Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What do you mean, a moment?

What do you mean, a moment?

An instant is a word to measure time, which means a short period of time, an instant.

In an instant: [xū yú]?

Interpretation by reference:

1.? Enjoy it.

"Li Yan": "A widowed gentleman has wine but doesn't avoid it. It is an instant to invite my son, so that people can also invite him."

2.? Take your time.

Historical Records Biography of Huaiyin Hou: "The first step is so important that Wang Xiang is still alive." ?

3.? For a moment, for a short time.

Xunzi's exhortation to learn: "I try to think all day, so I might as well learn later." ?

4.? An ancient divination of yin and yang.

Preface to the History of the Later Han Dynasty: "It has the skills of wind angle, armor evasion, seven politics, vitality, six days and seven points, being professional, Japanese, quite expert, instant and loneliness."

1. After a while, the captain of the guard dismissed the soldiers.

2. Biotechnology and life science are closely related to human existence, and people cannot do without it, and their development is endless.

3. Reform and opening up should develop in depth. China society is at a critical moment of rapid transformation, and stability is still an indispensable social factor.

Internet service providers, private companies and public institutions are also inseparable from its switches and routers. This company in San Jose has become synonymous with network infrastructure.

In a blink of an eye, your freewheeling talent is like a comet in the autumn night, which lit the flame of my humanity.