Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Philosophical workplace perception story

Philosophical workplace perception story

Story: On the basis of realistic cognitive view, it is described as an abnormal phenomenon. It is a literary genre, focusing on the description of the development process of events. The following is a short story of my philosophical workplace sentiment carefully arranged for reference only. Welcome to reading.

1, a short story of philosophical workplace perception

There is a man who has a dream every night. He dreamed that he was walking in a long corridor. When he reached the end, a door appeared. When he saw the door, he trembled all over and was too scared to open the door in a cold sweat. In this way, he has had the same dream every night for twenty years and has been treated by a psychologist for twenty years.

Later, he changed to a psychiatrist and explained the dream to the doctor. The doctor felt very strange and said to him, "Why don't you open the door and have a look?" ! At most, it's just death! "It makes sense for this person to think about it, so he summoned up the courage to push the door open in his dream that night ...

The next day, he went to see a psychiatrist, who asked him, "Is the door open?" He nodded and replied, "Yes!" The doctor asked, "What happened behind the door?"

He said: "When I opened the door, I saw the soft green lawn, the sun was shining and the butterflies were dazzling ..."

2. A philosophical workplace sentiment story.

One day, the angel of God came to this world, and he met a monk who was divining the future for two children. I saw the monk pointing to one of the children and saying "No.1 scholar" and pointing to another child and saying "beggar".

Twenty years later, the angel of God came to earth again and saw the two children. As a result, he was puzzled: the original "champion" has now become a beggar, but the original "beggar" has become a champion.

So the messenger went to ask God.

God said, "the talent I give to everyone only determines one-third of his fate, and the rest depends on how he grasps it."

3. A philosophical workplace sentiment story.

Father and son live in the mountains, and they have to drive ox carts down the mountain to sell firewood every day. Father is more experienced, driving in the town, the mountain road is rugged and tortuous, and the son has a good eye. He always reminds me when I want to turn: "Dad, turn!"

Once my father didn't go down the mountain because of illness, and my son drove alone. At the corner, the cow refused to turn, so the son tried every means to get out of the car and push and pull, lured by grass, and the cow did not move.

What the hell is going on? My son is puzzled. In the end, there is only one way. He looked around to see that no one was there. He leaned close to the cow's ear and shouted, "Dad, turn!" " "Cow responded, moved.

Cows live by conditioned reflex, while people live by habit. A successful person knows how to cultivate good habits instead of bad ones. When more good habits are accumulated, there will naturally be a good life.

4. A philosophical workplace sentiment story.

Five-year-old Hank went to work in the forest with his father, mother and brother. Suddenly it began to rain, but they only brought a poncho.

Dad gave the poncho to mom, mom gave it to my brother, and my brother gave it to Hank.

Hank asked, "Why did my father give it to my mother, my mother gave it to my brother and my brother gave it to me?"

Dad replied, "Because dad is better than mom, mom is better than brother, and brother is better than you." We all protect the weak. "

Hank looked around and ran to spread the poncho on a delicate flower swaying in the wind and rain.

This story tells us that the real strong man is not necessarily powerful or rich, but how much he helps others.

Responsibility allows us to accomplish things, and love allows us to do things well.

5. A philosophical workplace sentiment story.

Anyone who has been to the temple knows that as soon as he enters the temple gate, the first one is Amitabha, welcoming guests with a smiling face, and in the north of him, it is Darkmouth's black-faced Wei Tuo. But according to legend, a long time ago, they were not in the same temple, but in charge of different temples.

Buddha Miller is enthusiastic and happy, so many people come, but he doesn't care about anything, and his accounts are improperly managed, so he still can't make ends meet. Although Wei Tuo was a cook in charge of accounts, he was unhappy all day, which was too serious. He made fewer and fewer friends and finally died.

Buddha found this problem when he was looking for incense, so he put them in the same temple. Maitreya was in charge of public relations and greeted all the guests with smiles, so the incense was flourishing. Wei Tuo is just. Pearl is not as good as Pearl, so let him take charge of finance and strictly control it. In the division of labor and cooperation between the two people, the temple flourished.

