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How to write a summary card of Greek mythology?

Heaven and earth were created, and the waves of the sea rose and fell, beating against the coast. Fish play in the water and birds sing in the air. There are many animals on the earth, but no advanced creature with a soul can dominate the world around it. Prometheus was born at this moment. He is a descendant of the ancient monotheistic family exiled by Zeus, and the son of Partos, born to Gaia and Uranus. He is smart and wise, knowing that the seeds of gods are hidden in the soil, so he picks up the soil, moistens it with river water, and shapes it into a human shape according to the appearance of the gods, the master of the world. In order to give life to the clay figurine, he took out two kinds of characters, good and evil, from the animal soul and sealed them in the human chest. Among the gods, he has a girlfriend, Athena, the goddess of wisdom; She marveled at the creation of Titan in Son of God, so she blew on the half-soul clay figurine to make it spiritual.

In this way, the first batch of people appeared in the world. They thrived and soon formed a huge group, which spread all over the country. But for a long time, they didn't know how to use their limbs, nor did they know how to use the soul given by God. They turn a blind eye and turn a deaf ear, just like the human figure in the dream, walking around aimlessly, but they don't know how to play their role. They don't know how to stone, burn bricks, cut down trees to make rafters, and then build houses with these materials. Like ants, they live in a cave without sunshine, not knowing that winter is over, spring is coming, and summer solstice is coming; They do everything without a plan.

So Prometheus came to help his creation. He taught them to observe the rise and fall of the sun, moon and stars; Invented numbers and words for them, let them know how to calculate and exchange ideas with words; He also taught them to control animals to share their labor, and let them know how to put reins on horses that pull carts or serve as mounts. He invented ships and sails to sail on the sea. He cares about all other activities in human life. Once upon a time, sick people didn't know how to treat diseases with drugs, nor did they know how to apply ointment or take medicine to relieve pain. Many patients died tragically because of lack of medical care and medicine. Now, Prometheus teaches them to prepare drugs to prevent and treat various diseases. In addition, he taught them divination, explained dreams, and explained the signs of flight and sacrifice of various birds. He guided them to explore underground mineral deposits and let them discover mineral deposits and mine iron and gold and silver. He taught them agricultural techniques to make their lives more comfortable.

Not long ago, Zeus exiled his father Cronus and overthrew the ancient family of gods, from which Prometheus was born. Now, Zeus and his sons are the new masters in the sky, and they begin to pay attention to the newly formed human beings. They demand that human beings respect them as a condition for protecting human beings. One day, in Merkon, Greece, the gods got together to discuss and decide the rights and obligations of mankind. Prometheus attended the meeting as a defender of mankind. At the meeting, he tried to make the gods stop demanding sacrifices because they promised to protect mankind. The son of Titan is determined to deceive God with his wisdom. He killed a big cow on behalf of his creation, and asked God to choose only the parts they liked. He cut the sacrificed bull into pieces and divided it into two piles. A pile of meat, viscera and fat, covered with cowhide, with a cow's belly on it; The other pile is full of cow bones, cleverly wrapped in beef suet. This pile is bigger than the other. Zeus, the father of all-knowing and all-powerful God, saw through his trick and said, "Son of Partos, noble king, my good friend, how unfair it is for you to share the sacrifice!" At this time, Prometheus became more and more convinced that he had deceived Zeus, so he secretly smiled and said, "Dear Zeus, father of all gods, please choose a pile according to your own wishes!" Zeus was very angry, but deliberately stretched out his hands to get white sheep fat. When he peeled off the suet and saw that it was full of stripped bones, he pretended that he had not been cheated so far and said angrily, "I see, son of Partos, you haven't forgotten your deception!"

Zeus was cheated and decided to get back at Prometheus. He refused to provide mankind with the last thing necessary for life: fire. But Iapetus's son was very alert and immediately came up with a clever idea. He took a thick and long fennel pole, carried it to the approaching solar car, put it in its flame and lit it, then returned to the ground with a flickering light. Soon the first pile of firewood burned, and the fire became bigger and bigger. Zeus flew into a rage when he saw a flame rising in the world. Seeing that he could no longer take fire away from mankind, he quickly came up with a new disaster to punish mankind in order to offset the benefits that fire brought to mankind. He ordered hephaestus, the Vulcan, who is famous for his craftsmanship, to build a stone statue for a beautiful woman. Athena gradually became jealous of Prometheus and lost her affection for him. She personally dressed the stone statue in shiny white, covered it with a veil, put a wreath on her head and tied it with a golden ribbon. This golden ribbon is also made in hephaestus. In order to please his father, he elaborately produced delicate blond hair and animal images decorated with different expressions. Hermes, the messenger of the gods, taught this charming body language skill; Aphrodite, the goddess of love, endowed her with various attractive charms. So Zeus injected a vicious disaster into this beautiful image. He named her Pandora, which means "a woman with all talents" because the gods gave her a gift that was harmful to mankind. He sent this young woman to the world, and the gods who wandered freely on the ground for fun marveled at this incomparable beauty. She came to Epimetheus, Prometheus' brother, and asked him to accept a gift from Zeus. Epimetheus has a kind heart and no suspicion.

Prometheus once warned his brother on Mount Olympus not to accept any gifts from Zeus, but to return them immediately. However, Epimetheus forgot this warning and accepted this beautiful young woman happily. It was not until later that he suffered that he realized that he had brought disaster. Before that, human beings listened to Prometheus' warning, so there was no disaster, no hardship, no disease that tortured people.