Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The answer to the exercises after class in the third volume of history of senior one.

The answer to the exercises after class in the third volume of history of senior one.

Lesson one

[Analysis and Exploration]

According to the above materials, try to summarize the basic characteristics of the social structure of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and briefly explain the reasons for these characteristics.

Tip: Guide students to translate and analyze materials: Material 1 describes the patriarchal hierarchy formed by the aristocratic enfeoffment system with the eldest son inheritance system as the core, while Material 2 describes the combination of administrative hierarchy and patriarchal hierarchy. Students can be asked to summarize in words with the theme of "social structure" to improve their expression ability and stimulate their interest in solving problems.

① Basic features. Under the conditions of feudal system and patriarchal clan system, in the social structure of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the relationship between classes is not only a family affiliation, but also a political affiliation. On the one hand, it shows the patriarchal clan hierarchy of "emperor, vassal, great doctor, scholar and Shu Ren", on the other hand, it shows the administrative hierarchy of "king of Zhou, public servant, doctor of Hou, scholar and soap servant", which are closely combined.

2 reasons. In order to effectively rule the conquered vast areas, influenced by the remnants of the ancient tribal alliance system, the Western Zhou Dynasty implemented the enfeoffment system. In order to consolidate the political order formed by the enfeoffment system and solve the contradiction between nobles in power, property and land inheritance, the Western Zhou Dynasty implemented the patriarchal clan system which was linked to the enfeoffment system and combined with blood and political relations.


1. What's the difference between the vassal states of Shang Dynasty and Western Zhou Dynasty?

It is pointed out that the vassal States of Shang Dynasty were conquered or surrendered to the Shang king voluntarily, and the princes of the vassal States were awarded by the Shang king, but they basically had nothing to do with the Shang king. The king's control over the vassal state is limited. The vassal States basically maintained an independent social structure and had great autonomy. Some vassal States often fought with merchants. The princes of the Western Zhou Dynasty were enfeoffed by the King of Zhou, and were named princes or clansmen of the King of Zhou, or formed patriarchal relations with the King of Zhou through in-laws. The vassal and the king of Zhou were both politically subordinate. Zhou Wang's influence penetrated into the vassal states, and Zhou Wang sent representatives to supervise the vassal states.

With the strengthening of control, the autonomy of vassal States decreased, and the obligations to Zhou Wang became clearer; At the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, some vassal states broke the blood boundary of Shang Dynasty vassal states and became new vassal states with complex population composition and more vitality.

2. Describe the main contents, characteristics and functions of enfeoffment system and patriarchal clan system.

Tips: ① The main contents, characteristics and functions of the enfeoffment system. The emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty conferred the clan ministers with the same surname as princes, thinking that they were princes. The vassal's throne is hereditary, and he has the right to rule in his own fief, but he has the obligation to pay tribute to the son of heaven regularly and provide military tribute and forced labor. The vassal then enfeoffed his subordinates, forming a hierarchical sequence of "Zhou Wang, vassal, great doctor and scholar". It has strengthened effective rule over vast areas and stabilized social order.

② The main contents and characteristics of patriarchal clan system. Generations passed down from the eldest son, known as bulk, inherit land, property and power equally; All children except the eldest son are small families and belong to the inheritance. Zhou Tianzi inherited the eldest son, and all his concubines became princes. The sons also succeeded to the throne with the eldest son, and all the sons were named doctors. The doctor also inherited the throne with the eldest son as the bulk; Common sons are scholars, that is, small families. Function: consolidate the feudal system and the internal order of the aristocratic class, and prevent the nobles from competing for power and property.

3. Explain the relationship between ritual and music system and patriarchal clan system.

Tip: As the political life criterion of aristocrats at all levels, the system of rites and music is an indispensable tool to maintain the patriarchal feudal system.

According to the system of rites and music, people with different occasions and identities not only have different manners, but also use different music. Such as Worship the Gods, Playing the Yellow Bell, Singing the Great Lu and Dancing the Cloud Gate.

"Six dances" were mainly used in court sacrificial ceremonies in the Zhou Dynasty, with different specifications and standards. The son of heaven used "Bashu" (offering sacrifices to temples

The music and dance formation consists of a column of eight people, which is called "Shu" and "Ba Shu" (64-person dance array); Governors use "six" and doctors can only use "four".

