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Who's Zhao Gao? detail ...

Zhao Gao is the eunuch Zhao Gao (? —— Before 2007), his ancestral home was Zhao, a distant branch of the Zhao royal family. Later, Zhao's father committed a crime and was sentenced to prison. Zhao Gao's brothers were also sentenced to prison and became slaves in the Qin Gong. Influenced by official corruption, he fantasized that one day he would get ahead and become a powerful eunuch. In order to realize this ambition, he used the skills of observing words and feelings, improvising and obeying orders to cheat his master's trust. Qin Shihuang attached great importance to the legal system, and Zhao Gao began to study the law in order to suit his own interests. Soon he became familiar with many cases. Qin Shihuang heard that Zhao Gao was capable and proficient in prison law, so he was promoted to serve as the Middle East government order and Fuxi order. In this way, Zhao Gao transformed from a eunuch group, became an official in charge of imperial chariots and horses, and was free to leave the palace. Hu Hai, the youngest son of Qin Shihuang, liked him very much, so Zhao Gao tried his best to approach and please Hu Hai, and soon won the favor of Hu Hai. Later, Qin Shihuang asked him to teach eighteen sons Hu Hai to decide the lawsuit. Zhao Gao felt indescribable joy in his heart. Getting along with him and obeying him everywhere not only won the trust of Hu Hai, but also won the favor of Qin Shihuang, which laid the foundation for him to further instigate, utilize and control Hu Hai. After Qin Shihuang unified the world, in order to show off his strength and strengthen his control over all parts of the country, he personally traveled around the country and visited all directions. In the process of patrol, you need to bring a lot of guards. Zhao Gao, as the "Central Chefu Order" in charge of the emperor's chariots and horses, was naturally among his entourage. In order to please Qin Shihuang, he arranged a huge motorcade every time he went out on patrol, and asked all localities to contribute funds and present various precious specialties. Zhao Gao took advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune. In 2 10 BC, Qin Shihuang went to Huiji (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang), accompanied by prime ministers Li Si and Zhao Gao, and went north along the coast to Langxie (now Jiaonan, Shandong). Qin Shihuang had more than 20 sons. The eldest son, Fu Su, is honest and straightforward. He pleaded with the emperor many times and was sent to Shang Jun to supervise the army. Hu Hai, the youngest son, was good at debauchery, obedient to his father, cautious and self-defeating, and was favored by the first emperor. He asked for a trip, and the emperor promised him. None of the other sons followed him. Qin Shihuang traveled to the sand dunes (now Pingxiang, Hebei Province) and suddenly became seriously ill, getting worse and worse. In order to arrange the succession to the throne, he ordered Zhao Gao to write a letter to his son Fu Su: "Give the army to Meng Tian, meet the coffin in Xianyang and attend the funeral." The imperial edict was sealed and given to the messenger, and the first emperor died. Zhao Gao, who has ulterior motives, thinks that the time has come, so he further plays tricks. Zhao Gao knew that Fu Su was an able man and relied heavily on the Montessori brothers. He has always hated his greedy and despicable character. Once Fu Su ascended the throne, he would fall into a poor and humble life. In this world, meanness is the greatest shame, poverty is the greatest sorrow, and now is the critical moment to change fate. So Zhao Gao conspired secretly: to detain the testamentary edict given by Qin Shihuang to Fu Su, to tamper with the imperial edict, and to take the opportunity to make Hu Hai a prince in order to gain higher power, status and wealth. In view of the emperor's death in other places, the prince was not formally established at that time, and the self-serious prime minister Reese blocked the news of the emperor's death and rushed to Xianyang. They put Qin Shihuang's body in a car with adjustable temperature. Send water and meals on time as usual every day, and let a eunuch sit in the car and read the letters to ministers. At that time, the practice was based on the fear that everyone knew the truth enough to cause unrest, and also worried that various governors would struggle for power and profit, but Zhao Gao took this opportunity to display his plot. Zhao Gao withheld the imperial edict given by Qin Shihuang to Fu Su and plotted to persuade Hu Hai to usurp the throne. Hu Hai is a man who lacks ability and ambition. Although he also has the ambition to inherit the throne, he seems hesitant for fear that he can't control the situation. Zhao Gao further tempted Hu Hai by soliciting contributions: "With the death of Qin Shihuang and the absence of sons and Montessori brothers, the power is in the hands of you, me and the Prime Minister. All the arrangements depend on the wishes of the three of us, and we are willing to help you. Don't you understand that ruling and conquering others can't be equated with being conquered by others? Since ancient times, people who set out to do great things can't stick to details, nor can they delay the opportunity. It is said that Shang Tang and Zhou Wuwang killed their monarch, and everyone says that they are benevolent. The patriotic monarch killed his father and stood on his own feet. Everyone praises him for his morality. " With Zhao Gao's connivance, Hu Hai agreed, and Zhao Gao went to consult with Prime Minister Reese. Li Si is a civilian. When he was young, he was a "county captain" in Chu. Sima Qian's Biography of Lisi recorded such a thing: Lisi saw the mouse eating shit in the toilet, and the mouse was scared away as soon as it saw people and dogs. Later, he saw the mouse stealing food in the warehouse. The mouse is very comfortable and nobody cares about it. Through these two observations, he said with deep feelings: "People have virtue, like rats, and each has his place." It