In fact, in the eyes of the master of employing people, people without waste, like martial arts masters, can hurt people by picking flowers and flying leaves without expensive swords. The key is how to use them.

6, a philosophical workplace sentiment story

A man passed by a busy railway station and saw a man with a disabled leg set up a pencil stand. He accidentally left 100 yuan as charity. But not long after he left, the man came back. He said apologetically to the disabled, "I'm sorry, you are a businessman, but I actually took you as a beggar."

After a while, he passed the railway station again, and the owner of a shop stopped him at the door with a smile.

"I have been looking forward to your appearance," said the disabled person. "You are the first person to treat me as a businessman. You see, I am a real businessman now. "

What do you think of a person? That person may change because of you. If you think he is precious, he is precious.

A good respect and love will often produce unexpected good results, so friends, you might as well look at the world with your heart, respect everyone and yourself with your heart, and you will find that you and the people around you have unlimited potential.

7, a philosophical workplace sentiment story.

A teacher came into the classroom and clicked on a black spot on the whiteboard.

He asked the class, "What is this?"

Everyone said in unison, "A black spot."

The teacher pretended to be surprised and said, "Is there only one black spot? No one saw such a big whiteboard? "

What do you see?

Everyone has some shortcomings, but what do you see?

Do you only see the "black spots" on others, but ignore that they have a large whiteboard?

In fact, everyone must have many advantages. Let's look at it from another angle! You will find more new things.

8, a philosophical workplace sentiment story.

Two women were chatting, and one of them asked, "Is your son all right?" "Don't mention it, it's unfortunate!" The woman sighed, "he is so poor. He is lazy as hell when he marries his daughter-in-law. He doesn't cook, sweep the floor, wash clothes and take no children all day. " ? It's sleeping. My son must send breakfast to her bed! ""What about the daughter? "

"Then she will be lucky." The woman smiled all over her face: "He married a good husband and won't let him do housework. He did all the cooking, washing, sweeping the floor and taking care of the children, and even took her to bed early every morning! "

The same situation, but from my point of view, we will have different mentality.

Look at it from the standpoint of others, or think from another angle. A lot of things are different. There can be greater tolerance and more love.

9. A philosophical workplace sentiment story

In a remote town in France, it is said that there is a particularly effective spring, and miracles often occur, which can cure various diseases.

One day, a veteran with a crutch and a missing leg limped through the streets of town.

The nearby townspeople gave a sympathetic kiss back and said, "Poor guy, is he going to ask God for another leg?"

This sentence was heard by veterans. He turned to them and said, "I didn't ask God for a new leg, but asked him to help me and teach me. I know how to live without a leg. "

Learn to be grateful for what you have lost and accept the fact that you have lost. Regardless of the gains and losses in life, you should make your life full of light and glory, stop crying for the past and work hard for a high live life.

10, short story of philosophical workplace perception

A man went to buy a parrot and saw a sign in front of it: This parrot can speak two languages, 200 yuan. In front of another parrot, it was written: This parrot can speak four languages, and the price is 400 yuan. Which one should I buy? Both are shiny, very flexible and lovely. The man turned and couldn't make up his mind. Suddenly I found a parrot with a tooth missing. Its coat color is dim and messy, and its price is 800 yuan. The man quickly called the boss: Can this parrot speak eight languages? The shopkeeper said, no.

This person is strange: then why is it so old, so ugly and so incompetent that it is worth this number? The shopkeeper replied: because the other two parrots call this parrot boss.

This story tells us that a real leader is not necessarily strong in his own ability. As long as he knows how to trust, how to delegate and how to cherish, he can unite forces stronger than himself and thus enhance his value.

On the contrary, many people with very strong abilities are too perfectionist and hands-on, and no one can match them. In the end, I can only be the best researcher and sales representative, but I can't be an excellent leader.