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How is the orientation of the house defined?

Question 1: How to divide the orientation of the house generally refers to the place with the largest lighting surface. Small houses in rural areas of China generally have the largest lighting area at the gate. In urban architecture, the main balcony is generally the largest lighting surface of each unit. Another way of saying this is that the orientation is relative to the orientation of the house, which is China's Feng Shui view of the Book of Changes. For example, the direction of the house is north and that direction is south. Anyone who has been to China or studied the ancient buildings in China knows that most of the ancient buildings in China face south, that is, the main entrance opens in the south, not in the north. Why? You sit in a house facing south. Is the Feng Shui style particularly good? Or this kind of house facing the seat can make you develop. In fact, neither of the above statements is true. China people like to live in houses facing south for two main reasons: 1. The house facing south used to be called the first house, because it was warm in winter and cool in summer, with plenty of light. Even in winter, sunlight can shine into the depths of the room, making people feel bright and warm. As soon as you enter the room, you will feel comfortable. Moreover, in this kind of sitting house, in summer, when the sun rises to the sky near the top of the head, the house cannot be exposed to strong sunlight. In addition, the southeast wind can also be blown into the house through windows and portals, making people feel cool and comfortable. So people in China are willing to live in the north house, that is, the house facing south. 2. Before China, the main foreign invasion came from the north. Therefore, in the psychology of China people, they often have to be wary of the north. Therefore, this latent and subconscious psychological threat gradually opened the door in the north and formed a psychological burden. Therefore, there is a reason why China people don't want to sit in a house facing south. And if you open the door in the north, your front door will be attacked by the north wind in winter, so not opening the door in the north is another factor. Speaking of which, you may ask, do all the houses in Chaoyang face south? The answer is: This is true for most parts of China, but not for the whole world. Because for different regions, the orientation of the sun in the sky is different. To understand this problem, we must start with the revolution of the earth. We all know that the earth walks sideways when it goes around the sun. Because of this, when you observe the sun from the earth, you will find that the position of the sun in the sky is constantly changing, but your position has not changed. So from this, we can know that the sunshine intensity in different areas is different, so houses that don't face south are sunny. The direct point of the sun can only move back and forth near the equator, and the northernmost point can only reach 230 degrees and 27 minutes north latitude, which is what we call the Tropic of Cancer. Moving south can only reach 23 degrees 27 minutes south latitude, which is the so-called tropic of Capricorn. Therefore, it is impossible for the sun to run overhead in the area north of the Tropic of Cancer. Therefore, the sun always hangs in the southern sky. Most of China's territory is north of the Tropic of Cancer, so in China, it is right for Chaoyang's house to face south. Every summer solstice, the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer, but in winter solstice, the sun goes to the Tropic of Cancer. Therefore, throughout the year, the direct point of the sun always moves between the Tropic of Cancer, and in this area between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Cancer, the sun passes overhead twice a year, sometimes in the southern sky. After a while, it will run to the northern sky again. ? The houses in Chaoyang are either in the south of China provinces such as Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and Taiwan Province, or in the south of the Tropic of Cancer. Therefore, around the summer solstice, when the sun shines directly near the tropic of cancer, the sun will shoot down from the northern sky. So the houses facing south in this area are not sunny, while the houses facing north are sunny. So from the world's point of view: "All the houses in Chaoyang face south". So this sentence is wrong. The reason why modern people cut down houses facing south actually comes from the above traditional ideas. Therefore, sitting in a house facing south is not necessarily the best choice in Feng Shui. In fact, the orientation of the house is not only suitable for the weather and sunshine, but also conducive to the overall planning and direction determination of villages and towns. Once upon a time, there was a small village called Charming Village 6 kilometers north of yanggu county. Legend has it that in the Battle of Qi and Wei during the Warring States Period, Sun Bin, a strategist of Qi, put ...

Question 2: How to define the main orientation of a building? The main orientation of the building is defined as follows:

The balcony or large bay window of the living room is mainly oriented.

If there is no window or the window is small, the main orientation is determined according to the largest window in the living room.

Question 3: How do you view the orientation of the house? Orientation generally refers to the direction in which the house or doors and windows are located. In China, people usually like to build their houses facing south. For example, the house faces north and south. This situation of sitting south facing north is generally caused by the limitation of the surrounding environment or the local geomantic omen. For example, the house is built on the north slope, and the relationship between the house and roads, rivers and mountains. The general principle of building a house is to sit north and face south. Of course, the orientation of the house is also related to factors such as climate, landscape and overall layout. So how do we see where our house is flying? In a practical sense, the sitting direction of the house should be facing the gate, the direction you face is facing the direction, and the back is sitting. So all the houses facing south in China are north houses, and the doors are open on the south wall of the houses. In modern architecture, the orientation of doors is mostly east-west, so the sitting posture now mostly depends on which direction the main lighting surface of the room is. If the lighting surface of the main house is in the south, it is said that it faces south, while the northern house you mentioned faces south if it is an old house, and faces north if it is a new building now. The sitting direction of the house is determined by the longitudinal axis of the building. Generally speaking, the vertical line of the back wall of a house is sitting, and the other end of this vertical line is sitting. Sitting orientation includes sitting orientation of the house and sitting orientation of the door. The door and the house sit in the same direction, but there are also differences. For doors with different orientations from the house, additional measurements should be taken. Which house faces well? The house faces Feng Shui.

