Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What other fairy tales about fire do you know?

What other fairy tales about fire do you know?

1: It is said that in ancient times, because there was no fire, animals hunted by people ate raw meat such as crows and raw fish such as otters. Every winter, people are shivering in hemp fiber or leaf turf, and many people freeze to death.

It's terrible that there is no shop in the middle of the village. Suddenly, one day, dark clouds were gathering, the wind was blowing hard, the sky was dark, and lightning and thunder shook the earth. On a hill not far from Ganzhuang Mountain, a big tree was cut down by lightning in the deafening thunder. After the harsh white light, the fallen tree suddenly burned. Legend has it that the Jade Emperor sent Lei Gong to send fireworks to the world. However, people at that time did not know what the fire was about. They were scared out of their wits by the sudden fire, and they all ran back to the cave to hide like evil spirits, avoiding the fire and didn't even dare to look. However, only one person remained calm. He neither fears nor runs away. He bravely walked to the burning tree and carefully observed this strange thing. This man is the Almighty Creator Buluotuo. The fire was burning, and Buluotuo stood by it curiously. He thinks this strange thing is hotter than the sun. Brotuo had a brainwave. If people have this thing, they will no longer be afraid of the cold when winter comes, and people will never freeze to death again. So, he broke a branch, took the fire back to the hole, picked up a pile of dry wood, lit it in piles, and then casually sat by the fire to dry his hands, feeling very warm. People follow Buluotuo's example and warm themselves around the fire, and gradually they are not afraid of the fire. The news spread quickly. Later, the descendants of Fiona Fang Baili Zhuang people gathered on Dari Mountain to ask Buluotuo for kindling and lighting. Since there was a fire, people have been sitting around the fire to keep warm in winter. People tried to roast wild animals on the mountain, sweet potatoes dug out, wild fruits picked and fish, shrimp and crabs caught in the river on the fire, even though there was no oil and salt sauce at that time. I didn't expect it to be much more delicious than raw food. It was sweet and delicious. So, they changed the habit of eating raw meat from now on. Because people hunt during the day, burn a fire at night, roast and eat, and sleep around the fire when they are full, those beasts such as tigers and leopards are afraid of fire and dare not attack again. People began to realize the importance of fire to their living environment, and even began to think that human beings could not live without fire.

One night, it suddenly rained heavily, and the rain completely put out the fire. One night, when they woke up, they had no fire. Only then do people know that fire and water are incompatible, and they can't sit still after spending a period of time without fire. People went down the mountain in the rain, looking for fire everywhere. They searched all the social points around Ganzhuang Mountain, but they couldn't find any sparks wherever they went. At this time, someone thought of Buluotuo, the creator of the universe, and told the powerful god about finding fire. Buluotuo decided to go out and look for fire by himself. He stood like a pine tree and walked like the wind, with a big axe hanging around his waist. He searched all the wild mountains and caves in ninety-nine mountains, walked ninety-nine river bends and searched all the villages, but he was still disappointed.

On the way back to Dari Mountain, Buluotuo came to take a nap under a big tree. He suddenly remembered the last time Lei Gong chopped a tree for fire. He thought, since Lei Gong can split the tree into fire, can't I Buluotuo? Besides, I have an axe in my hand! With this in mind, he chose a cracked old tree, exhausted all his strength, raised his axe, and cut it hard on the tree tray that both of them couldn't close. Sure enough, there are many sparks like fireflies flashing constantly. Buluotuo cut another axe, and this time the spark was as big as a spark snake, dancing up and down and scurrying around. Buluotuo immediately blew hay and leaves into a pile, which was quickly ignited by sparks. Buluotuo added a lot of hay and dead wood to the fire, and the fire grew stronger and stronger, which soon attracted people looking for kindling from all directions. Since then, people have had fire again. With the last lesson, people will never dare to burn a fire in the wild again this time. They took the fire to the cave to rise. From then on, no matter how heavy the wind and rain, the fire will not go out. It was not until later that wooden scaffolding and clay tiles were used to build houses, and people took the fire to the house to boil water and cook for warmth.

