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Coffee bean poster-about the similarities and differences of coffee, three-zone comprehensive coffee and Huaxie Qingfeng coffee?

Starbucks advertising poster design picture? Starbucks is the name of an American coffee chain company. Founded in 197 1, it is the largest coffee chain in the world. Its headquarters is located in Seattle, Washington, USA. The following is what I arranged for you, I hope you will like it!

Starbucks poster advertisement classic poster picture

Starbucks' business philosophy

Treat employees with "salary"

Starbucks always puts employees first and is willing to invest heavily in employees, all of which comes from the values and beliefs of its chairman Schultz. Schultz's management style is related to his poor family. He understood and sympathized with people living at the bottom of society from an early age. His life experience and training directly influenced Starbucks' equity structure and corporate culture, and then played an indispensable role in promoting success. He firmly believes that putting employees' interests first and respecting their contributions will bring first-class customer service and naturally achieve good return on investment.

Starbucks strengthens its own culture and values through employee incentive system, and becomes one of the enterprises that build brands without advertising. Compared with other companies in the same industry, the wages and benefits of Starbucks employees are very generous. Starbucks conducts a salary survey among its peers every year. After comparative analysis, there will be a fixed salary increase every year. In many enterprises, free overtime is a common practice, but in Starbucks, overtime is considered a happy thing. Because those employees who work more than 20 hours a week can enjoy the additional welfare measures provided by the company, such as health, employee assistance plan, disability insurance, etc., which is extremely rare in the same industry. This unique welfare plan enables Starbucks to take care of employees' families as much as possible, and has different ways to subsidize employees' families according to different situations. Although the money is not much, it will make employees feel that the company cares about them. Those employees who enjoy the benefits are grateful for this and will be more considerate to their customers.

Starbucks employees can not only enjoy generous wages and benefits, but also buy the company's stock options at a low price according to regulations. As early as 199 1, Starbucks set up a stock investment plan, allowing employees to buy shares at a discounted price. In this way, all employees have the opportunity to become the owners of the company. Starbucks' share price continues to soar, and the value and pride of employee options continue to rise. In addition, Starbucks pays more attention to the ideological education of employees, so that employees can establish the concept of being shareholders of the company. In Starbucks, employees are called "partners" instead of employees. Even the headquarters of Starbucks is named * * * Starbucks Support Center * * * * *, which shows that its function is to provide information and support for employees, not to give orders to employees.

Starbucks' salary incentive mechanism not only improves employees' income, but also promotes the company's culture and values and reduces the employee turnover rate. According to the survey, the turnover rate of Starbucks employees is about one-third of that of their peers, and employees like working for Starbucks very much. As Schultz said: Implementing an effective incentive mechanism and respecting employees will make us earn a lot of money and make the company more competitive. Why not?

Let employees offer suggestions.

Any suggestion, no matter how trivial, will improve the company more or less. In Starbucks, in order to encourage employees to make suggestions, the company takes every employee's suggestions seriously. Starbucks often conducts public opinion surveys within the company. Employees can speak freely through the telephone survey system or fill in the comment card, and the relevant manager will respond to the employees' ideas within two weeks. Starbucks has also set up an internal public forum to discuss employees' worries about work, tell employees about the recent major events in the company, explain the financial implementation, and allow employees to ask questions to senior management. In Starbucks' view, employees' reaction to problems can bring new information and good ideas to management and provide solutions to problems from different angles, which is worth collecting and studying by the company. In addition, the company will regularly publish employee letters, which are usually related to the company's development.

Suggestions made by employees can make the company pay special attention to details. Sometimes, those seemingly insignificant suggestions will often make the company's performance take a big step. And the company's superb skills in mastering the details will enable enterprises to deal with complex problems more effectively, so as to do things that competitors can't do. Be good at listening to employees' small ideas and make Starbucks' decision more flexible, faster and more flexible. At the same time, improve the atmosphere of trust, respect and communication within the team and enhance the sense of ownership of employees.

Sales experience culture

Some people divide companies into three categories: one sells culture, the other sells services and the third sells quality. Starbucks sells not only high-quality coffee and perfect service, but also customers' experience culture of coffee.

Starbucks said that people's detention space is divided into families, offices and other places. McDonald's strives to create a home atmosphere and maintain a lasting ambiguous relationship with people's first detention space-family; As a coffee shop, Starbucks is committed to seizing the third detention space of people and keeping an eye on the detention space of people. Exquisite piano performance, European and American classical music background, fashionable newspapers and magazines, exquisite European ornaments and other supporting facilities strive to create a noble, fashionable, romantic and cultural feeling atmosphere for consumers. Let drinking coffee become a life experience, and let coffee drinkers feel that while enjoying coffee, they are not only enjoying leisure, but also experiencing fashion and culture.

If three or four people go for coffee together, Starbucks will provide a barista for these people. Once the customer has any questions about the selection, brewing and baking of coffee beans, the barista will patiently and meticulously explain to him, so that the customer can find the coffee that suits his taste best and also appreciate the coffee culture promoted by Starbucks. Culture gives it a good reason to exist at a high price. Not only can customers get great psychological satisfaction, but Starbucks can also get high profits.

Starbucks never advertises. Starbucks thinks coffee is not like McDonald's. Coffee has its own unique culture. Sponsoring cultural activities is very important for Starbucks to enhance its image. For example, Starbucks is the main sponsor of the APEC meeting in Shanghai.

