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Are there really psychic powers and curses in the real world? Thank you for your questions.

The research content of parapsychology is very extensive. According to the western classification, it can be divided into two categories: "theoretical parapsychology" and "applied parapsychology", which are briefly introduced now. 1. Theoretical parapsychology can be divided into three categories: 1. Transcendentalism: centering on psychic phenomena, it is divided into three themes: (1) telepathy, that is, according to Buddhist scriptures, others are connected with their hearts, while mainland China uses "thinking induction", that is, people can understand what others are thinking without language. (2) clairvoyance, that is, clairvoyance, or foresight, that is, you can see things without your eyes. (3) Telepathy, also known as teleportation, refers to moving objects with super powers. 2. Soul research: The focus is on whether there is a soul after death, which can be divided into two methods: (1) fact research: collecting supernatural facts of China people and sorting them out. There is also a "field trip". I go to a supernatural place to do a field trip. (2) Experimental research: divided into psychological media and physical media. There are two kinds of mediums, one is "automatic writing", and Fu Ying of China can be classified into this category, that is, ghosts can write automatically after being possessed. The second kind is "talking to ghosts". Folk aunts and ghosts are like this, that is, they speak in the voice of ghosts before they die after being possessed. Material psychics ask ghosts to move objects or make them visible for taking pictures. 3. New theology: The focus is on the study of God's world, that is, whether there is heaven and hell. Second, applied parapsychology is also divided into three categories: psychotherapy: that is, psychic therapy, similar to our country's imperial doctor, which can treat diseases with hands or sounds. Geometry: it is a method of measuring underground water sources or minerals with spiritual force. Psychometrics: A psychic can know something through something someone has used, or can detect a sealed letter or an object placed in the next room. The above classification has its strict scientific basis, but some supernatural phenomena present more than one classification, and it may have more than two categories. For example, some psychics have telepathic ability and achievements in psychotherapy, so they are sometimes mixed. Moreover, the above classification can not cover all special events, so I mainly use the above classification, plus my personal research experience, and redo the classification as follows: telepathy (telepathy, thinking induction), eye opening (penetration, foresight), mind activation (telepathy), mental speaking, out-of-body psychotherapy, psychological measurement, and special physical abilities. First, his Telepathy is telepathy, which means that you can understand what others are thinking without words. The mainland uses the word "thinking induction" to indicate that this super power is thinking (idea wave) between people or between people and animals, which can transmit perception in a currently unknown way. Thinking, psychology and ideas are all material activities, which will produce a kind of time-space wave. This wave is not only the carrier of information, but also the foundation of everything. It can directly interact with matter and change the state of matter movement ... Treatment can rely on light energy, which is an omni-directional nonlinear light energy and a superlight time wave ... No matter where the patient is on the earth, this light energy will be immediately fed back and received therapeutic effect. That is to say, according to the images and information brought by the other person's brain and the information given by advanced life in the universe, you can hear some sent instructions and carry out special functions such as telepathy. Therefore, "thinking, psychology and ideas" are all material activities, which will produce a wave that propagates in time and space, which can also be called phenomenon wave. Second, clairvoyance (clairvoyance, foresight) clairvoyance is clairvoyance or foresight, which means that you can see things without your eyes, or you can perceive them in advance before an event happens, or you can know distant things with special functions. The scientific principle should be that people with this ability have different receiving abilities from ordinary people. Scientists have found that this special ability can see parts of the invisible light region. Because light is divided into visible light and invisible light according to different wavelengths, the light seen by human naked eyes is a visible part composed of seven monochromatic lights, such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. However, scientists found through monochromators that people with certain special functions can see invisible parts, such as infrared light and ultraviolet light. This shows that the visible range of the spectrum is limited, and the visual functional area of the human eye is also limited, and this ability to see the invisible area can be regarded as a kind of eye contact, which can also explain the origin of "Yin-Yang eyes", that is, people with Yin-Yang eyes have a wider range of visible light reception than ordinary people, so they can see visions that ordinary people can't see. Third, ear-to-ear communication means that the ear can receive sound waves that ordinary people can't. Because there is a certain range of sound waves that people can receive, that is, the sound that people can "hear". Beyond this range is called ultrasound, which most people can't hear, and some animals can hear. This is a recognized science in biology. Fourth, the idea actuation (idea movement) idea movement, also known as idea movement, is to use super power to move objects, or to stop the hands of watches, or to expose negative films, or to make people and animals do something unusual. In short, it refers to the act of exerting the mind. 5. Talking to the Spirit "Talking to the Spirit", as the name implies, means that the soul is attached to the psychic and emits an accent similar to that before death. This paranormal phenomenon is also quite common in Taiwan Province Province, and it is the case with folk aunts and nuns. 6. Out-of-body experience "Out-of-body experience" refers to the phenomenon that the soul leaves the human body and travels outward to the universe. Many functional people and religious masters have this ability. Out-of-body experience (OBE) is an amazing function, not for ordinary practitioners, but only for people with very strong functions. However, some people who have good roots and are full of Buddha's fate can sometimes do this when practicing meditation. But be careful, it's best not to let the soul out of the body without an expert around, which will be very dangerous. Everyone has an idea and sends out an idea wave, which is called "thinking information wave". These waves travel in the universe and will be picked up by people who are out of body, so sometimes the role of out-of-body and telepathy is the same, so it is difficult to distinguish them. Anyone who studies parapsychology knows that "thinking energy" and "thinking energy" actually exist. The author also knows some people who have this ability in China. They can send their own thinking waves to the distance and perceive distant things in meditation. Seven, supernatural, refers to all kinds of unnatural and unexplained strange things like "ghosts". However, psychologists have confirmed that paranormal phenomena mostly occur in some narrow spaces, in which the airflow passing through the human body is very rapid, and those who find so-called supernatural creatures have "hints" in their hearts because of their understanding of the past history. Because Hampton Palace has been haunted, a research team led by Dr. richard wiseman, a psychologist from the University of Hertfordshire, investigated the haunted phenomenon of Hampton Palace in 2000. Psychologists have found that those who report seeing or feeling ghosts are talking about their personal feelings, but these can be explained by natural phenomena. Cold air currents, dim or variable lights, KB claustrophobia and magnetic fields can all cause a feeling of uneasiness, which some people will interpret as ghosts. As this environmental factor constantly affects the same area, these areas will soon get the reputation of being haunted.