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Sun Tzu's art of war has 36 plans? So what's the first plan?

Sun Tzu's Art of War and Thirty-six Strategies

Episode 1: Go upstairs and get the ladder.

During the Warring States period, the world stood side by side, and small countries were robbed of fish, while big countries competed for hegemony.

In the Ghost Valley of the Central Plains, there is a strange man who knows both meteorological geography and the art of war. His name is Guiguzi. Guiguzi has two proud disciples, one is Sun Bin, a descendant of Sun Wu, and the other is Pang Juan. At the invitation of Wei, Pang Juan came out before Sun Bin, and Guiguzi spread the lost art of war to Sun Bin alone.

When Pang Juan became Marshal of Wei, he led the army to attack Chu with Wang Wei, and the Chu army was deadlocked in Fangcheng. If this matter drags on, it will be bad for Wei.

Pang Juan sent the counselor Gongsun Yue to ask Guiguzi to give him a good plan, and Guiguzi pushed the matter to Sun Bin. Sun Bin quoted Sun Tzu's Art of War, and gave Gongsun Yue a plan of "building a ladder". Pang Juan used Sun Bin's plan to lure the Chu army in the city to attack, then cut off the back road and destroy the Chu army. Chu was forced to attack the city and admit defeat.

Episode 2: Hide the knife in the smile

Pang Juan invited Sun Bin to come out of the mountain, but Sun Bin declined, said goodbye to Guiguzi and came to Wei. Pang Juan was jealous of Sun Bin's talent, but in order to get Sun Tzu's Art of War, he smiled on the surface and sent a beautiful woman Zhong Liqiu to take care of Sun Bin. Kayley Chung loves Sun Bin in autumn.

Pang Juan took advantage of Sun Bin's homesickness, set a trap and planted dirty Sun Bin. Wei Huiwang listened to Pang Juan and wanted to kill Sun Bin. Pang Juan interceded for Sun Bin, and Sun Bin was spared the death penalty and sentenced to publication.

Pang Juan took the injured Sun Bin home, invited the best doctor to treat his leg, and asked Zhong Liqiu to continue to look after Sun Bin. Sun Bin was very grateful and promised to copy the Art of War for Pang Juan.

Episode 3: False infatuation but not epilepsy

Gong took a fancy to Zhong Liqiu a long time ago. In order to achieve his goal, he deliberately told Sun Bin the fact that Pang Juan had framed Sun Bin.

Sun Bin was very angry at what Pang Juan had done, but he was helpless. In desperation, I thought of the trick Guiguzi gave him when he left. According to Guiguzi's plan, he played the fool and burned all the copied art of war.

Pang Juan doesn't believe that Sun Bin is crazy. He tried many times, but he didn't see any flaws. Pang Juan is still uneasy.

Zhong Liqiu hoped that Sun Bin was not really crazy and poured out her true feelings to Sun Bin in order to impress Sun Bin. Sun Bin is indifferent and still crazy. Zhong Liqiu was in great pain and drew his sword to commit suicide in front of Sun Bin. Sun Bin and Zhong Liqiu from the ruins were completely disappointed. Pang Juan, who was spying on Sun Bin, therefore believed it.

Episode 4: the golden cicada takes off its shell

Sun Yue asked the matchmaker to open a home for Zhong Li, and Zhong Liqiu's sister accepted the bride price to make her forget crazy Sun Bin. She never imagined that Zhong Liqiu never changed her infatuation and had a big fight with her sister.

Zhong Lichun is a shrew with superb swordsmanship. She wanted to kill Sun Bin to break off her relationship with her sister. In the face of death, Sun Bin heaved a sigh and lamented that he had Sun Tzu's Art of War and chinese odyssey, but he didn't use it, which failed to live up to the high hopes of his ancestors. Zhong Lichun knew that Sun Bin was pretending to be crazy.

Zhong Lichun came to Sun Bin's hometown, the capital of Qi, and met Tian Ji, the general of Qi. He told Tian Ji what happened to Sun Bin and asked Tian Ji to find a way to save Sun Bin. Tian Ji didn't believe in Sun Bin's talent, and the public in Tian Ji said that he would try Sun Bin in Wei and then play it by ear.

Bird slipped to Wei and met Sun Bin under his arrangement. After a conversation, Biriu and Sun Bin met briefly. Bird Slip used Sun Bin's trick to make the servant dressed as unkempt Sun Bin drunk in the pigsty, and Sun Bin took the opportunity to hide in the bird slip carriage and escape from Wei.

Episode 5: Li Stiff

A few days later, someone found Sun Bin's clothes by the river and mistakenly thought that Sun Bin was dead. Zhong Liqiu was very sad to hear that. When GongSunYue married Zhong Liqiu, she saw that her sister had a home to return to, and she quietly left Wei State for Qi State. ,

In order not to offend Wei, Sun Bin temporarily lived in seclusion in Tian Ji's home. Zhong Lichun came to Tian Jigu to take care of Sun Bin.

