

Since we can't practice American politics with them,

I will follow Peng Xian to his residence.

[Translation 2-Guo Moruo Edition (Incomplete)]

Translation of Li Sao

Translated by Guo Moruo

I am a descendant of the ancient emperor Levin,

Bo Yong is my late father.

In the first month of that year, the prince was in Yin,

Gengyin Day is my birthday.

My late father saw my birthday,

He gave me a good name.

The name you gave me was convention,

My nickname is Ling Jun. ..

I am so beautiful inside,

I am beautifully dressed in appearance.

I broke both Polygonum Multiflori Radix and Radix Angelicae Dahuricae,

Tied with Qiu Lan to make a wreath.

I was in a hurry, as if I were on my way,

What I am afraid of is that time will fly without me.

In spring, I went to climb the Mulan tree on the mountain.

In winter, I go to the water to collect green algae.

The golden bird and the jade rabbit refused to stay long and hurried.

Summer and autumn alternate.

Thinking about grass and wood all the time,

I'm afraid the ideal beauty will be too early.

You should use your youth to clean yourself up,

Why don't you always change your ways?

I'm driving a good horse. I'm going to Mercedes.

Come on, I'll show you the way.

In ancient times, there were three pure and lean kings.

At that time, of course, it was a gathering place for many people

Woody peppers and mushrooms are also interspersed.

You not only sewed the fragrant flowers into rings.

It is great and bright to miss Tang Yao and Yu Shun.

They are on the right track.

How can Xia Jie and Yinzhou be so careless?

Always eager for shortcuts, but often fall down.

There are a group of confused people who will live in peace.

Their road is vague and narrow.

I'm not afraid that my body will suffer,

What I am afraid of is that the king's mount will be destroyed.

I hurried to work in front and behind,

I want to catch up with the former king.

Since you don't check my chest for stupidity,

On the contrary, listening to gossip annoys me.

I know that going straight can't please people,

But I endured the pain and refused to give up.

I want to ask cloud nine to be my witness,

I am sincerely loyal to the king and have no other intentions.

At first, since you agree with me,

How can I repent and turn over a new leaf

I'm not embarrassed to be apart from you,

Just sigh who you are. You are too opinionated.

I planted nine hectares of Chunlan,

I once planted autumn flowers in a hundred-acre garden.

I once planted a field of foreigners and cars,

More mixed with some Du Heng and local chronicles.

I hope their branches and leaves are lush,

I will harvest it when it blooms.

It's okay if I wither,

Sadly, a group of grass will be trampled.

Everyone is competing for food and wine,

Greed for money and profit is completely insatiable.

Everyone forgives himself and doubts others.

Everyone has an agenda and is jealous of each other.

Everyone is also fighting for power and profit.

Those are not what I want in my heart.

What I'm afraid of is that the old land is coming,

My reputation may not succeed.

I drank the dew on the magnolia in spring,

I eat red cream on chrysanthemum petals in autumn.

As long as my spirit is happy and strong,

I have been sallow and emaciated for a long time. What are the disadvantages?

I dug fine roots and tied angelica dahurica,

And put on the fallen flowers of Ficus pumila.

I cut the sweet-scented osmanthus mushroom straight, and then I went through Huiying.

New Zealand has become a unique flower, full of fragrance and dance.

I sincerely imitate the ancient sages,

My hoop is not liked by the world;

Although people in this world can't agree,

I want to emulate Peng Xian of the Yin Dynasty.

I sympathize with how hard people's lives are,

I can't help crying for a long time.

Although I like cleaning and making my own garlands,

It was done early in the morning and ruined at night.

Not afraid of him, he ruined my Qiu Hui wreath,

I will continue to use angelica dahurica flowers instead.

After all, it is my own will and willingness.

I won't repent if I die nine times.

Elder Wang, I hate you. Oh, that's ridiculous.

You always refuse to read my mind.

The maids around you are jealous of my wealth,

Make a rumor that I am a slut.

Of course, confused people are good at tricks.

Don't obey certain rules, behave in disorder at will.

Give up certain standards and just try to adapt,

It is normal to compete for favor in Ia.

I'm depressed, upset, lonely,

I bear the poverty of this world alone.

Even if I die suddenly? /