Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to play werewolf killing Avalon?

How to play werewolf killing Avalon?

The first round of process: the player confirms the ID card, and there is only one dark stage in the game. Any player can read it out loudly with his eyes closed and go through the following process:

1. Merlin opened his eyes, and all the bad guys except Mordred closed their eyes and raised their hands (that is, Morgana, oberon, assassins and minions closed their eyes and raised their hands to let Merlin look at people).

2. The bad guys except oberon opened their eyes and recognized each other's associates (that is, Mordred, Morgana, assassin and minions opened their eyes and recognized each other).

3. Send civil servants to open their eyes, and Merlin and Morgana close their eyes and raise their hands (that is, Merlin and Morgana close their eyes and raise their hands to send civil servants to inspect people).

Second, the formal process of Dawn: randomly select a player as the captain (if it is not the first game, the left-handed player of the last captain in the last game is the first captain). The captain selects a corresponding number of players (including himself) to distribute "virtual task cards" according to the number of people specified in the five rounds of tasks.

Three. Resolution and execution: (The most important part of the game) All players will speak and vote on the players who hold the "virtual task card" (distributed by the captain) in the current round, and express their opinions and vote on the execution or delay of this "task". Say it counterclockwise from the captain's right hand side. The captain can choose to speak first or last. (DIY gameplay: When the group leader chooses the first speech, he can change the current clockwise/counterclockwise speech order).

There is only one round of sequential speeches (no interruption and dialogue). After the completion, all players vote to agree or disagree to perform this "task", and all players cannot abstain from showing their answers at the same time. If the number of people who agree exceeds half of the total number, the task can be carried out. If it is equal to or less than half, the task will be delayed by 1 time.

Delay: that is, the "task" will not be executed in this round, and the next team leader will choose to distribute the "virtual task card" again, but there can only be four delayed tasks in one game. After that, the team leader (the fifth person) will choose the team members anyway, and the task will be enforced. The player to the left of the captain is the next captain. Repeat.

4. Task result: When performing a task, the player holding the "virtual task card" chooses a secret from the "task success/failure" queue. Good people must say "task success" and bad people can choose "task success (disguise) or" task failure ". The result cards are mixed and announced, and the result of the round is judged according to the number of "success" and "failure" cards. In the best-of-five system, the bad guys win directly with three wins, the good guys win directly with three wins, and then the bad guys' assassins come out to decide the outcome (that is, the bad guys have two winning conditions).

Game background

Avalon is a sacred place in King Arthur's legend, and justice and evil fight around Avalon. Civil, the knight of the Round Table under King Arthur, wants to lead his team to complete three arduous tasks, but many people have hidden evil forces. He needs to choose an absolutely loyal partner to help him complete the task.