Tian Ji likes horses. He often races with Qi Weiwang, and he loses every race. Sun Bin told Tian Ji that we can adopt the strategy of "replacing peaches with peaches", that is, we can sacrifice the third grade horse, use the first grade horse to deal with the second grade horse of the king of Qi, and use the second grade horse to deal with the third grade horse of the king of Qi, which will undoubtedly win. Tian Ji listens to Sun Bin. I bet on horse racing with the king of Qi, and I won. Qi Weiwang asked Tian Ji doubtfully. Tian Ji told King Sun Qi about Sun Bin's plan, and King Qi immediately summoned Sun Bin.

Episode 6: Encircling Wei to Save Zhao

In order to avenge Zhongshan, Pang Juan attacked Zhao heavily, and Zhao lost in a row, and the country was in danger.

Zhao asked Qi for help, Tian Ji advocated saving Zhao, and Prime Minister Zou Ji and others were afraid of Wei and resolutely opposed it. Qi Weiwang parted the crowd, sent troops to save Zhao, and appointed Tian Ji as the general and Sun Bin as the strategist.

Tian Ji adopted Sun Bin's plan, instead of going to Zhao, he matched Wei. Tian Ji's cousin Tian Guo is an outstanding general. He thought that Sun Bin was afraid of death and urged several generals not to listen to Sun Bin's orders, so he decided to go to Zhao Guohe and Wei Jun for a showdown. Sun Bin coaxed, Tian Guo and others refused. Sun Bin killed one of Tian Guo's men by military law, and Tian Guo and others marched into Wei under the deterrent of military law.

The situation in Wei was urgent, so Pang Juan had to withdraw from Zhao. On the way back to the army, Pang Juan met the Qi army, and Sun Bin defeated Pang Juan with a plan. Pang Juan didn't know that Sun Bin was not dead, and the area fled back to Wei. Tian Guo and others were convinced of Sun Bin at this time.

Episode 7: Catch the Thief and the King

In order to retaliate against Qi, Pang Juan joined forces with Chu, Han and Yan to crusade against Qi, and threatened to destroy Qi if it did not hand over Sun Bin. Zou Ji and others also added fuel to the fire, arguing that Sun Bin should be handed over to solve the difficulties of Qi. For the safety of Qi, Qi Weiwang agreed to Pang Juan's terms.

Zhong Lichun suggested that Sun Bin leave the ungrateful State of Qi and choose another democratic leader. Tian Ji and Tian Guo also advised Sun Bin to escape. Sun Bin had answers, saying that he was a bloodless soldier, and told Pang Juan to withdraw.

On the altar of the alliance, the four marshals discussed the matter of withdrawing troops and making peace. Pang Juan insisted on getting Sun Bin before withdrawing troops. Dressed as a general of Qi, Zhong Lichun came to the altar with a fake Sun Bin. Pang Juan came forward to testify against Sun Bin and was suddenly forced by Zhong Lichun's sword. Wei Bing was afraid to go forward when he saw that he had killed Pang Juan. Pang Juan had no choice but to agree to quit.

Episode 8: Waiting for Work.

The army of the State of Chu Han Yan retreated. Pang Juan also had to quit. On the way back to the army, Pang Juan became more and more angry and went back with his troops.

The sudden return of Wei's army caught Qi off guard. Qi Weiwang ordered Tian Ji and Sun Bin to lead troops to meet them. Although the armies of Chu, Han and Yan have returned, compared with Wei Jun, the Qi army is still very weak, and Sun Bin can't get the whole army out.

In order to arouse Sun Bin to fight outside the camp, Pang Juan ordered Wei Bing to abuse loudly outside the camp. Sun Bin remained on hold. However, Tian Guo was very angry and asked to send troops. I didn't expect Sun Bin to agree. Tian Guo led capable soldiers to attack the enemy constantly, which made Wei Jun even more exhausted.

Pang Juan can't fight, also can't afford to delay, so we have to withdraw. Sun Bin took the opportunity to send his troops and defeated Wei Jun.

Episode 9: Out of nothing

When Pang Juan returned to Wei, he was angry and hated, and wanted to kill Zhong Liqiu. In order to protect Zhong Liqiu, Gongsun Yue said that he could trick Sun Bin and Tian Ji into losing their military power and then put them to death.

GongSunYue came to Qi with Zhong Liqiu, defected to Zou Ji, the prime minister, and told Zou Ji about the benefits of Tian Ji's rise. Zou Ji was jealous of Tian Ji's contribution, so he slandered Qi Weiwang and framed Tian Ji and Sun Bin. The king of Qi didn't believe him. Gong Sun Yue told Zou Ji that nothing can be made out of nothing. Say it a few times, and the king of Qi will believe it.

Zhong Lichun showed his love to Sun Bin, and Sun Bin rejected Zhong Lichun in the words of the soothsayer. In a rage, he left Qi.

GongSunYue pretended to be the master of Tian Ji, and asked a fortune teller to do divination for him with a large sum of money. What he asked for was to seek the problems of the country. Zou Ji told the king of Qi about it, and the king of Qi finally believed Zou Ji's slanderers.