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What's the difference between ghosts and zombies?

Ghosts, also known as ghosts, necromancers, undead and ghosts, are considered by some people as spiritual bodies left behind after death. People in Taiwan Province Province call vagrants "good brothers" and avoid calling them ghosts; Hong Kong people call it "dirty" and "sloppy" (filthy things). Other songs and film and television works are named after this.

1. (pictograph. Oracle Bone Inscriptions-shaped, with the word "human" below and a terrible head (not the word "field") above, is a monster that people imagine is not human. "Ghost" is one of the radicals of Chinese characters, and the characters from "ghost" are mostly related to superstition and ghosts and gods. Original meaning: superstitious people think that there is a "soul" after death, which is called "ghost")

Ghosts, people belong to ghosts. -"Shuo Wen"

All beings die, and they come back to life from the dead. This is called a ghost. -"The Book of Rites, Sacrificing Righteousness"

In a haunted car. -The Book of Changes

For ghosts. -"Poetry Xiaoya Who"

A pale book will make ghosts cry at night. -"Huai Nan Zi Ben Jing"

The body is dead, the spirit is spirit, and the soul is a ghost. -"Chu Ci Qu Yuan's National Funeral" When I wrote this book, I was still alone in the world; By the time you read this book, I have become a ghost of the underworld. -Lin Juemin's "Book with Wife"

About ghosts

Ghost: the natural phenomenon of information extinction. Before the Ming Dynasty in China, ghosts were not considered to harm people, suck human blood essence and eat internal organs. Because China has great respect and worship for his ancestors. In ancient China, the treatment of good and evil depends on his behavior, not that evil is evil, but that immortality is good. It's like having demons and evil monks. Unlike western angels, they are just and vampires are evil. Ghosts, also known as undead, are legendary souls left behind after death and are usually considered as ghosts of the dead. Ghosts may not exist, after all, no one can prove it, but no one can explain that ghosts don't exist. People with higher education and scientists usually don't believe this. Many people want to prove that ghosts are false, but there is no clear experimental proof. Whether ghosts exist, this seemingly only yes and no answer question, has gone beyond the scope of human understanding, beyond the scope of science, beyond the scope of nature, this scope is also controversial, there is no * * * knowledge. In the cultural history of China, China people in Shang and Zhou Dynasties did not have the concept of immortality, nor did they have the concept of reincarnation advocated by Buddhism. But people at that time also thought that people would become ghosts after death and their identity would continue in the underworld. Therefore, they believe that after death, the soul continues to care about things that affect the world, which leads to the popularity of divination and burial concepts. In addition, ghosts can be found in Hinduism, Shintoism and later developed Islam.

Ghost story

People are divided into ghosts, slaves, like ghosts, ghosts and thieves, and slaves. "-"Shuo Wen Jie Zi "Ghost, a mythical but ubiquitous spiritual monster, is enduring. Many people talk about ghosts, talk about ghosts, talk about ghosts, write about ghosts, believe in ghosts, fear ghosts, sacrifice ghosts, curse ghosts, exorcise ghosts, fight ghosts, cut ghosts, descend ghosts, pretend to be ghosts and use ghosts, thus forming a unique ghost culture in China. This paper will make a superficial discussion on Chinese ghost culture from the aspects of ghost source, social attribute and status, especially ghost books. In fact, the source of ghosts is multiple and complicated. First of all, ghosts are associated with souls, and souls are closely related to dreams. Engels pointed out in the book "ludwig feuerbach and the End of German Classical Philosophy": "In ancient times, people didn't know the structure of their own bodies at all, and were influenced by the scenes in their dreams, so they had an idea that their thoughts and feelings were not the activities of the body, but the unique activities of the soul who lived in this body and left it when people died. Since then, people have to think about the relationship between this soul and the outside world. Since the soul leaves the body and continues to live when people die, there is no reason to imagine that it will die itself; In this way, the concept of immortality of the soul appeared. "In this way, ancient people came to the conclusion that people are composed of' body' and' soul'. The body can die, but the soul will never die. When a person dies, his soul leaves his body and becomes a ghost. Just to explain the causes of ghosts and people. Chen Shuaifo said that there is another kind of natural ghosts and gods because people in the past couldn't understand natural phenomena such as thunder and lightning, earthquakes and lewd rain, and thought that some ghosts and gods were manipulating these natural phenomena, and every natural phenomenon was a kind of mischief of ghosts and gods. Marx said: "Nature is originally opposed to human beings, and it is a completely alien, infinitely powerful and uncontrollable force. The relationship between man and it is exactly the same as that of animals, and people obey its rights like livestock. "With the development of society, ghosts have gradually gained social attributes. In class society, people don't understand the root of suffering under class oppression and class exploitation, and mistakenly think that ghosts and gods are dominating the rich and poor in the world, deifying social forces that they can't control, giving them the reputation of "divine right" and exploiting and oppressing the working class. All kinds of pure primitive religions can't resist this social force, and many religions have evolved into the unity of politics and religion and become the tools of the ruling class.

Zombies originated from China folktales. Refers to a corpse with stiff limbs, not low head, not inclined eyes, not separated legs and not rotting. Zombie images are widely used in movies, games and novels. And zombies as nicknames.

There is no fixed answer to the problem of vampire blood-sucking. There is a saying that zombies suck blood to eat each other's blood, and suck blood to get back at God like a vampire count. Some legends even think that vampire sucking blood is a daily job for zombies, just like our profession. In fact, the so-called zombies in China are basically assimilated by foreign demons or vampires. In fact, the real zombie in China is a shadow corpse, which means that if the corpse is placed in a dark place with energy or close to life, it will absorb energy or vitality, leading to the degeneration of the corpse. A "living body" with activity and thinking ability (actually dead) is a zombie. If you find a shadow corpse, you should deal with it as soon as possible or the consequences will be unimaginable!