Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Menstruation didn't come for a month? why

Menstruation didn't come for a month? why

? Menstruation is a normal physiological phenomenon of women. Many women have had delayed menstruation. If they are anxious and afraid of not menstruating for a month, what should they do if they don't menstruate for a month? Let's introduce it below. In fact, there are many reasons why girls don't come to menstruation for a month, which may be symptoms in the early pregnancy, diseases and, of course, mental and psychological stress. If menstruation is abnormally delayed for a long time, it will affect women's health, so once this situation is discovered, it is best to go to a regular hospital for detailed examination, find out the reasons and deal with the symptoms. Is it normal to delay menstruation for a few days? Experts say that the normal menstrual cycle is generally 28 to 30 days. Of course, the length of menstrual cycle will vary from person to person. It is normal to advance or delay for about 7 days, so don't worry too much. If menstruation is delayed for more than a week, you should be vigilant. Girls? Experts pointed out that if a girl has no menstruation for a month, the following situations should be considered: 1. Pregnancy If your normal period suddenly comes seven days or even later after sex, then you can consider whether you are pregnant or not. Generally, the longer the menstrual period expires, accompanied by some early pregnancy reactions, the greater the possibility of pregnancy. I suggest you go to the pharmacy to buy an early pregnancy test paper and do a self-test first. If the test result is positive, then go to a regular hospital for a B-ultrasound examination to confirm whether you are pregnant. This is because, due to various factors, the detection result of early pregnancy test paper is not 100% accurate. In addition, doing a B-ultrasound examination can also rule out the possibility of ectopic pregnancy in time and avoid the harm caused by ectopic pregnancy. 2, the side effects of drugs, leading to endocrine disorders, such as endocrine disorders after long-term use of contraceptives, will also cause menstrual delay. According to the patient's reaction, the doctor also found that a new generation of gastric motility drugs may also cause. Because gastric motility drugs are not easy to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, they are considered to have no inhibitory effect on central dopamine receptors. The central dopamine receptor is inhibited, which reduces the amount of hypothalamic release factor entering the anterior pituitary gland, so the gonadotropin and adrenocorticotropic hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland decrease, leading to menopause and ovulation delay. 3, improper surgery, leading to delayed menstruation, such as intrauterine surgery caused by cervical adhesion, leading to menstrual blood stasis, thus delaying menstruation. 4, excessive weight loss, leading to delayed menstruation Women who love beauty control their weight in order to maintain their body shape, taking some diet pills or excessive dieting may lead to delayed menstruation. 5, abnormal gland function, leading to delayed menstruation, hyperthyroidism, decreased menstrual times, decreased menstrual volume, and longer interval between menstruation. When thyroid function is low, menstrual blood will increase and bleeding time will be long, but patients with chronic illness have less menstrual flow or even no menstruation. 6, menstrual delay caused by ovarian and uterine diseases, ovarian and uterine problems are often reflected in menstrual changes, such as uterine fibroids, adenomyosis and so on. 7. Other psychological factors such as mental stress, stress, environmental changes, and some diseases that affect endocrine can all cause delayed menstruation. How should menstruation be postponed? Under normal circumstances, menstrual delay can start from diet, exercise, psychology and other aspects, and can also be treated with drugs. First of all, we should develop good eating habits and eat on time and in quantity. Eat more high-protein and fresh fruits and vegetables. Secondly, we should do more sports, such as mountain climbing, running and rhythmic gymnastics. Exercise must be persisted, and you can't give up halfway. In terms of medication, taking any menstruation-regulating drugs should be taken under the advice of a doctor to avoid serious consequences. Delayed menstruation is a manifestation of irregular menstruation. Long-term irregular menstruation is easy to cause pigmentation and acne, which affects beauty. Directly lead to infertility; Hide gynecological inflammation crisis; It causes headache, so once menstruation is delayed for a long time, it is best to go to a regular hospital for detailed examination and corresponding treatment in time to avoid delaying treatment and causing unnecessary harm. ? It should be clear by now. Then, if you can't distinguish some abnormal situations during menstruation, you'd better go to the hospital to consult a doctor to avoid harm to your body. Related reading: Can I eat chocolate during my period? Is it normal to have blood clots during menstruation? When will you have your period after giving birth?