Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Who knows those ancient Greek fairy tales?

Who knows those ancient Greek fairy tales?

Several Greek myths are expected to be adopted ~

1. Yi is the prince of Troy, a handsome and extraordinary boy. Even in the sacred world, his appearance is rare.

I don't love earthly women, but I love a maid who pours water in Zeus temple. This ordinary maid once captured Yi's heart with graceful songs overnight, and also took away the happiness of all the girls in Troy.

The girl in heaven is called Helen. She has the same beautiful name as Helen, the most beautiful woman in Troy. Zeus loves Helen very much, even though she is only a maid. But one day, Helen overheard Apollo, the sun god, and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, decide to destroy Troy. Helen ignored the precepts and hurried to inform Dresia. As a result, it was discovered halfway, and Zeus' guards took Helen back to the temple. Zeus could not bear to put her to death and decided to punish her well. Pushed by his son Apollo, Zeus decided to pass the crime on to the Prince of Troy who had an affair with Helen.

On this day, Zeus became an eagle and landed over Troy. He saw the prince walking in the back garden at a glance. Zeus was shocked. He has seen many beautiful goddesses and amazing human women, but he has never seen such a handsome boy. Zeus was deeply attracted by Iraq's special temperament and had an evil idea. He fell from the sky, caught Yi and took him back to the temple.

In the cold temple, Yi couldn't see his family and Helen, and he became more and more haggard. Zeus forced Yi to pour water for him instead of Helen so that he could see the beautiful boy every day. Hera, the wife goddess of Zeus, was a jealous woman. Her eyes were full of anger. She is not only jealous of Zeus' shameless eyes when he looks at Iraq, but also jealous that Iraq has a beautiful luster that she does not have. So Hera had a vicious plan and decided to hurt the innocent prince. She secretly let Helen go, and Helen naturally fled to the lower bound with Ise, and then she caught them red-handed. Athena knew it was Hera's plan, but there was nothing she could do. Enraged Zeus decided to put Iraq to death. However, just as shooter Chilon shot a fatal arrow, the maid Helen stood in Yi's chest!

When Hera saw that the trick failed, she became angry from embarrassment. She turned Yi into a transparent water bottle and asked him to pour water for Zeus forever. However, tears poured out of the water bottle! All the gods were moved by it, so Zeus sealed Iraq in the sky and became a sad god.

Iraq cries in the distant sky every night. People looked up and saw a group of shining stars hanging in the night sky, like transparent shining water bottles, so they were called Aquarius.

2. The love story between Apollo and Daphne.

Once, Apollo saw little love god Cupid playing with bows and arrows. He rudely warned Cupid, "Hey! Bows and arrows are very dangerous things, so children should not play casually. " It turns out that Cupid in little love god has two very special arrows: whoever is shot with a sharp arrow made of gold will immediately ignite the passion of love; If someone is shot by another blunt lead arrow, he will hate love.

Cupid didn't believe what Apollo said. While Apollo was not paying attention, he shot the arrow of love at Apollo with a whoosh, and Apollo immediately ignited the flame of love. Just then, a beautiful girl named Daphne came. Naughty Cupid shot a blunt lead arrow at Daphne, and Daphne was immediately disgusted with love.

At this time, Apollo, who was shot by the arrow of love, had fallen in love with Daphne deeply, so he immediately confessed to Daphne. But Daphne said unhappily, "Go away! I hate love! Stay away from me! " He ran into the valley like an antelope. But Apollo didn't lose heart in the pursuit of Daphne. He picked up the harp and played beautiful music. No matter who hears Apollo's piano, he can't help coming to listen to his performance.

Daphne, who was hiding in the mountains, also heard the beautiful piano and was intoxicated unconsciously. "Where did you get such a touching piano sound? I want to see who is playing. " With that, Daphne had long been fascinated by the sound of the piano and went to Apollo. Apollo, who was playing the harp behind a big stone, immediately jumped out and hugged Daphne.

Daphne ran away when she saw Apollo. Apollo chased after him and shouted, "I am not your enemy, nor a fierce beast, nor an unreasonable fool." Why are you avoiding me? " Although Apollo kept calling Daphne at the back, Daphne ignored it and continued to gallop forward.

No matter how fast Daphne runs, he can't outrun Apollo. After running for a long time, Daphne was exhausted and out of breath. Finally, she fell to the ground and watched Apollo catch up. Daphne was so anxious that she shouted, "Help! Help! "

At that time, the river god heard Daphne's cry for help and immediately turned her into a laurel tree with his own divine power. I saw Daphne's hair turned into leaves, her wrists into branches, her legs into trunks, her feet and toes into roots, and she was deeply rooted in the soil.