Since then, the fire has been preserved, but there are also many problems. Because people didn't control the fire well, butterflies and moths flying into the house fanned the fire with their wings, and even chickens, ducks and geese followed suit, resulting in sparks flying all over the sky, and those groups of fireflies also set themselves on fire. Some even let children make a fire and play under the eaves. As a result, when the fire broke out, the whole village was burned down, and even some old people and children who had no time to escape were burned to death. People didn't expect that the fire would bring such a great disaster to people. The survivors had to ask Buluotuo how to use fire safely. Without saying anything, Buluotuo cut down the wood and set up a square kitchen hall in the middle of the room, which was covered with sand. It is stipulated that the fire of every household must be burned in the kitchen, and it is not allowed to play with fire casually. As a result, the number of fires is gradually decreasing. It turned out that those naughty fireflies were also driven into the wild and sneaked on the fire on their buttocks when they escaped, so until now we can still see the sparks on their buttocks on summer nights.

Although the story of Buluotuo's fire is only a myth or legend, some details of the story also convince us. If you can walk among the few farmers who live in wooden houses in this area, it is not difficult to find out whether their kitchens are identical or coincidental. The author does not agree. Fortunately, with the continuous advancement of rural reform, most rural wooden buildings have long since disappeared, replaced by beautiful buildings with reinforced concrete structures, and the so-called kitchen hall has also been replaced by biogas stoves and gas stoves. Perhaps, taking fire is a strange word that is fading out for modern life. However, as the descendants of the Zhuang nationality, we have no reason to ignore and forget our national roots anyway.

There is a great god named Fuxi in the sky. He was sad to see that life on earth was so difficult. He wants people to know the purpose of fire. So Fuxi used his magical powers to bring down a thunderstorm in the mountains. With a crack, lightning struck the trees, and the trees burst into a raging fire, which soon became a raging fire. People were frightened by lightning and fire and fled everywhere. Soon, the thunderstorm stopped, night fell, and the land became colder and wetter after the rain. The scattered people got together again, and they looked at the burning trees in horror. At this time, a young man found that the howling of the wild animals that used to appear around him was gone. He thought, "Are wild animals afraid of this shiny thing?" So he bravely walked to the fire, and he found himself so warm. He greeted everyone excitedly: "Come on, this fire is not terrible at all, it brings us light and warmth!" " "At this time, people found that wild animals that were burned to death not far away gave off bursts of fragrance. People gathered by the fire and shared the burnt meat of wild animals, feeling that they had never tasted such delicious food. People feel the value of fire. They pick branches, make fires and keep them. Every day, people take turns watching the fire to keep it from going out. But one day, the man on duty fell asleep, and the branches of the torch burned out and went out. People fall into darkness and cold again, which is very painful.

The great god Fuxi saw all this in the sky. He came to the dream of the first young man who discovered the use of fire and told him, "In the far west, there is a kingdom of Sui and Ming Dynasties, where there is fire. You can go there and get it back. " The young man woke up, remembered what the Great God said in his dream, and decided to go to Suiming to find a fire.

Young people crossed mountains and mountains, waded across rivers and forests, and went through hardships, and finally came to the Sui and Ming Dynasties. But there is no sunshine day and night here, it is dark everywhere, and there is no fire at all. The young man was very disappointed and sat under a big tree named Nianju to have a rest. Suddenly, a light flashed before the young man's eyes, shining brightly around him. The young man immediately stood up and looked around for a light source. At this time, he found several big birds pecking insects on the tree with short and hard beaks. As soon as they pecked, bright sparks shone on the trees. When the young man saw this scene, his mind flashed. He immediately broke some branches and drilled big branches with small branches. The branch was really ablaze, but it didn't catch fire. The young man is not discouraged. He found all kinds of branches and patiently rubbed them with different branches. Finally, smoke came out of the branches, and then it caught fire. The young man shed tears of joy.

When young people return to their hometown, they bring people a kind of fire that never goes out-the method of drilling wood for fire. From then on, people no longer have to live in cold and fear. People were impressed by the young man's courage and wisdom, elected him as the leader, and called him "the man who made the fire", which means "the man who made the fire".

In Greek mythology, human beings were created by Prometheus. He also served as a teacher for human beings, teaching them all useful things that can make them satisfied and happy. Similarly, people thanked him and rewarded him with love and loyalty. But Zeus, the highest god, asked human beings to worship him, so human beings must give him the best things. Prometheus offended Zeus, the defender of mankind.

As his punishment, Zeus refused to give people the last thing they needed to complete their civilization-fire. But Prometheus thought of a way to steal the fire with a long reed branch when the burning solar car passed by and bring it to mankind.

So Zeus was furious and ordered Vulcan to give Prometheus the severest punishment. Take him to Caucasus Mountain and tie him to a steep cliff with a chain that he will never earn, so that he can never sleep, his tired knees can't bend, and a diamond nail is nailed to his undulating chest. He endured hunger, wind and sun.

