Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Why is the peak of Go master always in the young stage, but chess is not?

Why is the peak of Go master always in the young stage, but chess is not?

At the age of seven, the author began to contact China Chess (hereinafter referred to as China Elephant). The biggest interest in primary school and junior high school is to go to the street chess stalls and play chess with old men on weekends, which gradually swept all the chess stalls in my hometown. Without any class training, the university successfully entered the school team through trials, and won the first Beijing China Elephant College Student Competition with the team. When I was in high school, I accidentally read a book "The Romance of Go Competition between China and Japan" in the library. Under the influence of Nie Weiping Chess Master, who created miracles, I entered the black-and-white world from now on, and gradually reached the level of Industry 5 (Yicheng 8d, Wild Fox 9d) by fighting on Tom Go, Yicheng and Wild Fox. It can be said that, no matter from the technical, cultural, professional or amateur circles, I have a lot of knowledge, contact and practice about Go and China Elephant, so it is more appropriate to answer this question.

About China Elephant and Go, several common controversial questions are: 1) Why does Go give people the impression of Chun Xue, while China Elephant gives people the impression of Xialiba? 2) Which is more difficult, Go or China? 3) Why are Go masters generally younger?

This paper hopes to discuss these three issues. The views in this article are all my personal views.

Why does Go give people the impression of Chun Xue, while China elephants give people the impression of Xialiba?

First of all, Weiqi has a stronger cultural background. There are many legends about Go. Zhang Hua, a native, said in his Natural History: "Yao sent Go to teach his son." It is said that Yao met a fairy and had to pass by on his way. Yao passed the throne to the sage Shun, because his son Dan Zhu had a bad temper, but he taught his son Dan Zhu to play Go and cultivated his temperament. Another example is the legend of Michelle. There was a woodcutter named Wang Zhi in the Jin Dynasty. One day, he went to Shishishan, Xin 'an County (now Quxian County, Zhejiang Province) to collect firewood, and saw a boy playing Go on a big stone by the stream. So he put the chopping axe on the ground by the stream and stopped to watch it for a long time. The boy said, you should go home. When the king got up to get the axe, he found that the handle of the axe had rotted. When he got home, he found that his hometown had changed greatly and no one recognized him. Several old people said that it was nearly a hundred years ago. It turns out that Wang Zhi strayed into a fairyland and met a fairy. One day in wonderland, the world has lived for a hundred years. There are countless allusions to this kind of Go. However, there are many records related to Weiqi in Zuo Zhuan, The Analects of Confucius and other historical books. Chess is not mentioned as much as Go in history books.

Secondly, Go is not the way to kill people. According to ancient records, the chess pieces of Go are round and square, which means round places. 19 road, 36 1 min, limited to Tianyuan, and the four corners represent the four seasons respectively, meaning spring, summer, autumn and winter. According to various historical data, Weiqi is a tool of sacrifice or divination, not a way of war. Handsome, general, scholar, soldier, car, horse and cannon in chess are all fighting, and there are differences in meaning. Celebrities in many dynasties should be poetic, and twisting black and white pieces by hand is the best annotation for celebrities. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, this trend developed to the extreme. Wang Jia, Xie Jia and other "old Wang Xie En" came forth in large numbers. Shi Shuo Xin Yu recorded Xie An before the battle of fertilizer and water: "Xie Gong and others went to play Weiqi, but Xie Xuan believed it, but when he read it, he met by chance, but he was silent. When the guest asked about Huai Shang's interests, he replied,' child thief.' Meaning, color and behavior are the same as usual. Xie Gong, who has been a scholar for many years, tapped the chess pieces when the country was in danger. Xie Xuan responded by holding his horses and doing nothing, which brought out the best in each other's temperament. Imagine if Xie Gongzheng played chess with others, he would probably knock on the chessboard, beaming: "My nephew won a great victory, it must be the apocalypse!" " "

Thirdly, Go is black and white, all players are equal, but the value of chess is different. Mencius has a saying: the people are the most important, the country is the second, and the monarch is the light. All players in Weiqi are equal, and the style of Weiqi is higher than that of all players in China.

