Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Is marriage related to karma?

Is marriage related to karma?

1. Past cause and effect, present situation, looking for the root of marriage

First of all, the quality of marriage is directly related to previous lives. Destiny couples have a very strong affinity.

A new life must be examined by the tenth hall of hades before it is cast, and it can only be reincarnated into the world after being examined by the tenth hall of wheel king. After a long wait and inspection in the underworld, the ghosts are hungry and thirsty. The first place to go after the Tenth Hall came out was Meng Po Teahouse. The spirits are scrambling to drink a bowl of tea to quench their thirst, and this drink will forget the memory of past lives. Therefore, Mengpo tea, also known as Forget Worry Soup or Ecstasy Soup, can erase the memory of previous lives and leave the initial feeling. This is why some people fall in love at first sight, but two people who have never met before. Sometimes we have been there once.

Wang Mingyang, a famous philosopher, is also known as Wang Shouren. When he was an official, there was a temple in his jurisdiction. When he visited, he saw a room that had been locked for more than 50 years and never opened. He is very familiar with it. The monk in the hospital said that this room was dedicated to a past abbot, a flesh bodhisattva. The abbot told future generations not to open this room. Wang Zhongyang forced the monk to open the door, and there was a striking couplet in the room. The dead monk's body is well preserved and lifelike, which is Wang Zhongyang's past life. Some people who are reincarnated into the world may have accidentally slipped through the net, and they will clearly remember past lives without drinking Mengpo tea; But if you drink too much or drink too much, not only the memory will be erased, but even the original feelings will be erased. When it comes to marriage, you can't find the feeling of the half of your life.

In 2000, I met Ms. Su, the department manager of a travel agency in Beijing. At the age of 36, she speaks fluent English and has done a good job in tourism. After a period of contact, I got to know her two sisters. Her sister asked me for help and told me that her sister, Ms. Su, had serious emotional problems. Please help me find a master to deal with it. Otherwise, our family will not only lose face, but something will happen sooner or later. At that time, I just had a good nose and didn't have the ability to solve this problem. I introduced her to Master Liu who came to Beijing from Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province. The master is 32 years old, and his divination is very accurate. He can see dozens or even hundreds of people in one divination, and the information chain can be extended indefinitely. I introduced him to Beijing for development.

When I made a prediction for Ms. Su that day, she was in a state of confusion. She couldn't understand a word that Master said, but everyone around her did. Everyone helped to remind her. She looked at everyone without eyes, but she still couldn't come back. At this time, I smelled a smell between grass and sandalwood. I said to the master, check which god is coming. The master learned by divination: when the story comes, listen to me first, and then deal with her affairs. The master said: The God who came just now is Empress Meng Po. She began to have a relationship with Ms. Su. Ms. Su was a monk in her last life, and her energy was much higher than that of ordinary people. She knows the rules of the underworld. She wanted to slip away from the teahouse in Meng Po before she died, so that she could bring her memories to this world, and she was born with magical power. As a result, she didn't slip away and was discovered by the underworld. After being arrested, she was arrested. Ask her what happened after filling. She also knows that Meng Po's servant saw that this bowl was not enough and filled her with another bowl. As a result, she drank too much, which not only erased the memories of past lives, but also erased the original feelings. She looks at everyone who feels like her husband. If she doesn't feel like her husband in a few days, she will change another one. According to divination, there should be 42 men who have slept with her, including China and foreign countries.

The master added: Please don't laugh. This is what makes people feel sad and painful. In China, a country with philosophical ideas, traditional ideas will think that this is a very bad and rotten woman. If it had been before, her reputation would have been notorious. Now, despite the reform and opening up, people's views have been updated, but she will also be considered too much, and her family will be ashamed of her. Although Ms. Su was embarrassed, she nodded and admitted it.