"The ceremony of the governors: going to the public five products, all fans, all three questions are repaired. Group introduction, pedestrians, massacres and history are all in prison. Five wardens, forty meals, ten baskets, forty beans, forty pots, forty pots, ten pots and thirty animals are all old. " Hou, Bo, Zi and Men have another set of rules.

[Activity suggestion]

The appearance of characters is an important symbol of entering the civilized era, and ancient Chinese characters contain rich social and historical information. Try to find out the information about the political situation of Shang and Zhou Dynasties reflected by the following Oracle Bone Inscriptions glyph.

Prompt, "hold": "take the metaphysics", like a yoke. "Crane" is like a man with hands.

"Imprisonment": inside is "imprisonment" and outside is "prison".

"King": the shape of an axe, indicating the conqueror or symbolizing authority.

"Minister": Like obedience, it is the intention of the monarch.

"Oh": it means to cut your nose.

"Gouge": "Turtle sentence tuo/",with sharp weapons to people's feet. ,

"Witch": A person who paints traces on tortoise shells for divination.

Lesson 2

[Analysis and Exploration]

Read the above literature, combined with what you have learned, please think:

1. What do Wang Wan and Li Si think of the local management system? What are their reasons?

2. Whose idea did Qin Shihuang finally adopt? Why?

3. Combined with what you have learned, talk about your understanding of enfeoffment system and county system.

Tip: 1. Wang Wan advocated the enfeoffment system on the grounds that the world was beginning to flourish and the territory was vast, and enfeoffment of the royal family to the newly occupied areas could consolidate the rule of the empire. Reese advocated the county system on the grounds that the enfeoffment system could easily lead to the dispute between centralization and decentralization.

Qin Shihuang finally adopted Lisi's idea. The reason is that historical experience has proved that the county system is conducive to national unity and centralization.

3. Benefits of enfeoffment system: Yan, Qi, Chu and other places are far away from the Guanzhong area, the ruling center of Qin, and the enfeoffment system is guarded by princes and easy to control. Disadvantages of enfeoffment system: ① enfeoffment of vassals, over time, blood relationship alienated, vassals scuffled, and the Zhou Emperor could not control it, and enfeoffment system lost its original role in consolidating the rule. (2) The prince is prone to disloyalty. Once the conditions are ripe, it can threaten the rule of the central imperial power and cause chaos in the world.

Advantages of the county system: the county system is implemented, and officials receive generous salaries from the court, which is easy to control. Disadvantages of the county system: ① No princes and ministers were appointed as assistants, and there was no solid ruling foundation. (2) there is no precedent to follow, and it is not easy to become a *.


What is the basic content of the political system in Qin Dynasty? What influence did Qin Shihuang's measures to strengthen centralization have in history?

It is suggested that the basic contents of the political system in Qin Dynasty are: the supremacy of imperial power and centralization as the basic characteristics; The central government is mainly composed of three officials and nine ministers, and the local political power is divided into two levels: county and county; A set of system and legal system for selecting and inspecting officials has been formulated.

Impact: ① Conducive to national unity and social and economic development; (2) The centralization of the Qin Dynasty completely broke the traditional aristocratic enfeoffment system and laid the foundation for the unified dynasty system in ancient China; (3) The improvement of administrative efficiency and the strengthening of the central government's control over local governments have had an important impact on China's politics and society for more than two thousand years.

Lesson 3


1. What does the establishment and evolution of six halls in three provinces show? Why?

It is suggested that the establishment of the system of "three provinces and six departments" shows two trends in ancient politics: one is to clarify the administrative division of labor and improve administrative efficiency. The second is to decentralize power and strengthen imperial power. The latter is more prominent, because the three provinces contain each other, and the three provinces respectively reflect part of the relative power, and the complete relative power is divided, which is conducive to strengthening the imperial power.

Great changes have taken place in the six-department system in the three provinces of Song and Yuan Dynasties, which shows that the struggle between imperial power and relative power continues and the Song Dynasty continues to divide relative power in another way. In the Yuan Dynasty, there was a phenomenon of repeated centralization of power, and the relative power was once expanded. 2. What role did the system of selecting officials in the imperial examination and supervising the imperial history play in the bureaucratic system of China?

