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Nanjing City Wall in Ming Dynasty

Main items: Nanjing Ming City Wall and Nanjing Forbidden City.

Nanjing Ming City Wall, including Miyagi, Imperial City, Capital City and Waiguo, was built in the Ming Dynasty. Now it refers to the well-preserved capital city wall. Nanjing Ming City Wall was built in 1366 (26th year of Yuan Dynasty) and completed in 1393 (26th year of Ming Hongwu). 1 department, 3 hospitals, 28 cities in 5 provinces, 152 counties * * 280,000 migrant workers, about 350 million.

The construction of Nanjing Ming City Wall changed the old system that the city wall was square or rectangular. On the basis of building Kangcheng in the Six Dynasties, the city was built according to the trend of Nanjing mountain and river system. Get the benefits of mountains and rivers, empty rivers and lakes, outside the South Qinhuai River is a natural moat; East of Zhongshan; There is a back lake as a barrier in the north; SiNa mountain into the city; Form a three-dimensional military fortress with unique defensive characteristics. Among them, the capital city wall meanders 35.3 kilometers, which is the largest existing city wall in China and the largest city wall in the world, and is selected as the largest city wall in world record association, while the Waiguo city wall outside the capital city is more than 60 kilometers long.

Nanjing Ming city wall stands high in the sea and is built by mountains and waters. It is a model of combining China's ethics with nature and an outstanding representative of ancient capital construction. As a masterpiece of China's ancient military defense facilities and wall construction technology, its historical value, ornamental value, archaeological value, architectural design, scale, function and other aspects are incomparable at home and abroad, and it is another great structure of China after the Great Wall.

Nanjing Ming City Wall is now completely preserved 25. 1 km, which is the longest, largest and most completely preserved city wall in the world. 1956 10 month, divided into several sections and listed as cultural relics protection units in Jiangsu province; 1988 1 month, the whole section was confirmed as a national key cultural relics protection unit. 20 12 1 1, Nanjing Ming City Wall (Capital City Wall), as the leading cities of the "China Ming and Qing City Wall" project, has been included in the preparatory list of China World Cultural Heritage.

The development of history

In the 13th year of Yuan Dynasty (1353), Zhu Yuanzhang adopted the advice of general Feng Jiandu, Jinling. Three years later, Qing Ji was captured and renamed Yingtianfu.

In the 17th year of Yuan Dynasty (1357), Zhu Sheng put forward the proposal of "building a high wall, accumulating a wide grain, and slowing down is king", and the construction of Nanjing Ming City Wall officially kicked off. Nanjing Ming City Wall is the only unified dynasty wall in the history of China, which was built in the south of the Yangtze River. Nanjing City in the Ming Dynasty was built and expanded on the basis of the establishment of Kangcheng in the Six Dynasties. It is connected with Stone Town in the east, Qinhuai in the south and Xuanwu Lake in the north, with a circumference of 35.267 kilometers, including Nanjing, the capital of all previous dynasties. It is not only the largest city wall in China, but also the largest city wall in the world.

In August of the 26th year of Yuan Dynasty (1366), Tianfu City was rebuilt, and a new palace, Nanjing Forbidden City, was built in the south of Zhongshan (namely Zijin Mountain), which was the first phase of the project.

In the twenty-seventh year of Yuan Zhizheng, the first phase of the project was completed in September of the first year of Wu (1367).

In the second year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1369), the second phase of the project started, mainly to build a new city and widen the old city to the north until it reached the Yangtze River.

In the sixth year of Ming Hongwu (1373), the second phase of the project was completed, and the third phase of the project started immediately.

In the 19th year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty (1386), the third phase of the project was completed, and the main gates of Jubao, Sanshan and Tongji, as well as Houhu City and main streets were built.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ming emperor, spent more than 20 years mobilizing more than 200,000 craftsmen from Yi, Sanwei, Five Provinces, Twenty-eight States and 152 County to build the city wall, and at the same time fired bricks from five provincial capitals, with a built-up area of 43 square kilometers and a total length of 35.267 kilometers, of which Jiankang City in Six Dynasties and Jinling City in South Tang Dynasty were 14-26 meters high.

