Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What detective novels are about disappearance?

What detective novels are about disappearance?

The King of the Chamber of Secrets john dickson carr has a masterpiece The Curse of Bronze Lamps, which tells the story of the disappearance of the Chamber of Secrets.

In an archaeological excavation in Egypt, a bronze magic lamp with a history of 1000 years was unearthed. The Egyptian government gave it to Count Severn, the leader of the archaeological team. However, rumors and misfortunes followed ... Helen, the earl's daughter, regarded the curse as nonsense and decided to bring the bronze magic lamp back to England and put it on the fireplace in her bedroom. Before leaving, a mysterious prophet asserted to her, "You will never reach that room alive." After returning home, the nervous Helen stepped into the front door of her mansion with a bronze magic lamp in her hand. However, at the moment after entering the door. ...

What kind of conspiracy is hidden behind "Go up in smoke"? Sir Henry Melville is challenged again, and this time, is his opponent an ancient and gloomy curse or an unfathomable heart?