Prompt: Although the system of supervision and remonstration can't fundamentally restrain the supreme power of the emperor and put an end to corruption and inefficiency in the bureaucratic ranks, it has played an important role in rectifying official management, cracking down on local separatist forces, maintaining centralization, remonstrating and preventing the emperor's mistakes, and preventing decision-making mistakes.

[Activity suggestion]

Read Dr. Sun Yat-sen's ideas carefully at the end of the article and think about the relationship between historical inheritance and contemporary life.

Tip: The purpose of this activity is to remind students of the practical significance of history learning, guide students to think about how to critically inherit the historical heritage, let students understand that learning history is not irrelevant to real life, and thus improve students' interest in learning history. It can guide students to think about what historical heritages can be used for reference in the political system construction of modern China, and what needs to be continuously developed and improved according to history.

Lesson 4

[Thinking in class]

1. Please think about it: Compared with "a sly rabbit dies, a good dog cooks" at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, what is the genius of Song Taizu?

Hint: Song Taizu used the Huairou policy to relieve the military power of the generals in the DPRK, which not only avoided the social unrest and intensification of contradictions caused by the killing of ministers by the founding monarchs in previous dynasties, but also successfully deprived the generals in the DPRK of military power, strengthened the power of the emperor, and achieved the goal of consolidating political power without intensifying social contradictions.

2. Read this passage and analyze why Zhu Yuanzhang abolished the prime minister system. Do you agree with him?

Hint: ① This question can guide students to analyze the reasons why Zhu Yuanzhang abolished the Prime Minister. Zhu Yuanzhang believed that the establishment of the prime minister in the Qin Dynasty led to the rapid demise of the Qin Dynasty, while the establishment of the prime minister in the Han and Tang Dynasties led to tyranny and chaos. Abolish the prime minister and set up five hospitals and six departments. In short, military and political affairs are handled by the court, so it is safe, so the Prime Minister should be abolished. The essence is to strengthen imperial power and consolidate rule. ② There must be two kinds of opinions about whether or not to agree with Zhu Yuanzhang: agree or disagree. Teachers can organize students with two different views to debate, so as to deepen their understanding of this issue, but don't force them to unify into one view.

[Analysis and Exploration]

What is the attitude of the rulers of past dynasties to the prime minister in the materials? Is there any essential difference? Based on what you know, what kind of influence do you think the change of rulers' attitude has had on China society?

Tips: ① This question provides three pieces of materials, and some students may have some difficulties in understanding these three pieces of materials. Teachers should first help students understand the contents of these three materials, so as to make clear the attitudes of rulers of past dynasties towards prime ministers: Emperor Ai of Han Dynasty thinks that prime ministers are very important and can help emperors govern the world; Emperor Taizong believed that state affairs should be discussed by officials and planned by the prime minister, and no one should be arbitrary; Ming Taizu thinks that the autocratic power of the prime minister is harmful to the monarch, and the disaster is endless. ② Students may have different views on whether there are essential differences in the attitudes of rulers of different dynasties towards prime ministers. One thinks there is essential difference, and the other thinks there is no essential difference. Teachers should guide students to discuss. Through discussion, exchange and debate, they can understand that although the attitude of the rulers towards the prime minister has changed, it is not different in essence. They all set out from maintaining their own rule, taking relative power as a ruling tool and constantly adjusting the contradiction between imperial power and relative power. ③ Students should be able to basically sum up the question "What impact has it had on China society". The overall influence is that the central power system is constantly adjusted, the relative power is constantly weakened, and the imperial power is constantly strengthened. In the Ming dynasty, the prime minister was finally abolished.


1. What caused the "Seven Kingdoms Rebellion" in the early Han Dynasty and the melee in the late Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms?

It is pointed out that the "Seven-State Rebellion" in the early Han Dynasty was mainly caused by the expansion of the power of vassal states and the rebellion against the central government. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the five dynasties and ten kingdoms were divided into different provinces, which was mainly caused by the lack of central authority. The same reason is due to the expansion of local decentralization forces.

2. What are the similarities and differences between the measures taken by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Song Taizu to strengthen centralization?

