Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The story of Bigan digging his heart, did Bigan die after digging his heart? How can I live without death?

The story of Bigan digging his heart, did Bigan die after digging his heart? How can I live without death?

There are two versions of Bigen's heart-digging story, one is version history, and the other is a novel from the Romance of Gods. In the version history, Bi Gan was cut open by Zhou Wang, but in the novel, Bi Gan was framed by da ji and his heart was cut out. Did Beagan cut his heart and die? Is there a miracle? Let's have a look.

There are two versions of Bigan's heart-digging story, one is version history and the other is novel version.

1990 old version of the picture of God's list digging the heart.

Version history of Bigan's heart-digging story. Bigan has been smart and studious since he was a child. At the age of 20, he became a teacher, assisting his own brother DiYi. Later, Dee died in Zhou Wang, and Beagan worked for Zhou Wang, where he was loyal. Beagan was honest, frank, decisive and outspoken, and dared to remonstrate with death, but it was precisely because of this character that Beagan died.

Zhou Wang is ignorant and ignorant, regardless of political affairs. He only knows that he is addicted to the wine pool and meat forest, and turns a blind eye to the advice of loyal ministers such as Bigan. I said I would turn over a new leaf, but I have written down a hatred in my heart and I will pay it back sooner or later.

Beagan was observant but cautious. He learned that the Queen had died at the hands of Zhou Wang, and during his reign, he murdered loyal officials, neglected political affairs and practiced tyranny. Beagan severely condemned Zhou Wang in front of him and listed his crimes one by one. Zhou Wang knew that Beagan was telling the truth, but according to Zhou Wang's character, how could he be so humiliated? So Zhou Wang immediately turned against Bigan, let his stomach be cut open, his heart be taken out, and a generation of sages were killed alive because he told the truth.

The novel version of Beagan's heart-digging story comes from the novel Shen Feng Yan Yi. Bigan found that the fairies at the Lutai Fairy Banquet were all changed from foxes, so he cooperated with Huang to find the foxes' nests, burned them alive in the cave with torches, and finally peeled off a fox skin to make robes, reminding da ji to behave in this way. Da ji hated the death of his fox, so he teamed up with pheasant essence to give Zhou Wang a good show.

That day, da ji, Zhou Wang and Pheasant were having dinner together. Suddenly, da ji vomited blood and was unconscious. Pheasant told Zhou Wang that it was an old disease in da ji. If it breaks out, there is no medicine to cure it, but there is only one person in the world who can cure it, that is, doctor Jizhou, but the distance is too far, and da ji is in danger. Curing this disease is actually very simple, just use.

Zhou Wang heard that Effie's life was in danger and found a cure. He was glad to call Bi Fan at once and tell him about it. Zhou Wang told Bifan that all he had to do was scrape off all my hearts. Since uncle can save my Effie, let's sacrifice it. Beagan suddenly felt cold. Facing Zhou Wang's confusion and fatuity, Bi Gan thought, denounced Zhou Wang, cut his heart with a sword in a rage, dug out his seven clever and exquisite hearts with his bare hands, and left. Jiang Ziya guessed that there would be a catastrophe, so he left a spell for Bigan to take to save his life. Beagan survived by taking a spell. On the way, I met a woman who had no intention of selling vegetables. Beagan asked what would happen if people had no heart? The woman took one look and said that people can't live without hearts. Bigan vomited blood and fell to the ground and died.

Did Beagan cut his heart and die? The answer is death. In history, Bigan will die after digging his heart. In the novel, Bigan also died. Words than dry after digging the heart, make a dash for the door, Jiang Ziya calculated beforehand than dry will have a disaster, specially left a talisman, if in an emergency, it will be reduced to ashes, water to save lives. So when Zhou Wang summoned Bigen, Bigen knew something bad was going to happen, so he took the rune ahead of time. Therefore, Bigan has dug his heart and is still alive, but if you meet someone who has no intention of selling vegetables on the road, you must ask a question, can a person live without a heart? If the answer is that you can live without a heart, then Beagan ran away. If you answer that you will die without a heart, then Beagan will be killed on the spot.

Chen Musheng version of the list of gods than dry stills

As expected, Bigan met an old woman on the road, and her answer was that people can't live without hearts, so she is better than * * *. This old woman was changed by a fox spirit and deliberately killed Bigan.

We have finished the story of Bigan digging his heart. Whether it's version history or novel version, Bigen died cruelly, and a generation of loyal ministers died like this. Besides, there is a saying that Bigen died after digging his heart, or did Bigen die after digging his heart? The answer is yes, I was sealed after my death.