Question 4: What do you think of the orientation of the house? Generally speaking, the orientation refers to the place with the largest lighting surface. Small houses in rural areas of China generally have the largest lighting area at the gate. In urban architecture, the main balcony is generally the largest lighting surface of each unit.

Another way of saying this is that the orientation is relative to the orientation of the house, which is China's Feng Shui view of the Book of Changes. For example, the direction of the house is north and that direction is south.

Anyone who has been to China or studied the ancient buildings in China knows most of the ancient buildings in China.

The direction of the seat is to sit north to south, that is, the main entrance opens in the south, not in the north. Why?

You sit in a house facing south. Is the Feng Shui style particularly good? Or this kind of house facing the seat can make you develop.

In fact, neither of the above statements is true. China people like to live in houses facing south mainly because.

There are two reasons:

1. The house facing south used to be called the first house, because it was warm in winter and cool in summer, with plenty of light.

Even in winter, sunlight can shine into the depths of the room, making people feel bright and warm. As soon as you go in

House, you will feel very comfortable. Moreover, this kind of sitting room, in summer, when the sun rises above the head.

When it is empty, there is no strong sunshine in the room. In addition, the southeast wind can also blow in through windows and portals.

Entering the house makes people feel cool and comfortable. Therefore, people in China prefer to live in the north house, which faces south.


Before China, the main foreign troubles came from the north. Therefore, China people often have serious psychological problems.

Beware of the psychology of the north, so this latent and subconscious psychological threat gradually opened the door in the north and formed.

There is a psychological burden, so there is a reason why China people don't want to sit in a house facing south. but

In addition, if you open the door in the north, your front door will be attacked by the north wind in winter, so it is.

Another factor that did not open the "north" door.

Speaking of which, you may ask, do all the houses in Chaoyang face south? The answer is: for most parts of China.

Generally speaking, this is true, but from the perspective of the world, this statement is wrong. Because for different regions,

The orientation of the sun in the sky is different. To understand this problem, we must start with the revolution of the earth.

We all know that the earth walks sideways when it goes around the sun. Because of this, it is

Therefore, when you observe the sun from the earth, you will find that the position of the sun in the sky is constantly changing, and yours

This position has not changed. Therefore, from this point, we can know that different areas are exposed to sunlight.

The light intensity is also different, so houses that don't face south are sunny.

The direct point of the sun can only move back and forth near the equator, and the northernmost point can only reach 230 degrees north latitude.

Seventeen points is what we call the Tropic of Cancer. Moving south can only reach 23 degrees and 27 degrees south latitude.

Point, also known as the tropic of Capricorn.

Therefore, it is impossible for the sun to run overhead in the area north of the Tropic of Cancer. So, the sun is always

It hangs in the southern sky. The vast majority of China's territory is north of the Tropic of Cancer. Because of this, in China.

The country and the houses in Chaoyang all face south.

Every summer solstice, the sun shines directly on the tropic of cancer, but in winter solstice, the sun returns to the south.

Ok. " So throughout the year, the direct point of the sun always moves between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Cancer.

In this area, the sun passes overhead twice a year, sometimes in the southern sky. After a while,

Suddenly, it will run to the northern sky again.

? Not all the houses facing the sun face south.

In China, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and Taiwan Province provinces are in the south, that is, south of the Tropic of Cancer.

Therefore, around the summer solstice, when the sun shines directly near the tropic of cancer, the sun will shine from the northern sky.

Shoot it down. So the houses facing south in this area are not sunny, while the houses facing north are sunny. So, from

In the world, "all the houses in Chaoyang face south". So this sentence is wrong.

The reason why modern people prefer to sit in a house facing south actually comes from the above traditional ideas. So, sit facing south.

Houses in the south are not necessarily the best choice for geomantic omen.

In fact, the orientation of the house is not only suitable for the weather and sunshine, but also conducive to the overall planning and identification of villages and towns.

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Question 5: How should a house facing east and west be defined? The west room faces east and the east room faces west.

Question 6: How to choose the orientation 1? The house facing south is not necessarily the best.

The orientation of the house is related to the region, topography, wind direction and the direction of the surrounding roads. Houses facing south can keep enough sunshine, and the sunshine can reach the same depth in winter, which makes people feel bright and warm. In summer, the sunshine is direct, but the room can't be exposed to strong sunlight. Secondly, the house can maintain good ventilation and ensure the freshness and dryness of the room.