Finally, the internationalization of Go is better. When the Tang Dynasty was introduced to Japan, the Japanese developed Weiqi into a chess way, forming a complete culture and etiquette. The four great masters of Edo, the history of Fangmen, imperial chess, hematemesis, the game of deaf ears, the masterpiece of the ages, the animation "Chess Soul" and so on, are all familiar to everyone. The Japanese made a more extreme pursuit of Go, giving it more symbolic significance. Nowadays, Weiqi is dominated by China, Japan and South Korea, and Weiqi in the United States, Southeast Asia, Europe and Australia is also developing vigorously.

All these mentioned above make Go more elegant than China Elephant in people's minds. The piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are four arts, and chess refers to Go. In the field of children's training, the markets of Go, Piano, Olympiad and Dance are all very popular.

2) Which is more difficult, Go or China?

No doubt, go ahead. All changes of Go are about 36 1 factorial, which is more than the number of all atoms in the measurable universe. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "there is no same game throughout the ages." Judging from the number of hands, a game of Go is generally between 200 and 300 hands, and chess is generally below 100 hands. At my level, if you can make three moves in each step, most of the moves of China's top elephants will be covered; I can't understand and think of the chess skills of the top professional players in Weiqi. I choose five moves every step, and I can't finish more than half of them. If it is the level of Alphago, such as the release of 50 "secret scores", even top professional players can't understand it.

The author thinks that people's understanding of China's image has reached the stage of seeking accuracy, which is more accurate than "the image of China God", and ordinary fans of the image of China God can understand it. Regarding the understanding of Weiqi, if we study the process of Weiqi by taking mountain climbing as a metaphor, it is still halfway up the mountain at most. If the scoring system is used, the exhausted level of "Go God" is 100, then the level of alphago may be 80, while the more powerful Go AI such as DeepZenGo, Byte, CGI and Jueyi may be 70-75. Human beings have been playing Go for thousands of years, and the peak of human chess power is estimated to be 50 to 70. Moreover, the pace of human beings will be slower and slower, and it is not optimistic that human beings will eventually reach the height of 80 points (the author's score is not based on the scale of grading, but on the degree of releasing people, and a difference of 5 points can be considered as two posts).

3) Why are Go masters generally younger?

At first glance, this question is contradictory: since you think Go is more difficult, why are all the players young and the players old?

In fact, this is not contradictory. Hu Ronghua/KLOC-won the national chess championship at the age of 0/6. And he can still win the championship in his 50 s, just because the competition in this industry is not fierce enough and the knowledge exchange is not sufficient.

In the last century, when Japanese Weiqi was the strongest, Japanese Weiqi was monopolized by Liu Chao for a long time, and they were also very old. Until Li Changgao debuted, the unbeaten teenager Li Shishi debuted, and now Ke Jie and the crazy new chess players are emerging. At present, China can't find the post-80s generation before 10 (Chen, born in 1989 12, temporarily counted as post-90s generation). Like 1982-83, Gu Li and Li Shishi, peerless and arrogant, may have ruled for decades in the last century, but now they are old chess players.

Go is more difficult than China, but there are several main reasons why experts are generally younger now:

First of all, modern Go has formed a complete training process. Children begin professional training at an early age. Some of them may finish a game of chess in one year like professional players in the last century, and they can easily find high-level chess players and high-level chess players to learn online. High-intensity, dedicated training, so that they quickly absorbed all the nutrition of the predecessors of Go, and made some innovations.

Secondly, young people are more focused. Weiqi is too complicated and the competition is too fierce. For business reasons, individuals usually use Go for no more than three hours. This time limit is difficult for Go to avoid loopholes. Many times, the outcome depends on who has fewer loopholes. The characteristics of children's concentration and undivided attention are often more important than the experience of veterans. Therefore, we often see veterans leading by more than half a set, taking a spoonful and being turned over by teenagers.

Third, there are far more children learning Go than people learning Go. This has led to fewer and fewer rising stars in the chess world and slower subversion. Nevertheless, China's Gemini, Wang Tianyi and Zheng Weitong are still very young.

Finally, the author has the same love for Go and China Elephant, and has devoted a lot of love and energy, both of which are skills worth pursuing all his life. We can't enjoy spring and snow every day, and we can't leave Bali every day. A variety of tastes is life. My views on these two kinds of chess are subjective, and some of them may be disliked by China players. I hope to treat it rationally and discuss it amicably.