Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Words, parts of speech, Chinese, etc. People's Education Press Primary School English Grade Three to Grade Six.

Words, parts of speech, Chinese, etc. People's Education Press Primary School English Grade Three to Grade Six.

PEP primary school English word concourse

People's Education Edition English Grade Three (Volume I) Three Words

Unit 1

Pens Pens Pens Pens Pens Pencils Pencil Boxes Rulers Rubber Crayons Schoolbags Pencil Sharpeners Pencil Planes School

2 unit

Head, face, nose, mouth, eyes, ears, arms, fingers, legs, feet and body.

Third unit

Red red yellow green blue purple white black orange pink brown brown

Unit 4

Cat dog monkey panda rabbit rabbit duck pig

Bird bird bear elephant elephant mouse squirrel squirrel

Unit 5

Cake cake bread hot dog hot dog hamburger chicken

French fries extrusion French fries cola juice milk water tea coffee

Unit 6

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven, eight.

Nine dolls, ten dolls, boat balls, kites

Balloon balloon car plane plane

People's Education Edition English Grade Three (Volume II) Three Words

Unit 1

Boys, boys, girls, girls, teachers, students, students, this is me, my friend, I = I'm fine; Happy morning, good morning, good afternoon, good meeting; See you when you meet; also

2 unit

Father; Dad, dad (oral), mom, mom; Mom, mom (oral) man, woman, woman, grandmother (foreign) grandmother

Grandma (oral) (foreign) Grandma Grandpa (foreign) Grandpa

Grandpa, grandpa, sister and brother

Let's be great. Really, really; Just sum and sum; And how much; How's it going?

Unit 3

Eleven eleven twenty-two, thirty-three, forty-four, five, five, six, seven, eight, nine, twenty, more or less; You can have a look; see

Unit 4

Peach peach pear orange watermelon apple apple

Bananas, bananas, strawberries, grapes, grapes like some; Some thanks. thank you

Unit 5

Bus bus bike taxi jeep desk desk

Chair Chair Walkman Lights Your; your

Zoo zoo

Unit 6

Small, small, big, long, long, short; Short, tall, tall

Giraffe giraffe deer

People's education edition, fourth volume, fourth grade vocabulary words

Unit 1

Window (board) lamp (picture) door (floor) classroom (classroom) computer (computer) teacher desk (podium) wall (wall) fan (fan)

2 unit

Schoolbag (pencil) Pen (pen) Book (ruler) Pencil box (pencil box)

Unit 3

Teacher (teacher) student (student) boy (boy) girl (girl) friend (friend)

Unit 4

Family (room) school (classroom)

Desk by the window (desk; Desk) door (chair) bed (bed)

Unit 5

Rice (rice), beef (bread) and milk (eggs).

Water (chicken) fish (fish)

Unit 6

Sister (younger sister) brother (younger brother) father (father; Dad) mom (mom; Mom)

Driver (driver) doctor (doctor) farmer (farmer) nurse (nurse)

Four words in the fourth grade textbook of People's Education Press

Unit 1

Computer board fan lamp (lamp)

This (this; This) is (yes) my (my) that (that; Then) yours (yours)

Picture of the teacher's desk (picture; Photo) The wall (floor) is (yes; Yes) it (it)

2 unit

One (1) two (2) three (3) four (4) five (5) six (6) seven (7) eight (8) nine (9) ten (10) What time (time)?

It' s = it' s… o'clock (… o'clock) Mathematics (Mathematics) Chinese (Language) English (English) Sports (Sports) Music (Music) for(for;; Give) a class (course)

Unit 3

Jacket (jacket) shirt (skirt) dress (dress)

T-shirt (T-shirt) Red (red) Blue (blue) Yellow (yellow)

Green, white)no(no; (no; No) no (no; No) Color (Color)

Unit 4

It's warm (warm) cold (cold) cool (cool) today.

Jeans, pants, socks and shoes s = let's play; Football (Football) Snow (Snow) Sunny (Sunny)

Unit 5

How many (big) small (small) long (long) short (short) apples (apples) bananas (pears) oranges (oranges) watermelons (watermelons) are them.

Unit 6

A horse (horse) is not a cat (cat), a rabbit (rabbit), a pig (pig), a duck (dog), eleven (eleven), twelve (twelve), thirteen (thirteen), five (fifteen) and twenty (twenty). There)

The vocabulary of four words in the first volume of the fifth grade of PEP.

Unit 1

Young (young) interesting (interesting) tall (tall)

Strong (strong) species; Kind old (old)

Mr. Short (Short) Thin (Thin)

Like (like; Like) strict (strict) smart (smart; Smart initiative (initiative); Active) quiet (quiet; Quiet)

Very (very; Very) but (but)

2 unit

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Thursday (Thursday) Friday (Friday) Saturday (Saturday)

Sunday; (day; God) yes (yes; Eat)

Start (when ...) doing homework.

Watch TV (watch TV) read books (read)

Unit 3

Eggplant (eggplant) fish (fish) mung bean (green beans) tofu (tofu) potato (potato) tomato (tomato) for(for;; Give)

Lunch (Chinese food; Lunch) We (we) are delicious (delicious)

Sweet (sweet) sour (sour) fresh (fresh) salty (salty)

Favorite (favorite; They are (they are)

Fruit (fruit) grape (grape)

Unit 4

Cook and water the flowers.

