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How did Prometheus make man?

In ancient Greek legends, there are all kinds of gods. Then, what gods created the human being, who was called the spirit of all things, who was endowed with the soul, and who injected the wisdom into the mind, thus prospering day by day?

In ancient Greek mythology, the origin of human beings is similar to that of China civilization, but the great god who created human beings is different.

In Greek mythology, the primitive form of the universe is also chaos. Gaia, the god of the earth, was born first, followed by Ripas (darkness) born in Talas at the bottom of the earth, and Niquith (night) born on the ground. Eribos and Niquette's brothers and sisters joined forces to give birth to light and sky. Uranus was born from the finger of Kea, the god of the sky. In this way, heaven and earth were created, and fish, birds and animals appeared in groups, but no advanced creature with a soul could dominate the world. The formation and knowledge points of ancient Greek mythology

Ancient Greek mythology is the spiritual product of primitive clan society and the earliest literary form in Europe.

Ancient Greek mythology was formed before the 8th century BC, and formed a basic scale on the basis of long-term oral communication by the residents in the early primitive society of Greece. Later, it was recorded in Homer's epic, divine spectrum, ancient Greek poetry, drama, history, philosophy and other works, and later generations sorted it into the present fairy tales, mainly including the stories of gods and the legends of heroes. The story of God involves the origin of the universe and mankind, the appearance of God and its pedigree. Later, Uranus, the god of the sky, combined with his mother Gaia and gave birth to six men and six women, that is, twelve titans. In addition, they also gave birth to three one-eyed trolls and three hundred-armed trolls.

Partos, the Titan, gave birth to Prometheus. The kind Prometheus knew that the seeds of the gods were hidden in the soil, so he picked up the soil, moistened it with river water, and kneaded it into human form according to the appearance of the gods. In order to give life to the clay figurine, he took out two kinds of characters, good and evil, from the animal soul and sealed them in the human chest. At the same time, Epimetheus, the younger brother of Prometheus, endowed all kinds of animals with such talents as courage, strength, agility and cleverness, but ultimately left no outstanding talent for mankind. Fortunately, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, marveled at the creation of Titan in Son of God after seeing human beings, and breathed a sigh of relief at the clay figurine with half a soul, which spiritualized human beings.

In this way, humans appeared on the earth. They multiplied and soon spread everywhere. At this time, humans don't know anything about technology, and they don't know how to use their brains and hands. Prometheus personally taught them to observe the rise and fall of the sun, moon and stars; Invent numbers and words for them, let them know how to calculate and exchange ideas with words; Teach them to control animals and share labor; He invented ships and sails, so that human beings can sail on the sea; He taught mankind to prepare drugs to prevent and treat various diseases; He taught them divination and dream interpretation; He guided mankind to explore underground mineral deposits, allowing them to discover mineral deposits and mine iron and gold and silver; He teaches people farming techniques to make their lives more comfortable.

During this period, Uranus, the god of the sky, was overthrown by his son Cronus and became the second generation god. Cronus was overthrown by his son Zeus. Zeus, his brothers and children have become the new masters of mankind, and they demand that mankind respect them as a condition for protecting mankind.

In Mercon, Greece, the gods got together to discuss and decide the rights and obligations of human beings. Prometheus attended the meeting as a defender of mankind. Prometheus played with the gods in order to reduce the burden of human sacrifice. Zeus was very angry and decided to get back at Prometheus. He refused to provide the last thing necessary for human life-fire. Prometheus had a brainwave, took a thick and long fennel pole, approached Apollo's solar car, lit the fennel pole with the flame of the solar car, and then returned to the ground with a flickering flame. Soon, man possessed fire and learned to use it. Zeus saw that human beings got the fire and decided to punish them with new disasters. He and the gods created a beautiful woman named Pandora (meaning "a woman with various talents"), and ordered her to meet Prometheus' younger brother Epimetheus and ask him to accept a gift from Zeus. She walked up to Epimetheus and suddenly opened the lid. The disaster inside flew out like black smoke and quickly spread to the earth. There is still a beautiful thing hidden at the bottom of the box-I hope it was locked in the box forever by Pandora according to Zeus' order. Since then, all kinds of disasters have begun to attack mankind.

Then Zeus began to take revenge on Prometheus. He locked Prometheus on a hanging rock in Caucasus Mountain, and sent an evil eagle to peck his liver every day. The liver recovered quickly after being eaten. He had to endure this painful torture until someone died for him voluntarily in the future.

Finally one day, Hercules, a demigod hero, came here. He felt sorry for Prometheus, so he took out his bow and arrow and shot down the evil eagle with one arrow. Then he released Prometheus and left Chiron Centauri on the cliff as body double. Khyron is willing to sacrifice himself to save Prometheus. But in order to carry out Zeus' judgment thoroughly, Prometheus must always wear an iron ring with stones on the Caucasus Mountain. In this way, Zeus can proudly claim that his enemy is still locked on the cliff of Caucasus Mountain.

At this time, under the protection of Prometheus, fledgling human beings began to fall, so that Zeus kept hearing about human evil deeds. Zeus sent down heavy rain and wiped out mankind with floods. Poseidon, the younger brother of Zeus, also went into battle himself, holding a trident to open the way for the flood. In an instant, land and water are inseparable, and Wang Yang is everywhere.

Humans are helpless in the face of the raging flood, either drowning or starving. Only deucalion, the son of Prometheus, got his father's warning in advance and built a big ship. When the flood came, he and his wife pilar took a boat to Panacas. The couple are kind-hearted and believe in God. Zeus saw that there was only this kind couple left in the world. He calmed down his anger and retreated from the flood.

Seeing that there are only two of them in the world, Ducalion and his wife are very sad. They turned to Simis, the goddess of order and justice. At Simis' suggestion, they turned around, covered their heads, loosened their belts and threw stones behind them. Miracle appeared, and the stone became a man. The stone thrown by deucalion became a man, and the stone thrown by his wife pilar became a woman. After the extinction, human beings were able to thrive and start a new life.