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What's the experience of working in China, Oracle Bone Inscriptions?

Oracle Bone Inscriptions's global employees180,000, except the United States, India has the largest number (30,000), and China should not exceed 5,000, so India is also our boss. This is different from the recent layoffs of Nokia (the main research and development company in China). The main research and development of Oracle Bone Inscriptions database is in the United States, and the research and development of ERP is in India (in fact, EBS is an Indian company acquired by Oracle Bone Inscriptions 20 years ago). What does China develop? Develop some lace techniques or fix bugs for them. We must recognize the importance of EBS, which is not only the second largest ERP in the world, but also the second largest cash flow source in Oracle Bone Inscriptions (sometimes even more than Oralce DB! ), China Tencent, Ali, Guangfa and China Merchants. All use EBS (yes, it is the "difficult" reimbursement vacation procurement system)

Another criterion is that Oracle Bone Inscriptions is divided into two legal persons: Oracle Bone Inscriptions R&D Center Co., Ltd. and Oracle Bone Inscriptions Co., Ltd., the former is R&D and the latter is sales. Sales also need technology, both before and after sales. With the same technical ability, the salary of the latter is 2-4 times that of the former, and the latter takes a day off for business, while the income of the former is generally lower.

The third dimension is R&D in Beijing, and R&D in Suzhou and Shenzhen. Beijing is developing so-called cutting-edge technology in the industry (it doesn't mean that Oracle Bone Inscriptions's research results are cutting-edge, haha), but Oracle Bone Inscriptions is not good at things, such as cloud and big data (if it is the research and development of Sun and BEA acquired, Beijing also has it, I don't know, you can refer to EBS Group). Suzhou and Shenzhen are the support of EBS (the second ERP in the world, second only to SAP). This point in Suzhou is newly opened. It didn't exist before. Except for a few points, Oracle Bone Inscriptions Company is definitely not R&D, but sales. Oracle Bone Inscriptions R&D doesn't need to travel at all. We really need to be together. It was also the manager who bought a plane ticket from America to sit next to you, not you. ...

The following are employees of some subsidiaries of Oracle Bone Inscriptions R&D Center in Suzhou, Shenzhen and Beijing:

The R&D work in Oracle bones (except some jobs in Beijing) is relatively easy, because the salary competitiveness of Oracle bones R&D center is not enough, so the way to keep people is mainly to work at home. I have observed that many people work one more day at home every year, which means that if they get along well, they won't have to work in Oracle Bone Inscriptions for five years. There are several legendary teams, so I won't call the roll. I can see them several times a year (do they really work on the same floor as us? ! Some groups take the lead in taking maternity leave and get promoted when they come back. Many brothers I know in Oracle Bone Inscriptions have returned to Guang 'an, Hunchun and Baotou, and all have gone to work at home.

As for R&D, what did it do? It's not that I don't admit that there is real development, but the main thing is to fix bugs. Do you want to work overtime? I really want to be busy, but I think I have to be busy 1-2 months a year. At other times, some people choose to stay at home ... some people still choose to come to the company, otherwise it will not be fun. ...

Oracle Bone Inscriptions may be the last company in the IT industry to use the waterfall development process (it is said that even the evil Microsoft is agile ...) ... strictly follow the requirements analysis, outline design, detailed design ... developers, just copy and paste the detailed design code, and then the main work is testing (so the technical content of fixbug is higher, so it is better to fix it, and it is sold for double pay). There is a bunch of internal software that is cruel and difficult to use, and there is a bunch of processes that are completely unnecessary. Therefore, the average daily code is about ten lines. Don't worry, it won't be long. It takes 1-2 weeks to develop for one day, go through the process and finally merge. It takes 1-2 years to produce a version. That version, it is estimated that it will be open for a few days in three months before the code can be submitted to you. Almost all of them are not open source, and it is difficult to use them to the extreme.

The following contents are aimed at employees of some Oracle Bone Inscriptions subsidiaries in Shenzhen, Suzhou, Shanghai and Beijing:

Layoffs tend to lay them off because they are more expensive. Many people travel to client companies such as Huawei and China Resources. Only the "elite" of R&D can go (ACE is in the database, and there are at least 3,000-4,000 tables in EBS 1.6 million tables). Actually, I have. I feel that the real feature of these people is flexibility, just like me (hee hee, it feels like MengMeng). These people are actually more like business analysts.

The following research and development (DB) are aimed at Shenzhen and Beijing:

If it is development, I heard that it must be handed over from Tsinghua Peking University to Fudan University and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications for undergraduate study, but at the same time, it must have a master's degree. Sure, Stanford, MIT or something. If it is testing or supporting, the requirements are lower.

For employees with global compensation:

They just come to China for tourism and work. Go back to America for a few months every year, so that you won't lose your green card. Usually, the development of domestic skills is global salary.

-add three points.

1. I forgot the widespread existence of the iflex/flexcube team.

Iflex is also a bank outsourcing company in India, which is as famous as TCS infosys. Indian outsourcing benefits are also good, 16 days annual leave, supplementary medical insurance and 20 days sick leave, so the benefits obtained are no different from those in Oracle Bone Inscriptions. Iflex research and development, in fact, did not develop anything, human outsourcing. To be a Ping An Bank or something in China, someone needs to work in the client unit. In fact, HP has been in this business for a long time, and has taken away IBM's outsourcing business.