Hint: Similarities: The purpose is to strengthen centralization and autocratic imperial power; In content, they all use the method of decentralization to weaken the relative power, and all use a more peaceful way to solve the threat of local governments to the central government.

Differences: Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty removed the threat of the kingdom to centralization by measures such as "pushing favor orders" and seizing titles with gold, and at the same time strengthened supervision over local officials by dividing counties and setting up secretariat. Compared with Song Taizu, the strengthening of centralization by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had a slightly less negative impact. Song Taizu strictly controlled the military power, which solved the situation of the separatist regime in the buffer region since the end of the Tang Dynasty. However, while strengthening centralization, it also made the bureaucracy in Song Dynasty unprecedented, resulting in "redundant soldiers", "redundant officials" and "redundant expenses".

3. According to the content of this lesson, briefly summarize the characteristics of the evolution of central authority in the pre-Qin period.

Tip: The long-term struggle between imperial power and relative power has been weakened, and imperial power has been strengthened. From the Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, imperial power was always supreme. However, from the unification of the Qin Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the prime minister's power was large and concentrated, which posed a certain threat to the imperial power. From Sui and Tang Dynasties to Song Dynasty, the power of the prime minister was dispersed in different ways, the power of the prime minister was weakened and the imperial power was strengthened. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the prime minister was abolished, and the autocratic imperial power reached its peak.

Lesson Five


1. What are the main characteristics of ancient Greek city-states? What are the consequences of the city-state colonial movement?

Hint: The main characteristics of ancient Greek city-states are small country, small population and long-term independent autonomy of each state. The original cause of the colonial movement was forced to emigrate because the conditions in this state could not meet the needs of survival, and later it was to plunder wealth and slaves. Colonial expansion promoted the development of ancient Greek city-states and formed a polycentric Greek world.

2. What are the forms of ancient Greek city-state government? What are their characteristics? What are the similarities?

Hint: There are mainly aristocracy and democracy, as well as monarchy,' oligarchy' and tyranny. The supreme power of the nobility is in the hands of the Senate or the aristocratic parliament. In a democratic system, the citizens' assembly has the highest ruling power in the country. Oligopoly is the collective rule of a few nobles. Monarchy and tyranny are both personal despotism, but the latter seized power by illegal means. * * * Similarities: they are all small countries with few people; The citizens' assembly is one of the elements of the ancient Greek city-state government, and there are institutions of the citizens' assembly. But in different periods and under different regimes, the status of the citizens' assembly is different.

Lesson 6

[Thinking in class]

What does the regulation on the qualification of the spokesman say?

Hint: It shows that citizens need to have certain personal moral cultivation to enjoy Athenian democracy, reflecting that Athenian democratic rights are not only determined by property.

[Analysis and Exploration]

Can you analyze the reason?

Hint: The ideology and culture of a certain society is a reflection of the politics and economy of a certain society. The splendid culture of Athens is based on splendid democracy. In the environment of democratic politics and academic freedom, people explore the mysteries of the world, give full play to their wisdom and put forward various opinions on the origin of the world, resulting in a situation in which a hundred schools of thought contend and a hundred schools of thought contend. Various schools argued with each other and pursued the truth through debate, thus creating the prosperity of ancient Greek civilization. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in China, a hundred schools of thought contended and talented people came forth in large numbers, which was based on productivity and economic development, not on absolute monarchy. The development of productivity and economy accelerated the collapse of slavery and the establishment of feudal society. The emerging landlord class urgently needs to solve practical social problems, and the far-sighted monarch, Hou Wang, also tried his best to recruit talented people. However, the great social change made the intellectuals belonging to the ruling class lose their life security and gain personal freedom, so they used their wisdom to think about the great social change and rose from it. Because of the complex composition, different positions and different views on the issue, many pioneering academic masters emerged in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. They stand on different class positions, write books and express their political ambitions, forming a situation of "a hundred schools of thought contend".


1. How was democracy formed in Athens? What are its basic characteristics?

Hint: Athenian democracy is the product of more than 200 years of ups and downs and continuous innovation with the support of Athens people with lofty ideals. Its basic characteristics are people's sovereignty and taking turns to govern.

2. What measures did Athens take to ensure the normal operation of democracy? Are these measures effective?

This new form of collective management and democratic operation modes based on the rule of law, such as differential election system, term system, parliamentary system and proportional representation system, have provided valuable experience for the development of democratic politics in later generations.

