Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Magic card girl cherry peach spelling Japanese (magic card girl cherry peach spelling Japanese)

Magic card girl cherry peach spelling Japanese (magic card girl cherry peach spelling Japanese)

1 . yaminochikarawahimeshikagiyo .

2. Japanese.

3.keiyakunomotosakuragameijiru .

4.reriizu! This is a secret key.

5. Show your true attitude.

6. Contract のもとさくらがじる.

7.レリーズ! Hide the key to the dark power and show me your true power.

8. Woody Sakura, who reached an agreement with you, ordered you to break the seal! nanjinoarubekisugatanimodore .

9.kuroukaado! You don't know what to do. You don't know what to do.

10.クロウカード! Go back to the way you were.

1 1. koro! kurounotsukurishika-doyo、wagatoikakenikotaeyo .

12 . wagamaenitachhadakarumononoshinnosugatawashimes .

13.クロのりしカードよ, わががぃかに.

14. Show your real posture before you stand up.

15. Kuloka created by Kulo, answer my question.

16. Show things as they really are in front of me.

17 .

18 .

19 . keiyakunomotosakuragamejiru .

20.reriizu! Stars, power and secret keys.

2 1. Real posture, I showed you before.

22. Contract のもとさくらがじる.

23.レリーズ! Stars hide the key to power, show me your true power.

24. Woody Sakura, who reached an agreement with you, ordered you to break the seal! kurounotsukurishikaadoyo,hurukisugatawosuteumarekaware .

25 . aratanaarujisakuranonanomotoni! クロウのりしカ-ドよ, きををてまれかわれ.

26. The names of the new owner, owner and owner are たさくらのもとに! Koroka created by Koroletto, please give up the old image and reincarnate.

27. I order you to belong to Woody Sakura in the name of the new owner.


29. Shoutiao, female warehouse.

30.kagiyo、shoujonichikarawoataeyo .

3 1.reriizu! Sealed keys, contracts, people who expect.

32. Girl, name: をさくら.

33. Keys, girls, girls.

34.レリーズ! Seal wheel, I hope the person you signed with is here.

35. The girl's name is Woody Sakura.

36. Seal wheel, please give this girl magic.

37. The seal has been lifted! huuinnokagiyo,nanjitonokeiyakuwonozoumonogakokoniiru .

38. Shoutiao, female warehouse.

39.kagiyo、shoujonichikarawoataeyo .

40.reriizu! Sealed keys, contracts, people who expect.

4 1. Girl, name: をさくら.

42. Keys, girls and girls.

43.レリーズ! Seal wheel, I hope the person you signed with is here.

44. The girl's name is Woody Sakura.

45. Seal wheel, please give this girl magic.