Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What games can four people play?

What games can four people play?

Games suitable for four people are as follows:

1. The radish squatting game, in which everyone wears a vegetable headdress, such as cabbage. People with cabbage headdress say cabbage squat, cabbage squat, eggplant squat, and so on.

2. Count frogs with passwords "A frog has a mouth, two eyes and four legs; Two frogs have two mouths, four eyes and eight legs, and so on. Let's take turns saying a word.

3. Little donkey, participants form a circle, put their arms on the shoulders of the former and sing "I have a little donkey, hey." Go in circles. Every time we sing "Hey", everyone jumps back. 4. Grab a chair, set three chairs on the stage, invite four people to play disco music, and four people turn around the chairs with the music. Grab the chair when the music stops, and those who don't sit will be eliminated; One chair is reduced and three people move forward. As soon as the music stops, they grab two chairs, and those who don't sit will be eliminated in the end. Two people grab a chair and the one who sits wins.