2. Oracle Bone Inscriptions likes to recruit married women of childbearing age who are ready to have children.

Because the salary of foreign companies 10 has not increased, some team men have left, and recruiting such women will not lose the number of heads. To be honest, you don't need to do anything. A few lines of code a day ... it's easier to write on vpn at home with your baby in your arms than to change diapers.

It is really important for Oracle Bone Inscriptions to recruit people with academic qualifications. The following is only for 99% of the cases.

Note: If you are born with divine power, drop out of primary school, teach yourself English computer, and then write better code than Commander Linus. You are 1%.

At least you have to have a master's degree in computer-related major. It is not impossible that the probability of undergraduate course is relatively small. Either 1985 graduation is impossible, or the probability is relatively small (some groups are picky about academic qualifications). English is good, you know, some groups may be alone in China, and their bosses are Indians or Americans. Don't know English, mix wool.


It's good that someone finally put forward different opinions on what I said above. I looked at it and emphatically affirmed the facts, but denied my "mentality". And most of them are young people in Oracle Bone Inscriptions after graduation. I am really worried about them.


Oracle Bone Inscriptions's method is the traditional waterfall development method, which is basically the idea of 20 years ago. If nothing else, this methodology is completely out of date. The world trend, if you follow it, you will prosper, if you go against it, you will die! Therefore, the most harmful thing is that fresh graduates enter Oracle Bone Inscriptions, and the textbooks of many universities are out of date, and they have been thoroughly practiced just after graduation. I'm really worried that this bifurcation will go too far. I don't even suggest you read scrum's book directly. You should read The Myth of Man and the Moon, Cathedral and Market. An average of ten lines of code a day, or even one line every few months, is only a superficial phenomenon, and the deep reason is that the methodology is completely wrong. The moon and the moon made it very clear that the communication between people in the team is fully connected, so it is n! This connection. The team of EBS has reached thousands, and it is a miracle to develop software without failure. So ten lines of code a day is really Amitabha.

It is nonsense to say that Oracle Bone Inscriptions can learn the process, so the code quality is high. The code quality is high, and you have raised 1000 people to fix bugs? I really can't read some java codes, especially the java codes in India are terrible. Having documents does not mean that the code quality is high, and many and complicated processes do not mean that the code quality is high. This is the wrong way, you still study, all wet.

Personal and interactive? More important than what? Processes and tools

Available software? More important than what? Detailed document

Working with customers? More important than what? contract negotiation

Coping with change? More important than what? Follow the plan

EBS is really awesome, the second child of ERP, and shares 30% of the global enterprise information system with SAP. But we also need to know that there is vertical ERP. There are not thousands of them who have developed for 30 years, but there are dozens and hundreds of them. The development cycle is one year, and ERP is not as simple as EBS. The code output of each of them may be 10 times or 100 times that of Oracle Bone Inscriptions, which is agile. In an agile team, developers are the protagonists. Instead of PM as the protagonist, instead of copying and pasting the code directly from the detailed design.

It is still possible for social workers to join Oracle Bone Inscriptions. Married, and so on. Need to balance work and life. Moreover, it is natural that it is so easy to do a part-time job by yourself. In addition, you are really familiar with the product, and it is also very powerful to transfer to a good customer unit. Many people in Oracle Bone Inscriptions switched to Huawei and Guangfa. And their annual salary basically reaches or exceeds that of people of the same age as BAT. The key is that you don't pay much, and you don't get much, in one word-value!

As for the working environment, it is above average (better than IBM). Nice chair, but not Herman Miller's. Hammer Mobile and Tencent (not all) are Herman Miller. Telephone Cisco's IP telephone is estimated to be worth thousands. The office smells musty. I can't help it. They are all high compartments, so you can't just open the window. The rented building is quite satisfactory, and Tencent is downstairs.

Oracle Bone Inscriptions PM has great power. The so-called team building fee, how do you feel that we are very few? The truly reliable welfare is housing provident fund (which can surpass state-owned enterprises)+supplementary medical insurance+1450, and movie tickets for birthdays. As for the training fee of100000, it is generally not approved. It depends on the manager. The manager also has the final say in buying books for reimbursement.

Private enterprises do have some misunderstandings. Some bosses always like to exaggerate that they are demigods. Some bosses like to hang a field map in the office and insert a red flag to occupy the whole country (there are also maps of the world). In Shenzhen, there are more pictures of Chairman Mao. However, there are many normal ones. The most important thing is not to be hurt by your overseas Chinese feelings. If it is a small company, you can talk to the boss about everything. Now many startups of MBP are standard. I'm very picky about things. As a programmer, why don't you wear HHKB and 4K monitors? At my strong suggestion, I asked the general manager to buy a freshly ground coffee machine. If you don't buy it, I'll buy it myself and take it with me after I leave. Does this work for him? )

Life is so short that there is no time to use those things that are difficult to use.