Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Did the secret pavilion, which appeared in Juvenile Records of the Song Dynasty, really exist in history?

Did the secret pavilion, which appeared in Juvenile Records of the Song Dynasty, really exist in history?

Mentioned in the TV series? The carriage starts from Iola Street, goes all the way to the west, enters Laocaomen, turns into Yulin Lane, passes through Guanyin Courtyard, passes through two sweet water lanes, goes straight to Resistance Street, and then goes north. From a distance, it should pass Xuande Building, and then Ouchi. ? This line shows that the screenwriter did some consulting work on the distribution of Bianjing City at that time. The play also mentions the distribution of canals in the city and snack workshops. It's not hard to see the shadow of Bianjing City in ancient history books, such as Dream of China in Tokyo. Besides paying attention to the description of Tokyo, what are the mysterious institutions where the protagonists are located? The seventh lent of the secret pavilion? It also caught my attention.

1. Training spies? Secret cabinet? Does it really exist?

In the TV series, the protagonists joined the Secret Pavilion Seven Zhai because of various coincidences, and silently maintained the stability of the country through secret investigation and mutual cooperation. The secret cabinet acted in secrecy, directly under the jurisdiction of the emperor, and contained the imperial army. Does such an institution really exist in history? What is its prototype?

In the early years of the Song Dynasty, the unified dynasty, which pacified the world, was just the time when it was strong. In line with the policy of attaching importance to national dynasties, government-run books began to flourish. In the Song Dynasty, in addition to inheriting the old books handed down from the Five Dynasties, a new collection institution was established on the basis of its system.

In the TV series, we saw the protagonists going in and out of Chongwen Academy. This is because the Secret Pavilion belonged to Chongwen Academy in Li Qing period. Chongwen Academy was also called the secret pavilion of the three major museums in Song Dynasty: History Museum, Zhaowen Museum and Jixian Academy. They assume the roles of basic stack, common stack and borrowing stack respectively. Besides collecting books, Chongwen Academy also has a library post, which is responsible for sorting and classifying books. This greatly promoted the development of collating and bibliography in Song Dynasty. Rebuilding Chongwen Academy in Song Taizong Period? 3. There are more than 10,000 books in the library, not stacks, but secret pavilions. ? The secret pavilion was born, and its purpose was to collect books. ? On the fifth day of the first month of Emperor Taizong's first year, Zhao built a secret pavilion in the middle hall of Chongwen Academy, and selected more than 10,000 original works such as ancient paintings and ink paintings from the three museums. ? It can be seen that most of the books in the secret pavilion are original works. The types of books included are astronomy, divination, alchemy, divination and so on. Later, the original15,000 exquisite books of the History Museum were moved in, which is very valuable.

As the essence of the collection of books in the Song Dynasty, the Secret Pavilion naturally attracted the attention of the rulers. Song Taizong Chunhua three years, Jingdezhen four years in May, and Song Zhenzong period, the emperor personally ordered the building and expansion of the Secret Pavilion. Even the true Sect wants to make 20 rooms in the anniversary hall where the celebration is held to collect books for the secret pavilion. This also reflects the prosperity of cultural undertakings and official Tibetan undertakings in the Song Dynasty.

Unfortunately, the Wooden Palace cannot protect these cultural treasures forever after all. 10 15 years, in the eighth year of Zhenzong, a fire broke out in Ronggong, which affected Chongwen Academy and most of its books were burned. It was not until the end of the Northern Song Dynasty that he regained his vitality. With the reform of Zongshen, the secretary province replaced Chongwen Academy, and only the secret pavilion was kept, which was divided into four stock books. Later, in Song Lizong in the Southern Song Dynasty, it was less than four years, and Santing suffered because of the fire in the nearby houses. After the fire, only Zuoshuting and backyard were preserved. It was not until the end of the Southern Song Dynasty that the Secret Pavilion finally disappeared in the long river of history.

The secret pavilion in history doesn't have the function of spying and anti-spying, like the juvenile legends in the Song Dynasty. So was there really a similar institution in the Song Dynasty?

Two? Everything is under control? Huangchengsi

The Imperial Capital Division, formerly known as the Emperor's pro-army, was responsible for guarding the capital. In 19981year, it was changed from pro-army to military department, and later became the imperial capital department, and the chief executive was the imperial capital ambassador. Its actual controllers are mostly eunuchs, which is also because of its special functions.

The first task of Imperial Capital Division is not to detect enemy spies, but internal monitoring. The first thing to monitor is military and political affairs. The Song Dynasty was established by a military coup. The military regime of the Five Dynasties was a warning to those in power. It has always been the top priority of military and political supervision. Zong Shen once said:? This order specializes in military affairs. If the arrest law is strictly prosecuted in the military, it can also prevent change. ? Secondly, the Imperial Capital Division is also responsible for picketing officials. In Song Taizong, the emperor was afraid that the officials in charge of the granary below would not tell the cashier truthfully, so he sent the imperial city department down for reconnaissance. It turns out that officials in Yongfeng Granary, headed by Zhang Yu, abused their powers and took bribes. All executed. On one occasion, Song Shenzong sent imperial city soldiers to inspect Kaifeng House. If any minister dared to break the law in the street, he secretly wrote a report.

Of course, like many traditional spy agencies, the Imperial Capital Department often monitors people's opinions. Was it circulated in Beijing during the Renzong period? Don't wear honey locust teeth in April, and your feet are covered with sand in May. ? Folk songs. The emperor was afraid that this was ominous, so he asked the imperial city department to ban singing in the whole city. During the period of Song Shenzong, due to the political reform of the New Deal, the emperor often sent soldiers to the imperial city? Those who listen to people's slander in the market will be punished. ? The officials were dissatisfied with this phenomenon that everything in Beijing was brilliant, and repeatedly invited the emperor, but the emperor insisted on not changing.

In addition, the imperial city company did play the role of anti-spy. When he was in Song Zhenzong, did the Imperial Capital die? Those who accuse Jia of being a Khitan spy will be arrested by the Imperial City Department. ? However, its terms of reference are limited to Tokyo.

As can be seen from these, the Imperial Capital Department is actually a military institution directly responsible to the Emperor. It is more like an extension of the emperor's power. Establish authority through internal monitoring, supervision and elimination of rebellion.

In today's historical costume film and television works, it is difficult for us to see the accurate restoration of history. Magic plot, completely different historical figures, non-centrifugal prop design. This makes us learn nothing when we look at these works, but may be misled by them. It is valuable that juvenile stories in Song Dynasty can directly and reasonably distribute historical facts and entertainment. Perhaps only in this way can we better keep our history in the memory of the public and not fall behind because of its rapid development.