Although international coffee companies such as Nestle and Maxwell have set up factories and stores in China, their instant coffee has not tasted much sweetness, and even created Starbucks coffee production. Once Starbucks labeled the consumption of coffee as a culture, its profit doubled and it gained a high return on investment.

Starbucks believes that their products are not only coffee, but also the experience culture of coffee shops. One of Starbucks' main competitive strategies is to communicate with customers in coffee shops, especially with coffee students. Every coffee student should receive no less than 24 hours of pre-job training, including customer service, basic sales skills, basic knowledge of coffee, coffee making skills and so on. Students majoring in coffee must be able to foresee customers' needs and make bold eye contact when patiently explaining different tastes and flavors of coffee.

Starbucks treats its employees with care, and employees treat their guests with care. Guests in Starbucks enjoy not only coffee, but also an experience culture of full participation in activities. Why does a cup of coffee worth only 3 cents cost 3 yuan at Starbucks? Why can Starbucks not only bring the expected value to customers, but also enable enterprises to obtain more considerable profits? An important reason is that Starbucks has always adhered to the business philosophy of "respecting employees, starting from customers and winning with employees and customers".

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Amber launched Blue Mountain Coffee, unprecedented. BLACKPINK, the green bean of Blue Mountain Coffee in Jamaica Amber Manor, appeared.

In 2004, Blue Mountain Coffee officially entered the China market in the form of packaged cooked beans. At that time, the brand was Blue Mountain Coffee Bean of mavis Ban Manor. Before 2009, the cooked beans of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Bourne Manor also began to enter China, but the raw beans of Blue Mountain Coffee were never really imported to the China market for sale, and were basically bought by Japanese. From 20 10, the raw beans of Blue Mountain Coffee entered China one after another, including raw beans from different estates such as RSW Manor, Maevis Ban Manor, Warren Ford Manor and Jinbei Manor. From 2004 to 20 17, Blue Mountain Coffee has been sold in China for 15 years, but Jamaican has been our dream since 15 years. After our unremitting efforts, it was finally introduced to China. Its arrival can be described as an ice-breaking trip, which has brought a strong shock to the Chinese coffee industry. It can be described as: the past is hidden, today black and pink appear on the stage, proudly standing at the top, and Bourne Manor is the blue mountain.

Bourne Blue Mountain Coffee is the only blue mountain coffee bean growing above 1800 meters above sea level. Other Blue Mountain manors grow at an altitude of1500m. The coffee beans in these estates are produced twice a year, but the blue mountain coffee in Bourne Manor is produced once a year because it grows on the top of the blue mountain. So some people think this is misinformation. We know that the summer of roses in Panama Emerald Manor only grows at an altitude of 1600 meters. However, Bourne Blue Mountain is located at the top of the Blue Mountain, with the highest elevation of 2 100 meters, which is amazing. Many people think that poster coffee beans can hardly survive at this height, but it is in this environment that Blue Mountain of Bourne Manor slowly produces beans, thus producing unparalleled Bourne Blue Mountain coffee raw beans!

Blue Mountain Coffee in Bourne Manor is so precious and rare that it can be called the best among Jamaica's blue mountain coffee treasures and naturally becomes Jamaica's national treasure. In Jamaica's major diplomatic occasions, Blue Mountain Coffee in Bourne Manor is considered to represent the image of Jamaica's highest courtesy. During the Shanghai World Expo, only Bourne Lanshan raw bean coffee was exhibited in Jamaica landscape, which is the representative and pride of Jamaica Pavilion. In 2008, US President Barack Obama visited Jamaica, and the Jamaican government presented Bourne Blue Mountain Coffee to US President Barack Obama as a national gift. It can be seen that Blue Mountain Coffee in Bourne Manor has a very special position in Jamaica, which is unmatched by other manors.

Ember Blue Mountain Coffee enjoys such a high reputation in Jamaica mainly because of its high quality. Not only because of its high altitude and slow bean production, but also because of its unique flavor, people who have tasted this coffee are all impressed by its unique flavor. The size of coffee beans in Bourne Lanshan is about 17 mesh, and the coffee beans are even and full. Known as the "beauty of coffee", Bourne Lanshan coffee has a smooth and tender taste, leaving endless imagination and endless aftertaste. I want to provide you with the most beautiful cup of coffee!

About coffee, what are the similarities and differences between three-zone comprehensive coffee and Huaxie Qingfeng coffee? The similarity between Sanqu heddle and Huaxie Qingfeng is that they are both coffee drinks made from heddle coffee beans. The differences are as follows:

1 has different meanings.

Three-zone synthesis: coffee made from three or more kinds of coffee beans.

Flower Xie Qingfeng: Coffee made by ice drop method after mixing three or more kinds of coffee beans.

2. Different categories

Three-zone synthesis: Three-zone synthesis is hot coffee.

Hua Xie Qingfeng: Hua Xie Qingfeng is iced coffee.

3. Different tastes

Three-zone synthesis: rich in taste.

Hua Xie Qingfeng: The taste is light and smooth.

4. The alcohol degree is different.

Three-zone synthesis: medium alcohol content.

Hua Xie Qingfeng: The alcohol content is lower than that in three regions.

5. Different tastes

Three-zone synthesis: mild taste, with floral, herbal, lemon and gallon flavors.

Hua Xie Qingfeng: delicious and fragrant.