was his ambition to pursue fame and fortune that made him rise step by step and become prime minister. When Zhao Gao met Reese, he quickly made it clear to Kazakhstan: "Do you expect yourself to be comparable to Meng Tian? Is the credit comparable to that of Meng Tian? Is foresight comparable to that of Meng Tian? Is Wang De comparable to Meng Tian? Is the friendship with Fu Su comparable to that of Montaigne? I have been in Zhao Gao for more than 20 years, and I have never seen a hero of the Qin Dynasty or a prime minister who abdicated. If Fu Su, the eldest son, ascended the throne, you must use Meng Tianzhao, and then you will just go back to China alone. In my opinion, it is better to establish Hu Hai. " Zhao Gao's carrot and stick is very effective. After a fierce ideological struggle, Reese finally gave in to Zhao Gao and sighed, "I am willing to follow your arrangement." Zhao Gao, Hu Hai and Reese should unify their thoughts before making plans. They pretended to accept the imperial edict of the first emperor that "the Prime Minister made Hu Hai a prince", and made another testamentary edict that "I toured the world and begged the gods to prolong my life". Now, General Fu Su and General Meng Tian have led dozens of troops stationed in the frontier for more than ten years, but they have lost many soldiers without any credit. Instead, they wrote many times to discredit my plan, because they could not dismiss the prison army and come back to be princes, resenting day and night. Fu Su is unfilial and gives it. When the envelope was finished, the messenger gave the letter to his son Fu Su. Fu Su was honest. When he saw his father's letter, he burst into tears and committed suicide. Meng Tian suspected fraud, refused to commit suicide, demanded a retrial, was dismissed, and was imprisoned in Yangzhou prison. After Reese's death, Qin Ershi made Zhao Gao Prime Minister. The politics of the Qin Dynasty were almost under the control of Zhao Gao, and Zhao Gao was always in charge. His authority is increasing day by day, and people who brag about white horses flock to him. Zhao Gao's home is full of traffic and fog from morning till night, and dajia is coming and going in an endless stream. He used his authority to interfere in various economic affairs related to the national economy and people's livelihood, seized private land, manipulated taxes and controlled the national treasury ............................................................................................................................................. On the other hand, officials sold their titles and accumulated wealth. At that time, the ethos was that officials took bribes, and bribery must be generous, not less. Zhao Gao not only entrusts his younger brother Zhao Cheng, son-in-law Yan Le and others with important tasks, but also entrusts many businessmen who have many economic contacts with him with important tasks. In a few years, Zhao Gao became a rich man with countless wealth, and his minions also made a windfall, but the country's financial resources became weaker and weaker. Like all schemers and careerists, Zhao Gao's greed for power is endless. In the summer of the third year of Qin Ershi (207 BC), Xiang Yu defeated Qin Jun at Julu, captured Wang Li, and Zhang Han surrendered. In August, Zhao Gao conspired to rebel, fearing that ministers would not listen to him, he tried to test the truth. He gave II a deer and said it was a horse. The younger generation smiled and said, "Prime Minister, you are wrong. Why do you call a deer a horse? " Zhao Gao then asked the minister if it was a deer or a horse. Ministers were in awe of Zhao Gao's power, and most of them answered that it was a horse, while others answered that it was a deer. Zhao Gao secretly wrote down the person who said deer and punished him on charges. From then on, ministers looked at Zhao Gao's glances. Qin Ershi was very surprised when he saw Zhao Gao calling deer a horse. He thought he was crazy, so he called the doctor too many times for divination. At Zhao Gao's behest, Doctor Tai asked Qin Ershi to live in Shanglinyuan and fast, and then moved to Wang Yigong to play and hunt every day, regardless of politics. When Zhao Gao saw that the time had come, he planned to kill Hu Hai with his younger brother, doctor Zhao Cheng, and son-in-law Le Yan of Xianyang Mausoleum. When the defenders in the palace were unprepared, Zhao was the inside man and led the troops into the palace. Yan Le killed the guards and warders as Hu Hai's bedroom. Hu Hai in a flurry about command counterattack, but no one dare to fight, guards have fled. Only one young eunuch didn't leave. Hu Hai said anxiously, "It is because I dare not speak that I am alive today. If I had said earlier, I would not have followed your majesty here now. Yan Le came in with a sword, pointed at Hu Hai and said, "You are arrogant and heartless, killing innocent people. Everyone is against you. Look at you! " Hu Hai still had a glimmer of hope for Zhao Gao and asked Yan Le, "Can I meet the Prime Minister? Yan Le replied: "No!" Hu Hai asked again, "I am willing to give up the son of heaven and give me a county king, can I?" Yan Li Le also ignored. Hu Hai asked again, "What about Wan Huhou? "Yan Le still refused." Or should I take my wife and children and be an ordinary person? "Yan Le said," I accepted the Prime Minister's order to kill you for the whole world. Although you have many demands, I dare not report to him. " Hu Hai realized that his doom was coming. Under the threat of Yan Le, he drew his sword and committed suicide. He is twenty-four years old and has been emperor for three years. After the death of II, Zhao Gao immediately put on royal robes and went to the harem to be emperor, but no one came to congratulate him. In desperation, Zhao Gao had to let Hu Hai's nephew Ziying be the king of Qin. Zi Ying is very aware of Zhao Gao's sinister intentions, knowing that Zhao Gao's move is nothing more than a cover-up, and it is bound to become an imperial clan in the future, so he has also made plans to eradicate Zhao Gao. I hope I am satisfied!