In the 23rd year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1390), after the capital was established, Zhu Yuanzhang and his ministers and the princes of the three armies boarded Zhongshan to watch the battle. The fourth son Judy raised the potential concern of "shooting at the Purple Mountain and aiming at the Forbidden City". At the same time, Yuhuatai in the south of Nanjing and Shogun Mountain in the north stayed outside the city, which was extremely unfavorable to the defense of the capital. Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the construction of Waiguo City Wall to make up for the lack of Beijing City Wall. Waiguo is 180 Li, and each brick part adds up to about 40 Li. The outer tucheng is about 8 8- 10/0m high and 6-8m wide.

In the 26th year of Ming Hongwu (1393), all the walls of Nanjing Ming City Wall were completed.

In the fourth year of Ming dynasty (1402), the Ming city wall of Nanjing faced the crisis of war damage for the first time, and Judy, the prince of Yan, went south to attack Nanjing city. "When Jinchuanmen, Gu Sui and Li Jinglong opened the doors, the capital all fell." This time, the Ming City Wall was saved from a catastrophe by opening the door to welcome guests.

During the Ming Dynasty, Nanjing was "the foothold of ancestors and the seat of the Southeast General Assembly", and the city wall was highly valued by the central governments at all levels. More than 40 large-scale wall repairs were recorded on the road alone. Especially when Feng Cheng Hou Lixian, who is experienced in repairing the city, served as Nanjing garrison, the repair of Nanjing city wall was quite complete.

Matteo Ricci, an Italian missionary who arrived in Nanjing three times in the mid-0/6th century A.D., said, "This city has surpassed all other cities in the world". In Matteo Ricci's Notes on China, he recorded a story told by the local people: Two people rode in opposite directions of the city, and it took a whole day to meet. The scale of the Nanjing city wall can be imagined.

In the Qing Dynasty, Nanjing was the seat of the Governor-General of the Two Rivers and the political and military center city in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, although the protection of the Ming city wall tended to weaken. However, it is still an era of combining cold weapons with hot weapons, and the maintenance of Nanjing city walls is still guaranteed.

Wu, a writer in the Qing Dynasty, lived on the Qinhuai River in Nanjing for many years. In The Scholars, he wrote: "Today Nanjing is the capital of Emperor Mao, with 13 inner gates and 18 outer gates, passing through the city for 40 miles and circling the city for more than 120 miles", which clearly described the origin and scale of the Nanjing City Wall.

In the 18th year of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty (1892), the Chaoyang Gate in Nanjing was rebuilt in the style of Huai 'an mansion. The scale is smaller than that of the Ming Dynasty, and it is divided into two floors, with double eaves and resting on the top of the mountain, all of which are made of city bricks.

In the thirty-fourth year of Guangxu reign in Qing Dynasty (1908), the authorities reached Qinhuai River Wharf conveniently for transportation needs. Between Liangqingmen and Dinghuaimen in the west of the city, there is a grassland gate with a single-hole arch coupon structure. The gate is about 20 meters deep and 6 meters wide.

In the thirty-fourth year of Guangxu reign in Qing Dynasty (1908), Duan Fang, then Governor of Liangjiang River and Minister of Nanyang Trade, ordered a lecture on Nanyang. In order to facilitate Chinese and foreign guests to visit Xuanwu Lake, he decided to open a city gate on the wall near the lecture venue. The project has not been completed, and the ending party has moved. The next year, he succeeded Zhang, who was called "Fengrunmen" because of his rich native place in Hebei.

In the third year of Qing Dynasty (19 1 1), in response to the Wuchang Uprising, Jiangsu and Zhejiang allied forces were allowed to attack Nanjing from Chaoyangmen, and Wengcheng at Chaoyangmen was destroyed.

In the second year of the Republic of China (19 13), Yuan Shikai sent the Beiyang Army to retake Nanjing City and attacked Chaoyangmen and other important places with heavy artillery. The next day, Nanjing City was broken.

