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Founder of digital energetics

Pythagoras was born in Greece around the 6th century BC, and his first impression was nothing more than the Pythagorean Theorem named after his surname. But there are only a handful of stories about his boyhood, almost all of which have not been verified. As an adult, Pythagoras believed that people should seek truth and knowledge everywhere. His 36-year personal study journey spanned different cultural fields. He not only studied with the most famous scholars in Greece, but also contacted many most important cultures and the most famous learning centers around the world, and even traveled to many distant countries to discuss and study with Egyptians, Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Persians, Indians, Arabs and Jews. It was not until the age of 56 that Pythagoras' journey finally came to an end. Then he stayed in Italy and founded a school to share his rich knowledge and experience with others. Although this Pythagorean theorem, which can be understood as long as you have studied elementary geometry and has a wide range of applications, has always been respected by the mathematical community, it also hides Pythagoras' achievements in other aspects. Like other scholars in the same period, because the educational tradition in Greece always encourages people to develop various interests, the influence of his and his disciples' theories on later generations includes geometry, algebra, music theory, astronomy, literature, religion and so on. Although most people use C2=A2+B2 to calculate and solve problems in geometry and physics, Pythagoras believes that Pythagoras theorem can be applied more widely and can be applied to solve problems of all mankind. He believes that C2=A2+B2 means that truth (including the universe) has its basic order, and they all follow the perfect prototype. Of course, Pythagoras' passion for truth, his dribs and drabs of life and his new discovery of beauty and harmony have made his achievements in the field of philosophy surpass those of other philosophers. He is committed to proving the harmony between all things in nature, and he always believes that only from the figures in science can he have a thorough insight into the relationship between our life and nature. Therefore, Pythagoras tried to better understand the ups and downs of the world, and tried to explain karma, the subtle relationship between people, and the idea of cosmic harmony. According to some related research, he was the first person to put forward this mysterious idea! So many people are convinced that he is the father of modern numerology.