Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Empress Wende's affection

Empress Wende's affection

After Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, he suffered from a serious illness and stayed in bed for many years. His eldest grandson took good care of him and accompanied him day and night. Emperor Taizong and his grandson have been together for more than ten years since childhood. Even when Wu De's life and death were at stake, they didn't abandon each other. Because of her husband's sincerity to himself, the eldest grandson tied poison around his waist and prepared to "call a spade a spade, not be an only child."

In the eighth year of Zhenguan (634), the scene of the emperor's dependence on life and death reappeared. One night in Jiucheng Palace, Chai Shao suddenly changed. Emperor Taizong immediately put on his armor and went to bed with his eldest grandson. Seeing that her husband was fully armed and prepared, he immediately followed Emperor Taizong, regardless of his weakness. Both sides advised her to put her health first, but the eldest grandson only cared about her husband and insisted on following him until the end of the matter, even though her illness worsened.

There is no need to swear, and the danger of sharing life and death for many times has enhanced the deep feelings with the teacher in the years of knowing each other. No matter how the status of husband and wife changes, it will not change.

Facing the grandson's posthumous work, Emperor Taizong was heartbroken and said to his courtiers, "Don't I know that the collapse of the queen is a destiny and I can't give up my love?" Just thinking about losing a good wife and assistant, I still can't help but feel sad. "At that time, the feelings of Emperor Taizong and his granddaughter's husband were already obvious. Emperor Taizong's affection for the eldest grandson of the Queen also benefited the relatives of the eldest grandson of the Queen. The intimate contact between Emperor Taizong and Sun Chang is well known. Since Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, he has repeatedly turned around and entrusted his heart to him, which is beyond the power of ministers. Grandson Queen's father died early and was raised by her uncle Gao Shilian. Her marriage to Li Shimin was also facilitated by Gao Shilian. Therefore, Emperor Taizong was very grateful and respected Gao Shilian all his life. In the twentieth year of Zhenguan (646), Gao Shilian was seriously ill. Emperor Taizong personally visited his home and told him his life with tears in his eyes.

In the twenty-first year (647), Gao Shilian died. For the sake of "old love bigamy", Emperor Taizong insisted on attending the funeral regardless of his illness and the minister's advice. Later, in the funeral edict, Emperor Taizong did not forget to emphasize that "I am in a weak age, I will get married early, I will meet as soon as possible, and I will live for many years", which shows my feelings for Gao Shilian. In the letters sent to Sun Chang Wuji and Gao Shilian, words like "land is noble", "land is married" and "relatives of pepper" are everywhere. Of course, Sun Chang Wuji and Gao Shilian have their own strengths except for their eldest grandson, but others are real "future relatives".

Sun Xiang, the eldest son of the eldest grandson of the Queen, and Anshi, his father, were both assigned by the king, but because of the eldest grandson of the Queen, Sun Xiangcai was able to be an official in the Tang court and eventually became a minister of punishments. After Chang Sunchang was dismissed for taking bribes, Emperor Taizong often gave him a lot of silk because he was the queen's uncle. Soon he was not only re-appointed, but also promoted to Zong Zhengqing.

There are more obvious things than favoritism. In the early years of Zhenguan, Sun Qiang Anye, the half-brother of Queen Sun Qiang, participated in the rebellion and was punished according to law. However, due to the intercession of Queen Sun Qiang, Emperor Taizong was exempted from the death penalty. Tang Law was the first of the ten evils in rebellion. In the end, he not only survived, but also paid homage to the history of the Ministry of War and sealed Xue Guogong. When the brothers rebelled, the queen didn't kneel down and confess, fearing that she would be implicated. Instead, he directly asked Emperor Taizong to forgive his half-brother on the far-fetched grounds of "forgiving his brother". She is so confident that the word "pet" is true.