In the tenth year of the Republic of China (192 1), with the support of Han, then director of the Civil Affairs Department of Jiangsu Province, the wall was broken on the southwest wall of Yifeng Gate, and the road from the entrance of the city gate to the riverside pier was built from the Bazishan borrow yard in the city gate, filling Xiaonan River (now Rehe Road) with a foundation of 27,000 square meters. The new single-hole city gate was opened, thus shortening the journey from Xiaguan River to the city. Because Han was from Taizhou (Han was from Hai 'an and belonged to Taizhou at that time), Taizhou was called Hailing in ancient times, so the gate of Nanjing was named Hailing Gate.

In the Republic of China 16 (1927), after the national government decided to make Nanjing the capital, it proposed that "Nanjing city walls and foundations should be sold by tender to meet the needs of new capital construction", and it was planned to demolish all Nanjing city walls. It was strongly opposed and condemned by the cultural circles. Xu Beihong and others published articles in the newspaper to criticize, and the city wall was finally spared.

In July of the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), in order to rectify the atmosphere in Beijing, the National Government ordered the name of Nanjing City Gate to be changed. Chaoyangmen is the Sun Yat-sen Gate (in memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's achievements), Yifeng Gate is the Zhong Xing Gate (meaning to revitalize China), Hailing Gate is the Yijiangmen Gate (because it is close to the Yangtze River), Toilet God Gate is the Peace Gate (meaning world peace), Feng Runmen is the Xuanwu Gate (because it is close to Xuanwu Lake), Jubao Gate is the Zhonghua Gate (meaning to China), and Zhengyang Gate is the Guanghua Gate.

In the same year, the National Government converted the single-hole Chaoyang Gate into the three-hole Zhongshan Gate. The inner urn has been removed, but the outer urn is still there.

In the 19th year of the Republic of China (1930), Zhang Qiyun analyzed in "Geographical Environment of Capital City" that the reason why the city wall was not demolished was that "building bricks to demolish the city was too expensive, and the wages were not worth the candle". Of course, it's not that simple. Objectively, it is its inherent military defense value that kept Nanjing Ming City Wall from 1930 until liberation.

In the twentieth year of the Republic of China (193 1), in order to facilitate the traffic in the north of Nanjing, the National Government broke the wall at the intersection of the Central Road and the Ming City Wall 500 meters west of Shencemen, and named it the Central Gate. In the same year, in order to meet the needs of Nanjing road modernization, Zhonghua East Gate and Zhonghua West Gate were opened on the east and west sides of Zhonghua Gate, which met the traffic from south to north.

In the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933), in order to open up Hanzhong Road, Sanpiaomen, a western-style archway, was newly built on the city wall, named Hanzhong Gate, between Qingliangmen and Hanximen. In the same year, a gap in the original Ming city wall was transformed into a city gate, named Wudingmen.

In the 23rd year of the Republic of China (1934), the city gate was opened in the north of Nanjing, located to the west of Jinchuan Gate, and now the new Xinmin Gate is built to the west of the moat at the west end of Xinmin Road. At the same time, a moat was filled with earth. In order to keep the river flowing, a single-hole cement bridge with a deck length of about six meters and a span of about four meters was built. In the same year, Gu, commander of Nanjing garrison, put forward the "Nanjing City Defense Proposal", which included the Ming city wall in the city defense plan and protected it.

In the 25th year of the Republic of China (1936), Yuhua Gate was opened on the basis of Nanjing Ming City Wall to connect the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway in Nanjing with the Jiangnan Railway in Yanghu Lane, and to connect with the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the small railway was gradually abandoned.

1September, 948, the "Nanjing city wall and moat fortifications rectification meeting" made nine resolutions to repair the city wall and related fortifications. However, this time the defense function was not realized.

1954, Taicheng, located at the foot of the Arctic Pavilion Mountain, was close to the "Houhu City Wall", with convenient internal and external transportation, which opened a door for air defense evacuation. It is a single ticket gate, located in the south of Xuanwu Gate, west of Taiping Gate, northeast of Jiming Temple and south bank of Xuanwu Lake.

Around the 1950s and 1960s, the demolition movement that swept across the country spread to Nanjing. Like other ancient city walls, the restoration and protection work has gone through a tortuous course. Due to historical limitations and the influence of the "Left" trend of thought, the Nanjing City Wall was in danger of being completely demolished several times. Fortunately, Mr. Zhu Dai, then deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Culture, immediately made an urgent suggestion to the leaders of Nanjing, ordered to stop destroying the city, and ran around to unite people from all walks of life to appeal. At the same time, it sent a telegram to the Central Ministry of Culture, calling for the protection of the Ming City Wall. Due to the repeated efforts of Mr. Zhu Dai and others, some citizens wrote to the municipal government to "criticize and accuse", and finally the Nanjing City Wall survived.

