Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The reason why Pisces can't afford to hurt you

The reason why Pisces can't afford to hurt you

The reason why Pisces can't afford to hurt you

Pisces women can't afford to hurt you because in the twelve constellations, each constellation has a different personality, and different personalities correspond to different life trends. A good fortune will make people feel relaxed and smooth, and the public has opened the door to fortune. Let's share with you the reasons why Pisces women can't afford to hurt you.

The reason why Pisces women can't afford to hurt you 1 is particularly headstrong.

Pisces women have always been used by their families, so they are particularly headstrong. You must do everything according to Pisces' idea. At this time, they will get along well. As long as you don't agree with them and follow Pisces' advice, then they will start to make trouble without reason, which is a headache.

Mao Mao is manic.

If you want to work with Pisces, you must be prepared for a big increase in workload. Because Pisces women are the kind of people who are very clumsy in doing things. Every time they say no problem, I will finish the task well. But when you come to check, you will find that they might as well not do it, and you will have to rework it later.

Particularly clingy

Pisces women are very clingy. They are always loyal to their friends or lovers. In fact, there is nothing for two people to say, but Pisces women feel more at ease with a partner. If you walk away a little, Pisces will probably start calling you for life. Sometimes I want to have a little free time, I can only hope.

Besides, he has a bad temper.

The worst thing about Pisces women is that their temper is really, really smelly. There is always a special reason why Pisces women lose their temper with people. Sometimes it's really that you don't do what they want, and Pisces women will be very angry. But sometimes they just want to find a punching bag because they are in a bad mood. Pisces is really full of negative energy.

The reason why Pisces girls can't afford to hurt you 2 Pisces girls are not stupid, but because they know in their hearts that being too smart and sharp-edged will only attract jealousy, so they use being stupid and heartless as their inner protective cover. Because I firmly believe that "the truth is cruel, and being silly is better than knowing too much." Therefore, Pisces girls will cleverly hide their wisdom. But while they giggle, you can see everything you do. Even she knows what you are thinking. She didn't say anything, but it meant there was no need to expose you. She didn't want to get into trouble. This is a kind of stupidity.

She told you a lot of childish fantasies, just to make you not wary of her; Just because she's in a daze doesn't mean she's really not gloomy, but she's looking for protection. Only by showing weakness properly can you arouse your desire for protection ~ ~ ~

Pisces don't really believe in divination, but when they can't find the answer, they have to find various ways to study strategies. They need divination, but it doesn't mean they absolutely rely on it. That's just a way to give yourself a hint.

Pisces woman keeps an ambiguous attitude towards her pursuers and the opposite sex around her, just because she hasn't really found someone worthy of her love, but once she finds someone who really loves her, no one can let her move on-unless someone who loves her more and has better conditions appears, it doesn't rule out that she will reconsider, but it doesn't necessarily change her mind. If she hasn't fallen in love with anyone, then all the opposite sex-as long as it meets her standards-will have a chance, but if she already has a person who cares and wants very much, then the pursuit of others will be troublesome for her. Although she will be patient, she will never give the other party a chance. Even if she is forced, she will simply refuse.

Don't think that Pisces is a soft egg. In fact, she has her own principles. She is the kind of person who can be cynical, heartless and naive at ordinary times, but she will be the most calm and core person at the critical moment. When someone supports her, she will be the weakest one who needs protection most, but when no one supports her, she is the one who makes decisions and gives orders.

She is very good at reading words and feeling. Although sometimes she won't do things with it, everything depends.

It can be said that her stupidity is false, but her cuteness is not necessarily false; Weakness is fake, easy to be moved but can't be fake; Patience is something she strives to maintain, but it doesn't mean that she allows others to be presumptuous.

She can bear no grudge at all, but when she is pushed to the point where she can't stand it any longer, you are waiting for death. At best, she warned you that you wouldn't do anything once. At worst, she would secretly launch all the people around you to attack you the most violently, making you lose everything instantly, and you would take the initiative to apologize to her ~ ~ and you don't know how you died afterwards.

So don't mess with Pisces if you have nothing to do, or God will not let you go, let alone her.