The reason the eldest grandson said before she died was "I am a concubine, so I should be careful not to take power, but I am lucky to be invited by my consorts." When a queen is not worried about people leaving tea cold, she is worried that the emperor will not reward too much. It must be because the emperor is too kind to his family. In fact, Emperor Taizong's kindness to his grandson's relatives is to love and kiss what she loves, just like all husbands who love their wives in the world. As an emperor, he gave his wife the best without harm within his power. Li Shimin loves her eldest grandson and respects her opinions, even in national affairs. I often ask the question of rewards and punishments for my grandson. When the eldest grandson didn't want to answer, she refused to interfere in North Korea's political affairs on the grounds that "the morning of the Year of the Rooster is the only way to stay at home". Li Shimin must discuss with her again and again and ask her. In desperation, the eldest grandson decided not to pay attention to stepping on her husband and responded silently. Li Shimin is powerless to his wife.

Outside the state affairs, the eldest grandson queen and Emperor Taizong got along quite leisurely. One day, when spring was in full bloom, the eldest grandson was playing in the inner garden. When she saw the splendid peach blossoms, tender willows sprouting and thriving, she took the opportunity to write a poem called "Song of a Spring Tour". After hearing this, Emperor Taizong "recited it when he saw it, saying it was beautiful." In the second year of Zhenguan, the youngest son Li Zhi was born. When washing his son, the eldest grandson gave the younger son an auspicious jade dragon. Li Shimin got this in Jin Yanggong. Seeing that he was "not a few inches wide, but gentle and exquisite, not owned by the world", he gave it to his wife. The eldest grandson put it in a suitcase, and it was given away when the baby was born. Later, Li Tang "thought that the country was rich and strong, and it was passed down from generation to generation".

Jiucheng Palace, as a good summer resort, won the favor of Emperor Taizong. In the sixth year of Zhenguan, he took his eldest grandson to Jiucheng Palace for the summer vacation. In a moment of excitement, he took his wife for a walk in Jiucheng Palace to see Taiwan Province. When the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager went to the shade of Xicheng, they suddenly found that the soil in their position was extremely wet. Tang Taizong let go of his wife, picked up his cane and put it on the ground deeply. Before long, the spring water came out, and both the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager were very happy. Emperor Taizong specially asked Wei Zhi to write an article, and Ou Yangxun wrote the inscription "Jiuchenggong Liquan Ming" as a memorial.

Emperor Taizong and his grandson also often supported their great-grandfathers, and they were really filial. In October of the sixth year of Zhenguan (632), Emperor Taizong returned to Beijing with his eldest grandson to serve the Emperor Tai 'an in Da 'an Palace. "The emperor and queen provided food and clothes, and this night lasted for a long time." In March of the eighth year of Zhenguan (632), Gaozu hosted a banquet in the Hall of Two Instruments to entertain the envoys of the West Turkic. Since Zhenguan, his political achievements have been extremely prosperous, and the four foreigners surrendered, and Gaozu was very happy. Emperor Taizong and his eldest grandson exchanged royal meals and presented royal clothes. Empress Grandson took a comb to cut the hair and put on a crown for Gaozu, and was grateful to see Gaozu's gray hair. Taizong and Taizong couldn't help crying, just like a family ceremony. All the favorite children of Emperor Taizong were born or adopted by his eldest grandson. Even in the coldest and objective history books, you can still feel your father's love for boxing, which evolved from his passionate love for his wife. Opening the history books, Emperor Taizong's love for his grandchildren is everywhere.