1984, Nanjing established the Zhonghua Gate Cultural Relics Protection Center and the Victory Memorial Hall for Crossing the River to protect the inherent cultural relics and show the historical features.

1988, the whole section of Nanjing Ming City Wall was announced by the State Council as a national key cultural relics protection unit. In the same year, the Nanjing Municipal Government established the Nanjing City Wall Management Office as a professional organization for the protection, maintenance and management of the Nanjing City Wall, from which the whole section protection of the Ming City Wall began to receive attention.

199 1 Due to the needs of urban construction and urban traffic, the Nanjing Municipal Government opened Zhonghua Road and widened Qing Ji Road. With the approval of National Cultural Heritage Administration, Professor Pan from the Department of Architecture of Nanjing Southeast University was invited to design and build the jiqingmen. The city wall has the style of the "lintel" door in the Song Dynasty, and it is the first even-numbered door in the Nanjing city wall, which means that the opening number is even, which is the first of its kind.

1992, Nanjing Ming city wall protection plan was officially released.

1September, 1993, Nanjing City Wall Management Office was attached to Nanjing Cultural Relics Bureau.

1995 ~ 1996, wall restoration project from Jiefangmen to Xuanwumen.

1In April, 1996, Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress passed the local regulations formulated by Nanjing for the protection of Nanjing Ming City Wall, the Measures for the Protection and Management of Nanjing City Wall.

During the period of 1997, in the master plan of Nanjing approved by the State Council, it was clearly proposed to strengthen the protection of Ming city walls.

1996 ~ 1997, wall restoration project of Shichengmen Fucheng.

1997 ~ 1998, wall reinforcement project of Houbiao camp section.

During the period of 1998, the emergency door section of the city wall was reinforced. On May 24th of the same year, Nanjing Ming City Wall History Museum was formally established. Together with the Nanjing City Wall Management Office, it undertakes the task of maintaining and protecting the Nanjing City Wall, each with its own emphasis.

1998 ~ 1999, wall rescue and reinforcement project in the west section of Jiuhua Mountain.

On March 2, 2000, KLOC-0, the research group of the Feasibility Report of Nanjing Ming City Wall was established, which marked the official start of the application for the World Heritage.

From 2000 to 200 1 year, the wall of jiqingmen section was repaired.

In 200 1 year, the site of Xihuamen in Nanjing was excavated, and only three gates were left, namely Sumitomo Gate and Masonry Paved Gate, which completely confirmed the phenomenon that Xi 'anmen was mistaken for Xihuamen for a long time.

From 2002 to 2003, the wall of Shicheng section was restored.

From 2003 to 2004, the walls of the east-west trunk line, Hongshan soil section and Shencemen Wengcheng were repaired.

Since 2004, Nanjing has promulgated the protection and construction plan of the scenic belt of Ming city wall from 2005 to 2007. Won the "Best Living Environment Model Award" issued by the Ministry of Construction.

In 2006, Nanjing City Wall, xi 'an City Wall in Shaanxi Province, Jingzhou City Wall in Hubei Province and Xingcheng City Wall in Liaoning Province were included in the China World Heritage List.

20 10, "Nanjing famous city protection plan" was issued, which clarified the height of the first-line buildings of the Ming city wall.

From June 2065438 to June 2005, the Regulations on the Protection of Nanjing City Walls was promulgated, including the outer city walls with a total length of more than 60 kilometers in addition to the walls of Nanjing Capital (inner city), Imperial City and Miyagi City.

2065438+August 2005, Nanjing Planning Bureau and Southeast University organized and compiled the Urban Design along Nanjing City Wall, which has been approved by Nanjing Municipal Government. According to the planning, Nanjing Ming city wall is divided into five sections, which are distributed in a ring shape. For the missing parts without walls, green plants will be used to fill them. Some city walls and gates will also be rebuilt in the future.

