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How to review the history of the first volume of the third grade?

Unit 1 China Ancient Political System

I Xia Shang and the political system of the Western Zhou Dynasty

Basic knowledge:

1, Xia dynasty: hereditary system of the throne

2. Shang Dynasty: internal and external service system and Oracle Bone Inscriptions (divination)-the best reflection of social life in Shang Dynasty.

3. Western Zhou Dynasty: enfeoffment system, patriarchal clan system and ritual system.


Objective: To solve the contradiction between nobles in rights, property and land inheritance.

Core: the eldest son inheritance system. The relationship between feudal system and the principle of "it is not expensive to establish a long position, but it is not expensive to establish a son": both external and internal, which complement each other, and * * * isomorphism has become two major political systems in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Functions: ① Guarantee the privileges of aristocratic Shi Qing.

(2) the combination of state and family, to prevent internal disputes, strengthen the kingship.

Rites and music system: as the political and living standards of nobles at all levels, it has become an indispensable tool to maintain the patriarchal feudal system.

Second, the great unification and the establishment of centralization of authority in Qin Dynasty.

Basic knowledge:

1, Spring and Autumn Period: The patriarchal clan system of the enfeoffment system was destroyed, the Zhou royal family lost its position as the master of the world, and some princes competed for hegemony.

2. Warring States: The competition among the vassals was fierce, and political and military reforms were carried out in various countries. Qin became strong through Shang Yang's reform.

3. Qin Dynasty: In 22/KLOC-0 BC, the six countries were destroyed, and the first feudal state in China was established, the Qin Dynasty, and a centralized political system was established.

(1) establish the supreme imperial power, and the emperor holds the country's judicial, legislative, administrative and military encyclopedias in his hands.

(3) Place: abolish the enfeoffment system and implement the county system. County officials are appointed by the emperor.

(4) Formulating Qin Law: misdemeanor and severe punishment. Influence: It completely broke the aristocratic enfeoffment system and laid the foundation for the unified dynasty system in ancient China.

Summary of conventional methods:

Reasons for the different influences of county system and enfeoffment system;

(1) The enfeoffment system is related to the legal system of the same clan and is based on blood; The county system is implemented under the condition of national unity, divided by region.

(2) The vassal throne of enfeoffment system is hereditary and has fiefs; County officials are appointed and removed by the emperor or the court, and their positions are not hereditary. Officials only have salaries, not fiefs.

(3) vassal states have strong local autonomy and are easy to develop into separatist forces. The county system weakens local autonomy and enables the central government to strengthen local control and management, consolidate national unity and promote social, economic and cultural development.

Third, the strengthening of centralized authority.

Basic knowledge:

1, the contradiction between centralization and decentralization:

Han Dynasty: In the early days, Liu Bang implemented the parallel system of county and state, which made the influence of vassal kings increase continuously and seriously threatened centralization. During the reign of Emperor Jing, the rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms broke out, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty implemented the system of pardon and secretariat.

Tang Dynasty: After the Anshi Rebellion, the governors in the middle and late Tang Dynasty became independent, and after the expansion, the five dynasties and ten countries became independent.

Song dynasty: recruiting elite soldiers: half of the imperial army returned to the capital, and the other half stayed in the local area, unified and transferred separately. Cut off the real power: each county is directly under the central government, and each state has judges who can report directly to the court, and the state is served by civil servants. Valley of making money: only a small part of local tax revenue is retained, and the rest is transported to the capital and controlled by the central government, thus eliminating the material basis of local separatist forces. (Impact: The phenomenon of redundant officials, soldiers and expenses was the reason for Wang Anshi's political reform in the later period)

Yuan Dynasty: Implementing the system of provincial administration and strengthening centralization is the beginning of provincial administration.

2. The continuous strengthening of autocratic imperial power.

Han Dynasty: Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established the system of China-Korea, and the central government headed by the prime minister became a foreign dynasty, gradually withdrawing from its dominant position.

Impact: The three provinces contained and supplemented each other, which greatly improved the efficiency, separated the complete rights and strengthened the centralization.

Song Dynasty: Under Zhongshumen is the Prime Minister's Office, which is in charge of administration, the Privy Council is in charge of military affairs, and the three provinces are in charge of finance.

Yuan Dynasty: Abolish the three provinces and keep only one province-Zhongshu Province.