Master said in front of the altar, Meng Po, you have drunk too much ecstasy soup for this Miss Su. Please give her some antidote to sober her up, or you will ruin her. Then the master asked, and Meng Po readily agreed. The master wrote a picture of calligraphy, and the paper ash fell into the teacup for Ms. Su to drink. The master said: in an hour, she will wake up. Let's get busy with other things and start predicting for others. Two hours later, Ms. Su really understood. The master said: From now on, every once in a while, one of the men will make her angry and propose to break up. By 2004, the last man left was her fiance. As the master said, in 2004, 40-year-old Ms. Su finally formed a happy family.

Primitive feelings in marriage are very important. It is not easy for husband and wife to support each other until they are old. This includes their personality, hobbies, body odor and bedside care when they are sick. They don't dislike each other and feel like a family. This is the original feeling factor. Nowadays people often ignore their original feelings and pursue each other's status, economic conditions, looks and so on. This kind of family lacks affinity, and the two skins can't stick together. Unlike a family, it looks like a partnership, each with its own abacus and ideas, and its heart is not in one place. Finally, it will lead to the cold war and even family disintegration.

Secondly, the reasons for the large population flow have affected marriage. This is why so many single women aged 30-40 can't find husbands. Before the reform and opening up, the household registration management in China was very strict, and the population flow was very small. In a unit and a natural village, the proportion of male and female population is basically balanced. The matchmaker in the unit and the matchmaker in the village looked at the boys in the Zhang family and the girls in the Li family, with similar age and economic conditions. As soon as they are paired, there may be only one man and one woman left. Generally speaking, they are not so single. After the reform and opening up, they collapsed. Even in the case of global population mobility, young men and women in a village can develop as far away as Hainan, Guangzhou or Beijing, Shanghai and other places, and the balance is broken, so their lives and fates are bifurcated. Some people have found their own half in the big stream, but many people have not found it. They are waiting and waiting. 20 years old has passed, 30 years old has passed, and 450 is waiting for him, but this is a marching team. Only by trying to catch up with the team and find your own half, the open market has introduced the economy into the competition mechanism, and in fact, marriage has also introduced the competition mechanism. A happy marriage depends on competition. Optimism is about fighting for it. Don't wait, don't ask why, because that is happiness, that is tomorrow.

Third, the established family will be influenced by the hidden order. Ms Zhao, 50, from Jinan, Shandong, has the same charm. Husband's height is 1.8 meters, which is very attractive. Both husband and wife have received higher education, which is the envy of others. But in my opinion, husband and wife have names but no surnames. Ms. Zhao said: Teacher, how can you be so accurate? We went to college together. Supposedly there should be deep feelings, but something is wrong. I said: Your father should be a soldier, and he died at the age of 35-40, right? She replied: she died at the age of 34 and was the head of the team. Her father died an unnatural death and never passed away. These years began to affect her luck. As long as her husband makes out with her, he feels uncomfortable and his luck is affected. By September 20, 2007, when I met her, I was already in debt of more than 800,000 yuan. Six months ago, she invited her sister's father's portrait to her home, and there was no husband and wife life between her and her husband. It's not good for a husband to share a bed with her at home. It's normal to find another woman outside, so husband and wife are nominal. As we know, sexual relationship is the basis of husband-wife relationship. Without this connotation, it is not far from disintegration. Later, I gave her father a hand, and now the relationship between husband and wife has returned to normal and the fortune has improved. Many married couples are influenced by the hidden spirit and have mood swings. They still want to meet, and they quarrel as soon as they meet, repeatedly and endlessly, until they disintegrate.