But Vulcan admired Prometheus and whispered to him, "As long as you apologize to Zeus and return the fire, I will definitely ask Zeus to forgive you."

Prometheus shook his head and said firmly, "What's wrong with benefiting mankind?" ! I can endure all kinds of pain, but I will never admit my mistake, let alone return the fire. "

Vulcan had to take Prometheus to Caucasus Mountain and tie him to a steep cliff with a chain that never stopped making money, so that he could never sleep, his tired knees could not bend, and a diamond nail was nailed to his undulating chest. He endured hunger, wind and sun.

In addition, Zeus sent an eagle to peck Prometheus' liver every day, but the eaten liver grew back. Nevertheless, he didn't give in. In this way, day after day, year after year. Until a hero named Hercules saved him, he endured this indescribable pain and torture.

4. In the era of the Yellow Emperor, there was a fire official named Zhu Rong. When he was a child, his name was Li. He is the son of a tribal leader. He is red-faced, strong and intelligent, but he has a bad temper and will fly into a rage when he makes a mistake. At that time, tunnel people invented drilling wood for fire, but they were not good at saving fire. But Li especially likes being near the fire. So he became a fire expert when he was a teenager. The fire has reached his hands, as long as it is not spread over a long distance. It can be preserved for a long time. Li can cook and cook with fire, and also use fire to keep warm, illuminate and drive away wild animals and mosquitoes. These skills were a great thing at that time. So everyone respects him. On one occasion, Li's father took the whole family on a long-distance migration. Seeing that it was inconvenient to walk with a fire, Li only took a sharp stone to drill wood for a fire.

Once, as soon as everyone settled down, Li took out a sharp stone, found a big barrel of wood, and sat in front of a stony mountain "wheezing" to drill the fire. Drill, drill, drill for three hours, but there was no smoke. Li is very angry. Breathing heavily in the mouth, very unhappy. But there was no fire, so he had to drill it again. Drilling and drilling, drilling for three hours, smoke came out, but it didn't catch fire. His face was black and red with anger. He stood up and threw a sharp stone at the stone mountain. Who knows that the sharp stone that was drilled very hot hit the stone mountain, and a few dazzling sparks popped up with a click. Clever Li saw it and soon came up with a new way to make a fire. He picked some withered reed flowers and tapped them with two sharp stones. When sparks splashed on them, they creaked and smoked. Blow gently again and the flame will go up.

Now that Li has discovered the method of using stones to make fire, there is no need to spend a lot of time drilling wood to make fire, and there is no need to do everything possible to save the fire. The Yellow Emperor of the Central Plains knew that Li had made such a great contribution, so he was invited to be a special fire officer. The yellow emperor valued him very much and said, "Li, let me give you a name." Just call it Zhu Rong. May eternity and peace be light. May you always bring light to the world. " Li was very happy and kowtowed to thank him. From then on, everyone changed their name to Zhu Rong.

When the Yellow Emperor was in power, there was a clan leader Chiyou in the south who often invaded the Central Plains, making it impossible for people in the Central Plains to live. The Yellow Emperor ordered the Central Plains people to unite, and Zhu Rong and others tied ties to fight against Chiyou. There are many Chiyou, especially his 998 1 brothers. They are covered with animal skins and have horns, and their mouths can spit out thick fog, which is awesome. At the beginning of the war, the troops of the Yellow Emperor lost their way as soon as they entered the fog, losing contact with each other and caring for each other. Chiyou's army pounced on him and defeated the Yellow Emperor and his men until they fled north to Zhuolu. The Yellow Emperor was surrounded by Chiyou in Zhuolu and dared not fight for a long time. Soon, because of the invention of the compass, I am no longer afraid of dense fog. Later, Zhu Rong saw that Chiyou's men were all dressed in animal skins, so he offered a plan to teach his men to light torches and set fires everywhere, so that Chiyou's army was burned and fled to the south. The Yellow Emperor led his army to the south. I drove through the Yellow River and the Yangtze River until I reached Mount Li, and finally I killed Chiyou. Zhu Rong made great contributions because he invented the fire attack method. The Yellow Emperor attached great importance to him, and he became an important official of the Yellow Emperor.