Ming Dynasty: Ming Taizu abolished the prime minister, and the emperor directly took charge of six ministries.

Ming Chengzu established a cabinet system and participated in the discussion of military affairs.

Qing dynasty: the important military power in the early Qing dynasty was decided by the king's meeting; When Yongzheng set up the military department, he could only copy the book on his knees, which simplified the organization and improved the administrative efficiency, but all military affairs were decided by the emperor alone.

3. Official selection system:

Warring States Period to Early Han Dynasty: Military Title System

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: procuratorial system (counties recommend talents to the state every year)

Expropriation system (central and local officials recruit talents from society)

Sui and Tang dynasties: imperial examination system, the central unified branch held regular examinations.

Influence: It gave scholars without aristocratic status the opportunity to participate in politics and provided high-quality talents for the bureaucratic team.

4, supervision and suggestion system:

Supervision: imperial envoys, doctors, and secretariat.

Advice: under the door, the suggestion court, the Duchayuan.

Summary of conventional methods:

A comparison between Ming dynasty cabinet and modern British cabinet;

Cabinet of Ming Dynasty: Cabinet is the product of further strengthening the absolute monarchy. It is not the statutory central administrative organization, but the internal servant organization of the emperor. The rise and fall of cabinet ministers is decided by the emperor, and whether their opinions are adopted depends on the emperor, which cannot play a role in restricting imperial power.

British Cabinet: The Cabinet consists of a majority leader appointed by the king who won the general election in the lower house of parliament. The cabinet has executive power and is nominally responsible to the king, but actually to the parliament. The British cabinet is an important part of the bourgeois constitutional monarchy and a product of democracy.

Comparison between enfeoffment system and county system, county system and province system;

Feudal system and county system



Division standard

relationship by blood


Appointment and removal of officials

Hereditary and fief


Independence (relationship with the central government)

Relatively independent, hereditary power position.

Appointment, removal and salary

Function and influence

The administrative organ of the central government


① Local administrative system ② Purpose ③ Play an active role in a certain period of time.

Evolution of local administrative system

(1) The county-level parallel system was implemented in the early Han Dynasty. The county has a governor, and the kingdom has a prime minister, who are the chief executives of the county and the kingdom respectively. From Emperor Jingdi to Emperor Wudi, the power of the kingdom was gradually weakened, and the governors were relieved of military and political power, and only paid taxes on food, clothing and rent.

(2) In the later period of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, the whole country was divided into thirteen states. As a monitoring area, the state has a low-level secretariat to monitor the governor and local senior officials on behalf of the central government. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, local administrative power and military power gradually joined the secretariat. By the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhou gradually became a local administrative region. Local administrative divisions have changed from county level to state level, county level and county level.

(3) In the early years of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty abandoned counties because of the overlapping of local administrative agencies, with more officials and fewer people, forming two levels of states and counties. The local administrative system in the Tang Dynasty was the same as that in the Sui Dynasty. Emperor Taizong divided the whole country into 10 roads as prison areas. To some extent, Tao has gradually become an administrative entity at or above the county level. In the middle and late Tang dynasty, there were more and more governors in local military towns, and their power increased, which formed a situation of separatist regime in buffer regions.

(4) The Northern Song Dynasty sent civil servants as local officials to prevent the military separatist situation from happening again. In the Song Dynasty, the place was divided into prefectures and counties, and in the Tang Dynasty, Taoism was changed to Taoism, which was above prefectures and counties.

⑤ Provincial system in Yuan Dynasty: ① Provincial system is the highest local administrative organization. The whole country is divided into ten Zhongshu provinces (Shaanxi, Gansu, Liaoyang, Jiangbei, Sichuan, Yunnan, Huguang, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Lingbei): two separate administrative divisions, one is the "belly" directly under the jurisdiction of Zhongshu Province (Hebei, Shandong and Shanxi), and the other is Tibet, Sichuan and Qinghai under the jurisdiction of Xuanzheng Academy.

Function: It is the beginning of the provincial system in China and a major reform of the ancient local administrative system in China. It is convenient for the central government to manage local governments, and it is of great significance to strengthen centralization, especially to adjust the relationship between the central and local governments.

In the Yuan Dynasty, under the provincial level, there were propaganda departments in Youdao, prefectures, counties and remote ethnic areas.

⑥ Qing Dynasty: The local administrative divisions were mainly at provincial, Taoist, prefectural and county levels.