Some achievements have been made, but there are "loopholes" in Athens' democratic politics, that is, the general position has always maintained the electoral system, and the re-election is free of charge, which determines that it is difficult for poor citizens to be elected generals. The leadership of democratic politics is still in the hands of upper-class slave owners.

3. What did Athenian democracy leave us?

Hints: ① Athenian democracy is not an instant invention of a genius, but a product of long-term twists and turns and constant innovation with the support of civilians. (2) Athenian democracy realized the idea of people's sovereignty and taking turns to govern, which had a far-reaching influence on Mediterranean countries and was also used for reference by later western countries. (3) Athenian democracy is different from modern democracy. The former is the direct exercise of democratic rights by citizens and the product of "small country with few people". The latter adopts representative system, which is the product of "a big country with many people". ④ Athens democracy is a "double-edged sword". On the one hand, it promoted the political, economic and cultural prosperity of Athens; On the other hand, it is a violent machine of social injustice, which limits the self-development ability of another part of society. ⑤ Athenian democracy is essentially a means of slave-owner class dictatorship and a narrow democracy.

Lesson 7

[Reading and Thinking]

Think about it, is this litigation system in early Roman law reasonable?

Tip: Although the Twelve Copper Tables Law stipulates the litigation procedure, the civilians are not familiar with the terminology and specific procedures used in the prosecution, and the date of the trial has not been announced, thus limiting the prosecution of civilians (Li and Yang * * * estimated the History of Rome). The provisions of early Roman law are still influenced by unwritten customary law, which is unfavorable to civilians.


1. What measures did the Roman aristocratic system take to prevent individual monopoly and coordinate the interests of nobles and civilians?

Hint: In order to prevent personal dictatorship, the Roman aristocracy had two consuls, who were elected and had equal powers. All laws and regulations can only be implemented with the consent of both parties. The Senate conducts business in political affairs, and the minority is subordinate to the majority. Parliament is responsible for electing public officials and passing bills of the Senate. Guarantors supervise the actions of the government and coordinate the interests of nobles and civilians.

2. What is the main content of the twelve copper meter method? What is its historical significance?

Tip: The twelve tables method includes civil law, criminal law and litigation procedure, which is basically a compilation of unwritten customary laws in the past. It clearly protects private property and the vested interests of nobles.

The promulgation of the "Twelve Copper Watch Law" is a victory for the common people. Because the written law should judge and sentence according to the law, the nobles can't explain the customary law as before. This law is the origin of Roman law. Although it has been revised many times, it is still the basic law of Rome.

3. What are the four codes of Justinian civil law? Why the Roman Law Collection? How to evaluate its historical position?

Tip: The Complete Book of Justinian Civil Law consists of four codes: Justinian Code, Justinian Law General, Justinian Theory Collection and Justinian New Patent.

The promulgation of Justinian Code marks the development of Roman law to a complete stage. It legally preserved the creative achievements of ancient Rome, made detailed legal norms for human behavior, provided legal means for mediating complex social contradictions, and became an effective tool for maintaining the rule of the Eastern Roman Empire.

The Complete Book of Justinian Civil Law is a summary of Roman law and an ancient law with the richest content, the most perfect system and the widest influence on later generations in the history of the world.

Lesson 8

[Thinking in class]

1. Please think: What ideas did the profit bill draw from the Magna Carta?

Tip: Teachers can guide students to read the quotations from these two documents in the textbook and make a comparative summary.

The Bill of Rights has absorbed the ideas in the Magna Carta, such as restricting the royal power by law, requiring the approval of parliament for taxation, and safeguarding the "freedom" rights of parliament.

2. Please think: How is the relationship between parliament and government reflected under the responsible cabinet system?

Tip: Teachers can guide students to summarize, sort out and summarize the relevant contents in the textbook.

Under the responsible cabinet system, the majority party that won the parliamentary election came to power to form a cabinet, and the Prime Minister of the cabinet was the leader of the parliamentary majority party. The cabinet is responsible to the parliament, and all cabinet members are collectively responsible for government affairs. If the parliament passes the motion of no confidence for the government, the cabinet will step down, or the parliament will be dissolved and new elections will be held.