Pisces' dual personality is extreme, it can be the hottest or the coldest, but it usually presents a very moderate and kind personality, which will confuse you, although they are basically unaware of their influence.

Many analysts say that Pisces is romantic and unrealistic. What I want to say is that romance is true, unrealistic but not necessarily.

As long as the conditions require her to be down-to-earth, she will be more realistic than anyone else. She will suddenly start making plans and then carry them out step by step. This change is amazing because she found her goal. Although the plan is always being revised, she has made up her mind. She will do things crazily and carefully. But sometimes they can do better than others without spending a lot of effort, but in order to let others see that they are really working hard, they have to pretend that they are diligent. And when they really work hard, they will pretend to be naughty and play around.

They are good at acting, but most of the time they don't act on purpose. Acting is just an instinct. And the function and effect also change with the situation.

But sometimes they do it on purpose, and you often can't see it. You will think that they are really stupid, really optimistic, or really fragile, or really timid.

They often give you the illusion that you know them best and you can easily control them. Actually, they are not. If you think about them for a while, you will find that this is completely wrong. She has too many faces, her personality changes all the time, and it changes with the change of time and place. Even a suit dyed with a hair color can change their personality instantly, and you will never see through it. Her ideas are so wild and unconstrained, she can be very obedient and obedient, or she can suddenly be very individual, independent and independent. You can never really grasp her heart or really possess her.

She keeps absorbing knowledge and thinking, and she even pays attention to a little detail. She doesn't care about your shortcomings and appreciates your strengths. She may not say what she thinks, but when she is serious, she will say what surprises you word for word, except when she pretends to be serious.

She is never really simple, too superficial and transparent for men. That's because you are too insightful, too impatient and too superficial. You don't have enough wisdom and vision to read the real her, so you can't grasp her heart.

And those men who are self-centered and refuse to take care of women are even less likely to get the long-term love of Pisces women. Even if she loves you to death at first, it's just a dream she weaves for herself. She will soon wake up and see through you from the details of reality. No matter how you hide it, she may leave you. Don't think that she is naturally dependent and let you make a decision just because she is afraid of trouble. In fact, she is very independent, as long as she needs it.

Therefore, if you love her, don't be superficial, learn to appreciate her, understand her and be considerate of her-she will pay attention to details. Although she may not complain about her boyfriend's carelessness and incomprehension, don't think that your negligence will not be detected, which is impossible. After a long time and more times, she will break out in silence. At that time, don't blame her for her indifference and determination, just because you don't understand the interests too much.

Of course, a man who only talks sweet words but doesn't act and pay will leave.

If you want her, go after her. She doesn't appreciate a man whose mother-in-law has no guts.

But she won't like a man who has been repeatedly rejected by her but has been pestering him.

Her requirements are not very high. As long as you are clean, comfortable, tasteful, self-motivated, patient, considerate, active and considerate, and are not afraid to throw money at you for romance (even if you have no money, at least be considerate), she will soon have a passion for you.

As long as you are reasonable, she won't be unreasonable. But if you spoil her too much, there are various possibilities.

Never forget the anniversary of roses, flowers and chocolates, and give her a birthday surprise. You'd better concentrate without her reminding you. You will be mature and reliable in front of her, you can be spoiled appropriately, and you can be alone in front of your colleagues and friends. She will worship you and even spoil you in her way.

Why do Pisces sleep late? Summarize the following three points: Do you think it's right? 1. I'm really sleepy and tired. I usually sleep until nearly noon, so I can't help it. 2。 Feeling asleep can temporarily escape some secular troubles. 3。 Although I was lying in bed, I actually woke up early, just thinking about the problem for hours. I can't get up just because I think it's quieter and more devoted.

When Pisces MM really falls in love with a person, she will read each other's text messages and chat records many times, that is, she can recite them when she sees them, and then giggle or sulk, or be suspicious or sad. I will also copy the short messages into my notebook and read them every day. Even if I just stare at a sentence, I can play back the whole conversation many times in my mind, and then think about the tone, mood and what the other person is doing. And those chat records will be memorized, and then most of them are recalling the chat content when they were punished.

In fact, there is another point, that is, there will be a brown tear mole around the eyes of GGMM in Pisces.

And I am a typical Pisces girl.