Apollo was very sad to see it. He cried sadly with the laurel in his arms, but the laurel kept shaking. Although Daphne has become a laurel, Apollo still loves her. Apollo stared at the laurel tree and said spoonily, "Although you can't be my wife, I will always love you.". I will use your branches and leaves as my laurel, your wood as my harp and your flowers as my bow. At the same time, I will give you eternal youth and will not get old. "

Daphne, who became a laurel tree, was deeply moved and nodded her thanks. Perhaps thanks to Apollo, laurel is evergreen all year round, and it is a kind of popular plant.

Many people can't understand what they are singing when listening to the song "Laurel Goddess", but I especially like this song, not because of the goddess Daphne, but because of Apollo, the sun god, his passionate love and courage, his eternal love and emotion. I feel sorry for the helplessness of love.

3. Medea won the golden fleece.

Works: Greek mythology

Name of the story: Medea gets golden fleece.

All night, King Aeetes and the nobles discussed how to defeat Argo hero in the palace, because he knew that what happened during the day was successful with the help of his daughter. The goddess Hera saw the danger facing Jason, so Medea's heart was full of doubts. Medea had a premonition that her father knew she had helped, and worried that the maids also knew the ins and outs of the matter. She thought about it and decided to run away. "Goodbye, dear mother." Medea said to herself in tears, "Goodbye, Sister Carl Cheops, goodbye, father's palace! Alas, stranger, if there were no you in the world, if you had been buried in the sea before you came to Corcas, it would be great! "

She left her family like a fugitive. She said a spell and the door of the palace opened automatically. She walked barefoot through the narrow street, covering her face with a veil in her left hand and dragging her robe on the ground in her right hand to avoid being affected when walking. The guard at the door didn't recognize her. Soon, she came outside the city and walked from the path to the temple. Now she went to the seaside again and finally saw the bonfire that Argo heroes burned all night to celebrate Jason's victory. As she approached the boat on the river bank, she called out the name of her sister's youngest son, Frontis. When she shouted for the third time, he recognized Medea's voice. The heroes were taken aback at first, and then rocked the boat to the shore. Jason jumped ashore in one step before the ship landed. Frontis and Argos followed. "Help me!" The girl cried eagerly, "everything is exposed, and now there is nothing to think about." Let's run away before my father gets on a fast horse and chases us! Oh, I'll help you get it to golden fleece. I decided to hypnotize the dragon to sleep. You can take golden fleece. But you, a stranger, must swear to God in front of all heroes that when I come to your distant land alone, you must promise to safeguard my dignity! "

Jason was very happy. He gently lifted the girl from the ground, hugged her and said, "Dear, let Zeus and Hera, who dominate the marriage, testify. I am willing to take you back to my hometown and be my lawful wife!" He took an oath and put his hand in hers. So Medea told the heroes to take action overnight, rocking the boat to the sacred forest and taking golden fleece. Jason and Medea crossed the grassland from another path and walked towards the sacred forest. They saw golden fleece hanging from a tall oak tree shining in the dark, and the sleepless dragon across the street looked at it without a trace of tiredness. As soon as it saw people, it craned its neck and swam to them, giving out a series of terrible and sharp roars, and a series of dull and desolate echoes sounded on the banks of the river and in the Woods. Medea greeted her without fear. In her sweet voice, she prayed to Slavic, the most magical sleeping god, and called the dragon to sleep for her. At the same time, I asked the great goddess of hell to bless her and help her realize her plan. Jason looked at all this and was very scared. But at this time, the dragon was sleepy in Medea's magical hypnotic singing, his arched back hung down and his hovering body slowly spread out. Only the ugly head is still upright, with its mouth wide open, as if to devour the approaching two people. Medea jumped up and sprinkled magic liquid in the dragon's eyes with juniper branches. A strange smell rushed straight at the dragon's nose, making it unconscious. Now, he is lying in the Woods with his mouth closed and his limbs stretched out, sleeping soundly.

According to Medea's orders, when she smeared the dragon's forehead with magic oil, Jason quickly took golden fleece off the oak tree. The two quickly fled the Ares Woods. Jason carried golden fleece on his shoulder. This baby hung from his neck to his heel, shining with golden light, illuminating the road at night. Then he quickly put down golden fleece and rolled it up, because he was worried that the wicked or gods would take it away as long as they took a fancy to it.