Li Chenggan, the eldest son of the eldest grandson queen, was very intelligent and loved by Emperor Taizong. I have high hopes for the eldest son Taizong and his wife. When Li Chenggan was young, he found a teacher to study and asked Professor Wei and Kong to take over the study of Confucian classics. After Emperor Taizong acceded to the throne, he made Li Chenggan the Prince. At the age of twelve, Emperor Taizong began to consciously exercise his political ability as Chu Jun and ordered him to "hold a hearing". He added, "From now on, only people in Shangshu Province will be told to be enlightened in the East Palace before making a decision." Later, he opened a school hall for him and sent people to help him. Li Chenggan was in poor health, and Emperor Taizong was reluctant to let him study more, but Cheng Gan did not indulge because of this. On the contrary, when Emperor Taizong asked him about the strategy of governing the country, he showed his talent. Emperor Taizong was very happy about this and specially showed it off to his ministers. During the Zhenguan period, Li Chenggan fell ill twice. Emperor Taizong invited Taoist priests and monks to enter the palace to pray for the prince. After Cheng Gan recovered from his illness, he spent another 3,000 monks to build Puguang Temple and Xihuaguan for him and pardon the prisoners. After the death of his eldest grandson, Li Chenggan gradually grew up and began to study medicine, and his behavior was rebellious. However, Emperor Taizong doted on him until the Li Chenggan rebellion was defeated. However, Emperor Taizong could not bear to be executed according to law, and finally simply deposed Li Chenggan. In the imperial edict of abolishing the prince, Emperor Taizong lamented that "the situation is almost a place of burial, so it is better to be unfaithful." Although what Li Chenggan did hurt Emperor Taizong's heart, when he re-elected the prince, Emperor Taizong tried his best to preserve it for his safety.

Lee Tae, the second son of the eldest grandson queen, is extremely clever and is a "pampered king". After Emperor Taizong acceded to the throne, he was renamed King Yue, and Li Taihou was sealed as many as twenty-two states, while others were only sealed in eight states. Later, he was made a priest, Zuo Wuhou, and the other officials remained unchanged. Yongzhou is the land of Chang 'an and Beijing. Because of the love of Emperor Taizong, Lee Tae did not become a vassal, and even Lee Tae's son was brought into the palace to be raised. The eldest grandson queen named him "Xin" herself. In addition to Wang Fu, Emperor Taizong also gave Lee Tae a workshop in Furong Garden and Luoyang, the eastern capital, and the location of this workshop. Lee Tae loved literature, so Taizong built a literature museum for him. Lee Tae's compilation of "Extended Zhi Zhi" was rewarded by Emperor Taizong for many times, and the cost exceeded that of the Prince. Because Li Taihou was fat and his son had a hard time going to court, Emperor Taizong specially gave him a small chariot. This kind of affair is too numerous to mention. As a result, historians lament that "their pets are different." Later, Li Taihou was demoted, but Emperor Taizong still believed that "I love my son and I am loyal to him". Later, he told the minister that he was "loyal to Thailand" only for his country. It wasn't long before Lee Tae was re-sealed.

Li Zhi, the youngest son of the eldest grandson queen, won the favor of Emperor Taizong. In order to celebrate the birth of Li Zhi, Emperor Taizong ordered the world to give millet to the Japanese. Li Zhi was made King of Jin and the prefect of Bing. Later, the title of General Right Wuhou was added. Li Zhi was still young when his eldest grandson died. He was heartbroken at his mother's funeral. Emperor Taizong liked him even more when he saw him. Later, he raised Li Zhi himself. Many years after the death of his eldest grandson, he was still reluctant to get married, so Li Zhi never left the palace to live in Jin until he was made a prince. Although Li Zhi lives in a palace, there is a palace outside. In the seventeenth year of Zhenguan (643), Li Chenggan was abolished, and Emperor Taizong began to want to establish Lee Tae. The minister thinks that the king of Jin should be released first, otherwise it will be difficult to save. Li Shimin tearfully said "No" after hearing this, so he called the minister and decided to establish Li Zhi. After Li Zhi became a prince, Emperor Taizong's love for him continued unabated. Even if Li Zhi gave birth to a concubine, he wouldn't leave his beloved son. As a result, the minister wrote many times to ask Emperor Taizong to let the prince return to the East Palace, and not to stay around and spoil him too much, but with little effect. In the Liao Dynasty, because Li Zhi was worried about the front-line war, Emperor Taizong set up a flying watch for him, and because Li Zhi was worried that Emperor Taizong did not take care of himself in the war, Emperor Taizong stopped taking the lead. Once Li Zhi didn't reply for a long time. When Emperor Taizong finally received the letter, he was very excited and replied, "I will die of slavery." "Then I suddenly got a book, and I was worried for a while." It shows the depth of loving your son.