When the Yellow Emperor's army returned to Korea, it passed a mountain south of Yunmengze. The Yellow Emperor called Zhu Rong to his side and deliberately asked, "What mountain is this?" Zhu Rong replied: "This is called Hengshan." The Yellow Emperor asked again, "What is the origin of this mountain?" Zhu Rong replied: "In ancient times, the world was in chaos, like an egg. Pangu's creation created life. He lived for eighteen thousand years. After death, he lay on the land of the Central Plains, with his head facing east, and became Mount Tai. Toe west, into Huashan; The abdomen bulges and becomes Songshan; Right hand facing north, into Mount Heng; With your left hand facing south, it becomes the Hengshan Mountain in front of you. " Just finished, the Yellow Emperor immediately asked: "So, why is it called Hengshan?" Zhu Rong answered immediately? This mountain spans between Yunmeng and Jiuyi Mountain. Such as stalks, it can be called the weight of heaven and earth and the virtue of emperors, hence the name Hengshan. " The yellow emperor was very happy to see his answer and went over and said, "good!" You are so familiar with southern affairs that I want to entrust you with a heavy responsibility! " But the Yellow Emperor didn't say what the heavy responsibility was.

The team settled down in Hengshan. The Yellow Emperor climbed to the highest peak and accepted the sacrifices of the southern tribes. Many patriarchs will get together and everyone will be happy. On a whim, Zhu Rong played a tune composed by the Yellow Emperor himself-"The Joy of Fairy Pool", and Lei Zu, the concubine of the Yellow Emperor, also danced to the beat. When everyone saw it, they all danced around the Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor happily finished the dance and calmed everyone down, saying, "Since I took office, I have leveled elm trees, killed Chiyou, worked out calendars, invented characters, created melodies, compiled medical books, and established a system of sericulture, silkworm treatment and clothing fixing in Lei Zu. Now that the world is unified, I want to build five mountains: Mount Taishan in Dongyue, Huashan in Xiyue, Hengshan in Nanyue, Hengshan in Beiyue and Songshan in Zhongyue. Since then, Zhu Rong has been guarding Nanyue. " When everyone heard this, they all shouted, "Long life is boundless! Long life without borders! " Zhu Rong knew at this moment that the original Yellow Emperor had said that entrusting an important task was the way it was.

After the Yellow Emperor left, Zhu Rong was left in Hengshan to formally manage the affairs of the South. He lives on the highest peak of Mount Heng and often visits people everywhere. Seeing that people here often eat raw food, he told them to make a fire and taught them to cook before eating. He saw people here groping in the dark at night, so he told them to use fire to sing and Ming. He saw that miasma was very heavy, there were many mosquitoes, and people were often sick, so he told them to light a cigarette to drive away mosquitoes and miasma. People respect him very much, and every year after the autumn harvest in August, they come to worship him in droves. Everyone said, "Zhu Rong, we have a prosperous population, flocks of chickens and ducks, and abundant crops. You have brought us so many benefits, we thank you, and we will respect you as an emperor. You use fire. Fire is red. Let's call you Chi Di! Since then, Zhu Rong has been honored as Chi Di by everyone. "

Just as everyone was living and working in peace and contentment, suddenly there was lightning and thunder, and there was an earth-shattering cry of murder from the original place. Everyone was frightened and asked Zhu Rong what was going on. Zhu Rong told them: "This is the struggle between workers and Zhuan Xu for the throne." They played for a long time, but they were still tied. * * * jumped up and ran back and forth in the mountains. This is an extraordinary mountain, supporting the sky and not letting it fall. It binds the earth and prevents it from leaning. * * * Workers ran into it, only to hear a loud noise, sparks flying and bright for a long time. The pillars that support the sky are broken, and so are the ropes that bind the earth. Since then, the sky has tilted to the northwest, and the sun, moon and stars have fallen to the northwest. The earth leans to the southeast, and all the water in rivers and lakes flows to the southeast. Originally, Hengshan Mountain in Nanyue was about to collapse and the land was about to turn over in an instant. People were holding big trees and climbing rocks one by one. They were so scared that they cried. Zhu Rong quickly used all his skills to support the genius of this place like a big pillar, and the mountain didn't collapse. There was a poet in the Tang Dynasty who wrote this story specially: "The southeast is beneficial to humbleness, and the pillar of Victoria is a stone pillar. When Zhu Rong died, he brushed Zhu Niao. " Later, another poet also wrote: "The earth surges and peaks are obvious, supporting the southern Chutian." ? Zhu Rong lived on Nanyue Mountain until he was over 0/00 years old. People buried him on a mountain in Nanyue, and named this mountain Chi Di Peak. The highest peak where he lives has always been called Zhurong Peak. On the top of the mountain in Zhu Rong, people built a Zhu Rong Temple to commemorate his achievements forever.