From September 2065438 to September 2005, the abutment site of Dinghuaimen City Wall was discovered in the widening project of Nanjing Mo Fan West Road. With the approval of National Cultural Heritage Administration, the Municipal Institute of Archaeology is carrying out archaeological work according to the requirements of the National Bureau.

Architectural type

Nanjing Ming City Wall consists of four walls: Miyagi, Imperial City, Capital City and Waiguo. Among them, the Nanjing capital city wall does not follow the old square or rectangular system of the ancient capital, with unique design concept, exquisite construction technology and grand scale. It winds between the beautiful mountains and rivers in Nanjing, Zhong Ling, with a total length of 35.267 kilometers, which is longer than the Ming City Wall in Beijing, and it is the largest city wall in the world. The perimeter of the outer wall of the Ming City Wall in Nanjing is more than 60 kilometers.

After hundreds of years of vicissitudes, the walls of Miyagi, Imperial City and Waiguo have been completely destroyed, but the tall walls of Beijing, except for wooden buildings such as gates, no longer exist, and the walls still stand. So today's so-called "Nanjing City Wall" and "Nanjing Ming City Wall" all refer to the capital city wall. Nanjing's Ming Dynasty Fourth Ring City Wall, with both innovation and inheritance, is unique and charming in the history of China's capital construction.

Imperial capital

For details of Miyagi and Imperial City, please refer to the entrance of Nanjing Forbidden City.

Miyagi, also known as Ouchi and Neigong, commonly known as the Forbidden City and Zi Yuan, is the place where Zhu Yuanzhang lived, handled state affairs and received Chinese and foreign envoys and members of the royal family. It is located at the innermost part of the quadruple wall in Nanjing, surrounded by the Royal River in the east corner of the capital of Nanjing.

In the 26th year of Yuan Dynasty (1366), Zhu Yuanzhang ordered that it be built by Liu Ji, who was proficient in geomantic omen theory, and then filled with lakes, with high terrain in the south and low terrain in the north. Miyagi sits facing south, with a slightly rectangular plane. The main body of the palace wall is about 0.95 km long from north to south, 0.75 km wide from east to west and 3.4 km in circumference.

Formerly known as "Yanzi Lake", it is low-lying and has been dredged, piled, filled and paved with boulders. Miyagi architecture is divided into two parts: the former dynasty (three halls) and the imperial residence (six palaces).

On the wall of Miyagi, there were four gates in the early days. Hongwu "changed it to the Omuchi Wumen Gate in ten years, adding two views." There are three doors in the middle, and things have two doors on the left and right. Therefore, * * * built six doors: the main entrance in the south is the meridian gate, the left and right doors on the left and right sides of the meridian gate, the west gate is the Xihua gate, the east gate is the Donghua gate, and the north gate is the Xuanwu gate. Xuanwu Gate, commonly known as the "post-slaughter gate" (now mistakenly called "post-slaughter gate").

Miyagi city wall

Construction time: from the 26th year of Yuan Zheng Zhi to the first year of Ming Hongwu (1366- 1368), lasting for 2 years.

Height and width of the city wall: 6-7 meters high and 2-3 meters wide.

Length of city wall: 3.3 1 km

Open City Gate: There are six city gates, namely, Wumen Gate, Zuoye Gate, Right Yemen Gate, Donghuamen Gate, Xihuamen Gate and Xuanwu Gate.

Disappearing time: from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China (the surface buildings of Wumen and Donghuamen have been preserved so far, and the surface of Xihuamen is only preserved by Sumitomo)

Miyagi City Gate Miyagi City Gate Meridian Gate (Meridian Gate) Left Yemen Right Yemen Donghuamen Xihuamen Xuanwu Gate (Houzaimen or Houzaimen) Imperial City

For details of Miyagi and Imperial City, please refer to the entrance of Nanjing Forbidden City.

The Imperial City, the nearest wall to protect Miyagi, is built around Miyagi, but it is not equidistant. During the Yongle period, the expansion of the Western Wall of the Imperial City led to the distance from Xihuamen to Xi 'anmen being about twice as long as that from Donghuamen to Dong 'anmen, and the plane was inverted convex. The imperial city, Miyagi and the buildings included are collectively called "palaces".