Emperor Taizong, his grandson and four daughters, the eldest daughter, Princess Li Lizhi of Changle. Beautiful and intelligent, Emperor Taizong "fell in love" with the empress' eldest grandson. When she got married, her dowry exceeded the system. Princess Changle also helped Sun Chang Wuji and others persuade Taizong to give up the idea of being a hero. Princess Changle died of illness. Emperor Taizong was very sad and buried her near the Yuan Palace. It also broke the system that only one stone gate was set for princes, concubines and princesses, and three stone gates were set up, which is unique among the buried tombs excavated in Zhaoling.

Princess Chengyang was born to her eldest grandson. Emperor Taizong loved her very much and married her to Du Ruhui's eldest son, Du He. Because she was still a princess, Du He was awarded the title of county magistrate. Later, he was executed for his participation in the Li Chenggan rebellion. Emperor Taizong once again mentioned her marriage. Because the previous marriage was not smooth, Emperor Taizong ordered marriage divination and wanted to make an exception from the marriage system of giving gifts at dusk to giving gifts during the day, in order to let his daughter have a good marriage.

Jinyang princess Li Mingda is the favorite daughter of Emperor Taizong. After the death of his eldest grandson, Emperor Taizong "supported her personally". At the age of five, jinyang princess began to miss her mother. Emperor Taizong always took jinyang princess with him when he went out for inspection. Every time he passed by the place where his wife had been before his death, he would tell his daughter that the filial jinyang princess could not control his sadness and wept bitterly. Jinyang princess and Li Zhi are close friends. Before Li Zhi went to court, jinyang princess left his brother in tears. Emperor Taizong saw this scene and burst into tears. Jinyang princess often interceded for ministers when Emperor Taizong was angry, and Jin Yanggong often copied his father's white body. Over time, when he wrote, he had the style of Emperor Taizong. Show the words of Emperor Taizong and jinyang princess to the minister, and everyone can't tell them apart. However, jinyang princess died before she got married. Taizong was so sad that he couldn't eat for a month in a row and was thin. When the ministers met, they offered suggestions one after another, but Emperor Taizong sighed to the courtiers who came to comfort him, "I actually understand everything you said. I also know that people can't come back from the dead, and no matter how sad they are, I don't know why, but I just can't control this sadness. " Finally, Emperor Taizong ordered the use of the capital of Tom in jinyang princess to build a Buddhist temple next to the princess's tomb to pursue happiness for his daughter who died young.

Princess Hengshan and Princess Xincheng broke the rule that famous mountains and rivers cannot be used as titles. According to the epitaph of the princess, it was named "Tom's Blessing" after being knighted, which shows that the princess of Xincheng, like her sister jinyang princess, had a real seal in her early years. Princess Xincheng first promised to marry Wei Shuyu, the son of Kevin·Z. Later, the engagement was dissolved because of something. On his wife's birthday, Emperor Taizong announced that he would betrothed his daughter to the queen's nephew. In the twenty-third year of Zhenguan (649), Emperor Taizong felt that the time was coming, and worried about delaying his daughter's marriage, he began to arrange the princess's wedding in Xincheng. Because of the complicated procedures, he finally failed to come, leaving a regret.

In addition to having children, the eldest grandson of the Queen also adopted the concubine Princess yu zhang. Because he was adopted by his eldest grandson, Emperor Taizong had very different feelings for Princess Zhang Yu. After the death of Princess Zhang Yu, Emperor Taizong was very sad. He wore plain clothes for a long time, so that his ministers were frightened and wrote to persuade the emperor to restrain his grief.

There are many stories about Emperor Taizong's doting on his grandchildren. The ancients said "a mother loves a child". Even after the death of his grandson, Emperor Taizong's love for his grandchildren remained unchanged, but he became more dependent. Reiko Kobayakawa misses his mother. A man always loves the children of his beloved life, even if the emperor is wise.