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How do tarot cards relate to reality? Thank you for your questions.

The first section psychological atlas Tarot card is a speculative tool. The traditional Tarot card conjecture requires two people to solve the cards at the same time: one is called a "questioner"-someone who wants to find an answer when encountering personal problems, and the other is called a "card solver"-someone who knows how to explain the meaning of the cards. After the questioner shuffles and cuts the cards, the decoder arranges the selected cards according to a certain pattern (so-called card array). Each position in this deck has a specific meaning, and each card also has its own specific meaning. The interpreter combines these two meanings to reveal the questioner's question. This process is simple, but it is rarely done in a simple way. Some religions shun it, while the scientific community claims that it is a ridiculous symbol and a remnant of ignorant cultural lag. Now let's get rid of these illusory things and just think about it-this is a set of cards with pictures. The question is: What can we do with it? The answer involves the subconscious mind-it exists in each of us' memories and consciousness, and only manifests itself in our daily experience. Although most of the time we ignore the subconscious activity, it has a far-reaching impact on our behavior. Sigmund freud pays attention to the irrationality and primitiveness of the subconscious in his works. He believes that the subconscious mind is the source of our most reluctant desires and demands. Carl jung, his contemporaries, emphasized the initiative and creativity of the subconscious. He tried to explain that the subconscious is a collection of beautiful qualities in human nature. Maybe we can never understand all the connotations and abilities of the subconscious, but there are ways to reveal its face. To this end, people have developed many methods-psychology, dream interpretation, imagination and meditation. Tarot cards are also one of these tired tools. Try to spend some time thinking about a typical tarot card: "Sword Five". This card is a man with three swords in his hand. Looking at two other people in the distance, there are two swords on the ground. When you look at this card, how do you create a story around this picture? For example, seeing a man win a battle is enough for him. He is smug and happy to win all the swords. The other two were defeated, depressed and lost. Maybe you think this is the only possible explanation for this picture. But in fact, others may imagine a completely different story. Maybe this man is picking up a sword. He asked others to help him, but they refused. Or, the other two were fighting and he wanted to force them to stop. The point is, there are many possible stories, and we only chose one of them. Why? Because people instinctively map the subconscious to things. We always look at the facts through the inner lens. The famous Rorschach ink test is based on psychological atlas. Psychological atlas is one of the reasons why tarot cards are valuable. These confusing pictures and symbols are very effective in releasing the subconscious. This is the personality of tarot cards, but there are also commonalities. As human beings, we all have some common needs and experiences. Tarot pictures capture these * * * things and describe them. People agree to react to tarot cards because they represent some mental models. For many centuries, tarot cards have developed into the most basic collection of human thoughts and emotions. Take the "Queen" card in Grand Acana as an example. She represents the mother's principle that life is on fertile land. Pay attention to how the pictures in the card arouse our sense of abundance. She sat in a soft and luxurious armchair, with her robe hanging down and folded over her. In the queen, we feel the generosity and richness of nature. The strength of tarot cards comes from the combination of individuality and generality. You can look at each card in your own way, but at the same time, you can also feel the feelings of others. Tarot cards are a mirror that reflects the hidden side of your personal consciousness. In the second quarter, when we speculate on randomness and mind map, we shuffle cards, cut cards, choose some cards and put them in order. Although this process seems random, we still think that we have come up with a specific card. After all, this is the key to tarot cards-choose the cards we want. Therefore, it is generally believed that randomly selected cards cannot represent any specific meaning. Is this view correct? To answer this question, let's first study "randomness". Generally speaking, when an event is the result of mechanical action, we say it is random. Choose one from a set of possibilities-all possibilities have the same probability of ending-but there are no special factors. The definition of this random event contains two key assumptions: it is the result of mechanical action and has no special significance. First of all, tarot cards are not isolated products of mechanical action. It is the result of a series of long-term conscious activities. We decided to learn tarot cards. We bought cards and began to study how to use them. We shuffle and cut cards in a certain way in a certain place. Finally, we use our intuition and understanding to explain the meaning of the card. Every step of the way, we are actively involved. So why do we say that speculation is a "random result of mechanical action"? Because we can't explain how psychological consciousness is invested. We know that there is no deliberate choice when drawing cards, so it is random. In fact, is there a deep power in this process, a power involving the subconscious? Does our inner state affect external things in a way that we have not yet understood? We insist on this possibility. Another feature of random events is that they have no intrinsic meaning. Roll the dice and shake out six points, but this has no special purpose. We can also shake out that the meaning is the same-or not? Do we really know that these two results are equal? Maybe everything has its meaning and purpose, and its possibility is big or small, but we never realize it. "Meaning" is a truly mysterious feature, which comes from the boundary between internal and external reality. Everything contains information-trees, songs, even trash cans ... but only when we open our hearts to experience it can we feel it. The pictures of tarot cards are rich in connotation and interrelated, so they contain a lot of information. More importantly, Tarot conjectures that all kinds of meanings are interlinked, because we are committed to our own wishes, loyal to our own hearts, and find the deeper truth in life. In this way of seeking meaning, we admit the truth we yearn for and have the opportunity to reveal its essence. If there is some meaning in speculation, where does it come from? It comes from a part of ourselves, from the magical source of consciousness. This is one aspect of the subconscious, but it's more than that. It is like a wise man who knows us deeply. It understands our needs and guides us in the direction we want. Some people call it soul, superconsciousness, or superego. We call it a "spiritual guide" because this is its role in tarot speculation. Each of us has a spiritual guide, which is the source of meaning. Your spiritual guide is always with you because it is a part of you. You can't break this connection, but it can really be ignored. When faced with tarot cards, you send a signal to the mind guide, ready to accept its wisdom. This simple and sincere behavior makes you aware of your inner existence. We are born to rely on the wisdom of spiritual guides, but we often forget this. We trust the mind, but forget to observe the mind. Our brain is smart, but unfortunately, it doesn't have enough consciousness to make the right choices every day. When we use our brains, we often feel that all kinds of things appear randomly, which brings us pressure. There is no goal in life, and we always endure it, because we really don't know who we are and where we are going. When we know how to use the spiritual guide, our experience of life is completely different. After listing our conscious wishes and our inner goals, we gained confidence and peace. Our route is more interesting, and we can see how to gather scattered elements together and enrich our destiny. We use tarot cards, because it is the best tool to make the whispers of spiritual directors enter consciousness. When the card is opened, the thoughts, images and feelings that emerge are the signals of the spiritual director. How do we know it's a signal, not our imagination? Maybe we can't explain it in detail ourselves, but we should trust our own experience and observe what happened.

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