The form of the palace, according to the old system of five doors and three halls in the Book of Rites, has five doors from outside to inside: "Hongwumen, Chengtianmen, Ruimen, Wumen and Fengtianmen"; Behind these five doors, there are three main halls: Fengtian Hall, Gaihua Hall and Shenshen Hall. In the sixth palace, according to the old system of Zhou Li, there are Gan Qing Palace and Kunning Palace behind the main hall, and there are "Rijing Gate" and "Yuehua Gate" opposite the main entrance of the two palaces to symbolize that the residence of the emperor and queen will always be like heaven, earth, sun and moon.

There are seven gates on the wall of the imperial city: the south gate of the imperial city is Hongwumen, which is located in the north of Zhengyangmen (namely Guanghuamen) in Beijing. After entering Hongwumen, it is a thousand-step corridor in the north-south direction, with continuous corridors on both sides, which turn from south to north to east and west to cross street in front of Chengtianmen, forming a curved ruler shape. On the back two sides of Qianqianlang are the offices of the "five departments and six hospitals" central government. Crossing the Waiwulong Bridge is Chengtianmen (equivalent to Tiananmen Square in Beijing).

In the 25th year of Hongwu (1392), the Jinshui Bridge in Ouchi was rebuilt. Between the Wumen Gate in the south of Miyagi and the Chengtianmen Gate in the south of Imperial City, five gates and five gates and Chengtianmen Gate Tower were built. On the east and west sides of the palace on both sides of the end gate, the north and south palace walls were built to separate the ancestral temple in the east from the social altar in the west, making the palace safer and becoming the only traffic to Miyagi. On the north-south imperial wall in front of Chengtianmen, there are Chang 'an Left Gate and Chang 'an Right Gate, which connect things of Chang 'an Avenue. Dong 'anmen, Xi 'anmen and Bei 'anmen are in the north of the main city of the imperial city.

Under the imperial wall in the southwest corner of the imperial city, the eunuch's prison is located. Other departments, bureaus, warehouses, houses, factories and other institutions serving the imperial court are located in Miyagi and Imperial City.

On the rivers inside and outside the Palace, besides the Wulong Bridge inside and outside, there are Qinglong Bridge near the East Chang 'an Gate and Baihu Bridge near the West Chang 'an Gate, which are commonly used in geomantic theory.

Huangcheng city wall

Construction time: 25 years of Ming Hongwu-26 years of Ming Hongwu (1392- 1393) duration 1 year.

Height and width of the city wall: 6-7 meters high and 2-3 meters wide.

Length of city wall: 9.95km (136 16 crib, 200 bunks).

There are city gates: there are seven city gates, namely Hongwumen, Chang 'an Left Gate, Chang 'an Right Gate, Dong 'anmen, Xi 'anmen, Bei 'anmen and Chengtianmen.

Disappearing time: from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China (Xi 'anmen and other landmark buildings have been preserved so far)

Huangchengmen Huangchengmen Hongwumen Changan Left Door Changan Right Door Donganmen Xi Anmen Beianmen Chengtianmen Capital.

The capital, also known as Inner Guo Cheng, is 33.676 kilometers long, with 200 shacks and 3 gates 136 16. Its city wall has a unique shape, which was originally founded by Zhu Yuanzhang and Liu Ji in the early Ming Dynasty.

Contrary to the traditional forms such as "the craftsman governs the country, the square is nine miles, and the three doors operate" and "the left ancestor and the right society look at the market", it abandoned the old system that the ancient capital of China was square or rectangular since the Han and Tang Dynasties, but the irregular shape was built according to the geographical situation of mountains, lakes and rivers for defense needs, which became a special case in the history of ancient urban construction in China. Therefore, people say that the Nanjing city wall is a "treasure gourd" shape; Some experts say that the Nanjing city wall is "non-square, non-round, irregular, polygonal and unequal" and "palace fan".