Generally speaking, houses facing south, southeast and southwest have good lighting. It is enough to receive 2-3 hours of sunlight indoors a day. If you can accept 1-2 hours of sunshine, it will be helpful to eliminate indoor moisture, kill bacteria, adjust indoor temperature and accelerate air flow.

The orientation preference of houses is also very different between the north and the south. Northerners like to choose the middle set, which is more energy-saving and warm in winter. Cities in southern Guangdong are not very particular about the orientation of houses, because the latitude is low and the direct angle of the sun is large, even houses facing north will have good lighting. Shanghainese prefer the north-south transparent type with good lighting and ventilation.

Many factors should also be considered comprehensively in the design of residential buildings. If the direction of the roads around the property is not due east and west, it may also affect the direction of the property.

2. The orientation of the master bedroom in the living room is the most important.

The first is the orientation of the living room, which is the room with the highest utilization rate and the largest number of users in a house. The living room faces south, which is the best direction. You can bask in the sun in winter and have a cool breeze in summer. If it is an east-west living room, especially the owners of low floors must pay attention to the spacing between adjacent buildings.

Secondly, the orientation of the bedroom. For a small apartment, the orientation of the bedroom is naturally the same as that of the house, and the south direction is the best orientation. If there are two or three bedrooms, their orientation will be different. At this time, the orientation of the master bedroom or most bedrooms should be taken as the criterion. The bedroom is best facing south, but it is best not to lean against the outer wall. Because in summer, although there is a cool breeze in the bedroom in the south, there is more sunshine entering the room than in the north. If the exterior wall faces west, the room will be exposed for a whole day and the indoor temperature will be very high. Bedroom orientation can also be southeast, east and northeast. It is best not to choose a bedroom facing west. If it is two-bedroom or three-bedroom, one bedroom faces north.

Third, the orientation of the kitchen and bathroom. Toilets are generally damp and easy to breed germs, so it is necessary to keep lighting and ventilation. It is best to avoid choosing a bathroom facing west. Because the kitchen itself will produce lampblack, its indoor air needs to be constantly exchanged with the outside world. Due to the large amount of oil smoke produced in the kitchen, the formation time is short, and natural ventilation is difficult to discharge in a short time. Therefore, a range hood or an exhaust fan is generally used to exhaust air, and it is best not to choose the true north direction in the kitchen. 2. Which purchase contracts are invalid?

1. The property is sold separately and the contract is invalid.

Because the house is built on the land, attached to the land and inseparable. Therefore, when the ownership of the house is transferred by buying and selling, the land use right within the occupied area of the house must also be transferred. If the seller sells the real estate and land to different buyers, or only transfers the ownership of the house without transferring the land use right at the same time, the buyer can claim that the sales contract is invalid. 2. Without property right registration, the contract is invalid.

The transfer of ownership of the subject matter of the house sales contract is marked by the registration of the buyer and the seller with the housing management department where the house is located. Otherwise, the house sales contract will not take effect, and the legal effect of house ownership transfer will not occur. Even if the house has been actually delivered, it is invalid. Therefore, as long as the house has not been officially registered and transferred, even if the seller has collected the house payment and delivered the house to the buyer for use, the parties can still claim that the contract is invalid. 3. There is a problem with the subject of property rights, and the contract is invalid.

The subject of selling a house must be the owner of the house. If a non-owner sells another person's house, his buying and selling behavior is invalid. The property right of the house belongs to several people and can only be sold with the consent of some people. When selling all the houses in * * *, the consent certificate of * * * must be submitted. Some * * * people sell houses owned by * * * without the consent of other * * * people, and their buying and selling behavior is also invalid. If the preemptive right is violated, the contract is invalid.

When the house owner sells the house owned by * * *, under the same conditions, the owner of * * * has the preemptive right. When the owner sells the rented house, he must inform the lessee three months in advance. Under the same conditions, the lessee has the preemptive right. So the same conditions mainly refer to the same house price, and ... >>

Question 7: What is the orientation of the house? The orientation of the house depends on where you are. Latitude, monsoon and surrounding road conditions are of great significance for determining the orientation of houses. For example, in Guangdong, the orientation of the house depends on the road, and most houses in hilly areas are built with their backs to the mountains, which is in line with the advocacy of Feng Shui in China. There is no need to consider the sun overhead in low latitudes. On the contrary, some people want to avoid the sun, so that the house is cooler. In Guangdong, the latitude to the north is gradually increasing, which depends on the problem of sunbathing in winter, so most houses face south is the best choice.

Question 8: How to define the orientation of commercial housing? Is it defined by living room? Generally, the living room is a "seat" and the window of the room faces "direction"

The living room is in the north and the window of the room is in the south. It's summer, and it's sunny in the afternoon. I'm going to see the house.

Question 9: What does the house face mean? Orientation refers to the direction towards the main entrance of the house. Generally, the house faces south to north, that is to say, the front door of the house faces north and the back faces south.