Fourth, the influence of fairy monsters. The animal spirit is a fairy tale monster. In order to make a positive result, you depend on some people to get energy. The energy released in the process of * * is the most, and it is also the easiest to be obtained by the fairy demon. If a woman is possessed by a fairy monster, in order to get positive energy, it will attract men, commonly known as "sex fairy." Many women are not beautiful or even stupid, but they are very attractive to men. There are often many male partners around. Most of our common people who are possessed by the virus or who are ill by reason are unhappy in marriage and confused in feelings. What happens if a lady is possessed by a male fairy? Even if she is beautiful and talented, it is difficult to get married. If a man approaches her, the fairy will think that grabbing her daughter-in-law is an attempt to win love in a horizontal knife, and will try to crowd out the man, making him feel uncomfortable and unlucky, and finally stay away from him. The woman's husband in numerology, from a deeper level, is the reason for the hidden spirit. The spirit and the same sex repel each other, which leads to her poor health, bad luck and even death.

Fairy monsters have the same influence on men as women, but men's yang is often higher and the influence is much smaller, which is also a reason for homosexuality. It is a very complicated problem that fairy monsters have an influence on marriage. There are accidental factors and fate, and most of them are born. Heaven hopes that those workers who made mistakes and were born into the world will return to heaven as soon as possible, which will continue to create trouble for these people and urge them to return to heaven as soon as possible, so they no longer crave the world of mortals. So it is particularly complicated to solve. Fairy monsters are often hidden under the armpits or in the secret parts of women, and ordinary wizards are reluctant to touch them.

Marriage has distinct characteristics of the times and is closely related to the level of economic development. Before the Cultural Revolution, the economic conditions of our country were still very poor. Many people feel good when they get married and live in a house of 20 square meters. If they want a divorce, they can't live without the bed and kang after separation. Where can they live? Just bear it, okay? A marriage in crisis may survive. Now that housing conditions have improved, couples have more room for activities, and the rising divorce rate is an inevitable phenomenon. What about getting married after divorce? Contradictions will still occur, and collisions will certainly occur. And then leave? When is the last stop? I think a new form of marriage will emerge quietly-walking marriage. Both husband and wife have their own houses and their own space for activities. When they are happy and have a harmonious relationship, they live in one place. When they have conflicts, they go back to their respective residences to calm down and avoid the escalation of conflicts. When the two sides reach the age when they need to help each other, the marriage may come to the last stop, and it can come to an end. Of course, this form is only suitable for both men and women with certain economic conditions. When our ancestors were in matriarchal society, it was a form of marriage, perhaps a causal cycle. In today's highly developed economy, we have returned to the marriage era of our ancestors!

In order to change their fate and improve their living conditions, many outstanding women work hard, some of them have changed their living conditions by being admitted to universities, and some rural girls have made their own careers by entering cities to work and do business, and have their own houses and cars, but their husbands have not. Many middle-aged single ladies ask me when their marriage will be possible. Where's the husband? When I encounter such a problem, I usually ask: What is your husband's standard? As a successful lady, with a house and a car and a monthly income of 5000 to 10000 yuan, what is the standard for being a husband? We can draw a picture of their future husbands: 35-45 years old, preferably no more than 50 years old, with a height of 1.72m to1.80m. They should have their own house and earn at least 5000 yuan a month. Well, then, let's look around. Are there any men with such conditions who are unmarried or have no girlfriend? If there is such a single man, I'm afraid it's also the goal pursued by girls in their twenties, or the mental derangement without marriage is actually a non-existent goal? What shall we do or the same sentence: You should strive for a better life by yourself and pursue it when you are sure, then you can create your own happy tomorrow!

2. The Buddha explained seven types of wives.

For a Buddhist, marriage is a real recognition of love. Buddha always taught his disciples three ways to keep the right love at home. First of all, a husband should respect his wife with an appropriate attitude; Secondly, when providing proper food; Finally, comfort your wife with proper treatment. These are all written in Buddhist scriptures about good children. The Buddha also explained that there are seven types of wives:

(1), mother type-she cares about Mr. Gu as much as her mother and helps him tirelessly every day. She treated him like a son. This is to repay her husband with good karma, because she is his prolific mother and he is her prolific and filial son.

(2) Sister type-she takes care of her husband with respect like a brother, like a brother and a younger brother. This is also a reward for her husband who has a good karma, because she is taken care of and cared for by his little sister.