At dawn, they got on the boat. Two people around the companions are asking questions, all want to touch golden fleece with the hand. Iamo refused and covered it with a new cloak. Then, he made a comfortable bed for Medea in the back cabin and said to his friends:

"Dear friends, now let's go home! Thanks to the girl's help, we finally fulfilled our mission and made great achievements. I want to take her back to her hometown and marry her to be my lawfully wedded wife. You should take care of her for me along the way. I believe things are not over yet. Aedes will lead people to catch up and block our way home. So half of us paddled and the other half held spears and shields, ready to meet the enemy and repel his attack. " With that, he cut the cable with his sword, and then stood beside Medea and the helmsman Ancos with weapons in his hand. The ship headed for the estuary like an arrow.

Themis, the goddess of the moon in ancient Greek mythology, is the twin sister of Apollo, the sun god. She is very beautiful. Her silver hair is brighter than moonlight, and her purple eyes are clearer than crystal. She is a quick-thinking, decisive and elegant goddess. At the same time, she is also a very powerful archer. The first quarter moon is her bow and the moonlight is her arrow. She hunts in the forest all day, so she is also called the goddess of hunting and the goddess of protecting the brave. Apollo, the sun god, loved her so much that he even vowed not to marry any goddess and would always be the only one to protect her. However, this strong feeling of brother and sister was cracked after meeting the devil storm god. The moon goddess and the storm god met and fell in love. Apollo was jealous of Storm God and didn't like his sister's relationship with him, so he decided to get rid of him. One day, when the storm god was flying at sea, Apollo covered him with golden light, so no one could see his true face. Then he encouraged his sister, who likes archery, to take gold objects in the distance as targets. Of course, the goddess of the moon didn't know that this was her brother's conspiracy, and an arrow hit the chest of the storm god. On his deathbed, storm recognized the silver arrow at a glance. He doesn't understand why the person he loves wants to kill him. He remembered that he was at odds with heaven and thought that she had cheated him and betrayed him. He loves him deeply and hates him. He used up his last strength at sea and set off a storm. He growled bitterly. "Artinius, no matter how many times I am reincarnated, I can't help myself not to go." He vomited one mouthful blood, turned into a little green light in the sad cry and disappeared into the sea. Altinius, who knew the truth, looked at the arrow on the sea in despair. Her tears turned into a downpour and washed the earth. She wailed and blamed herself, thinking that her love had ruined him. She drew a beautiful smile on the corner of her mouth, picked up an arrow covered with blood, resolutely plunged into her chest, and put a chain on herself with blood. She won't love him anymore. As long as she doesn't love him, then he won't encounter any bad luck or danger. She closed her heart and that unforgettable love. Later, Apollo saw her commit suicide and resented her unfairness. In the heavy rain, he swore that they would not be allowed to fall in love for thousands of years.

5。 There was a king in Argos in ancient Greece. One day, he went to the temple to ask God for advice, and got the Oracle that he would die at the hands of his daughter and Poerxiusi, the grandson of Zeus.

The old man was very scared. He is cruel and cruel. When his daughter and Poerxiusi were asleep, he put them in a big box and threw them into the sea. He thought that the big box would not be swallowed up by the stormy waves, and both mother and son would starve to death sooner or later. Unexpectedly, the great god Zeus secretly sheltered the mother and son. He took the wooden box across the sea and came to an island country, where he was saved by a fisherman. The king on the island was surprised when he heard about it. Seeing Poerxiusi Jr.' s aura, I took him as my adopted son.

The king loves his adopted son very much. He raised Poerxiusi with his heart and invited talents from all fields on the island for him. Poerxiusi was born smart and studious, perhaps because he was a descendant of God. Within a few years, another omnipotent hero appeared in the world.

Poerxiusi's heroic achievements soon spread to the sky. One day, Athena, the goddess of wisdom (she is Zeus' favorite daughter, the most worshipped goddess of the Greeks, especially the Athenians, and the city of Athens is named after her), found him and asked Poerxiusi to bring her the head of the banshee Medusa. Poerxiusi is a person who likes to meet challenges. He agreed to the goddess' request with great pleasure.

Medusa turned out to be a very beautiful girl with long shawls. But she thinks she is good-looking, more beautiful than the goddess of wisdom. Athena was enraged. She used magic to turn Medusa's hair into countless poisonous snakes. The beauty turned into a monster. What's more frightening is that her eyes are shining with terrible light. Anyone who looks at her will immediately become a lifeless big stone.

