Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Why do people become ghosts after death?

Why do people become ghosts after death?

The scientific community believes that people have brain waves. Naturally, this idea before death also exists in the form of brain waves. Because this radio wave has no subsequent energy supplement and loss in the atmosphere, this radio wave is naturally weaker and weaker.

Why can't you see ghosts in real life?

I don't think we just can't see it, but sometimes you see it and you don't think it's a ghost. To be exact, it should not be visible, but tangible. In ancient times, yin and yang masters and fortune tellers would recognize some people born on cloudy days in the sun, and these people were more likely to go to hell. In fact, these people's brain wave frequency is close to ghosts, and it is easier to feel the existence of ghosts. And what about us modern people? There is no doubt that such people also exist. But what are the ghosts we can feel? Grandpa waiting for the children at the kindergarten gate only appears once in a while. An old man wandering on the road or in the park. Few people are ordinary and can be close in frequency, so we don't notice them in our life.

What I said above is an ordinary soul. Let's talk about the so-called ghost again.

Ghosts are also brain waves. When the thought activity of the deceased is to kill someone before death, then this thought will spread. Then why don't we usually see and hear so many news about evil spirits killing people? I think this is because this brain wave has no destination, but spreads aimlessly. The frequency of the brain wave of Avengers may not be close to that of Avengers. These two reasons add up, so the chance that the vengeful evil spirit can find the avenged person is quite small. Even if the evil spirits of revenge just spread to the vicinity of the revenged person, they are just close in frequency. Then the existence of this evil ghost is just a brain wave. There is no more mental activity in this brain wave, which affects your thinking at most. Let you unconscious, in fact, there are a small number of car accidents, and the causes of the accidents all come down to the root of evil spirits' revenge.

That's what the so-called "haunted by ghosts" means, but the energy of ghosts is different from that of ghosts. A strong sense of revenge will strongly influence the thoughts of the revenged. The purpose of this consciousness is to let the avenged die. As for the way to die, it was ordered by the Avengers' brain. Or hang yourself, or jump into a river, or fall from a building.

However, in our life, we will still meet some people who have never offended anyone in our life. In addition to some accidental factors, there are also the influence of brain waves mentioned above. The so-called revenge of ghosts is just that these ghosts have successfully found their own nemesis. However, in the process of its spread, you will also happen to meet people whose frequency is close to your own, that is, people born in the shadow of time. Then the consequence of these people born near the shade is their fate.