Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Female facial analysis?

Faces can judge a person's future destiny by observing their faces, so do you want to know how to judge a person's destiny from their faces? Let's get to know the master

Female facial analysis?

Faces can judge a person's future destiny by observing their faces, so do you want to know how to judge a person's destiny from their faces? Let's get to know the master

Female facial analysis?

Faces can judge a person's future destiny by observing their faces, so do you want to know how to judge a person's destiny from their faces? Let's get to know the master together. I'll sort out some information for you below, hoping to help you!

A woman's face foretells fate.

1. oval face

The facial lines are beautiful, without prominent facial bones, and the curves are plump and comfortable. Women with this face are easy-going, good at managing money, and better at dealing with feelings, and will not fall into love difficulties.

Step 2: Square face

It is characterized in that the forehead is as wide as the chin and the length from the temple to the chin is straight. Most politicians or women who are officials have this face.

3. Yamagata face

Narrow on the top and wide on the bottom, not only the cheekbones are wide, but also the chin is wider. People with this face have amazing perseverance, do not easily admit failure, and most of them rely on their own efforts to succeed.

4. Chinese character face

People with this face shape have wider foreheads and cheekbones and a square chin. People with this face are curious, but also arbitrary and eccentric.

5. triangular face

Commonly known as fire face. The forehead is wide, the cheekbones are high and the chin is sharp. A woman with this face must be eager to learn, but her personality is a little too urgent.

Step 6 be glum

Characterized by a long face, the forehead, cheekbones, chin and corners of the mouth all develop into a straight line. People with long faces are introverted and dull, but they are also very resilient.

How to see a woman cheating from her face

1. A woman with valgus ears

Derailment coefficient: 4

If a woman's ears are everted, facing the side and shaped like arrow clusters, this ear shape is called arrow feather ears in physiognomy. If your partner has this kind of ear shape, you should be careful, because this kind of woman is bold, paranoid, maverick and expressive, which makes men promiscuous.

2. A woman with an oval face

Derailment coefficient: 5

According to physiognomy, if a woman has a very rare pointed chin, it will not only be so pointed, but also present a face with a pointed goose egg, which is not only charming, but also gives people a feeling of being full of femininity. The partner is like this. Male friends should pay attention. A woman with this face can easily arouse the other side of men and make them follow.

3. Women with too small earlobes

Derailment coefficient: 4

If a woman's earlobe is too small and her hair is full of bangs and pubic hair, the woman's mood with this face is changeable and she misses her husband every day. It is easy for a woman to fall into the sea of Wang Yang in boundless love.

4. A woman with a knotted nose and a stiff nose.

Derailment coefficient: 5

If a woman's nose is knotted and her nose is stiff; Or a thin nose and small nostrils can easily lead to extramarital affairs.

5. A woman with a long middle age and prominent cheekbones.

Derailment coefficient: 4

Women are deep and long, with protruding cheekbones, which often indicates vigorous energy and long life. And there will be more matching men than ordinary people.

6. A woman with a small cherry mouth

Derailment coefficient: 5

The female cherry has a small mouth and a slender neck, so it has the ability to be full of hot temptations to men. If you add a woman's arch eyebrows and thin waist, then Dr. Zheng reminds friends that this is the erotic stage in life science, and ten men can't have the power to parry.

A woman's happiness is related to her face.

Chen Xiaoxuan, the sexy goddess, is married, and the groom must not be Wu Zongxian. Chen Yi's face, rich, is not worthy of a hundred days without flowers in Wu Zongxian. Five years later, Wu will definitely be upstaged by others. My husband is the producer of "Kangxi is coming". He is very talented and capable, and the most important thing is to be single-minded and not careless. And Chen Yidan into the home to accept the heart, but also Wangfu Wangzi. The two are typical complementary combinations. In addition to good feelings, my future career has also developed smoothly. Zhang Chenguang was a famous young man in Taiwan Province in those days, and Love is Priceless reminds people of today 16 years later. Xie is the second wife. It is said that the first one is also a well-known female artist, who broke up because of personality differences. Now I am married to Er, and I have two sons, both of whom are test-tube babies, and they have excellent feelings. It is also a typical oval face and actor's face, while Xie is a prince's face, just as the ancients said, so it is reasonable to be maintained like a 30-year-old.