(3) A talented woman-she told her husband the truth of all the knowledge faithfully and skillfully, which not only helped his family make a living, but also helped education and family planning. She seems to be his teacher. This is also a good deed to repay her husband. Because he used to be her conscientious teacher or professor.

(4), a good wife-she has the advantages of a good wife. She is modest but not proud, simple and thin, and doesn't talk much. She made every effort to make her husband happy. She is gentle and elegant and never makes her husband angry. This is also the best karma to repay her husband. Because he is her good friend, neighbor or doctor, Duosheng has done many good things for her health and wealth.

(5), maid type-she is gentle and kind to her husband. She is a careful housekeeper and treats her husband like a loyal and grateful servant. She is never proud, never angry, and never does anything that makes her husband unhappy. She is very chaste and has never had a boyfriend again. She doesn't quarrel, argue or behave badly. She treats her husband like a monarch.

Enemy type-whenever I see my husband, I feel very angry. Although they live together, she often thinks of other people and other desires in her heart. She wants to run away from home without children. She has no shame in loving other people's husbands. This is the result of bad karma. Her husband was her enemy many years ago and did many bad things to her.

Fierce type-she may put some poison in the food or do other things to kill her husband. A few days after her ex-husband died, she was getting married again. This is the worst retribution for her husband, because her husband used the same poison and knife on him and his wife in his last life.

It is also appropriate to replace the above seven types of wives with seven types of husbands.

Most men with bad wives have committed adultery in their previous lives. They all received bad results, such as: (1) they have no guarantee; (2) there is no guarantee for the wife; (3) The family has no security; (4) Always suspecting that his wife has committed other crimes; (5) He will be killed by the enemy; (6) He will be troubled by many troubles and diseases; (7) He often worked hard but didn't get rich; (8) He will be poorer.

Buddhism is neither a female-centered theory nor a male-centered theory emphasized by American scholar Hood, so we should respect each other in marriage. Both husband and wife are good half or bad half. Both sides should respect each other like gods. Richard Garnett said, "You can't pray for love without praying for God, but you can pray for love without praying for God." . Lang Lun said: "Love is the blessing of life, second only to God. Love is the grafting of peace and the shortcut to heaven. " Lu has a very sweet poem to express the love between husband and wife:

True love is nothing but humbleness,

Its food is packed in simple pottery containers.

With it, you can hold hands and walk all the way forward.

I wish you a safe working day!

Many people don't distinguish between different types of love. Love in marriage sustains mankind, friendly love perfects mankind, and promiscuous love deprives mankind. Love after marriage is not to gain but to pay, not to indulge in love or to indulge in greedy fantasies. It should be kindness, respect, peace, purity and liveliness.

Married love is full of feelings beyond any reason and justice. Who dares to try to find reason and justice in their combination can only find some quarrels and disputes. I remember when I was on my honeymoon, I held the bride on the pillow and once wrote a poem:

Lie on your back under the green, live or give up your life for the green;

I don't know why. Have you asked why?

People who have never loved have never lived. One hour is really worth a lifetime of monotonous life. Respect comes from love and is not influenced by other conditions or reasons.

If you live with your spouse without love, how can they continue to live together? The poem given by John has a frank comment on this:

Love stores all the blessings;

Friendship, but richer.

They pass all the blessings to each other;

You can't live without love.

If husband and wife are humble and respect each other, then the love after marriage will last a lifetime. The Talmud says, "A husband should be as humble as an ant, and a wife should sit at the same table as an adult." The opposite of this teaching is also true of being a wife. If you are a wife, you should say to yourself, "The wife is as big as an ant, but the husband sits like an adult." If both sides respect each other so much, the love after marriage will last forever.

There is a very common saying in Confucianism: "Husband and wife should respect each other as guests".

Respect is positive for love. In interpersonal relationships, where there is respect and respect, there will be nothing missing!

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