Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Did Zheng De starve for more than ten or twenty years in Ming Dynasty?

Did Zheng De starve for more than ten or twenty years in Ming Dynasty?

Yes, there is an article like this: Daming Zhengde is fifteen years old.

Anhui Fengyang Cold Food Festival is coming, and Uncle Huang passed away last month. As soon as he died, his wife turned to the kitchen to chop his meat with a kitchen knife, and the two sons couldn't wait to pick up his cold body and chew it. Seeing this, the woman threw the knife aside and chewed on the man with her sons. Mother and son shut the door tightly, for fear that other passers-by would see them and take their "food". The Great Famine has lasted for four years. In four years, the last morality and humanity of human beings were slowly eroded. I ate everything I could eat. A few days ago, I heard that even the recently buried grave was dug. I used to be a cowboy. Although my parents let me study in a private school for a year, those years were not easy and I had to stop studying. At that time, unlike now, white steamed bread was eaten in my house from time to time. Now, there are no cows, no bark, no Guanyin soil. All the villagers I used to know were hungry, as thin as a hungry ghost, but as big as a baby. Dad went to Uncle Wu overnight, and even one arm of Aunt Wu was snatched back. His face was black and blue when he came back. Aunt Wu died last night. My cousins dragged her out of bed seriously and beat her to death with hoes while her uncle was away. When dad went to his house, there was less than half left. One-armed mother ate it for two days, and dad watched it swallow, so he endured it. I'm watching it, too I want to throw up. After the Cold Food Festival, my father and I go outside to look for food every day, and occasionally we can find hungry birds and Guanyin soil in the sky that no one has found. I often see crowds of people passing by me to avoid famine, but in the end few people can escape, either starving to death on the side of the road or being dragged away by fellow villagers after fainting. I walked past several people. They are eating with a lot of things in their arms. They ate and drank and were surrounded by fire. That's the daughter of one of them. The girl fell behind and was killed by several people who followed her. She burned it on the fire. Her father looked back from the front. At this time, the "meat" is also cooked. Her father understood and said nothing, as long as. I groped my way home. As soon as I got to the door, I heard my mother screaming, as if she were robbing someone. I hurried in. My father hugged my brother to prevent my mother from hitting him. It turns out that a "vegetable people" collection hall was recently opened in the neighboring county, which specializes in collecting human flesh. It is said that the government acquiesced privately. Seeing that my family has survived, I thought about selling my brother and getting some money back to prepare to flee to other places. My mother refused to live or die, and my father was desperate. My mother took my brother back to her arms and squatted at the door with her head down without saying a word. Finally made this decision! I'm not afraid to make this decision. My father and I kept secrets from my mother. On this day, my father and I came to the gathering place of "vegetable people" in the neighboring county. It's too noisy! Just like a temple fair! Many people are waiting outside a gate, and there is a sea of people. Unlike temple fairs, no one who comes here is smiling. I saw many boys and girls as old as me and younger than me tied by two or three adults with a straw in their heads. I know this is the "thing" for sale ... it's finally my turn, and it's been a long time. My father never dared to look at me, only at those "vegetable people" like me. I noticed that my father had been moaning like a beast in his throat. After going in, a fat man who seemed out of proportion handed my dad a piece of paper indifferently. He smiled contemptuously when he saw that his father didn't understand. I know a few words, which are the words that this "vegetable man" can't repent after being sold by his father for five times. I told my father, and the fat man looked at me in surprise, wondering that I was still so calm at this time. Father hesitated for a moment and pressed his handprint on it. The fat man licked his red lips and waved, and several people took me into the kitchens. When I left, my father didn't look at me, but looked at the copper coins in his hand, showing a happy look. He walked towards the outside, towards the stall selling "vegetable man" meat. I was taken to a house full of human limbs covered with floors and walls, as well as "vegetative people" waiting to be slaughtered. Like me, those vegetarians are surprisingly quiet. Finally, it was my turn again. The "cook" pressed me on the table, and I felt my neck shaking and blood pouring out ... Postscript: During the ten to twenty years of Zheng De in the Ming Dynasty, there was a famine in the whole country for ten years. There has also been a rare act of publicly buying and selling "vegetable people" in the history of China. Both the buyer and the seller are the parents and elders of the vegetable people. They are reluctant to eat their own children, so they sell them to others for cooking, and then use the money to buy other people's children to eat. Few amateurs resist, because they know that they should be eaten in this world. "Vegetable man", also called "biped sheep", is another professional vocabulary used by China people to beautify their ugly behavior. Vegetable man, as the name implies, is the person who treats vegetables. At the end of Chongzhen in Ming Dynasty, famine and locust plague happened in Shandong, Henan Province. Everything that can be eaten has been eaten, leaving only people to eat, so there is an open human flesh market, which sells real people and is called vegetable people. As long as you spend some money, you can buy a Aibaiman, take it home, slaughter it like an animal, and eat it legally. (Press) Don't think that you are far away from these nightmare experiences. Similar tragedies are staged one after another in the cycle, and the roles are constantly changing. Sometimes you play the killer, and sometimes you play the "vegetable".

Read Amitabha in Nanwu and wake up from a nightmare!

I saw a senior brother doubt the authenticity of the "vegetable man" incident. Attached is the record of Yuan Mei, a great writer in the early Qing Dynasty.

At the end of Chongzhen in Ming Dynasty, drought and locust plague occurred in Henan and Shandong, and even the bark of grass roots was eaten up by hungry people. The victims of hunger and fire began to eat people, and the government could not control it.

Women and children are the first to suffer. They are tied up by their families and sold in the market, which is the so-called "vegetable". The vegetable farmers sold in the market were taken home by the butcher who bought them, killed them and sold them to people as pigs and sheep.

A businessman surnamed Zhou came home from Dongchang on business and went to a hotel for lunch. The shopkeeper said, "The meat is sold out, please wait a moment." .

After a while, I saw two women being dragged into the kitchen. The shopkeeper shouted, "Don't keep the guests waiting. First find a hoof businessman named Zhou to guess the situation here, and then come out to stop it. Only a shrill scream was heard. Of the two women in the kitchen, one lost her arm and the other turned pale with fear.

When the two women saw the businessman surnamed Zhou, they both screamed for help from him. One asked to kill her as soon as possible, not to torture her, and the other asked for help.

The businessman surnamed Zhou was heartbroken and paid for them all.

One of them lost too much blood to live, so she quickly pierced her heart and took the other home.

The businessman surnamed Zhou has no son. Later, he married the rescued woman as a concubine. After a while, he gave birth to a son. There is a red linear birthmark on his right arm, from armpit to shoulder, just like the wound of the woman whose arm was cut off. Later, the son of a businessman named Zhou gave birth to another son, and it was not until three generations later that the incense was broken. The local people say that the businessman surnamed Zhou should have no children, but because of his kindness, he saved two people, so he can continue the incense for three generations.