Sweep the floor and clean the bedroom.

Make the bed and set the table.

Wash the dishes. Wash the dishes.

Use computer

Unit 5

Curtains (air conditioning) trash can (dustbin) closet (closet)

Mirror (mirror) bedside table (bedside table) bedroom (bedroom)

Kitchen bathroom living room

Inside, above and below.

Near (beside) ...) clothes behind (behind ...)

Unit 6

River (river) flowers (flowers) grass (lake)

Forest (Forest) Trail (Road) Park (Park) Picture (Photo)

House (House) Bridge (Bridge) Tree (Tree) Road (Highway)

Building cleanliness (cleanliness)

People's education edition, fifth grade, volume 4 vocabulary

Unit 1

Do morning exercises and have breakfast.

Let English class do sports.

When (when) when (at night; Evening)

Usually get up at (o'clock) (usually; General)

Climb a mountain at noon (noon)

Shopping (shopping; Shopping)

Play the piano to visit grandparents.

Go hiking often (often) on weekends

Sometimes (sometimes)

2 unit

Spring (Spring) Summer (Summer) Autumn (Autumn) Winter (Winter)

Season) which (which) is the best (the most); Swimming (swimming)

Flying a kite (flying a kite) skating (skating; Roller skates)

Make a snowman (make a snowman) Plant a tree (plant a tree) Why (why) Because (sleep)

Unit 3

January/January (January) February/February (February) March/March (March)

April. /April (April) May (May) June (June)

July August September October November

December/December Birthday (Birthday)

Uncle (uncle; Uncle) her (her) date (date)

Unit 4

Aw pictures (painting) cooking (cooking) reading (reading)

Answer the phone and listen to music.

Clean the room and write a letter.

Write an email (write an email) Mom Grandpa (Grandpa; Grandpa) study (study)

Unit 5

Fly (jump), walk (run) and swim (swim)

Kangaroos (kangaroos) sleep (sleep) climb (fight)

Swing (swing; Swing) drink water (drink water)

Unit 6

Take pictures to observe insects (observe insects)

Pick up the leaves and do the experiment.

Catch butterflies (catch butterflies) Honey (count insects)

Collect leaves and write a report.

Play chess (picnic)

People's education printing plate sixth grade book four vocabulary words

Unit 1

How to go to school by walking, riding a bike, taking a bus, taking a bus, taking a train, taking a train.

Traffic lights (traffic lights) traffic rules (traffic rules) stop (stop) wait (wait) to arrive (arrive).

2 unit

Library (post office) hospital (hospital) cinema (cinema) turn (bookstore) where (where, where) please (next to) right (right) left (left) straight (then)

Unit 3

Next week this morning this afternoon.

Tonight (comic book) postcard (postcard) newspaper (purchase)

Unit 4

Love cycling-diving-diving.

Play the violin-play the violin (violin)

Make a kite-make a kite (make a kite)

Collecting stamps-collecting stamps-life-life (life) teaching-teaching-walking-walking watch-reading-reading (reading, watching) no = no.

Unit 5

Singer (singer) Writer (writer) Actor (actor) Actress (actress) Artist (painter) TV reporter (TV reporter) Engineer (accountant) Police (policeman) Salesman (salesman)

Where (where, where) does the cleaner (cleaner) work (work)

Unit 6

Rain (rain) cloud (cloud) sun (sun) stream (river, stream) comes from (from) seeds (seeds) soil (seedlings, buds) plants (plants, planting) should (then)

People's education printing plate sixth grade book four vocabulary words

Unit 1

Tall-taller, shorter-shorter, stronger, older, younger-younger.

Big-bigger, heavier, heavier, longer, thinner-thinner, thinner and smaller.

2 unit

Fever, sore throat, cold.

Toothache and headache.

Yes, please hurt your nose.

Tired, tired, excited, excited, angry, happy, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored.

Unit 3

Watch-watch washing-washing-washing.


Last weekend.-last weekend.

Go to the park-go to the park.

Go swimming-go swimming.

Go fishing-go fishing, go fishing, read, read.

Go hiking-go hiking

Unit 4

Learn Chinese-Learned China learns Chinese.

Singing and dancing-singing and dancing.

Eat delicious food-eat delicious food.

Take pictures-take pictures-take pictures-climb mountains-buy gifts-buy gifts-row boats-row boats to see elephants-see that elephants look big. Going skiing likes going skiing-going skiing and skating-skating-how, how to get to the end, the rest, stay at the end.

Translation of English Names in Primary Schools

Male: Mike Female: Chen Jie (Jie Chen)

Wu Yifan (Wu Yifan) Amy (Amy)

John Sarah Sarah

Zhang Peng (Zhang Peng) Liu Yun (Liu Yun)

Nick (Nick) Lisa (Lisa)

Peter (Peter) Mary (Mary)


Mr. Black (Mr. Black) Miss White (Miss White)

This should be right, I spent a lot of time! ! ! ! It's just that the phonetic symbols are not easy to play! !