Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How can I learn kabbalah?

How can I learn kabbalah?

Pocket handbook of mysticism: Kabala's study guide

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Website: thin thread of El Astro)

Author: Sun Angel; Copyright (c) 2006 Il ~Elunfire All rights reserved.

This is a simple learning guide for beginners, but you don't have to strictly follow it.

1. Buy a deck of tarot cards and recommend classic tarot cards (Witt). See the attached information about the Tree of Life.

2. Search for pictures of the tree of life. Compare it with the book and try to understand it.

3. Refer to some traditional books written by Zohar and Gershom Scholem.

4. Be familiar with the names of all parts of the tree of life, and know their attributes and corresponding astrological, tarot and theological meanings, even if you can only find a few.

Whether in divination or in life, we should try our best to make use of everything we know.

6. study semiotics, symbolism, especially biblical semiotics

7. Discuss with others. Kabbalah is an oral tradition.

8. When you are fully prepared, you can enter a deeper level of meditation, and you can also practice using the mysterious interpretation of the Hebrew alphabet (SODH).


Kabala is a strange place for us. In fact, you can just understand its philosophy, regard it as an attitude towards life, or study its practical knowledge. Of course, the two are not contradictory. It's just that it's hard to get the necessary materials at home. Therefore, for most people, learning kabbalah through tarot cards may be the most appropriate and only way. The process is from recognizing to understanding its various parts, then finding out the corresponding relationship and finally using it.

In fact, this semi-philosophical thing is difficult to give some specific guidance.

There is no doubt that Kabala is a rich system and a real topic of life. Kabbalah is suitable for some people, but not everyone. Kabbalah is open to those who are willing to learn (practice) and approach pure wisdom. Using the diagram of the tree of life and the concept of four worlds, we can not only reveal the hidden patterns in the universe, but also clearly show the mysteries hidden in the individual soul. Indeed, the consistency between the two is the information contained in the tree of life. The key to practicing Kabbalah is to apply Kabbalah system to daily life. Kabala system is a very difficult system to learn. The difficulty is that when you learn the scattered knowledge of each part, you need to always remember that it is a complete system, and each part can only be understood and remembered if it is combined with the whole.

In real life ...

When the tree of life system is applied to the map, it can be from the conception of the problem (crown) to the concrete formation (kingdom), like this. It will be very beneficial to apply what you have learned and discuss your new feelings and discoveries. It can be embodied in two aspects: sphere and path. The former mapping is a creative method and an epiphany-like effect, such as a sudden idea. The latter takes a step-by-step approach, that is, following the path to realize the spirit. Any creative behavior, combined with sephiroth, which represents truth in the tree of life, will accumulate and progress through the path. It is a very useful method to understand the path in the tree of life by combining tarot patterns. I can't find any help in studying Kabbalah from modern books, because they apply the same standards to all aspects and lack special understanding. But you can read the books of Halliwei and Kaplan.

This is part of my copy! /f? Kz=3 12272433 is this website.

I hope it helps you!