In order to get Medusa's head, Poerxiusi managed to get three treasures: a pair of flying shoes, a leather bag, and an invisible dog skin helmet. With these three treasures and his own bronze shield and nod, Poerxiusi got up and flew to the place occupied by Medusa.

Medusa was fast asleep when she arrived. Poerxiusi dare not look at her. He located Medusa from the reflection of the bronze shield, stepped forward and cut off her head full of poisonous snakes. Poerxiusi put this bloody head in a leather bag and flew into the sky. At this time, two banshees living with Medusa were awakened. They found their companion killed and hurried after him. Thanks to Poerxiusi wearing a dog skin helmet, they didn't find him. At this moment, a flying horse conjured from Medusa's body, and Poerxiusi immediately jumped on it, and the flying horse roared and flew away into the distance.

Poerxiusi was driving a flying horse day and night. Suddenly one day, while flying over the Mediterranean, a strong wind blew. After several battles with Pegasus, he was blown to the coast of Ethiopia.

Poerxiusi is looking for a place to rest. Suddenly, he found a girl locked tightly on the rocks on the shore by a thick and long chain. Her long hair was immersed in the sea, and her delicate body was exposed to the wind and rain.

Poerxiusi ran up in three steps and two steps. He was about to rescue the girl, but the other party was very sad and said to him weakly, "Don't touch me, I am a guilty man and a sacrifice to Poseidon."

"If you are guilty again, you can't be so tortured!"

Say that finish, before the girl answered, Yingxian cut off the chain with one knife.

The girl gasped for a long time before slowly telling the soldier about her life story: "My name is Andlau Moda, and I am the daughter of the Ethiopian king. Because she and I are both beautiful, my mother often praises us as the most beautiful people in the world, even the daughter of Poseidon, the most beautiful Aegean goddess in the ocean. This sentence angered the Poseidon family, who made waves, flooded our country and displaced people. They also sent a whale monster. This guy usually dives into the water. When he saw someone on the shore, he sneaked up and swallowed him in one gulp. People are too scared to do anything, so they go to the temple to pray for God's blessing. The Oracle says that I am the culprit and must be kept here to sacrifice to the sea god, otherwise a greater disaster will befall our country. "

After listening to Andromeda, Yingxian was a little shuddering. But in order to save the lives of innocent girls and safeguard justice, he resolutely decided to challenge Poseidon's authority!

At this time, the whale monster rose from the bottom of the sea again. It moves like a hill, opens its mouth like a cave, and slowly approaches them. Poerxiusi quickly asked Andlau Moda to close her eyes, but before he could speak, she was already stunned. Poerxiusi pretended to be afraid and backed away slowly. Suddenly, he jerked Medusa's head in front of the whale monster. Before he could see what was going on, the monster suddenly turned into a boulder standing on the beach.

Waiting for death, Andlau Moda slowly opened his eyes. Then she knew what had happened. She hugged Poerxiusi and cried excitedly. Poseidon, the sea god, learned Poerxiusi's bravery and had to stop it, and the country was calm again.

Poerxiusi's feat won the respect of the king, queen and the people of the whole country, and also won the heart of Andromeda. Soon, the two married happily.

After their marriage, the couple returned to Poerxiusi's birthplace. Poerxiusi's grandfather thought of the early Oracle. He was really afraid of dying at the hands of his grandson, so he quietly hid in another country. One year, this country held a grand festival party and my grandfather sat next to the king. Poerxiusi was also invited to the party and improvised a discus throw. I didn't know that the discus he threw was neither biased nor inclined, and it hit my grandfather right on the head. The Oracle of twenty years ago really came true, and the old man really died at the hands of his grandson.

Poerxiusi collapsed. In order to comfort him and repay his help, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, asked Zeus to lift Poerxiusi to the sky and become the Poerxiusi in the autumn night sky.

Andromeda, the wife of Perseus, and her parents also ascended into the sky, which are the bright and luminous royal constellations Andromeda, Cepheus and Cassiopeia in the northern sky.

After Poerxiusi assassinated Medusa, the flying horse that jumped out of Medusa also made great contributions to Poerxiusi's feat. In recognition of its help to Poerxiusi, Zeus also promoted it to heaven and turned it into a flying horse.

Interestingly, the whale monster sent by Poseidon to Andromeda was also put into the sky by Zeus. This is Cepheus. Zeus did this not so much to commend Poerxiusi's bravery as to give his brother Poseidon a face.