Nanjing city wall is based on the Southern Dipper and the Big Dipper in the sky. Setting the city as a personalized Nandoushao residential building not only conforms to the economic conditions and public support at that time, but also protects the most prosperous area of Nanjing in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty. More importantly, the design idea of Taoist metaphor in the architectural language of Nanjing city wall satisfies Zhu Yuanzhang's desire of "imperial power is supreme" and "being the master forever", and embodies the designer's thought of "harmony between man and nature" and "entrusting imperial power to the gods"

Capital city wall

Construction time: from the 26th year of Yuan Zheng Zhi to the 19th year of Ming Hongwu (1366- 1386), it lasted 2 1 year.

Height and width of city wall: city height 14-2 1 m (up to 26 meters), city width 7- 14 meters (up to 30 meters at the widest point).

Length of city wall: 35.267km.

City gate water gate: 0/3 city gate/kloc-block, including two urns at Zhengyangmen, three urns at Tongji Gate, three urns at Jubaomen, three urns at Sanshanmen, two urns at Shichengmen, one urn at Liangqingmen, Dinghuai Gate, Yifeng Gate, Zhongfumen, Jinchuanmen, one urn outside the toilet god gate, one urn outside the emergency gate and one urn outside the Chaoyang gate. Set up two watergates, East Watergate and West Watergate.

Disappearing time: Some city walls were demolished in 1960s. Up to now, the city walls still exist for more than 25 kilometers, making them the largest city walls in the world.

The total length of Nanjing Ming City Wall is 35.267 kilometers, including 25.09 1 km of ground remains and 10. 176 km of ruins. There were thirteen gates in the Ming Dynasty, namely Zhengyangmen (now Guanghua Gate), Tongjimen Jubaomen (now Zhonghua Gate), Sanshanmen (now Shuiximen), Shichengmen (now Hanximen) and Liangqingmen, as well as the Huaihe Gate Instrument.

(Pay attention to the opening time later) Xuanwu Gate (1908) Caochangmen (1908) Xiaobeimen (1908) Yijiangmen (192 1 year) Central Gate (1year). 1933) Wudingmen (1933) Xinmin men (1934) Yuhua men (1936) Jiefangmen (1954) Jiqingmen (199)

Waiguo, namely WaiGuo Cheng, was built to make up for and strengthen the defense of Nanjing capital. It was ordered by Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of Ming Dynasty, to start construction in the 23rd year of Hongwu (1390).

Waiguo, commonly known as Tuchengtou, is mainly composed of hills and mud, and only bricks are added in some weak defense places such as the city gate. The plane shape of the exoskeleton is roughly rhombic, and the perimeter is called 180 Li, but it is actually 120 Li. At present, there are no foreign gates, and some have addresses to check. Among them, Qilinmen to Xianhemen and other places can still vaguely see the ruins of the city wall of that year.

History: Waiguo is 180 Li Long, and it was built in Hongwu period 16 gate. The main body of the city wall is mostly hills and earth barriers, and bricks are only added in some weak defensive places such as the city gate, so it is commonly known as "Tuchengtou". As far as orientation is concerned, the shape of the outer Guo is a diamond. Guanyin Gate is the northernmost gate, Qilin Gate is the easternmost gate, Jiagang Gate is the southernmost gate, and the Waiguo City Wall in the west is not encircled, leaving a gap between the north and the south extending to the Yangtze River respectively.

Waiguo city wall

Construction time: Twenty-three years of Ming Hongwu-Twenty-five years of Ming Hongwu (1390- 1392) lasted for two years.

Height and width of the city wall: the height of the city is about 8 8- 10/0m, and the width of the city wall is 6-8m. There is a water culvert under the city.

The length of the city wall: more than 60 kilometers (officially called 180 Li in Ming Dynasty)

There are city gates: there are 19 city gates, including fence gate, Jiangdong gate, elephant taming gate, elephant taming gate, Andemen, Little Andemen, Fengtai gate, Jiagang gate, Fangmen gate, Gao Qiao gate, Cangbo gate, Qilin gate, Xianhe gate, Fangyao gate, Guanyin gate, Funing gate, Shangyuan gate and Waijinchuan gate.

Disappearing time: From the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, the Jinchuan Gate outside the Waiguo City Gate was followed by Funing Gate (Foling Gate), Guanyin Gate, Fangyao Gate (Hua Yao Gate), Xianhe Gate, Qilin Gate, Zangbo Gate, Gao Qiao Gate (now the door), Jiagang Gate (now Jiagang Gate), Fengtai Gate, Andemen (Da 'an Gate), Xiao Andemen and Elephant Training Gate.

