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Zhuge Liang's prediction of COVID-19

Zhuge Liang did not predict COVID-19, which is nonsense.

1. Zhuge Liang and his background

Zhuge Liang, also known as Kong Ming, was a representative figure who was a statesman, strategist, writer, inventor, poet and other talents in the Shu and Han Dynasties in China. He lived in the historical period of China from 220 to 280 years ago, which has been 1700 years.

2. Misunderstanding of rumors of infectious diseases

In recent years, some articles about Zhuge Liang's prediction of COVID-19 epidemic circulated on the Internet have aroused widespread concern and discussion on social media and the Internet. However, it is meaningless to find out whether there are related predictions about COVID-19 in modern history.

3. Zhuge Liang and epidemic prevention knowledge

Although Zhuge Liang could not predict COVID-19, he also had profound attainments in health and epidemic prevention. According to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang "washed medicine with konjac grass stains, which can save internal injuries". He also suggested that people drink more sweet and sour drinks at ordinary times to keep the acid-base balance in the human body. These practices have the foundation of modern medicine today. ?

Not all rumors are credible.

There are a lot of information and rumors about the epidemic on the Internet, but they are not all true or scientifically based. We should pay attention to distinguish information from different sources and keep a rational attitude, instead of listening to unreliable rumors and creating unnecessary anxiety and panic.

As an outstanding strategist and think tank in history, Zhuge Liang's prediction about COVID-19 does not exist.

Who is Zhuge Liang?

Zhuge Liang (18 1 -234) was born in Yang Du, Xuzhou. During the Three Kingdoms period, the prime minister of Shu Han was regarded as a classic by later generations. He has outstanding political talent, cultural accomplishment and military command ability. He is regarded as one of the outstanding figures in the history of China.

2. What is COVID-19?

Novel coronavirus (coronavirus pneumonia-19) is an infectious disease caused by novel coronavirus. The virus first broke out at the end of 20 19 in Wuhan, Hubei province, China, and spread rapidly around the world.

3. Why did Zhuge Liang predict COVID-19?

At the beginning of the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, an article entitled "Zhuge Liang reveals the truth of fighting the epidemic: the main cause of death without wearing a mask" was circulated on the Internet, claiming that it contained Zhuge Liang's suggestions and predictions on fighting the epidemic. But in fact, this article is pure fiction and has nothing to do with Zhuge Liang.

4. Did China have any experience in preventing diseases in ancient times?

China's ancient health care medicine is the most developed in the world, and it has a lot of experience in preventing diseases. For example, it is recorded in Huangdi Neijing that "all diseases are born of qi", and it is emphasized that disease prevention is to adjust the gas field balance of the internal and external environment of the body. In addition, Treatise on Febrile Diseases introduces in detail the prevention and treatment methods of summer epidemics, such as disinfection, isolation and diet conditioning.

5. How does contemporary China face the COVID-19 epidemic?

Contemporary China has taken a series of measures after the outbreak of COVID-19, including blocking cities, providing medical support and strengthening scientific research. The China government attached great importance to it, the quality of the people was improved, and the vast number of medical staff fought bravely, finally successfully curbing the spread of the epidemic.