[Reading and Thinking]

Think about it. What is the political life of Britain in the second half of the19th century?

Tip: Teachers can guide students to analyze the information contained in the lyrics. "Every living boy and girl who came into this world" refers to all British people who have the right to vote. "Either a little liberalism or a little Tories" reflects that the two-party system has played a decisive role in British political life. After analyzing the information in the lyrics, teachers can continue to guide students to read the relevant contents in the textbook Knowledge Link, and introduce the gradual expansion of voting rights after the 1832 parliamentary reform, so as to guide students to summarize.

This lyric reflects the development of democratization in British political life in the second half of the19th century. The people gained universal suffrage and the two-party system gradually improved, which played a decisive role in political life.

[Analysis and Exploration]

1. Please think about what you learned in the fourth lesson:/kloc-What is the difference between the cabinet system in Britain in the 0/8th century and that in China in the Ming Dynasty?

Hint:/kloc-In the 0/8th century, the British Cabinet assumed administrative responsibility. The cabinet is nominally responsible to the king, but in fact it is responsible to the parliament. In fact, the Prime Minister of the Cabinet has become the highest decision-maker and leader of the country's political life, and the cabinet system is based on representative democracy. The cabinet of the Ming Dynasty in China was responsible to the emperor, and its rank was very low. It only prepares the emperor's advisers and helps the emperor to draft the reply to the memorial, and is responsible for handling daily affairs, but it has no decision-making power in the military.

2. Talk about your understanding that Queen Victoria, as a constitutional monarch, combined with various systems in Britain since the promulgation of the Bill of Rights.

Tip: Teachers can guide students to think about the phenomena reflected in the materials and organize students to discuss them by combining the restrictions on the power of the monarch in the Bill of Rights, the status of the monarch, the power and status of the prime minister under the constitutional monarchy and the relationship with the king and parliament. The conclusion drawn by students can be open.

Lesson 9

[Thinking in class]

What conclusion can you draw from this article?

Tip: Everyone is selfish, so government management is needed to protect everyone's rights and freedoms. The government is made up of people, so the government also needs external and internal supervision to prevent the tyranny of individuals or a certain group.

[Analysis and Exploration]

Please think: What characteristics of the American political system do Churchill's words reflect? From this sentence, can you analyze the differences between British and American regimes?

Tip: The United States is a presidential system, and the Constitution stipulates that the executive power belongs to the President of the United States of America, and the government (cabinet) should obey the President. At the same time, the principle of separation of powers and checks and balances in American politics makes the president's power restricted by Congress. Britain is a cabinet system of responsibility, the king is the head of state who is "unified but not cured", and the cabinet holds the actual administrative power. The Prime Minister is the highest executive head in the cabinet, and all members of the cabinet are collectively responsible for government affairs and advance and retreat politically with the Prime Minister, so the British Prime Minister must work closely with the cabinet members. Once the parliament passes the motion of no confidence on the government, the cabinet will step down or announce the dissolution of parliament and re-election. So generally speaking, the role of parliament in containing the cabinet is very limited.


1. Under what circumstances did the founding fathers of the United States establish federalism?

Tip: When the Confederacy cannot form a strong central government to stabilize the ruling order and protect the interests and sovereignty of the country.

2. How to understand the principle of separation of powers and checks and balances in the federal constitution?

Tip: The legislative, executive and judicial powers are separated and restricted each other.

3. What are the similarities and differences between the functions and powers of the President of the United States and the King (or Queen) of England?

Tip: The President of the United States has executive power, partial legislative veto power, and the highest military command of the country. The king (or queen) of England is the head of state who is "unified but not cured".

Lesson 10

[Reading and Thinking]

Think about it, what power did the emperor of the German Empire have?

Tip: In terms of administrative power, the emperor has the right to appoint administrative officials such as prime ministers, and can also remove them from their posts. In terms of legislative power, the emperor has the right to convene a meeting of the legislature and announce the end of the extension, and the law is signed and promulgated by the emperor; Militarily, the emperor is the supreme commander of Lu Haijun and has the right to command the national army and appoint senior officers; In diplomacy, the emperor represents the empire and has the power to declare war and make peace. In short, the emperor became the highest in the German Empire. ...