In the 4th year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty (A.D. 137 1), Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the construction of Baozikou City, the first year of the construction of Dongmen Town.

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Fiona Fang Baozikou City was two kilometers long and built by mountains and rivers. There were five gates: Cangbo at the east gate, Qingjiang at the south gate, Feng Wan at the west gate, Yangu at the north gate and Wangjing at the south gate. The east gate of the ancient town was developed along the name of Cangbomen in the Ming Dynasty, and it has a history of more than 600 years.

On the 4th day of Wanli (16 17), from mid-October to the 5th (16 18), Puzikou City was rebuilt for about one year. "Those who serve the three public offices will visit them alone after the full moon", urging the construction of the city. * * * The city wall near the river in the south was built 899 feet, and at the same time, four additional tickets, an urn, seven enemy towers and nine water tunnels were built. There are seven city gates, the east gate is Chaozong, the north gate is Gong Ji, the west gate is Feng Wan, the south gate is Jintang, and the convenient doors are Chu Guang, Panlong and Attached Phoenix. Every door has a doorman and some doormen. Pukou City, which is as round as a full moon, has now become a memorial arch. In order to resist the impact of the tide, another 754.8-foot-high stone embankment was built beside Jintang and Chu Guang.

In the ninth year of Hongwu (1376), in order to expand the defense of Jiangbei, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered Jiangpu County to be directly placed under the jurisdiction of Tianfu. At that time, the county government was near Shangguanlin Lane in the north of Dongmen Street, Pukou City. Main entrance: Liuhe City Wall

Nanjing Liuhe Ming City Wall is located in Liuhe District, Nanjing. Founded in the second year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty (1 132), it is a cultural relic protection unit in Nanjing.

Liuhe Ming City Wall Site is about160m long, 6m high and 4.8m wide at the top. There is a jagged roof outside and a female wall inside. Different from the "unilateral city wall" in history, the inside and outside of this city wall are made of city bricks, and many ancient city bricks are preserved. Compared with the bricks of Nanjing city wall, the bricks of Liuhe city wall are much smaller, which is several grades lower than that of Nanjing Ming city wall as the capital.

According to the information in the Cultural Relics Map of Jiangsu Province, according to the records of Liuhe County in Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty, Liuhe City Wall was first built in Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty (1 132), and was abolished and destroyed in the early Ming Dynasty. In the ninth year of Chongzhen in Ming Dynasty, Liuhe local government rebuilt the rammed earth wall. The perimeter of the city wall 1, 323.6 feet, 2.5 feet high. There are as many as 1647 cribs, which are roughly square and have a moat outside the city.

In the forty-fourth year of Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty (1705), the wall of Liuhe was washed away by water. In the following years, local governments successively repaired the wall in Yongzheng, Qianlong, Daoguang, Xianfeng and Guangxu. During the period of the Republic of China, the perimeter of Liuhe City Wall, which has been restored, was 44 10 meter, reaching 8.33 meters. 1958, the "demolition movement" spread to Liuhe town, and most of the city walls of Liuhe were demolished, leaving only a short section.

Liuhe City was the acropolis of Nanjing in Ming Dynasty. Compared with the Ming city wall in the main city of Nanjing, Liuhe city wall is special, it is a unilateral city wall. The so-called unilateral city wall means that the outer city wall is made of bricks of Ming city, and the middle and inner city walls are made of rammed earth. The reason why it was so simple was that the bricks in Mingcheng belonged to more expensive items at that time. Although the Liuhe city wall seems simple, it also plays a role in military defense. Liuhe folks have the saying that "Nanjing is made of iron and paper", which is to describe the solidity of Liuhe City.

1858 10, King Chen Yucheng of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom led troops to attack Liuhe, and started a tug-of-war with the Qing army, killing more than 10,000 people on both sides. Finally, Chen Yucheng, who had no choice but to face the Liuhe City Wall, made a last resort. He ordered his soldiers to dig tunnels and inject explosives, blast the city walls and enter the city. Wen, the garrison commander of Liuhe Qing army, was killed.